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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They really should make x1.5 drop boost rate permanent in story mode. I liked it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Speaking of which, how's your generic/bronze team coming along? Still using them from time to time?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Speaking of which, how's your generic/bronze team coming along? Still using them from time to time?

Yup, and they even had unexpected purpose of filling in slots to do Male daily H map for beer. Can clear it with no deaths easily enough. Of course I use the prince + Gellius to do the heavy lifting but troops is doing good job of supporting them in there.

Cuz of that, Gellius' at 100% trust already and Valerie is over 30%.

Once I unlock the oriental maps, I might make a samura/ninja army from there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does anyone know what raw attack value is necessary to oneshot the Gazers on Crystal Keeper G?

I thought I had it all worked out, but then everything went to shit when I tried out my strat today. I don't have Spica awakened yet, so this is relying on Big Hero prince and AW Uzume for my global buffs.

So, my AW99 Nanally (+ big hero, + AW Uzume) has 751 attack and can oneshot the Gazers, however...

My AW80 Zola (+ big hero, +AW Uzume, + CC70Marnie passive buff) has 851 attack... and CANNOT oneshot gazers!

If our Artemis bonus vs. flying units is still 1.1 like people have been saying, that just doesn't make sense, right? If that's the case, Nanally's modified attack vs. flying should be 751 * 1.1 = 826, and my Zola's attack is higher than that!

The only explanations I can think of are either:
1) We really do have the 1.3x Artemis bonus vs. flying, but our Gazers were buffed relative to their HP on DMM (this wouldn't actually be that surprising, given how often the devs seem to enjoy giving us harder event missions)
2) Cannon Masters have some kind of penalty vs. flying units that I wasn't aware of

Thoughts anyone?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Does anyone know what raw attack value is necessary to oneshot the Gazers on Crystal Keeper G?

I thought I had it all worked out, but then everything went to shit when I tried out my strat today. I don't have Spica awakened yet, so this is relying on Big Hero prince and AW Uzume for my global buffs.

So, my AW99 Nanally (+ big hero, + AW Uzume) has 751 attack and can oneshot the Gazers, however...

My AW80 Zola (+ big hero, +AW Uzume, + CC70Marnie passive buff) has 851 attack... and CANNOT oneshot gazers!

If our Artemis bonus vs. flying units is still 1.1 like people have been saying, that just doesn't make sense, right? If that's the case, Nanally's modified attack vs. flying should be 751 * 1.1 = 826, and my Zola's attack is higher than that!

The only explanations I can think of are either:
1) We really do have the 1.3x Artemis bonus vs. flying, but our Gazers were buffed relative to their HP on DMM (this wouldn't actually be that surprising, given how often the devs seem to enjoy giving us harder event missions)
2) Cannon Masters have some kind of penalty vs. flying units that I wasn't aware of

Thoughts anyone?

I could be mistaken, but I thought the flying bonus was 1.2.

What we're supposedly missing was a 1.1x bonus that all base archers have.

Then again I don't play DMM or really look into this stuff that much so I could be wrong.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I could be mistaken, but I thought the flying bonus was 1.2.

What we're supposedly missing was a 1.1x bonus that all base archers have.

Then again I don't play DMM or really look into this stuff that much so I could be wrong.

Oooh, that would explain it. Then my AW99 Nanally should have 901 attack vs. flying with Big Hero and AW Uzume. It probably takes right around 900 damage to oneshot a gazer, then.

Welp. Looks like there's no effective way for me to get my Zola to that number. AW Sherry could bring her attack to about 893, but that might still not be enough, and I also don't have Sherry.

I do have Waltz, but the map doesn't really have a good slot setup to try a double dancer strat. I'm pretty sure one would just be too exposed to Gazer shots, not to mention very far away from my healers.

Looks like I'll just have to go ahead and awaken Spica.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The bonus to Artemis eventually goes to 1.3. When it does I believe archers and snipers get the 1.1* bonus
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes, awakened archers have 1.2 multiplier right now. And the gazers on G have 750 HP and 150 def
In my freemium (well, actually I use CC61 Victoria) strategy I use waltz actually. I wanted to upload a video already, but right now I'm not at my computer unfortunately. So, probably next week
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oooh, that would explain it. Then my AW99 Nanally should have 901 attack vs. flying with Big Hero and AW Uzume. It probably takes right around 900 damage to oneshot a gazer, then.

Welp. Looks like there's no effective way for me to get my Zola to that number. AW Sherry could bring her attack to about 893, but that might still not be enough, and I also don't have Sherry.

I do have Waltz, but the map doesn't really have a good slot setup to try a double dancer strat. I'm pretty sure one would just be too exposed to Gazer shots, not to mention very far away from my healers.

Looks like I'll just have to go ahead and awaken Spica.

If Zola cant do it alone, use 2 canoners then, you can try my vid:

Although I have AW Aria, Sherry the level of my canoner are low, Percis even not CC yet so it may not a problem if your canoner are high level.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If Zola cant do it alone, use 2 canoners then, you can try my vid:

Although I have AW Aria, Sherry the level of my canoner are low, Percis even not CC yet so it may not a problem if your canoner are high level.

Thanks for the advice, I've actually already seen your vid.

What I was trying to do was cobble together a strat that could skip Spica, and just deploy a cannoneer right away after my Nanally. However, it seems that I don't quite have the buffs to make that work, so I'll just have to fall back on basically replicating your opening.

However, I won't actually need to deploy two canoneers to finish the map- I can replace one of your healers with Marnie, since my healers are AW80. That way, I only need to drop Zola to finish the map- I can pop Marnie's skill, which pushes Zola's attack to over 1100, letting her easily nuke the last couple groups of gazers. My issue was just getting to that point without needing to rely on skills.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the advice, I've actually already seen your vid.

What I was trying to do was cobble together a strat that could skip Spica, and just deploy a cannoneer right away after my Nanally. However, it seems that I don't quite have the buffs to make that work, so I'll just have to fall back on basically replicating your opening.

However, I won't actually need to deploy two canoneers to finish the map- I can replace one of your healers with Marnie, since my healers are AW80. That way, I only need to drop Zola to finish the map- I can pop Marnie's skill, which pushes Zola's attack to over 1100, letting her easily nuke the last couple groups of gazers. My issue was just getting to that point without needing to rely on skills.

Interesting, so you want to oneshot the gazer with Zola, I like that :D. But cannoner dont have that anti-air x1.2 so Zola need to reach 900 dmg. But I calculate a bit and it seem AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Marnie passive) still cannot reach that number.

PS: calculate a bit more and result is
-AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Marnie passive) = 899 atk
-AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Waltz passive) = 903 atk
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Interesting, so you want to oneshot the gazer with Zola, I like that :D. But cannoner dont have that anti-air x1.2 so Zola need to reach 900 dmg. But I calculate a bit and it seem AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Marnie passive) still cannot reach that number.

PS: calculate a bit more and result is
-AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Marnie passive) = 899 atk
-AW80 Zola (with big hero, AW Uzume, Aria, Sherry, CC70 Waltz passive) = 903 atk

Hmm. Well, I'm unsure how rounding works when stacking so many buffs, and I don't have Aria and Sherry to test it, but on a raw math level I'm pretty sure that Uzume + Aria + Sherry + Marnie can do it.

AW80 Zola has 643 raw attack, multiplied by 1.36 (1.21 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.02) = 874 attack.

CC70 Marnie has 283 attack, meaning she'll add 28 to that total BEFORE buffs- don't forget that the dancers benefit from Big Hero, Uzume, and Aria too!

283 * 1.29 = 365 attack

Anyway, 874 + 36 = 910, so if the rounding is at all reasonable then Zola's total attack should end up something over 900.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hmm. Well, I'm unsure how rounding works when stacking so many buffs, and I don't have Aria and Sherry to test it, but on a raw math level I'm pretty sure that Uzume + Aria + Sherry + Marnie can do it.

AW80 Zola has 643 raw attack, multiplied by 1.36 (1.21 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.02) = 874 attack.

CC70 Marnie has 283 attack, meaning she'll add 28 to that total BEFORE buffs- don't forget that the dancers benefit from Big Hero, Uzume, and Aria too!

283 * 1.29 = 365 attack

Anyway, 874 + 36 = 910, so if the rounding is at all reasonable then Zola's total attack should end up something over 900.

Oh youre right, i forgot about multiply dancer atk. In this game the rounding is roundown so above setup with Marnie reach about 907 atk, enough to oneshot, I dont have Marnie so I'll try that with Waltz in the future :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

A pegasus rider or two will also work on the gazers.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so Mel is better for this map and... we don't have her >_<, there goes raising Zola as a replacement, Liddy only has 630 atk but i guess if you pair her with Zola it can work or Percis. Hmm time to aw liddy
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Its time. Don't know who to AW next. Maybe Garania or something.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Such a waste. An absolute waste. Don't you know that Stray is the best unit in the game?

I'm also dying to min cost my Stray for the arrive of Skill awakenings.