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[Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Eyy, 24/24, ez event.

Kinda tempted to do the Limited 2 Gacha because I could use a Gacha Hit girl, but ehhh, I also still wanna save for a 6*


How long has this been on the collection screen, and why is it so inaccurate?
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I have so many purple girls already, I really hope it isn't two in a row. I need red girls
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I'll reach you some day, YAD, I swears it on me bones.
Oh, and I'm done as well.

Guess who might be the next event girl.

She's a purple AND a gun girl too and not just any gun, but a flower gun. :V

Gacha girls should be these.

Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

North america spans many timezones, with 9 hours difference between the extremes, with only 5 hours for the codes to dissapear, thats a very broad timeframe there. Trying to please all north americans is gonna leave a lot unhappy.

It's a 4 hour difference between the two extremes of mainland NA.

The codes went up during work/school hours yesterday and ended during work/school hours yesterday for everyone who was on the mainland.

Still a shitty timeframe.

And all of the keys are gone again since they went up during sleep hours for mainland NA. Shitty timeframe again.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So... I tried a different browser and this game was playing 2x faster o_O

I was using chrome but then I switched to IE (win10) and its playing soooooo much better. I gave FF a try and it plays fast but often freezes.

sup with this? I can manage max speed with no slow down on IE if I go to low quality. Anyone else got this issue?

My specs:

i7-720qm mobile
mobile 5870m
8 gigs of ram

edit - I find it odd that FF plays max speed a max quality but freezes. Its like each browser has something unique to offer. Chrome has slow down but I can skip/speed up with a button press. I can't do this on IE. Odd
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I have so many purple girls already, I really hope it isn't two in a row. I need red girls
It's almost certainly going to be her, sorry man. If it's any consolation, the next four girls after her are a yellow then 3 reds.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

It's a 4 hour difference between the two extremes of mainland NA.

The codes went up during work/school hours yesterday and ended during work/school hours yesterday for everyone who was on the mainland.

Still a shitty timeframe.

And all of the keys are gone again since they went up during sleep hours for mainland NA. Shitty timeframe again.

So you don't care about others getting a chance to get a unit, you just want it fit around your work schedule or you believe this to be the most common time for the majority of nutakus player to be not playing?

According to this;
"Judging by the numbers, our cousins from the European mainland love grooming their waifus just as much as Americans, Canadians, and Brits."
Nutaku are getting more traffic from Europe than North America, so if they did actually plan it all out for when most are playing they did well.

They just need to increase the amount of codes, 1000 total is still too little.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

50 pull > 2 Cephas ...... Sorry to anyone not having her still :/
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

So you don't care about others getting a chance to get a unit, you just want it fit around your work schedule or you believe this to be the most common time for the majority of nutakus player to be not playing?

According to this;
"Judging by the numbers, our cousins from the European mainland love grooming their waifus just as much as Americans, Canadians, and Brits."
Nutaku are getting more traffic from Europe than North America, so if they did actually plan it all out for when most are playing they did well.

They just need to increase the amount of codes, 1000 total is still too little.

No, they need to change the time. Mid-day to early afternoon in NA is evening in Europe. Assuming a few hours of availability, everyone gets a fair shot.

Code count is important, but useless if a large chunk of their player base doesn't get a chance in the first place.

As is, the two times we've seen releases of codes so far solely benefit European players. If anyone has a right to complain, it's not them.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

No, they need to change the time. Mid-day to early afternoon in NA is evening in Europe. Assuming a few hours of availability, everyone gets a fair shot.

Code count is important, but useless if a large chunk of their player base doesn't get a chance in the first place.

As is, the two times we've seen releases of codes so far solely benefit European players. If anyone has a right to complain, it's not them.

The Cepha code yesterday went up at 11pm at where I am. And I live on western coast of usa. East coast was out of luck. 1am or something.

Even better way to do this is to not limit the amount of codes to be given out. Unlimited is the best way to go. Even when code is released during the majority time, there will be always people that gets left out.

Unlimited = guaranteed to get one only way to get left out is to be inactive.

I'm not a fan of limited.

edit: about the possible next event girl. That blonde with flower gun. I like her.
And i just found out that the Cepha giveaway is apparently supposed to be for new players?
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Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Sigh.... this is dumb. I've been trying to get the rewards on 12-4 for a while now and its no good. The bottom of the map is split in 3 different random directions. Then there are 4 additional random panels on the stage >.<

Well, at least I've been getting the special stages and discovery raids at a decent rate.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

its teusday no dragon wtf?
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

Is there a place that has english translations of the girl's lines? Specifically Lavender? I'm curious what they're saying...
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl


Serial code for Di Yu available. :)

Edit - But it looks like you can only have 1 key per account. They record your Ip too. I'm assuming changing your ip to get another one wouldn't be a good idea?
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Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

This feels either poorly thought out, poorly communicated, or both. Is the intention that you're only meant to get one key (between all the campaigns) per ip? If so, why weren't we told that anywhere? If that isn't the intention, why is that the way it's been implemented?

My assumption is there's been a mistake between MMOSite and Nutaku, and the one-per-ip thing is meant to reset with each new girl. But I'm not sure, so...

Also at the time of writing there are only like 170 keys left, lol
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

This feels either poorly thought out, poorly communicated, or both. Is the intention that you're only meant to get one key (between all the campaigns) per ip? If so, why weren't we told that anywhere? If that isn't the intention, why is that the way it's been implemented?

My assumption is there's been a mistake between MMOSite and Nutaku, and the one-per-ip thing is meant to reset with each new girl. But I'm not sure, so...

Also at the time of writing there are only like 170 keys left, lol

Yea, I hope its a mistake. If I had known, I would of chosen carefully between them, though I am happy with Cepha
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I missed that Cepha code... :( Got Di Yu, but i already had her.

Btw. Did they forgot compensations for stamina bug some time ago?
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

I got a key but it says it's invalid. Said it for Cepha and again for Di Yu.
Re: [Nutaku] Flower Knight Girl

My key says invalid as well. Looking at their comments and comments on other forums. This seems to be pretty common.