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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, so much for Charlotte... :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Can't complain about another event but isn't this another one that's supposed to be post awakening and later on down the line? It's not a problem if it's doable with the units available to us, but it is going to get annoying if difficulty starts climbing and our lack of units/awakening starts catching up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

zzzz fuck this why won't they just give us Yurina
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So, according to nutaku facebook, next event is apparently Hores.
1. Doing it right after Charlotte is quite cynical. Well, at least I was right about not investing any SC into her.
2. Fallen Angel Kloe (best angel in game), Bishop Noel (only free unit which significantly increases gold gain from each mission run) and Miko Kagura (awesome +5% attack to all melee units by just being in the team) are skipped forever because loli (my guess, but there's no other reason to prefer Horues over 2 Mikos)
3. Good luck with these 2 god-tier maps and no awakening.

Its really sad to see all my favorite units getting skipped, Kloe earned permanent seat on my teams very fast on DMM.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So what makes Kloe better than Sophie? I'm pretty impressed by her still, and am honestly curious how Kloe tops that.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ugh. Another magic swordsman event already? Really poor planning on the part of whoever made that call.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They've made quite a few poor choices in their recent event choices, but "Horace" an event after Charlotte and before Awakening? Seems like they want to see how hard they can make us push our basic units in the post-Awakening events before we finally start a rain of complaints for Awakening to be released. Not to mention skipping Yurina's event yet again...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cynical to the extreme. Actually pretty upset with this one, since she is the far superior Magic Fencer, and I can't imagine a map needing both. They are, even at mincost, rather hard to deploy with their 22(? tired, head no work no mo) UP cost. So yeah. this is shit. And Farm. If it was a star event (although, with 2 god class maps...) I wouldn't be anywhere near as upset. But I really feel like hitting something right now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And Farm. If it was a star event (although, with 2 god class maps...) I wouldn't be anywhere near as upset. But I really feel like hitting something right now.
What? Hores is star trial event, that's why it has so many maps.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cynical to the extreme. Actually pretty upset with this one, since she is the far superior Magic Fencer, and I can't imagine a map needing both. They are, even at mincost, rather hard to deploy with their 22(? tired, head no work no mo) UP cost. So yeah. this is shit. And Farm. If it was a star event (although, with 2 god class maps...) I wouldn't be anywhere near as upset. But I really feel like hitting something right now.

Isn't it a star event? That's what I've seen people saying so far. I feel like this is a way for the devs to force people to buy SC's, since we're lacking awakening and a whole bunch of units we should have access to.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you have to beat the God-maps to max the unit? Because I don't think that is happening for me.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Cynical to the extreme. Actually pretty upset with this one, since she is the far superior Magic Fencer, and I can't imagine a map needing both. They are, even at mincost, rather hard to deploy with their 22(? tired, head no work no mo) UP cost. So yeah. this is shit. And Farm. If it was a star event (although, with 2 god class maps...) I wouldn't be anywhere near as upset. But I really feel like hitting something right now.

This is a star trial, but i get your point, this is ridiculous, they've just throw Charlotte two weeks ago, and no only that, this maps and the ones to come are somewhat difficult without awakening. It doesn't look like they are trying to push the limits of our strategic minds, looks more like they want to push the limits of our wallets
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you have to beat the God-maps to max the unit? Because I don't think that is happening for me.
24 stars needed, 7 non-god maps, 2 god maps.
So you can 3* non-god maps (21 stars total) and 2* one god map and 1* another to reach 24. Both god maps have 10 life points, so maybe its possible to clear them by letting some of tougher mummies pass.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm not surprised that it's a star event, since they've skipped around before to avoid having three farm events in a row. I'm not surprised it's 'Horace' (they really couldn't leave her as Horus or something due to the desert theme?) because this is the nearest non-farm event that they wouldn't have to adjust or replace a loli in. I have no idea about how far I can get my team without AW and, assuming they don't add it, why it's not in the game yet if we're dipping this far into post-AW events already. Then again, the JP devs have always just done what they feel like so we'll get it when we get it I guess, same with Yurina.

Feel sorry for Charlotte though. Not much of a reason to ever use her now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well, Horace's event being next is a nice little pick-me-up. Well for those who enjoyed the challenge that was Solano's event can rejoice since this event is fairly difficult as well. Mummies and King Mummies will be avenger type units with low (50) and decent (250) defense respectively as well as respective magic resistances of 20% and 30%. The standard mummies will have between 3k and 4k HP with the Kings having 10k to 11k HP. As to their avenger functionality, their power doubles when they drop below 50% HP and triples once they drop below 25%, luckily they do not quadruple in power. Their attacks are Physical with base attack ranging from 240 to 330 for Mummies and 500 to 550 for Kings, so massive ranged damage to kill them before engaging your units is recommended.

As for other notable threats, there are Desert Warriors who hit fairly hard with 9.5k to 11k HP, 950 to 1100 Physical attack, 100 defense, and no MR and Horace herself who will have 6k, 13.8k, or 21k HP depending upon the map, 800/400 attack depending upon whether she is blocked or firing sword waves, 400 defense, and no MR.

Now, as to the event and reward, this is a Star Trial with 9 maps but only requires 24 stars for a complete reward, so one whole map can be skipped if necessary or two maps can have imperfect finishes. As for comparing our two event magic fencers now, Horace is more of a boss-killer/burst unit whereas Charlotte is sustained. Horace Affection bonus is HP and ATK, her basic skill has a longer wait time and cooldown, 25 and 50 at max skill respectively, than Charlotte's, which is 15 and 30 at max skill, but the power caps out at 1.7 times power rather than Charlotte's 1.5 times at max.

Horace's Awakening Ability is Power Attack, which will slow down her attack speed somewhat but will boost her attack power by about 35%, which will also affect the attack she gains from her Affection Bonus, further differentiating her from the sustained damage of Charlotte whose Awakening Ability is a 20% chance to negate the pause between her attacks.

Finally, Horace's Awakening Skill is the amazing Double Attack which has the same duration of 30 seconds, has an attack multiplier of 1.5, and lets her attack twice with every swing, giving her an effective triple to her attack stat before MR is taken into account and is generally superior to Charlotte's questionable Awakening Skill that may give a 1.7 attack multiplier but activates automatically, which can be quite inconvenient, luckily Charlotte's doesn't have to be Skill Awakened.

Well, Lafate will probably post an excellent and comprehensive guide soon, time to take some medicine and curl back up... I'll look in occasionally and may answer some questions if any arise from this in the meantime.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sounds like I gotta get cranking on Nanaly #2. Gonna need all the ranged DPS I can get.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sounds like I gotta get cranking on Nanaly #2. Gonna need all the ranged DPS I can get.

Need Ranged DPS For this one eh? Guess I should dust off my second Odette and feed my Bashira some more Platcans?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Horace's Awakening Ability is Power Attack, which will slow down her attack speed

A little more info on this part :p
The slow down atk speed will occur during her charging part, which mean when she lifted up her swd.
This will make her target easier to be KS for those who plan to make unit like Maurete to be able to gain the last hit kill blow for the gold get ability.

And more tip to ppl, those avenger type mummy is weak to assasinate with 1.5x chance in the formula. (rogue asasinate 10%, ninja asasinate 5%, Sybilla 10%)
This mean you can kill them before their hp went to low and get 3x atk (the big 1 have 500 atk base and at 25% hp or less will become 1500 atk)
some part need to be confirmed.... Not sure if EN version VH have bonus dmg to undead yet just like how archer have 1.1 atk to flyer. (mummy is undead with high hp and low def)
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