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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

but yeah if you are seeing thing from that point, then you could say that themis is better, but once again from my perspective where I believe strength in this game = stat which consist of HP, Attack, def, magical resistance, skill and unit cost, data prove that stat wise from all aspect except 1 second difference in deployment, lilia is better :D

Case closed I think, we do have different point of view ^_^ which is not wrong at all

I rate cost to deploy higher then sheer stats. If any of my current soldiers were even a second higher I would always miss one unit on Remnant Vanquished 3, that one second is the difference between a 3 star and a 2 star.

As to whom I actually rate the best overall princess, it doesn't go to Sybilla currently imo. I think Sherry is the winner there, as she is the most balanced in all aspects. Simply put, the ability to kill faster is generally going to be more ideal then being able to tank. A dead unit does no damage. With that thought, Sherry wins the platinum race IMO.

Now once we get empowered, Sybilla will probably edge her out, melee unit with ranged attack is god like, not to mention her over all stats. As I stated before, Sybilla for me I used to replace my HA's, and for the most part it works just fine. I'm sure there will be maps where that has to be changed, but for daily use she is better than an HA, and mine are 50CC+21, fully cost reduced to 20. Sybilla is 1 point higher so the exchange was a no brainer.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And thats an H-game so aesthetic preference win always.

@Lafate That is the only map you can get her.
she is a reward if you get all drops in that mission.

Can't argue with aesthetic side :p

about that female mage can we get it from gacha later when that map open?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Can't argue with aesthetic side :p

about that female mage can we get it from gacha later when that map open?

Yes 1 copy for finishing and collecting every drop in that story map and she will be available in the gatcha too (i hope, in jp. you can get her through gatcha).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is Adele or Lilia better?

Also, I assume CR doesn't transfer other when CC? I think I must be missing that in the thread.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So def skill is not useless after all haha
And not a princess one was used, HA and 2 Valks instead. Then he spammed 3 ninjas.

Okay both Valks are atk based? (unless I m seeing something wrong not sure which the one is but I recognize Kerry). He then uses two HA's. I'd actually question if using any princess with a witch wouldn't have been a better option. He may not have had those options though. Just saying.

Yep HA's got DEF, but if you can do it with those you can do it with other units unless the spawn amount is excessive large and close together.

Def over other stats = still useless.

Pretty funny, notice he does not use lilia even though he has her, no HA's either:

Sorry but previous vid proved nothing for me, you can find a vid showing anything that fits a given argument, school of thought or desired build. There's actually a number of them showing soldiers tanking most of the units. So that pretty much speaks for itself.

Is Adele or Lilia better?

Also, I assume CR doesn't transfer other when CC? I think I must be missing that in the thread.
CR can be done before or after, it stays on the unit. Just bare in mind on CC the unit cost always goes up regardless if it has been reduced previously. You may have reduced it by 3 prior to CC, but it gains 3 as well after CC for example.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

WOOT HIT LVL 64 Finally got savior title. Giving everyone the big buff.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Congo Rats Bombboy :D
Now the trek to 99+ for you, 101 is nice for the stamina refresh, just don't forget about it and try to use the stamina prior to that level. I wasted 2 :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm finally done with the story mission i.imgur.com/NTGcxaX.jpg
I used the last video as a reference seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%c9%d4%bb%e0%a4%ce%cb%e2%ca%aa
now i'm going to take it easy until events start.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm finally done with the story mission i.imgur.com/NTGcxaX.jpg
I used the last video as a reference seesaawiki.jp/aigis/d/%c9%d4%bb%e0%a4%ce%cb%e2%ca%aa
now i'm going to take it easy until events start.

Grats, gonna do it on sat where there is no daily :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you need to complete immortal beast in order to advance to the desert stages later on?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Do you need to complete immortal beast in order to advance to the desert stages later on?

Not positive, but though I remember reading earlier in the thread only Castle Retake had to be cleared to open up those maps (along with others like Dragon Hunting).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

wait immortal beast is actually 3 starable? I thought it was broken until new maps come out (honestly haven't even done it once).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has anyone tried todays daily on the hard mode? How difficult is it? Doable with 1 CCed archer, 1 CCed witch, 1 CCed healer and 1 CCed mage (if need) plus non-CCed but 40+ lvl archer, witch and healer? Or do I need a tank there too? If so then I have lvl 50 Leeanne too, didn't CC her yet cos of the cost increase.

Congo Rats Bombboy :D
Now the trek to 99+ for you, 101 is nice for the stamina refresh, just don't forget about it and try to use the stamina prior to that level. I wasted 2 :(

What do we get on 100? :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has anyone tried todays daily on the hard mode? How difficult is it? Doable with 1 CCed archer, 1 CCed witch, 1 CCed healer and 1 CCed mage (if need) plus non-CCed but 40+ lvl archer, witch and healer? Or do I need a tank there too? If so then I have lvl 50 Leeanne too, didn't CC her yet cos of the cost increase.

What do we get on 100? :p

I do the H daily with 30CC50 Daniela, 50 Nanaly, 30CC50 Dorca, 30 Fedora, Prince with Savior title, but you will have to rotate some units as targets for the last wave of eyes, a Princess can take a lot but healing with only one CC healer isn't enough.

Reference video: youtube.com/watch?v=hi4qWcKLl2k
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I do the H daily with 30CC50 Daniela, 50 Nanaly, 30CC50 Dorca, 30 Fedora, Prince with Savior title, but you will have to rotate some units as targets for the last wave of eyes, a Princess can take a lot but healing with only one CC healer isn't enough.

Reference video: youtube.com/watch?v=hi4qWcKLl2k

Wish I had a Princess :p But I'll try, thanks. Should be able to at least 1-star it.

EDIT: Oh wow, it's eyes only in the hard mode? I think I'll pass until I have 2 CCed archers, after all :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Chydis skill is star staff and after cc stay the same right ?

it's so hard to find anything on jp wiki :confused::confused:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There are very few things in this game more infuriating than getting 0 drops from Thursday Daily. I mean, what are the chances of that even happening?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Chydis skill is star staff and after cc stay the same right ?

it's so hard to find anything on jp wiki :confused::confused:

Yes her skill is the same before and after.
EDIT: Tried hard mode with 50CC20 Alissa, 50CC21 Soma, 50CC24 Cloris, 50CC23 Calliope, 40 Dorca, 41 Bashira, and 40 Daniela... however no dice. I was either not killing them fast enough or not healing fast enough... I'm choosing to believe I was simply not killing them fast enough so yay for not getting any platinum faeries so I could CC Bashira before this >.>
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yes her skill is the same before and after.
EDIT: Tried hard mode with 50CC20 Alissa, 50CC21 Soma, 50CC24 Cloris, 50CC23 Calliope, 40 Dorca, 41 Bashira, and 40 Daniela... however no dice. I was either not killing them fast enough or not healing fast enough... I'm choosing to believe I was simply not killing them fast enough so yay for not getting any platinum faeries so I could CC Bashira before this >.>

Weird, I don't even put up the witches, my two archers take care of them all. Two archers, two healers, prince and princess (have to recall her before the last wave and put up leeane). Did you put a unit to be a damage sponge in front of your archers?