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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do any of these maps grant a Valkyrie or Witch? I only had medicore luck my first run-through and mostly picked up the bronze unit rewards.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

any one know the drop rates of the plat armors for this event?

Do any of these maps grant a Valkyrie or Witch? I only had medicore luck my first run-through and mostly picked up the bronze unit rewards.

Controller of the Undead has elaine

Innocent Madness has Calliope
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Estimated drop rates for tin cans are 5 (Call to the Undead), 10 (Feast of the Dead) and 15 % (Slay the King of the Dead) and can be found on the english wiki as always
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Estimated drop rates for tin cans are 5 (Call to the Undead), 10 (Feast of the Dead) and 15 % (Slay the King of the Dead) and can be found on the english wiki as always

oh derp, i was on that. using this

i stopped scrolling down. didn't realize there was more to scroll through on the right lol.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Darn... Mages and valks are not from the same mission.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This event has some really awful google translate quality translations. Noticed it especially when Memento was talking to me after map 5.

Translation quality has been absolutely abysmal for a while now, outside of H-scenes. Its kind of unacceptable for a game as big as this. I'm looking forward to Nutaku taking full control, if at the very least for that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Translation quality has been absolutely abysmal for a while now, outside of H-scenes. Its kind of unacceptable for a game as big as this. I'm looking forward to Nutaku taking full control, if at the very least for that.

The translation has actually been pretty good. I agree with Razisgosu about that scene. But every other bit of dialogue has been readable and comprehensible with no mistakes. That after-map conversation with Memento is different for some reason.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The translation has actually been pretty good. I agree with Razisgosu about that scene. But every other bit of dialogue has been readable and comprehensible with no mistakes. That after-map conversation with Memento is different for some reason.

I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but you really believe that? With things like "Plus unit point when leave," "Constantly shortens time before attack," etc. not to mention the unit name translation butchering, level names, and countless other things in the menus. Anything outside the game's dialogue is real bad.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but you really believe that? With things like "Plus unit point when leave," "Constantly shortens time before attack," etc. not to mention the unit name translation butchering, level names, and countless other things in the menus. Anything outside the game's dialogue is real bad.

My Sophie's skill reads "For 30 seconds block number becomes 3, and 2 enemies can be blocked at once".

The dialogue before missions seem to be ok. I usually don't bother reading the H-scenes so can't comment on them. But the rest of the translations need some work.

I thought Nutaku was supposed to be translating though. Is this Nutaku's translations or are the Jap Devs doing it?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Long time no see everyone! That was quite a long break. And event at last... need to try playing again.

Couldn't find usual Lafate's guide for the event. So... can anyone give some tips or advices for this event?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but you really believe that? With things like "Plus unit point when leave," "Constantly shortens time before attack," etc. not to mention the unit name translation butchering, level names, and countless other things in the menus. Anything outside the game's dialogue is real bad.

I assume the first point is for Valkyries? I honestly have never noticed that because I really don't read the skills and abilities. I know what they do. I know that isn't the general case, but it is more forgivable because it is technical. They aren't trying to convey anything with real meaning. As long as the actual dialogue is good, which it has been, I'm willing to give a pass on the other stuff. Unit names are the worst case, but they haven't messed up with them?

I think they allow Nutaku to directly translate dialogue and only dialogue. Anything that isn't direct dialogue, such as the news tab, skills, abilities, map descriptions, etc, seems to be of noticeably worse quality hinting that the devs do shortcut with Google translate or something.

Long time no see everyone! That was quite a long break. And event at last... need to try playing again.

Couldn't find usual Lafate's guide for the event. So... can anyone give some tips or advices for this event?

The enemy skeletons can hit hard. Specifically the ones with the helmet and the cavalry. You'll really need a Heavy and a Witch/Mage/Summoner to deal with their armour and attack. And later on there will be liches, so bust out Claudia or whatever Valkyrie or Princess you fancy.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Long time no see everyone! That was quite a long break. And event at last... need to try playing again.

Couldn't find usual Lafate's guide for the event. So... can anyone give some tips or advices for this event?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The in-game event dialogue is fine, for some reason.

Everything else is shoddy. The skill descriptions, that after-map scene, even the fucking spotlight banner shows they're not even trying anymore.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That last map was real fun, went in blind like usual and had 1 enemy leak and 3 deaths that could've been avoided (Aria, Sybilla and Prince), I only knew healing was tight and brought Camilla into my main team to boost Marr and Fedora.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for answers! And is this new unit useful?
Oh, I remember there were new story missions... need to check them later.
Somehow I feel totally out of this game and forum after that ~2 months break... and previous break was longer and I didn't feel so out of place... oh well.

Btw, I saw on wiki that there's info about another event after this one... what's going on?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I've been playing Aigis for a month now and lurking every now and then here, since I knew lads at ULMF would have all the juicy metagaem secrets and information.

I'm level 103 and mission 5 on this event (de facto the first one I experience, I started during Spectral March but didn't pay much attention to it as I was getting the hang of the game) wrecks my ass. When the two liches come in - full wipe. Can't handle this yet, I guess. Are all events usually this unforgiving for newer players?

Also, can anyone tell me - does that new platinum paladin, Flamel, have increased drop rate as well , or is she just highlighted in the event preview because she's new? Anyone got/getting her?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for answers! And is this new unit useful?
Oh, I remember there were new story missions... need to check them later.
Somehow I feel totally out of this game and forum after that ~2 months break... and previous break was longer and I didn't feel so out of place... oh well.

Btw, I saw on wiki that there's info about another event after this one... what's going on?

shes adorable thats enough for me otherwise for certain maps her presence is amazing

the other one coming i believe they said augest 16th is this

dragged this up from like 4 pages back its a link to nutaku dev post

I'm level 103 and mission 5 on this event (de facto the first one I experience, I started during Spectral March but didn't pay much attention to it as I was getting the hang of the game) wrecks my ass. When the two liches come in - full wipe. Can't handle this yet, I guess. Are all events usually this unforgiving for newer players?

if you arnt prepared yes it is unforgiving at times dont beat yourself up to hard just get the unit with the news of nutaku control revivals became a thing that are likely to happen soon or a bit after said control is done
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

My mistake, was having trouble with Slay the King of the Dead.

Any tips on it? I heard you need 4 healers and maybe 3 duelists on this map
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for answers! And is this new unit useful?
Oh, I remember there were new story missions... need to check them later.
Somehow I feel totally out of this game and forum after that ~2 months break... and previous break was longer and I didn't feel so out of place... oh well.

Btw, I saw on wiki that there's info about another event after this one... what's going on?

Necromancers have their use. They are one of the strongest units in the game, but they also are one of the slowest. In fact, I believe they are the second slowest attacking unit. They are slower than Healers, Mages, Cannoneers, etc. The other Necromancers make up for this fact with multi-target skills. Memento's skill powers up her skeletons, but honestly that isn't too good.

All in all though, Necromancers are best brought along just to spam their skeletons to take hits from strong enemies. The skeletons being defeated don't count against the 3* rating, so you can soak up things like lich blasts and oni hits easily by just plopping skeletons down.

Yes, August 16th is the start of Emilia's event. Basically the Valkyrie version of Maribel. Crap stats, but becomes one of the best during skill because 2x multiplier is strong.

Well I've been playing Aigis for a month now and lurking every now and then here, since I knew lads at ULMF would have all the juicy metagaem secrets and information.

I'm level 103 and mission 5 on this event (de facto the first one I experience, I started during Spectral March but didn't pay much attention to it as I was getting the hang of the game) wrecks my ass. When the two liches come in - full wipe. Can't handle this yet, I guess. Are all events usually this unforgiving for newer players?

Also, can anyone tell me - does that new platinum paladin, Flamel, have increased drop rate as well , or is she just highlighted in the event preview because she's new? Anyone got/getting her?

Star events are the hardest event, so don't feel too bad if the later maps beat you up. Train for a while, wait for strats and videos to pop up, and see what you can do towards the end of the event.

Events aren't really tied by difficulty, the maps are. There are Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme, and God difficulty maps. Every event will have maps of every difficulty, giving every player a fair chance. However, the best rewards are always on the higher difficulties, so players who actually play and raise their units are rewarded.

If it is any consolation, Memento isn't essential to get the max star reward from. And the next event unit, Emilia, isn't something you should bend over backwards to farm.

Yes Flamel's drop rate is boosted. If you hit the 10% chance to get a platinum unit, you are more likely to get Flamel than any other, but the massive amount of other plats does make getting her far from a guarantee.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for answers! And is this new unit useful?
Oh, I remember there were new story missions... need to check them later.
Somehow I feel totally out of this game and forum after that ~2 months break... and previous break was longer and I didn't feel so out of place... oh well.

Btw, I saw on wiki that there's info about another event after this one... what's going on?

Nutaku have code but not control, are learning how to do shit with the code and told us about this event and the next. In september they may have control of the game, it might just stay at the same slow pace, everything depends on Nutaku themselves now.