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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

"Simply a platinum" Ssshhh, she might hear.


Yep, she might :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also costs ~12UP more to deploy.
And Garania is a mage, who are all about AOE dmg delivery. Mikoto I had shelved under "Freaky Awesome Utility Unit", not as a dps character. Obviously, that was a bit of a misfile. Well, rather late than never, I guess.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How much is the speed decrease done by pirates? Seems like they'll be really useful at last.

Edit: Waaait a moment... am I dreaming or... AW ability now got units not being AWed? :O
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How much is the speed decrease done by pirates? Seems like they'll be really useful at last.

Edit: Waaait a moment... am I dreaming or... AW ability now got units not being AWed? :O

I'm not too sure, but I believe pirates are said to be on par with archers on the DMM version now.

I think you're saying some black units have weak pre AW abilitys and then stronger AW abilitys. I know I had to deploy Olivie to find Spica at 11 cost and then read the 2 abilitys very carefully to notice the difference.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

On DMM, archers are actually rather weak right now(Nanaly is still useful, so don't worry Nanaly lovers, but I hope you maxed Waltz). They suffer from skill awakenings of questionable usefulness and the average defense of enemies has increased a fair bit. Still useful anti-air.

Pirates are quite a bit better than archers nowadays, especially with their skill awakenings. Rachel has a x1.8 attack multiplier with faster attacks and 450~ range. She's probably the best general use offense platinum in the game.


Image credit to Exkale.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not too sure, but I believe pirates are said to be on par with archers on the DMM version now.

I think you're saying some black units have weak pre AW abilitys and then stronger AW abilitys. I know I had to deploy Olivie to find Spica at 11 cost and then read the 2 abilitys very carefully to notice the difference.

Still it's nice.

Ooohhh damn :O Nanaly with 310 range? That's some crazy stuff.... holy mowgly
+ now I need to AW Rachel on that alt... I can see this trio pulverizing everything :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pirates are quite a bit better than archers nowadays, especially with their skill awakenings. Rachel has a x1.8 attack multiplier with faster attacks and 450~ range. She's probably the best general use offense platinum in the game.

Really glad to see this as I was raising Rachel on a whim, glad she turns out to be super useful. How useful is Beatrice? I have her AW20 5/5 skill but I never really use her. I think she is okay but her skill reducing range is pretty annoying, does her skill aw fix that?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sadly Beatrice is still pretty bad. Her SAW magnifies her numbers and makes her quite bursty, but it's still got the low range and is only usable once a stage(a trait she shares with several event units). I do believe she has gotten individual buffs once or twice, on top of the general pirate attack speed/stat buffs, but it's never been as major as Rachel who has crept up from a x1.4 attack/x1.2 range modifier with SAW up to x1.8 attack/x1.4 range modifier, and a further hastened attack speed.

Gacha unit bias!

For the record I have all the gacha pirates on my DMM account and use Rachel more than Minerva. The range/damage/duration combination is just so convenient.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So with all the balance adjustments I'm wondering who I should awaken next.

I already awakened - Katie, Despara, Spica, Marr, Iris, and Bernice.

My options would be - Solano, Claudia, Rowanna, Julian, Kerry, Imelia, Conrad, Saki, Shuka, Horace, Mehlis, Odette, Fedora, Cloris, Shiho, and Rika.

I'm thinking Claudia or Horace next. I kind of get paranoid when my MR tanks come under heavy spell damage and I see their health dropping in chunks. There have been some close calls. More hp and attack on them would be nice to survive better I feel.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So with all the balance adjustments I'm wondering who I should awaken next.

I already awakened - Katie, Despara, Spica, Marr, Iris, and Bernice.

My options would be - Solano, Claudia, Rowanna, Julian, Kerry, Imelia, Conrad, Saki, Shuka, Horace, Mehlis, Odette, Fedora, Cloris, Shiho, and Rika.

I'm thinking Claudia or Horace next. I kind of get paranoid when my MR tanks come under heavy spell damage and I see their health dropping in chunks. There have been some close calls. More hp and attack on them would be nice to survive better I feel.

I personally would go with Imelia, Claudia is a decent choice though. Horace has just lost some health and shouldn't be tanking anything strong now. A strong duelist is certainly what you want next.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So with all the balance adjustments I'm wondering who I should awaken next.

I already awakened - Katie, Despara, Spica, Marr, Iris, and Bernice.

My options would be - Solano, Claudia, Rowanna, Julian, Kerry, Imelia, Conrad, Saki, Shuka, Horace, Mehlis, Odette, Fedora, Cloris, Shiho, and Rika.

I'm thinking Claudia or Horace next. I kind of get paranoid when my MR tanks come under heavy spell damage and I see their health dropping in chunks. There have been some close calls. More hp and attack on them would be nice to survive better I feel.

None you should reroll or gacha some more your box is terrible.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

None you should reroll or gacha some more your box is terrible.

Yeah no, I'm good thanks. Appreciate the... whatever that post was supposed to be.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So with all the balance adjustments I'm wondering who I should awaken next.

I already awakened - Katie, Despara, Spica, Marr, Iris, and Bernice.

My options would be - Solano, Claudia, Rowanna, Julian, Kerry, Imelia, Conrad, Saki, Shuka, Horace, Mehlis, Odette, Fedora, Cloris, Shiho, and Rika.

You really are missing a good ol' duelist, i would take the one with the lowest cot (between Imelia, Claudia, Horus and Roana) in the end you gonna need to AW at least 2 or 3 more so either one you choose is alright. Also AW Fedora or Shiho aren't bad choices even when you already have Marr, Rikka i leave alone until we get the silver monk Dan sacrificing Gina to AW is no a got idea.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Dang, that huge boost in AFF for Olivie boosted her attack enough so that with Big Hero it breaks 1k. Because of that I was finally able to 3* Spirit Rescue G on the main, as she was able to take down the first Golden Wolf.
Really should AW her, but I wants Happy....I should probably AW Claudia too. Then there's Kerry, that costs 12 now and does less damage, she too kinda needs to be AW'd.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

How much is the speed decrease done by pirates? Seems like they'll be really useful at last.
People say it is 70% for 0.25s. So, basically, flinch)

So with all the balance adjustments I'm wondering who I should awaken next.
Awaken Shuka. Marvelous multi-role, and with new low cost, can finally be deployed first as you'd want her to be, in most maps.
Other than her, a good duelist would be a good investment. I think Imelia's Awakening, with her bandit buff passive would be useful more immediately than Claudia's Awakening that is practically just for stats, so go with her. But eventually you'd want to Awaken them both anyway)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, I need to work on the hardest thing of Aigis. Gotta avoid temptation of spending sc and save for a 2nd barracks since I'm having severe space issues. <.<
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought I ran out of worthwhile units to level and awaken but it seems Rachel and Shuka are both worth it now.

Nice, gives me something to do until we get events back at least. :D

Also, hello fellow people from the old (mostly defunct now) hongfire thread.

I wonder about tomorrows dailies, is Crystal G now possible with pirates and Bashira or do we still need cannoneers?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I thought I ran out of worthwhile units to level and awaken but it seems Rachel and Shuka are both worth it now.

Nice, gives me something to do until we get events back at least. :D

Also, hello fellow people from the old (mostly defunct now) hongfire thread.

I wonder about tomorrows dailies, is Crystal G now possible with pirates and Bashira or do we still need cannoneers?

It was always possible, but now it should be vastly easier now archers can oneshot the eyes. My current method requires some godly placement timing to not miss one eye.

I got another Iris today, now I have to decide whether to skill up good old Robert or save her as AW fodder. I'm leaning towards the former, Robert needs all the help he can get, these buffs pretty much passed him by.
I'm also very pleased Clissa hasn't lost her ability to tank the first golden wolf in fairy daily G, the health loss is small but doesn't stop her tanking the same stuff.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, I need to work on the hardest thing of Aigis. Gotta avoid temptation of spending sc and save for a 2nd barracks since I'm having severe space issues. <.<

You think that's hard? try to synchronize each lvl up after lvl200 to coincide with the monday or the thursday daily, that's surely is hell.

PS: A good way of not spending SC is to go to your unit ist a check which still need some lvl and then say: "i could try to get a new unit, but i still have work to do here *sigh* maybe later when the chance up have something i really need."
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

PS: A good way of not spending SC is to go to your unit ist a check which still need some lvl and then say: "i could try to get a new unit, but i still have work to do here *sigh* maybe later when the chance up have something i really need."

Oppai = priority over leveling. :p