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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I summon thee, math nerds, to determine the odds of my today's shit luck.
I just had 12 (TWELVE) rainbows drained to push Marnie's skill... from 3/5 to 4/5. Then 8 more to reach 5/5.
Considering I used a copy to get to 2/5... and then 3 rainbows to reach 3/5... that's... a total of 24 rainbow fairies to reach 5/5 skill level...from 2/5.
I now have 2 rainbow fairies in my barracks.

Basic calculation: U are one of a kind.

Theorically a normal person would use at most 8-9 rainbow to upgrade from level 1 to level 5.

Do you want to know how rare you are?

The odds of using 24 fairies in this... it's like 1 in 100 million XD.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I summon thee, math nerds, to determine the odds of my today's shit luck.
I just had 12 (TWELVE) rainbows drained to push Marnie's skill... from 3/5 to 4/5. Then 8 more to reach 5/5.
Considering I used a copy to get to 2/5... and then 3 rainbows to reach 3/5... that's... a total of 24 rainbow fairies to reach 5/5 skill level...from 2/5.
I now have 2 rainbow fairies in my barracks.

I tried to calculate it but the odds were so infinitesimal that you would fail that the calculator kept giving them compacted numbers and i couldn't be bothered working with them.

You could have won lotto with those odds or got struck by lightning 3 times but you got this.

You're the reason i always 1shot 5/5's. You're literally the manifestation of all the times i succeeded against improbable odds. damn.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually the chance for that is 1/122,000 or 8 x 10^-4 %. So winning in Lotto is 100 times less probable ^^
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1 in 100 million? Time to start pulling blacks from gacha.

And thanks for the info on upcoming imperial units. Good to know that Lieselotte is now "soon". lol
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, on one hand, I had almost 30 (turns out 26 now) rainbows stockpiled, and was wondering when I'll use them.
On the other, I have no rainbows stockpiled now because of a single unit.

In other news, I mincosted Isebelle I absolutely do not care about with 8 copies I got when trying to casually farm some platinum armors in the penultimate event mission... the initial 4 copies taking me immediately to 5/10 skill and -3 cost.
As always, the lesson is: if you want your luck to work, you have to NOT want it to work. Simple, right?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Desire sensor is real, after all :p :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Arrrgh, this is so frustrating. I've leveled my bandits for the Soldier in the Tower mission and now can nicely tank both 4k and the 5.2k attack, but...

my healers just can't heal fast enough. :mad:

Silver healers just don't do enough and when the skill of either Chydis or Iris runs out they die. (I even deploy some priestess warriors to help with healing but their piddly 300 heal just isn't fast enough.)

Eventually the mythril golem breaks through and I end up with 1 star. :mad:


This is getting ridiculous, Treasure Handler Liana is still in the gacha pool for no reason whatsoever (we got Elyse after all now) and we're missing a solid event healer which would be really useful for those harder missions we get now.

I mean, yes, the devs improved quite a bit. I appreciate the regular missions, the (what looks like to be more often) trading post rotations and even the translation which got improved (Dracorich notwithstanding) but that missing healer is starting to be a pain in the butt. :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

According to the 2015 history on DMM, the next two farm event units are going to be healer Juno and soldier Lieselotte. So unless devs oddly decide to dick with the release orders, they will be here soon.

Tanking golems based on skills from the tank and/or healers is not sustainable. Their HP is just too massive and the skills will eventually expire.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Arrrgh, this is so frustrating. I've leveled my bandits for the Soldier in the Tower mission and now can nicely tank both 4k and the 5.2k attack, but...

my healers just can't heal fast enough. :mad:

Silver healers just don't do enough and when the skill of either Chydis or Iris runs out they die. (I even deploy some priestess warriors to help with healing but their piddly 300 heal just isn't fast enough.)

Eventually the mythril golem breaks through and I end up with 1 star. :mad:
No Pippin or other feng shui to heal both tanks at once? Worst case scenario just have tanks and healers with very little dps, probably best to use a magic fencer or two as dps here with all ranged slots on heals if its that bad.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

According to the 2015 history on DMM, the next two farm event units are going to be healer Juno and soldier Lieselotte. So unless devs oddly decide to dick with the release orders, they will be here soon.

Tanking golems based on skills from the tank and/or healers is not sustainable. Their HP is just too massive and the skills will eventually expire.

The tanks are fine without using skills, I just need a tiny bit more healing. Oh well, a healer farm event sounds nice. Let's see, Yuno, big assets AND the 7% healer class atk buff? Yes please. :D

No Pippin or other feng shui to heal both tanks at once? Worst case scenario just have tanks and healers with very little dps, probably best to use a magic fencer or two as dps here with all ranged slots on heals if its that bad.

Hm.. I could try Pippin although her heal strength is rather low too (around 300 iirc).

I could probably burst the mithril golem down with magic damage (got enough witches and magic fencers for that) but I'm just a bit annoyed that my tank strategy doesn't work.

I leveled them all and I know if I could just replace one of my silver healers with a better one I could heal through all that incoming damage. And we should have that healer on Nutaku if they wouldn't have messed with the events in the beginning...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The tanks are fine without using skills, I just need a tiny bit more healing. Oh well, a healer farm event sounds nice. Let's see, Yuno, big assets AND the 7% healer class atk buff? Yes please. :D

Hm.. I could try Pippin although her heal strength is rather low too (around 300 iirc).
Yuno doesn't have a healing skill, just a attack skill so watch out.
As for Pippin, if she's around 300 attack then she should be able to outheal any of the silver healers even if she only heals one tank and not two at once. She has faster attack speed and a far better skill than the silvers, if she heals two tanks at once she'll outheal your Iris easily and probably Chydis too. 300 x 2.2 is 660 attack x 2 targets is 1320 per heal when skill is up.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not sure if you have her and perhaps this is a bit of a silly idea, but how useful would be as a backup healer/damage dealer on this map?

I haven't tried this myself and I don't know how quickly your healers fail to keep up with the damage but you could try using her to cover (some) of the downtime of your healers while still doing reasonable magic damage to the golems. Bonus points if there's a spot on this map where she is just out of range of the golems while skill is down so that she's always healing.

Tbh I'm just looking for an excuse to mention her because I like her skillset. :V
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Like everyone else, I seem to have once again had odd luck with upgrading the Unit Farm unit.
I dropped 4 units on her right away and got a Skill up for each one. Since then, I've used every point of stamina to farm the last map and fed her all her duplicates, but the skill level doesn't move at all.
I only now mini-costed her, which is what I care more about, but the static skill ups seem weird, as I didn't think the odds of an increase were that low.

Totally unrelated, and I don't mean to be harping on about an old complaint, is there any particular reason we haven't gotten Anna's event yet? I know we've skipped a bunch, but given Anna's prominence you'd think she'd be a priority.
Is there anything about Anna as a unit, or her event, that make them difficult to implement?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Totally unrelated, and I don't mean to be harping on about an old complaint, is there any particular reason we haven't gotten Anna's event yet? I know we've skipped a bunch, but given Anna's prominence you'd think she'd be a priority.
Is there anything about Anna as a unit, or her event, that make them difficult to implement?

No real reason but getting skipped over events has been a very slow process overall, I expect we'll have both Eliza and Anna within 6 months. It seemed like there were more requests for the lolis like Chloe than Anna despite her prominence probably due to Annas uselessness. There shouldn't be anything difficult about her event, its just a goldrush style event. Personally I only want it for Happy.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What we want is not necessarily what the devs want. While we could try to influence that by voicing opinions and making demands, ultimately they are going to do what is easiest/best for them. Also, there is no denying that devs' priority still lies with DMM version of Aigis first and foremost.

Recently, there has been a lot of revivals on really old event units on DMM. Chances are if any of the missing units made it into those release schedules, then we may also see them at some point down the line.

The current revival on DMM is Beatrice/Marie, which started today. I am actually looking forward to whether the crazy machine gun mermen will also make another appearance.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well then lets riot for non-black shrine summon RC then.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

See guys, Liana being in the gacha pool only serves to anger even more people the longer this drags on.

Time is now for her event to run and for all that is "lucky" or "unlucky" enough to pull an Liana can exchange her in for an black ticket. Everyone wins. That way, ones that want to keep their Liana can keep theirs and everyone that doesn't can get rid of her for once and all and get an real gacha black at last and both parties can do Liana's events for more SCs, etc.

Huh I"m surprised at how disciplined I am. Its been few days since I pulled Farne/Altia, and I haven't leveled them up yet. I was like no, other projects finish first then I can move onto them. Sanosuke is base 50 now. Gonna cc him by tuesday I think. Maxed out Gloria's affection and then 3* clear'd the invitation to magic city without the 7SC bufff to boot. lol I seem to try bit more harder now on Aigis for the first time in long time.

I suspect that Elyse being AW99 played a major part in 3* clearing the Invitation to the Magic City map. Cuz she could carry the whole team all by herself until all three golems was giving Gellius their undivided attention then only then Iris/Aisha could hop onto the map to support heal without being killed. Sasha's chance to dodge also helped tons.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

12 copies for -4, 6/10 on isabelle. i can live with that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

STime is now for her event to run and for all that is "lucky" or "unlucky" enough to pull an Liana can exchange her in for an black ticket. Everyone wins. That way, ones that want to keep their Liana can keep theirs and everyone that doesn't can get rid of her for once and all and get an real gacha black at last and both parties can do Liana's events for more SCs, etc.

Should be a 100% random black, imho. But i agree. I keep saying, let us trade Liana for Elyse or another random black. I think the ticket to choose would be too much but to be fair players had to use a healer that could be beaten by plats such as Chydis or Camilla which had gimped UP cost. But still, i think being able to choose your own black could be a bit overpowered, i mean sure, if its easier to just put in a black ticket rather then add a one time ticket for rando black, sure. But hey.


Eitherway, just to be clear to the tldr devs if they read,
We want to be able to trade our Lianas for a real Gatcha Black. That, i agree.

All who agree with us should state so. The more we make our voices heard, the higher a priority it is.. Its not just about agreeing, its about being heard. And if the Devs can ignore a whole player base, what kind of Dev are they?

Just to be clear, i don't have a Liana, but it could happen to any of us.

And remember, this is pretty important. If we get Lianas event, its too late. Then people who got her from the event get a free Gatcha Black, which i doubt they would want. So it needs to be before her event, as a trading post option perhaps.


And if nordland reads this, it would be nice to see if these things are being considered... etc. from the devs, i am genuinely curious what they have planned if at all for people who got Liana from the Gatcha?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Looks like we're getting a pseudo break. Pegasus event ends but we're only getting a drop bonus in return. No main events running next week.

Notice: Maintenance

Thank you for playing Millennium War Aigis.

Maintenance will be performed on September 19, 2017 (Tue) 3AM.
Maintenance Period
September 19, 2017 (Tue) 3AM ~
September 19, 2017 (Tue) 6AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission
 "The Imperial Pegasus Knight" ends

- The Item Drop Rate for Story Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Daily Missions is x1.5 begins
- The Item Drop Rate for Awakening Orb is x2 begins
*The Item Drop Rate will be available
 until begin of maintenance on September 26(Tue).

Change of unit list of Trading Post
- Start of the Exchange of Demon Crystals
 "Swordswoman Akane"
 "Sailor Viera"
 "Ninja Hien"

Other Changes
- Added the 4 star challenge "Eastern Wind"
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Basic EXP x3 for Silver female units
- Basic EXP x1.5 for Silver male units
 (Only basic EXP will increase; levels will not increase.
 EXP will return to normal after the maintenance scheduled
 for September 26, 2017 (Tue) 3AM. )
- Add Skill Awakening
  "Commander Julian"
  "Tactician Jerome"
  "Lieutenant Aria"
  "Tactics Instructor Katie"
  "Sacred Swordswoman Zenobia"

All users should be sure to finish their current games 5 minutes
prior to the start of maintenance.
Game data may not save properly in the minutes before
maintenance commences.

Please be aware that you will not be able to play the game during
the Maintenance Period listed above.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask for
your understanding and cooperation.

The Millennium War Aigis Development Team