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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

only missing silvers to cc55 >_< lol, can't have it all ;0
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think I can make karma survive by herself now.She does have that ability to heal everyone for 20% of the dmg she takes unAwed(Optimistic :D)

Bandits Un-AWed have 1.5x to armor,AWed 1.8x
Samurais got buffed in hp,atk,and def.
Ninjas got -5 Cost
Pegasus Riders have the same as Valks.(Retreating,UP when killing,I think they also got a CR)
I don't think anything affected Avengers from what I can tell till I make a list.
Monks got buffed don't remember in what stats.
F-Tatic got huge lowered Cost.
Magic Fencer's got a huge buff to atk,and def.(It got nerfed a bit when their cost was reduced but recently got buffed by 10%.I think the nerf was 2%.So somewhere around 7% buff.)
Sailors got an atk increase.
Archers got the air dmg increase.
Mages got CR by 2
Witch's got CRed by 1
Pirates Range is buffed,and freezes enemies for a bit while shoting em(its like a flinch).
Vampire hunters got their undead dmg.1.1x un Awed,and 1.3x AWed I think
Shamans -1 CR
Bishops I think got the same as mages which is -2 CR
Mikoto got a lot of buffs
I think R-Tatic got a CR like F-tatic I don't remember Len being 13 cost.
I don't think anything changed for feng shis(Weather effects 70% AWed,and 3 people healing Awed.Someone tell me if they were doing that before please.)
Cannoners I believe got a CR don't know the amount.
Necromancer got her token buffed.

I believe thats the basic of the list for the units we have.I know I did not mention so units,but thats because I believe nothing changed for em so not worth mentioning.

Forgot rogues got their cost reduced X_X.

Also yes so many skills got adjusted I will really have to track stuff down to get all the skills that changed.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pegasus Riders have the same as Valks.(Retreating,UP when killing,I think they also got a CR)
Thanks for the list, and you reminded me to test out PRs. Checked my alt account and not only do their skills finally generate UP, but their regular attack too.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Thanks for the list, and you reminded me to test out PRs. Checked my alt account and not only do their skills finally generate up, but just regular attacks does too.

Ah I thought they always did that,but I remember they cost retreating being somthing they didn't have in the beginning.They do atk all enemies around them right?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Pegasus Riders have the same as Valks.(Retreating,UP when killing,I think they also got a CR)

I don't think anything changed for feng shis(Weather effects 70% AWed,and 3 people healing Awed.Someone tell me if they were doing that before please.)
Cannoners I believe got a CR don't know the amount.

Cannoneers My zola went from 32 to 29 cost
Pegasus riders, My Stella went from 21 to 19 cost
Nothing changed with feng shis.

Skills: risk life III 2/5 went from 2.0 damage to 2.2 damage
Heal IV went from 55% to 70%
Sherrys skill 5/5 from 1.8 damage to 2.0
Sybilla skill 5/5 from 1.5 to 1.7
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah I thought they always did that,but I remember they cost retreating being somthing they didn't have in the beginning.They do atk all enemies around them right?
Yeah they attack all enemies in range during skill, but they never generated UP before.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ok it looks like I won't have to go fishing in the morning for balance notes.The wiki is doing a good job of getting it all.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They'll probably have an official page up in a couple of hours, maybe. :V
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They'll probably have an official page up in a couple of hours, maybe. :V

Well with petite's translation its really easy to go back and look at whats changed,so yeah I fully except it up before the day is over.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So far i've seen:

Cost down for:
Valkyrie -4
Witch -1
Magic Fencer -5
Front startegist -3
Ninja -5
Mage -2

Class buff implemented for:
Archers against flying enemys 10% 20% 30%
Bandit against armor enemys
Vampire Hunter agaisnt undead

Other buff per class are:
Pirates and Sailors now slow the enemys which each shot
Heavy Armor defense increase
Bandit attack increase
Magic fencer attack increase

Some units got their affection bonus change:
Len HP 198; DEF 94> ATK 84; DEF 84
Nanaly HP; ATK> Range; ATK
Rowanna HP 398; DEF 48> HP 600; DEF 60
Saki HP 312; ATK96 > HP 504; ATK 101

And all other unit that have an HP; ATK Bonus they're now increase (to many units to post them all)

Some black units got a pre-AW skill:
Black Karma now heals allies units for 20% of the damage she takes (Ligth of Justice)

Don't have any other so black so... For more info regarding the bonus and percentage refer to it will be update in the following days.

Also the units that buff the drops for Affection items also got buff
Monica 3%; 5% > 5%; 7%
Cuterie 2%; 4% > 5%; 6%

Other units got nerf:
Valkyrie ATK down

I have conection issues so i can confirm/check the rest if by the time i solve this there are still things i can bring up i will!!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So far i've seen:

I have made quite a few list of changes already.Also Archers,and Snipers are 1.2x and Artemis is 1.4x to air enemies.
Also I posted a link to the wiki which does contain a major of the changes and is being updated right now.Hopefully it will be finished later,but they are making good progress.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow, the wiki'll be changed in awhile to show this, but Sasha's skill got an upgrade. I have it at 2/5 which before the patch gave it a measly 11 seconds, but now it's up to 23 seconds of evasion.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So far i've seen:

Cost down for:
Valkyrie -4
Witch -1
Magic Fencer -5
Front startegist -3
Ninja -5
Mage -2

Either there are some mistakes or it varies on different units of a class.
Front Stratgists got -5 (Shuuka is down from 19 to 14)
Valkyries got -5 (Thetis is down to 14 from 19)
As for Ninjas, it's a little weird. Azami (unCCed) has got -5 (18 -> 13), but Saki (AW) has only got -3 (19 -> 16). I think that's because of the AW cost reduction, that used to be -4 although it should only be -2.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Either there are some mistakes or it varies on different units of a class.
Front Stratgists got -5 (Shuuka is down from 19 to 14)
Valkyries got -5 (Thetis is down to 14 from 19)
As for Ninjas, it's a little weird. Azami (unCCed) has got -5 (18 -> 13), but Saki (AW) has only got -3 (19 -> 16). I think that's because of the AW cost reduction, that used to be -4 although it should only be -2.

Yeah it was changed very recently in DMM where awakening a Ninja is -2.

Off-topic:............Yuyu you come now when I don't need a 3rd witch for WoM.......Sigh at least I have somthing to do besides awakening Mikoto this week.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Like i said Kleem i'm having conection issues so i didn't see all the list that you put and the other post until after i could sent mine. Either way there are things i missed and things you missed in the end we may need to compiled everything or leave it to the Wiki guys :/
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Like i said Kleem i'm having conection issues so i didn't see all the list that you put and the other post until after i could sent mine. Either way there are things i missed and things you missed in the end we may need to compiled everything or leave it to the Wiki guys :/

I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend X_X.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Too bad clavat_k lost progress and gave up making them unable to be here to see this day. And, wherever Lafate disappeared off to.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend X_X.

Where you trying to? jajajaja sorry i never seem to find any kind of comment ofensive.

Unless you want to talk about mothers then is on bitch:

But this is mayor they add all the updates to the mechanics that have been put into the original since last year, this really prove that you can really expect anything from the devs.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I know it was just listed, but I really want to point out Len's affection bonus change. Now that that she gains attack, she is a very viable unit. She can help kill early mobs due to natural attack power and can provide support through whole maps with her passives and skill.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now I regret not investing more in Len, but then again her item drop rate did suck hard....