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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

InCase doesn't seem bad? Although, you bring out a good point with that. There probably isn't any artist who could make competent pixel sprite art regardless of how good the character art is. What they need is to find someone who can do the in-game sprites well.
By sprites I mean full-body portraits in unit details screen, not pixel sprite. As for pixel sprite, I have no clue how Nutaku is going to do it, pixel art (and Aigis' is animated!) requires very different from usual art skills, you can't just ask someone who's not specializing in it. Best bet would be ask whoever is currently doing pixel art for Aigis.
There are also plenty of good western artists doing pixel art, so as long as Nutaku isn't too tight on payments, they could find good own one too.

InCase style works for comics, but the way he draws faces doesn't really work for individual pieces, and its completely out of sync with Aigis style. Well, maybe if they would make his unit of class "goblin" instead "dark elf" it would work.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

By sprites I mean full-body portraits in unit details screen, not pixel sprite. As for pixel sprite, I have no clue how Nutaku is going to do it, pixel art (and Aigis' is animated!) requires very different from usual art skills, you can't just ask someone who's not specializing in it. Best bet would be ask whoever is currently doing pixel art for Aigis.
There are also plenty of good western artists doing pixel art, so as long as Nutaku isn't too tight on payments, they could find good own one too.

InCase style works for comics, but the way he draws faces doesn't really work for individual pieces, and its completely out of sync with Aigis style. Well, maybe if they would make his unit of class "goblin" instead "dark elf" it would work.

They'd also need to come up with and implement a skill, an ability, and later on an AW skill for it, which takes a lot more work than simply porting over existing code from the JP version. Not to mention the need to make the unit balanced (or at least not break the game) and unique. Both of those things I'd argue are more important than the art being in line with normal Aigis style or done well.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They'd also need to come up with and implement a skill, an ability, and later on an AW skill for it, which takes a lot more work than simply porting over existing code from the JP version. Not to mention the need to make the unit balanced (or at least not break the game) and unique. Both of those things I'd argue are more important than the art being in line with normal Aigis style or done well.

Or make it a silver.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

By sprites I mean full-body portraits in unit details screen, not pixel sprite. As for pixel sprite, I have no clue how Nutaku is going to do it, pixel art (and Aigis' is animated!) requires very different from usual art skills, you can't just ask someone who's not specializing in it. Best bet would be ask whoever is currently doing pixel art for Aigis.
There are also plenty of good western artists doing pixel art, so as long as Nutaku isn't too tight on payments, they could find good own one too.

InCase style works for comics, but the way he draws faces doesn't really work for individual pieces, and its completely out of sync with Aigis style. Well, maybe if they would make his unit of class "goblin" instead "dark elf" it would work.

I agree it doesn't fit the theme, just mentioning that his art isn't bad per se. I think any artist could probably get a unit done right if they were commissioned to. With something so important they could definitely put forth a little more effort to make it look less stylized.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think any artist could probably get a unit done right if they were commissioned to. With something so important they could definitely put forth a little more effort to make it look less stylized.
All past Nutaku art commissions were out-of-style for games they added them to. I see no reason to expect wonder for Aigis, artist isn't going out of his way to change his style for few bucks.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

But then it's kind of pointless anyway.
With recent silvers buff (limit up to CC55, ability at CC55), some silvers became more usable than some golds/plats.
Though balancing silvers is no simpler than balancing plats. And then there's whole problem of lacking any balance patches DMM had, so there are different standards for modern DMM unit and current Nutaku unit.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Somehow I have hard time believing that japanese will complain about the two recent exclusives that came out for nutaku angelic saga. They might hear about new exclusives and then about to get mad and go to website to check out what it looks like and then go.. oh nevermind. We don't even want them and move on. I know this because I don't want the so called exclusive with meh art.

I may be completely wrong but I feel like I read that Deine and Elaine (I think it was Elaine at least) were originally intended to be Nutaku exclusive but they made their way into the original version almost right away. You vastly underestimate how much Japanese companies will cater to Japanese fans first. I think you also underestimate how likely it would be that Japanese fans would complain if the English version was to get exclusive units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I may be completely wrong but I feel like I read that Deine and Elaine (I think it was Elaine at least) were originally intended to be Nutaku exclusive but they made their way into the original version almost right away. You vastly underestimate how much Japanese companies will cater to Japanese fans first. I think you also underestimate how likely it would be that Japanese fans would complain if the English version was to get exclusive units.

Elaine existed since the beginning of time.

There was a rumor that Deine was to-be-Nutaku-exclusive.

But we will never know since she made her way into DMM.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I may be completely wrong but I feel like I read that Deine and Elaine (I think it was Elaine at least) were originally intended to be Nutaku exclusive but they made their way into the original version almost right away. You vastly underestimate how much Japanese companies will cater to Japanese fans first. I think you also underestimate how likely it would be that Japanese fans would complain if the English version was to get exclusive units.

Its Deine.

Deine art looks good.

I want Deine.

I don't want the two recent nutaku exclusives for angelic saga that look like they belong on cartoon network. In fact, I dread doing pulls now because I might pull those two instead of some other card.

Too bad she's a black so its extremely unlikely I'd pull one. lol
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

When I saw the recommended level notes for each map I was really hoping it meant 100% first drops. Maybe next update :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This event has some really awful google translate quality translations. Noticed it especially when Memento was talking to me after map 5.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn...that last map of the event. Not sure what to do. Need a bunch of healers maybe? >_<
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not having any problems so far. I'm going in blind and have three starred the first six on my first try, just waiting for stamina to regen to try the next one.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

For what I've heard the last map is the second hardest map untill this point, right after Solanos last map and on the same level as Horaces last map. Not there yet, though. Waiting for stamina regeneration as well.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This event should have come out last month.

Right on father's day. Then it would have been perfect.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This event should have come out last month.

Right on father's day. Then it would have been perfect.

Any event or events should have come out last month...

On a side note, Memento and her little envoy of skeletons when she comes out on these maps is hilarious.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought it was quite a nice touch that Katie spoke up on a few missions.
Does she only do that if she's part of your active roster, or does she speak under any circumstances?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought it was quite a nice touch that Katie spoke up on a few missions.
Does she only do that if she's part of your active roster, or does she speak under any circumstances?
Dialogues are not affected by party composition or units you have.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

All past Nutaku art commissions were out-of-style for games they added them to. I see no reason to expect wonder for Aigis, artist isn't going out of his way to change his style for few bucks.

id hope they go out of there way to find decent artists who can do everything and fit the games style
not only aw art theres potential 2nd aw arts good cgs for atleast 3 bedroom scenes 3 to 5 different sprite unit pics and animations for all of them aswell as skill animation and its aw version also base unit art
i dont think it should be hard but it will definitely not be cheap but for their playerbase is it worth it?
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