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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I've already come to terms that the Nutaku version of Aigis is always going to be messed up. Fortunately, I can overcome anything due to veteran status. But AW at this point isn't a make or break thing.

You say that you're ok with things this far cause you're a veteran player? Good for you, but, how do you expect the non veteran players being able to handle whats coming next without the boost of AW?
One thing is being messy and other is not having sense, if things keep escalating like this it will be really hard to manage events, even for the veterans.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

New players acting like special snowflakes because of one mechanic isn't going to make the situation better or worse.

As more and new players start playing, they will be behind as well and they don't have every fancy event units veterans have. Do you propose more breaks and delaying awakenings even further just because they're not caught up? Every time a new player registers, we must delay an event another week so they can be able to clear the next event. That doesn't sound good for anyone except for that one person who just started. They just have to suck it up and deal with it just like the players on DMM have. I started months after awakenings were introduced, and guess what, I still got through fine without awakenings for many months.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

hell the JP using mosaics annoys the hell out of me

I have to agree with you on this one... I expected the JP server to not be censored with mosaics.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It should be noted, that Nutaku includes a very large regional market.
Saying the US, Europe and South America are it's target market would not be giving it the more verbose range that it actually has. DMM still caters to a largely Japanese only market.

While Nutaku is releasing content in English, it's player base is much wider, and has to account for multiple international laws. Some places like where Grom is from (if I remember right), have a no tolerance to anything Loli, it can't even hint of being loli. Is why so many use proxies, and other assorted methods to get past region blocking for external sites.

While I am probably the most vocal person about "lack of content" or any form of editing (hell the JP using mosaics annoys the hell out of me), I'll give Nutaku marks for trying to reach the broadest market for the content. If it's niche, but niche everywhere that can be quite a sum of players.

Also, and Lafate can correct me here, but Nutaku did say previously "according to the Devs" we will not be getting back to back events until we hit a certain player threshold. We obviously have. Eventually this type of growth could mean regional servers where content is more or less set based on local laws instead of international.

Simply put, don't think the kinks that deny us content are unique to a specific place because that isn't true. It's because of the global scale Nutaku is trying to reach. With out that reach, you should really question if we'd be having back to back events already.

Good point, didn't think of this possibility.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to agree with you on this one... I expected the JP server to not be censored with mosaics.

The JP server is like the only place guaranteed to be censored.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I expected the JP server to not be censored with mosaics.
They cannot have uncensored genitalia in porn in Japan because its forbidden by laws there.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They cannot have uncensored genitalia in porn in Japan because its forbidden by laws there.

What's the point of porn with everything being censored?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to agree with you on this one... I expected the JP server to not be censored with mosaics.

Least I'm not the only one who thinks this. :)

I really don't get it. They are censoring the very thing people wanted to see in the first place.

It's like:

Us: "Haha we get to watch porn, or see images of explicit nature".
Them: "Lawl, sure you can! Psyche!"

Thankfully the Nutaku versions remove this self defeating feat that has been Japanese law for decades.

The bigger irony, which country got the most recent Genius Book of World Records holdings of a sexual nature? Japan (most recent was largest orgy on record). It's just silly how some of their laws have stuck around for so long.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So, on the topic of the next event...

How hard is it anyway?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Least I'm not the only one who thinks this. :)

I really don't get it. They are censoring the very thing people wanted to see in the first place.

It's like:

Us: "Haha we get to watch porn, or see images of explicit nature".
Them: "Lawl, sure you can! Psyche!"

Thankfully the Nutaku versions remove this self defeating feat that has been Japanese law for decades.

The bigger irony, which country got the most recent Genius Book of World Records holdings of a sexual nature? Japan (most recent was largest orgy on record). It's just silly how some of their laws have stuck around for so long.

The ironic thing is, one of the smartphone games I was playing before I started on Aigis actually had far more exposed art on the JP server, and were edited to be fully clothed on the English server. One of the ones that annoyed me the most was a favorite unit of mine was showing off a panty shot and almost completely exposed chest on the JP server, once the event came to the English server, the exact same girl was almost completely covered... I was beyond disappointed and that wasn't even the first unit they had done that with. It wasn't a hentai game, but it was still pretty annoying, considering the girls weren't even close to being considered lolis.

So, on the topic of the next event...

How hard is it anyway?

Waiting on Lafate to finish his guide to check the videos, got a massive headache tonight so not feeling up to checking out the JP wiki and looking for videos yet. Hoping I'll be able to handle the event in the first few days and just farm silvers or affection items and fairies the rest of the event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So, on the topic of the next event...

How hard is it anyway?
Well, its much easier than Sorano and for me easier than gold wolves map from Ada event. You can get 24 stars with silvers only*.

*Of course, some solutions require mincost/max skill
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Obligatory reminder that MangaGamer's and JAST USA's payment processors have no problem with much more explicit and hardcore loli porn. Rika from "euphoria" looks much younger than, say, Noel, and sex acts she engages in would make Nutaku/Probiller have heart attack.

I got really tired of the argument last time it came up and didn't want to push the point, but this is where I was going to go with it next at the time.

People were blaming it on Visa and stuff last time. There's no way.

This has nothing to do with payment processors and everything to do with them filtering the money through Ireland, whose laws on child pornography are practically archaic and treat drawings the same as exploitative photos, with punishments to match.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I got really tired of the argument last time it came up and didn't want to push the point, but this is where I was going to go with it next at the time.

People were blaming it on Visa and stuff last time. There's no way.

This has nothing to do with payment processors and everything to do with them filtering the money through Ireland, whose laws on child pornography are practically archaic and treat drawings the same as exploitative photos, with punishments to match.


Well, according to their responses on ask.fm, agents of the credit card companies and Paypal have to approve the content and they ask Nutaku to have content tweaked that is deemed underage.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And that's inconsistent with other businesses marketing the same content, so I don't believe it.

Unless they're running through European branches in Ireland. Then I believe it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

exkale, i've never said and will never ask for something as foolish as a break, even if i can't keep up, because this is not a single player game, what one or two people want isn't what the community needs (By the way i want Chloe).

I'm just wondering, if we keep up like this, how long till we get AW? They can (and most likely) throw 3 events in a month, why don't they group two things, is not like they're going to loose money if they do. If the prediction about getting AW in the first anniversary comes true, then the next months will be really dark ones.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

IIRC Hores event actually great for farming.
20/1 drops silver mage Palles and 2 bouquets. Good for getting CC/AW fodder and mincosting Palles
Also there is 3 maps that drop plat cans along with silver/gold/plat+black fairies.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

exkale, i've never said and will never ask for something as foolish as a break, even if i can't keep up, because this is not a single player game, what one or two people want isn't what the community needs (By the way i want Chloe).

I'm just wondering, if we keep up like this, how long till we get AW? They can (and most likely) throw 3 events in a month, why don't they group two things, is not like they're going to loose money if they do. If the prediction about getting AW in the first anniversary comes true, then the next months will be really dark ones.

The last PM I received from Nordland was that the Android version is scheduled for release in the last quarter (some point this month) but no information on Awakening yet, and that was about 5~6 days ago.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And that's inconsistent with other businesses marketing the same content, so I don't believe it.

Unless they're running through European branches in Ireland. Then I believe it.

That's their explanation. It's okay if you don't believe it but I don't see any reason for them to lie about it and deny us content just because they can. They're also trying to hit the big mainstream (even advertising on the home page of pornhub) which would probably open them to additional scrutiny.

In the end there's several factors to consider in a situation like this and if the current solution is the easiest or the one that makes the most sense then that's how it is. Though, I certainly hope they can figure out a solution to give us the units now that we're at the point that we have to skip major events because of loli units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Also, and Lafate can correct me here, but Nutaku did say previously "according to the Devs" we will not be getting back to back events until we hit a certain player threshold.

I remember that being said ya.


Swordswoman of the Boiling Sand Guide​

Alright boys and girls, I told you she was coming, and she came a lot sooner then I even though. Here is Horace prepared to replace your Charlotte for general purposes. Granted Charlotte will still be use in some specific situation, but we are a long time from those. Anyway enjoy your break because this is a star rush event! If you are good enough you'll have two weeks of free time.

ETA: 1/12/2015


Your event rewards for this are twofold. One is Horace a magic swordsman, and the other is 'Vu~erotte' a silver pirate!
Clear 3 Missions: Vu~erotte joins your harem
Clear 4 Missions: Her initial level becomes 10
Clear 5 Missions: Her initial level becomes 20
Clear 6 Missions: Her initial level becomes 30
Clear 7 Missions: Her initial level becomes 40
Clear 8 Missions: Her initial level becomes 50
Gain a total of 12 ☆: Horace joins your harem
Gain a total of 13 ☆: Her initial level becomes 20
Gain a total of 14 ☆: Her skill level increases by 1 (2/5)
Gain a total of 15 ☆: Her cost is reduced by 1 (-1)
Gain a total of 16 ☆: Her initial level becomes 30
Gain a total of 17 ☆: Her skill level increases by 1 (3/5)
Gain a total of 18 ☆: Her cost is reduced by 1 (-2)
Gain a total of 19 ☆: Her initial level becomes 40
Gain a total of 20 ☆: Her skill level increases by 1 (4/5)
Gain a total of 21 ☆: Her cost is reduced by 1 (-3)
Gain a total of 22 ☆: Her skill level increases by 1 (5/5)
Gain a total of 23 ☆: Her cost is reduced by 1 (-4)
Gain a total of 24 ☆: Her cost is reduced by 1 (-5)

Noted enemy stats

Attack type: Physical Melee
HP:3200 (Mysterious Visitor), 3200 (Forest Line of Defense), 4000 (Majin Invasion), 4000 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 4600 (Exciting Game G), 3600 (Soldier of the Undead), 3800 (Imperial City Assault), 4200 (Dark Night of Battle X), 4400 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Atk: 240 (Mysterious Visitor), 240 (Forest Line of Defense), 300 (Majin Invasion), 300 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X)
345 (Exciting Game G), 270 (Soldier of the Undead), 285 (Imperial City Assault), 315 (Dark Night of Battle X), 330 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Def: 50
MR: 20

King Mummy

Attack type: Physical Melee
HP:10000 (Majin Invasion), 10000 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 11500 (Exciting Game G), 9500 (Imperial City Assault), 10500 (Dark Night of Battle X), 11000 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Atk: 500 (Majin Invasion), 500 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 575 (Exciting Game G), 475 (Imperial City Assault), 525 (Dark Night of Battle X), 550 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Def: 250
MR: 30

Desert Warrior

Attack type: Physical Melee
HP: 9500 (Imperial City Assault), 10500 (Dark Night of Battle X), 11000 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Atk: 950 (Imperial City Assault), 1050 (Dark Night of Battle X), 1100 (Burning of the Battlefield G)
Def: 100
MR: 0


Attack type: Physical Ranged(Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), Magical Ranged(Exciting Game G, Dark Night of Battle X)
HP:6000 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 13800(Exciting Game G), 21000(Dark Night of Battle X)
Atk: 400 when blocked and 200 when unblocked (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 500 when blocked and 250 when unblocked (Exciting Game G), 800 when blocked and 400 when unblocked (Dark Night of Battle X)
Def: 250 (Sorrow of the Magic Sword X), 400(Exciting Game G, Dark Night of Battle X)
MR: 0

Mysterious Visitor
Charisma: 20
Stamina: 1
Experience: 120
Gold at 3☆: 1050
Initial Unit Points: 10
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 10
Number of Enemies: 31
(Two Drops)

Forest Line of Defense
Charisma: 50
Stamina: 1
Experience: 150
Gold at 3☆: 1200
Initial Unit Points: 20
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 10
Number of Enemies: 48
(Two Drops)

Majin Invasion
Charisma: 50
Stamina: 3
Experience: 200
Gold at 3☆: 2250
Initial Unit Points: 25
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 9
Number of Enemies: 52
(Two Drops)

Sorrow of the Magic Sword X
Charisma: 60
Stamina: 5
Experience: 300
Gold at 3☆: 3000
Initial Unit Points: 30
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 9
Number of Enemies: 52
(Two Drops)

Exciting Game G
Charisma: 100
Stamina: 2
Experience: 200
Gold at 3☆: 1500
Initial Unit Points: 40
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 10
Number of Enemies: 70
(Drop Completion)

Soldier of the Undead
Charisma: 50
Stamina: 1
Experience: 150
Gold at 3☆: 1200
Initial Unit Points: 20
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 35

Imperial City Assault
Charisma: 50
Stamina: 3
Experience: 200
Gold at 3☆: 2250
Initial Unit Points: 15
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 47
(Four Drops)

Dark Night of Battle X
Charisma: 60
Stamina: 5
Experience: 300
Gold at 3☆: 3000
Initial Unit Points: 30
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 10
Number of Enemies: 71
(Two Drops)

Burning of the Battlefield G
Charisma: 100
Stamina: 2
Experience: 200
Gold at 3☆: 1500
Initial Unit Points: 15
Life: 10
Max # of Deployed Units: 8
Number of Enemies: 61
(Drop Completion)

Comments about the event
Well the event overall doesn't look to hard to do. However, the first god tier map seems to require you use awakened units, and the second is definitely a lot easier with them, but it is possible to beat it without awakened units. The rest of the maps you appear to be easily able to blow through without to much of a problem with a well trained harem... or army for those you who trust guys not to steal your girls and alcohol... which they do... *cough*... This should be a very enjoyable event. For those of you who can complete it quick enough you'll have a two week break. That you can farm affection, fairies, exp cans, demon crystals, or silvers. Completely your choice.

Spotlight Units

New Characters Arriving
Note: This is based off of current JP version stats. We may not get the same if we get a previous version of the units, but they will eventually get to this point.

Boiling Sand Swordswoman Horace

HP: 1821(2114 Awakened)
Atk: 507(792 Awakened)
Def: 260(331 Awakened)
Block: 1(200)
Cost: 17
Skill: She increase her attack by 70% for for 30 seconds. In addition for the duration her attack becomes magic based ignoring defense. 25 sec WT, 50 sec CT.
Ability: -
Awakened Skill: She increase her attack by 50% for 30 seconds. In addition for the duration she attacks twice, and her attack becomes magic based ignoring defense. 30 sec WT, 60 sec CT.
Awakened Ability: Her attack speed decrease, but her attack power increases by 35%(already calculated in awaked attack)

Pirate Vu~erotte

HP: 1532
Atk: 386
Def: 155
MR: 0
Range: 300
Cost: 11
Skill: For 20 seconds she increase her attack by 70%, increase her attack speed, and reduces her range by 50%. 35 sec WT, 35 sec CT.
Ability: -

Apprentice Cavalry Mischa

HP: 1300
Atk: 513
Def: 277
MR: 10
Block: 1
Cost: 12
Skill: Recovers 30% of maximum HP when activated. 20 sec WT, 20 sec CT.
Ability: -

Ninja Kagerou

HP: 1090
Atk: 300
Def: 169
MR: 0
Block: 1 (200)
Cost: 12
Skill: For 20 seconds she has a 30% chance to dodge physical attacks. In addition for the duration she has a chance to instantly kill the target she is attacking. 40 sec WT, 40 sec CT.
Ability: -

Apprentice Pegasus Knight Stella

HP: 1107 (1818 Awakened)
Atk: 481 (585 Awakened)
Def: 259 (299 Awakened)
MR: 15
Block: 1
Cost: 17
Skill: For 10 second she flies up into the air on her pegasus. For the duration she blocks no units and attacks all enemy units around her(120 Range). 6.7 sec WT, 10 sec CT.
Ability: -
Awakened Skill: For 12 seconds she flies up into the air on her pegasus. For the duration she blocks no units, attacks all enemy units around her(120 Range), and increase her attack speed. 10 sec WT, 15 sec CT.
Awakened Ability: Increase her HP by 20%(already calculated)

New Classes Being Introduced
Nothing this time.
Last edited:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Hmm... doubt it
But if it's true , great then
Cheap UP , I really hope can make her 10 UP