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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

At last passed immortal beast thanks to Echidna and Anya! Only 2 star for now, but! All liches down :D Now I feel like I'll join big guys soon :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just look at it this way, everyone not asking has read the guide.
People that dont ask, dont get noticed. While people that do ask, do get noticed.
Just because people don't read the guide, does not mean it wont be read. ;)

So... Senpai noticed me :confused:

At last passed immortal beast thanks to Echidna and Anya! Only 2 star for now, but! All liches down :D Now I feel like I'll join big guys soon :D

Welcome to the club! :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, so, before I go ahead and screw up again by combining units I shouldn't, I just hit level 30 and got a second Thief Cypria. I got my first one from a "lucky" Premium Summon, so now I have two. I really like her and keep her on my team for little scenarios where I need her, but I don't really need two of her. Should I go ahead and combine them to reduce her unit cost and improve her skill or should I keep her for some other reason?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, so, before I go ahead and screw up again by combining units I shouldn't, I just hit level 30 and got a second Thief Cypria. I got my first one from a "lucky" Premium Summon, so now I have two. I really like her and keep her on my team for little scenarios where I need her, but I don't really need two of her. Should I go ahead and combine them to reduce her unit cost and improve her skill or should I keep her for some other reason?

You can go ahead and combine them. You don't really need extra copies of plat rogues for anything.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, so, before I go ahead and screw up again by combining units I shouldn't, I just hit level 30 and got a second Thief Cypria. I got my first one from a "lucky" Premium Summon, so now I have two. I really like her and keep her on my team for little scenarios where I need her, but I don't really need two of her. Should I go ahead and combine them to reduce her unit cost and improve her skill or should I keep her for some other reason?

Yep I would combine them as well but I would wait until you CC the units to get the skill up. 50C for the main and 30CC for the fodder, I believe someone recommended taking CC'd fodder units to 30 agian before combining them to save some gold.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yep I would combine them as well but I would wait until you CC the units to get the skill up. 50C for the main and 30CC for the fodder, I believe someone recommended taking CC'd fodder units to 30 agian before combining them to save some gold.

20 not 30 anymore would be a waste. However in Cypria's case just get the second to level 10 if they are below then combined with 3 platinum fairies. Cypria has the same skill before and after CC. So CCing the fodder is not needing and going above level 10 for fodder when you do not need to skill up is a waste.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

*reads post*
oh maybe i should wait before feeding my Julian....(yeah im just about to do it lol)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I wish you all would come to a general consensus... First it's "Go right ahead", then "No, CC them both first" and THEN it becomes "No, CC the one you want to use, THEN combine". This is why I'm having so much trouble with this game. You ask for advice and instead of getting one clear answer of what the game expects you to do, I'm getting conflicting answers and I have no idea who to listen to.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I wish you all would come to a general consensus... First it's "Go right ahead", then "No, CC them both first" and THEN it becomes "No, CC the one you want to use, THEN combine". This is why I'm having so much trouble with this game. You ask for advice and instead of getting one clear answer of what the game expects you to do, I'm getting conflicting answers and I have no idea who to listen to.


My suggestion is, save always 3 silvers units to CC main units,
If Golds and platinum have a unique Skill (princess)
- use the rest silvers on CC fodders golds and platinum, fodders are max 30CC20 to max xp/gold
If gold and platinum have same Skill pre-CC and CC (ex Cypria)
- Use the more easy method, use pre-CC I think lvl20
If Gold and platinum have common skill
- Use the more easy method to Skillup (Ex silver dragon) I think lvl20
If Only need CR
- Use golds and platinum now, maybe only lvl20
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Okay, so, before I go ahead and screw up again by combining units I shouldn't, I just hit level 30 and got a second Thief Cypria. I got my first one from a "lucky" Premium Summon, so now I have two. I really like her and keep her on my team for little scenarios where I need her, but I don't really need two of her. Should I go ahead and combine them to reduce her unit cost and improve her skill or should I keep her for some other reason?

Far I understand it (I'm fairly new, level 65 and playing for just under a month), you want to retain as many silvers as possible in general because you'll burn through them when you CC units. I've CC'd probably 8 or 9 units so far, and I'm not overly high on my silver unit count... most units take 1 silver to CC, (Golds take a silver, silvers take a silver) and you'll want silver units just sitting around for CC fodder.

That said, if you obtained like 7 copies of the same silver, you could probably drop a couple on cost reduction or whatever else, as that's just a lot.

For reference, I had 3-4 valeries (one from the latest event) and i'm down to 1 valerie from CC'ing other units.

I've done 4-5 premium summons, I got 3 silvers (All Archer Soma, damn you), Thief Berna (black), and Black Robe Cyrus(gold).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

When in doubt, listen to me or Lafate.

Does the skill change? If yes, fodder = 30CC20.(Level unit to 50CC1 min first) If no, fodder = L20

Cyrpia's skill doesn't change.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I wish you all would come to a general consensus... First it's "Go right ahead", then "No, CC them both first" and THEN it becomes "No, CC the one you want to use, THEN combine". This is why I'm having so much trouble with this game. You ask for advice and instead of getting one clear answer of what the game expects you to do, I'm getting conflicting answers and I have no idea who to listen to.


I apologize for that since people are using the data me and others put to together, but here is what you need to do when combining two units(In regards to gold or higher)

Does your units skill change when they CC? If so bring them to at least 50CC1 so that they have the skill change. Then bring the fodder unit to 30CC20 before combining with 3 fairies of the proper rarity.

Does your units skill stay the same when they CC? If so just bring the fodder unit to 10, and combined with 3 fairies of the proper rarity.

EDIT: Essentially is if they have to be CCd to provide the skill up chance then bring the fodder unit to 30CC20. If they don't need to be CCd to provide the skill up change simply level them to 10.

EDIT2: Now actually I have to wonder. What is the deal with 'Kyoku-kyu' maps? Are those maps we would get? They seem to be there as early as Odette's. However that is also what the extreme dailies are called, and we haven't gotten those.

EDIT3: What type of unit is Sandra anyway?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

(Before I begin, seriously? I can't post pictures until I've made 15 posts? Thanks for making me write out my every single unit, forum permissions! I was going to use screenshots, but I guess not anymore!)

I wish you'd mentioned that a while ago... I noticed the skill didn't change so I just combined immediately, with the fodder at LV 1. I'm starting to feel like this game needs a full blown tutorial since it's so easy to make so many mistakes and screw yourself.

So let me just go ahead and make a large post and ask if it's even worth continuing my current account at this point.

This is my current army (sorted by Level and none of my units are CC'd);
Healer Dorca - Level 43, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill, Aff 50%
Prince - Level 30
Woman of Steel Leeanne - Level 28, UC -2, Lvl 3 skill, Aff 50%
Tactics Instructor Katie - Level 26, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill, Aff 50%
Bandit Boss Mortimer - Level 22, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Greenhorn Soldier Phyllis - Level 22, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Berserker Eunice - Level 21, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Archer Daniela - Level 20 Fodder
Thief Cypria - Level 20, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Priest Christopher - Level 20, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill, Trust 5%
Mage Valerie - Level 19, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Assassin Cecily - Level 19, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill, Aff 50%
Lancer Elaine - Level 19, UC -1, Lvl 3 skill
Witch Calliope - Level 19, UC -2, Lvl 3 skill
Royal Wizard Roy - Level 18, UC -1
Healer Alissa - Level 18, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill, Aff 50%
Royal Heavy Infantry Russell - Level 17, no UC reduction
Archer Soma - Level 17, UC -2, Lvl 2 skill, Aff 50%
Archer Daniela - Level 17, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Philosopher Barbastroff - Level 17, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill
Dragon Shaman Echidna - Level 17, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill, Aff 56%
Mercenary Crave - Level 16, UC -1, Lvl 2 skill
Lancer Kerry - Level 16, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill, Aff 50%
White Witch Cloris - Level 15, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill
Hunter Stray - Level 15, no UC reduction, Lvl 1 skill
Mercenary Crave - Level 1 Fodder
Assassin Cecily - Level 1 Fodder
Archer Daniela - Level 1 Fodder
6 Spirits of Silver

All of the spare Silvers I got through the game were used for cost reduction and skill ups since I didn't know about CC early on. I was also, at the time, waiting for posting permission for this very site, so I was unable to ask questions that I wish I had. Took the mods over a week to get around to it...

All of my Premium Summons have given me the following;

0 Blacks
1 Platinum (Thief Cypria)
1 Gold (Hunter Stray)
6 Silvers (Daniela, Soma, Eunice, Christopher, Mortimer, and Leeanne)

I also got the following from 2K Gachas;

0 Blacks
0 Platinums
1 Gold (Philosopher Barbastroff)
1 Silver (Dorca)
Countless Bronzes and Irons

I also got Echidna from the event (Basic version, level 1, no cost reductions) and I have 18 Demon Crystals, which I'm saving up for the Fairy Queen Chydis unit.

So, here's the question; is this account even worth continuing at this point? Is my current situation even salvagable?

My previous account, just to mention it, is in much the same situation, except I didn't even know about cost reduction then, so all my Silvers are gone and I don't even have reduced unit costs to show for it. But just to mention it, the notable units I got from Premiums include Apprentice Wizard Mehlis, Healer Iris, and Large Shield Maiden Bernice. The rest were Silvers, none of which were important. This account also got Echidna (Same as above), and is level 29, so it doesn't yet have Thief Cypria, but it's only a battle or two away. I chose then to switch account because I screwed up even worse with the Silvers.

In short, current account has combined more responsibly, but still screwed up quite a bit and got screwed on Premiums, while my previous account got much better summons, but has almost no cost reductions applied. Are either of them even worth using?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think a new account will be safer option... it will be really hard to CC anything with such setup. you will spend weeks or month to get all silvers you need... rolls also bad. So it's up to you if keeping that Echidna worth those problems.
You can also skip Maribel though (not sure if your current setup can obtain her)

So maybe make 2nd account and try to play booth for some time. see which will go better (maybe you manage to farm up some silvers with main acc at event maps for example)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Your best/only hope if you're committed to your current account is to spend the next event/two/three farming CC materials from map drops before you can finally get back to a "breaking even" point while still trying to attain likely non-perfect/optimized event units. Basically the problem is even if you were able to farm for event units properly you have nothing to CC them with and if the event map difficulties continue to escalate your situation will get worse and worse.

The alternative is starting over and likely still getting (potentially even worse) event units for awhile but overtime you'd probably reach the point at which you'd break even sooner than if you stayed on your current account - things would suck more than they do currently at first, but you'd be much better off in the long run due to not gimping yourself with resource misappropriation. The other benefit of starting over is being able to re-roll your account until you get a unit you want with your first/first few summons (Princess, black, desired plat, etc.). Aside from Echidna your current account doesn't have anything that is particularly hard to part with, since you get a copy of Cypria for free anyway just for reaching a certain Prince level and both your golds are replaceable.

So really -

Stay With Current Account +s

Keep your time investment
Keep Echidna

Stay With Current Account -s

Limited in terms of long term growth due to silver misappropriation
Could easily begin to fall behind with no foreseeable exit from mediocrity
Poor luck on premium rolls has lead to few power/staple units

Start Over With New Account +s

Get to try again when you now understand how CC works
Second chance for premium summons to not suck (If you re-roll your account enough times you can guarantee your first summon is a unit you absolutely want)
Long term you will have a much easier time, because right now you are basically bankrupt. Restarting puts you back at 0.

Start Over With New Account -s

You lose Echidna
You will likely still struggle to clear events for awhile at first while you catch-up
Time investment reset to 0
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I guess I'll make a new account, but not close the old one. I'll try playing both and see where they go. If the first one manages to start to recover, I'll stick with it, but if the second one starts to pick up, I'll try to stick with it. It'll be hard to give up Echidna for me, but, hopefully, I'll be able to get to a point I can get a unit or two from the next event.

Now, I don't want to screw up again, so any advice for starting off? Like, how should I combine units to level up? Should I keep Bronze units at all?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I guess I'll make a new account, but not close the old one. I'll try playing both and see where they go. If the first one manages to start to recover, I'll stick with it, but if the second one starts to pick up, I'll try to stick with it. It'll be hard to give up Echidna for me, but, hopefully, I'll be able to get to a point I can get a unit or two from the next event.

Now, I don't want to screw up again, so any advice for starting off? Like, how should I combine units to level up? Should I keep Bronze units at all?

Try to read all guides and FAQ in OP - there a lot of info =-=. and bronze not worth keeping (maybe 1 or 2 min cost bronze soldiers for rush mups. but those are not priority)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Now, I don't want to screw up again, so any advice for starting off? Like, how should I combine units to level up? Should I keep Bronze units at all?

I hardly ever level "fodder" until after units are CC'd so in that respect you don't have to worry about much until later. Bronze Soldiers are valuable when max CR'd as anti-rush units for things like the Spirit Hard Daily, other than that I don't think they're that necessary.

Hold onto all your silvers - never use them as exp unless it's a dual/triple use for CR/Skill-Up, only CC units who you know you are going to use actively - only CR units who you know are fixtures on your team (Unless they are Plat or Above). For instance wasting a silver archer on CCing Soma or Daniela when you're aiming to get Spica and already have one CC'd Archer is a losing proposition since Spica needs -three- silver archers for CC.

I'd seriously advise re-rolling your account until you get a unit you really want or one that has long-term value, whether that's a princess, black or plat you really want.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Anyone know if the affection item drop rate from Low Cost Battle 3 is worth farming? Or is it only suggested as a Black Fairy farm?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I hardly ever level "fodder" until after units are CC'd so in that respect you don't have to worry about much until later. Bronze Soldiers are valuable when max CR'd as anti-rush units for things like the Spirit Hard Daily, other than that I don't think they're that necessary.

Hold onto all your silvers - never use them as exp unless it's a dual/triple use for CR/Skill-Up, only CC units who you know you are going to use actively - only CR units who you know are fixtures on your team (Unless they are Plat or Above). For instance wasting a silver archer on CCing Soma or Daniela when you're aiming to get Spica and already have one CC'd Archer is a losing proposition since Spica needs -three- silver archers for CC.

I'd seriously advise re-rolling your account until you get a unit you really want or one that has long-term value, whether that's a princess, black or plat you really want.

Then let me ask this. What units are considered to have long term value? The only platinum I really want right now, other than Cypria since I love thief units, is probably Hina and perhaps Victoria, though I hear there's better archers than Victoria, like Nanaly, who I want but I'm not counting on getting.