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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So if i skill level up and event unit like Ada, the skill level will remain if i cc her, what about her CR does it remain lowered or do i need to throw more ada´s at her?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So if i skill level up and event unit like Ada, the skill level will remain if i cc her, what about her CR does it remain lowered or do i need to throw more ada´s at her?

Reduction does not get reset upon CC.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So if i skill level up and event unit like Ada, the skill level will remain if i cc her, what about her CR does it remain lowered or do i need to throw more ada´s at her?

CRs are permanent, only units that have a skill that changes (usually gacha units) have their skill level reset after CC, but their CR remains. It doesn't seem like it since units get an increase in Unit Cost after CC, but its still lower than it would be if they were never CR'd.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Last run of the night before bed, got Lauren, Rosalie, and Ada. Good stuff. I am drowning in Lauren's and Rosalie's to the point of my barracks being near full.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.

most jap plyers say hes super good id rather the new plat soldier or the other plat soldier personally
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.

Yes. I think he's better than Katie too.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Did my last try for Sasha

Got Lauren... (only this acc got two already from event, and it's the one without Spica -,-, so ironic)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.

If you want my input as JP aigis player.
Jerome is the best soldier for cost regeneration out of all unit.

When we use Jerome we think this way:
Non-CC: Great
CC: Good
AW: Best (due to aw ability)

Reason why some player leave it on Non-CC mode is because he can almost instantly deployed being 11 cost and he already start with reinforcement III and being platinum mean his WT (wait time) on skill is faster than gold rarity
Of coz this is only if you use him for cost recovery only.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

got sakuya a samurai a while back she seems decent but is she worth the time to max her and place her in anyas slot as a lower cost duelist since im just realiing how much her cost hurts and shes not even needed most of the time
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Now let me see what I can do for Ada on this final day.

got sakuya a samurai a while back she seems decent but is she worth the time to max her and place her in anyas slot as a lower cost duelist since im just realiing how much her cost hurts and shes not even needed most of the time

Samurais are iffy. They are expensive, but they are worth their cost. The real question is if she is worth the team slot. Something to note is that Samurais are not duelists, they are anti-rush/swarm units. After AW, think of them as a constantly exploding Mage fireball in a melee slot. They aren't very necessary, but I would still raise Sakuya on the side; you'll probably be glad to have her at some point.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hm, still no update in the news tab
Surprise awakening?
But now I'm wondering, should I go on farming Elaine or should I go for moday daily?
Right now I have seven Elaines, but I also have 3 Kerrys. I'm still not sure whether I should CR and skillup a Kerry or use them as awakening fodder (I have Thetis and thus never use Kerry). In the former case I only have 2 fodder units for awakening, in the latter 6.5. And if we get Yurina I'll get some Elaines farming Yurina anyway (personally I think we'll get the Two Saints [star event] first though, if they are not classified as lolis, because we had too much farm events in a row and the second event after Two Saints would be a star event again) .
On the other hand I have 14 plat cans and 3.7 Mio G, but I guess more is never bad
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Samurais are iffy. They are expensive, but they are worth their cost. The real question is if she is worth the team slot. Something to note is that Samurais are not duelists, they are anti-rush/swarm units. After AW, think of them as a constantly exploding Mage fireball in a melee slot. They aren't very necessary, but I would still raise Sakuya on the side; you'll probably be glad to have her at some point.

thanks ill go with it then on jap side i got 3 solid duelists dorothy danhilla and oliver and a few more backups so i never got around to samurais nor needed them but ive had alot of gtcha luck and revivals to build that but lack that on eng side so im lacking alot of duelist candidates mainly a lack of a princess that aint 35 cost or cant be healed so a 24 cost samurai doesnt sound the worst
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.

Jerome is great as an un-CCed Soldier since he comes with a level III Skill by default so you can spend very little UP for a fast +15, Platinum Soldiers have a shorter WT than Gold ones, he's a bit fragile that way though so be careful. CCed, he's a good replacement for Katie since their costs are similar(13 for Katie and 14 for Jerome) and, due to him being Platinum, he offers a lot of power stat-wise:

50CC60 Katie: 1469 HP, 299 Atk, 243+78 Def(321)
50CC60 Aria: 1430 HP, 329+108 Atk(437), 239 Def
50CC70 Jerome: 1661 HP, 383+60 Atk(443), 275+24Def (299)

What really makes him amazing is his AW ability: +2 UP at the start just by being in the party and, if you're lazy, his Skill AW is simply an auto-cast. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm cheering here for a free week after so long. If we got a event, I hope at least they change the type this time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So , this month I only got Deluxe stamp
Upon last 5 SC quota to Deluxe
I do the PS , got Fedora
Well , better then Silver
Think I'll replace Alissa with her , after Fedora is Max
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was pretty disappointed with what I summoned at first

But after seeing his skill, I should def replace my blue haired soldier for him, right? He is a platinum at least, so I think he should be much better than her.

I use him every single map (that he can be placed on), almost always first. He has a faster first usage of his skill than golds. I will be spending the next time faerie we get on him, because placing him 1 second faster speeds up every unit I place by 1 second.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Could mikoto solano and yuyu be useful in war of magic? Calliope simply hates me. Blew 4 copies trying to mincost mine and only got -2. Means I have 1 Calliope and one cloris as far as combat-capable witches go. I want to level up mikoto anyway, just don't know what priority to assign.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Could mikoto solano and yuyu be useful in war of magic? Calliope simply hates me. Blew 4 copies trying to mincost mine and only got -2. Means I have 1 Calliope and one cloris as far as combat-capable witches go. I want to level up mikoto anyway, just don't know what priority to assign.

I'm pretty sure only mages and witches can be used in war of magic. Anything that isn't strictly a mage/witch cannot be deployed. Once cc'd Yuyu has the same ability as Belinda so I'm guessing Yuyu would be useful if you don't have Belinda.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Event train still rolling.

Horace tomorrow.
Yurina never.
