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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure i can agee with you here for one reason:

The events still occur, the events are still repeated.
Total result, we get the events in a different order.
Free players/accounts still get free units every few weeks.
The more total events & units put in the faster this can be done.
We start seeing the week long events, weekened events and other special events like revival events at the same time as DMM, then we are actually getting units faster per time spent then DMM did. In fact we'll see an influx of units compared to DMM with in the same time frame.

Until we actually see revival events happen then I'm not crossing my fingers, besides if we're going to be forced to wait for revival events then anything that happened recently in JP but after they "Skip ahead" for us is going to take us forever to get.

Unless I missed something the JP Devs still haven't confirmed shit in regards to revival events or gatcha units or the situation with a unit like Cloris who should've had an event but didn't get one, until I see their responses I'm going to be pessimistic.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Until we actually see revival events happen then I'm not crossing my fingers, besides if we're going to be forced to wait for revival events then anything that happened recently in JP but after they "Skip ahead" for us is going to take us forever to get.

Unless I missed something the JP Devs still haven't confirmed shit in regards to revival events or gatcha units or the situation with a unit like Cloris who should've had an event but didn't get one, until I see their responses I'm going to be pessimistic.

add on top of this that event for DMM they are only up to odette when it comes to revival events.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not sure i can agee with you here for one reason:

The events still occur, the events are still repeated.
Total result, we get the events in a different order.
Free players/accounts still get free units every few weeks.
The more total events & units put in the faster this can be done.
We start seeing the week long events, weekened events and other special events like revival events at the same time as DMM, then we are actually getting units faster per time spent then DMM did. In fact we'll see an influx of units compared to DMM with in the same time frame.

Unless the Nutaku version events are at least somewhat easier than the DMM version events, we are getting screwed. We simply have fewers tools available at any given event than DMM players. Lower levels, too.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Can someone help me with beating Tomb of Sorrow? I just wasted an entire day trying this and I just can't do it. The heavy knights just wreck my guys up way to badly and I can't afford a mage by the time they start mowing down my guys.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Unless I missed something the JP Devs still haven't confirmed shit in regards to revival events or gatcha units or the situation with a unit like Cloris who should've had an event but didn't get one, until I see their responses I'm going to be pessimistic.

One way to look at it I suppose. Better to be pessimistic and pleasantly surprised, then to have high hopes and feel the anguish of disappointment and unrealized expectations.

I prefer a more methodical approach personally, maybe even erring to the side of caution. I neither expect great things nor do I plan for ruin.
Expectations are not high enough to be disappointed, nor are they so low as to be surprised.

Thus far outside of the tiresome breaks in between events, I've found the pacing, events and skips to be at a rate consistent with my own point of view. I do not expect everyone to see things as I do. Some will, some wont, and some wont be any where near me I'm sure.

Bottom line though, while many complain now, I think in time this will become something only seen in forum record or archive about the game, as it will simply no longer be the case, or even a rudimentary concern. In a year, if we do catch up in that time frame, and we get events left and right just as DMM, all things are updated as far as mechanics, all the additions people want and desire have come out, I think the complaints will die quickly at least as far as these specific concerns. In a year, new players aren't going to care that a few events they missed anyways, were skipped. They are going to be looking as we do now, looking forward to that next event for the next useful unit, along with all the advise found here talking how the events should be done, and the best way to use the event unit once we have em.

Just my thoughts on it, take it as you wish.

Unless the Nutaku version events are at least somewhat easier than the DMM version events, we are getting screwed. We simply have fewer tools available at any given event than DMM players. Lower levels, too.

Considering all the low level variations for all events, that have not only been discussed but also videos posted, added with the ability to look every single one of them up, we have an advantage DMM did not have.
You want screwed? We could have completely changed events, all drops are different and completely unknown, that are on par or harder that the current level of DMM....now that's being screwed.
Simply put, several of you are focusing way too much on the negatives for Nutaku's version and aren't even considering the fact WE HAVE advantages that DMM never had, and never will have.
Am I wrong? Did you even consider how much advantage we do have? We have walk-through for events, complete guides for units we don't even have, and the ability to search multiple video sites for videos for every single map and event ever released.
That's one HELL of an uptic for a "strategy" game.

Another advantage believe it or not, we are skipping what some may call "fluff events". We're skipping the BS and getting down to it. If only certain Japanese shows were released with out all the filler. I for one would be happy about this.
Maybe it's just me and I'm barking up the wrong tree, but the sooner we get through all the known fluff, the sooner we all start actually getting challenged by this game, because it becomes what it should be when walking into an event, a complete unknown. Then the real discussions begin, then the real strategies get talked about, then people really try to find the "best" way or the "cheapest team" possible instead of 5 minutes on Google. Yea, probably just me, but that's what I'm waiting for.

we getting another week of rest though, kinda bored here=) only thing ledt to do is CC non important units and try for war of magic(which are far off for me, don't really want to try for now)
Even free players are already getting bored, and that's never a good thing for a game. IMO, the events need to be kicked into double time already.

Oh well enough rambling I guess, sorry for wall o' text.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Still by being "Oldest nutaku aigis players" we want to have something that new players cant get with money. Ideal units of all events. (i doubt that any of us, who already farming Immortal beast can be surprised by difficulty of events in any foreseen future) anyways. Since we literally hitting the wall already. Even i fully freemium player not sure in what direction i want to work right now - there just waiting for mondays to get some plat armors and level over 40-50 units. or feeding affection items to Cecily or Elaine - just for scenes
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Agreed on the events needing to come out faster, obviously not everyone is "cutting edge" and able to clear the event in a few days but part of games like this is picking and choosing your battles - I wouldn't mind if there was less time if the event release schedule was also faster.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Still by being "Oldest nutaku aigis players" we want to have something that new players cant get with money. Ideal units of all events. (i doubt that any of us, who already farming Immortal beast can be surprised by difficulty of events in any foreseen future) anyways. Since we literally hitting the wall already. Even i fully freemium player not sure in what direction i want to work right now - there just waiting for mondays to get some plat armors and level over 40-50 units. or feeding affection items to Cecily or Elaine - just for scenes

Here's the thing, if you expect to have units that no one but current players have, you're going to be disappointed. All the events will come around again, nothing is going to be "sacred" in our version. The only question is how long before revival events start making frequent appearances in our version.

Here's the thing about an event unit. If you miss it, you've missed it for awhile, that we all know. If you missed getting Dorian last event, guess what, you are not seeing Anya for probably a year maybe longer. You already have a unit that fits your criteria if you have Dorian. A unit new players can't get with money. You got Aria? Guess what, meets that criteria. People starting the game will always be behind those that started before them. This is an endless cycle that will repeat for as long as the game remains released outside of Japan.

I think it's actually a good thing that after enough time, they can actually get those units. The game has no competitive nature in it (no pvp, no competition for event resources), so what purpose does it serve to have units no one else can get? I don't get why some people have this desire. I have some great units, few will question that. I'm not upset or holding a grudge because you have Sybilla, and I assure you for what I spent for her ass, some might think I have reason to. I don't begrudge people getting Nanaly, in fact I'm glad when they do. I hope all players are able to eventually get all the units they want, and experience the interactions of the endless combinations of teams that are available when you have so many units. It's that element of strategy that should be shared, because it brings more discussion and options to the table, especially among the forum users here.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Putting my two cents in as someone who's spent a decent amount of money and gotten virtually most of the premium units (basically every gold unit except Stray, two-thirds of all the plat units, and every black unit).

I think we're at a good place right now. Events are fairly paced and reasonable length. Drop rate is hell, but not unmanageable. The one-week break is a slight downer, though I'm personally more focused on the downtime of events where we've already completed the main goals, but can't get the actual event units until the event ends.

Though I guess that's the trade-off with star events like this, being overall easier to complete the goals (as opposed to relying on RNGesus for events like Belinda's) in exchange for having to wait two weeks for the end of the event and farming whatever silvers there are in the meantime. I've ended up focusing on power-leveling during these times, which I guess brings me to my next point.

Most of us are probably at or past the Castle Retake/Dragon farming wall, if not having cleared Immortal Beast outright (War of Magic doesn't count, and nobody responded to my earlier question if three-starring it was even possible for us right now). Still, however repetitive or boring the grind gets, at least the long-term benefits are there, namely the max stamina increases. Even now, I'm juggling between farming Garados and trying to hit level 160 as soon as possible to maximize my recharges.

Overall, I think we're progressing at a slow but manageable pace, and there's no reason for me to think that we're being extremely gimped or any worse off than DMM at this early stage.

Right now, my actual concerns are with NutakuDevs being oddly quiet about their other plans this week. We haven't heard about their plans for other games or how Paypal is coming along lately, so there's that. I imagine there's just been some delays here and there that they just don't have a definitive answer for, but still.

And derp, forgot to address my first point. Since I'm clearly not freemium, me having access to a wide variety of units means I obviously have more to focus on leveling and farming affection items for. For freemium players, they'll probably get bored a lot faster even if they got lucky with the shrine with one or a few gold+ units they like, and farming the same maps just to do 2k rolls or whatever is even worse. I'm sure some people are at that point, and could probably use more events to keep them going, so I'd understand if they were not as content. But I also think that they also don't have to rush or feel left out either, so it's not really an issue for the game at this point. If we somehow ever hit a dry spell for months like what happened with LoV's initial release, then yeah, I'd understand the complaints, but for now, 1-2 weeks isn't gonna kill people.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Most of us are probably at or past the Castle Retake/Dragon farming wall, if not having cleared Immortal Beast outright (War of Magic doesn't count, and nobody responded to my earlier question if three-starring it was even possible for us right now)..
Sorry didn't answer earlier, forgot about the post since I read about it before I left work.

It's certainly possible, not likely but possible.
You'd have to have 3 fully CR'ed witches, with a likely hood that none are even black. The caveat of it, is that you'd still likely need the +UC boost even with that to 3 star, and have some luck with when you drop your units so that the wolves become the targets, as currently witches choose what ever is closest to them just prior to their attack animation.

Thing is, it's simply not worth trying for outside of bragging rights as you'd spend an untold amount of stamina to get that perfectly timed drops for all 3 witches. And for what? A ruby? Simply not worth it no matter how you look at it.

It's a blockade map (or "wall" map as DMM calls it). It's not meant to be 3 starred until you have such access to units and power that it simply something to do for those completion-ists.

But like I said, it probably is possible, but why torture yourself like that? Don't think anyone is that "bored" yet.

My drops for H runs for today (end):
1st> 3
2nd> 4
3rd> 3

318 crystals total now.

Starting to wonder what the average level of the forums users are now.
Might be a few that have passed me by now (currently level 167).
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sorry didn't answer earlier, forgot about the post since I read about it before I left work.

It's certainly possible, not likely but possible.
You'd have to have 3 fully CR'ed witches, with a likely hood that none are even black. The caveat of it, is that you'd still likely need the +UC boost even with that to 3 star, and have some luck with when you drop your units so that the wolves become the targets, as currently witches choose what ever is closest to them just prior to their attack animation.

Thing is, it's simply not worth trying for outside of bragging rights as you'd spend an untold amount of stamina to get that perfectly timed drops for all 3 witches. And for what? A ruby? Simply not worth it no matter how you look at it.

It's a blockade map (or "wall" map as DMM calls it). It's not meant to be 3 starred until you have such access to units and power that it simply something to do for those completion-ists.

But like I said, it probably is possible, but why torture yourself like that? Don't think anyone is that "bored" yet.

Starting to wonder what the average level of the forums users are now.
Might be a few that have passed me by now (currently level 167).

I have a bunch of Calliopes, one Cloris (of course), three Belindas, two Adeles, and two Desparas, but none of them are at ideal levels/affection and none of them are fully CR'd (or even CC'd in the case of Adele and Despara) either. I'm not keeping my fingers crossed with that team, since initial cost seems to be more of a problem than actually killing the wolves fast enough, but yeah, I'm not killing myself to try and three-star it until we get those witch buffs.

Also, level 156 atm. Again, hoping to hit 160 by the weekend and have enough stamina to farm a few more Garados (and probably feed them to Despara). At least I've knocked out all but one of the completion bonuses (just the first one with Bernard).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

but yeah, I'm not killing myself to try and three-star it until we get those witch buffs.

Don't think the witch buff will be all that helpful in your case.
The map is a blockade for two reasons, it requires specific stats for the witches (atk and range specifically) for the witches and to be CR'ed enough so that they can be placed in the time limit. The requirement as far as range, you'll need at least 2 that are CC'ed, or you wont have enough range to hit the wolves thus failing the map.

Personally I'd say have the 3 primaries CC'ed, but DMM shows it is possible with just 2 being CC'ed (after changes), unless the translation is squirrely with me.

While the -1 global CR becomes a -3 total cr, there's more to it then just this. If we also get the priority change which is not unit specific (not counting archers as they have always had priority for specific units) that will help as well. It will become easier, but it wont be a walk in the park even with those changes.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is there any video of AW Despara wrecking this map? The increased attack speed seems like it'd help a fair amount. That's probably even further off though, so it's just wishful thinking, I guess. But whatever helps.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So.. question

Are people buying the Experience buff? I was thinking of just constantly buying it back to back until level 200(Assuming I have the spare funds from selling all these damn cards... buying parts to repair my old tower with that money... but hey 6 USD a month wouldn't hurt). Currently 131.

EDIT: I mean I started day one like the rest of you guys... and I can understand Xovian being ahead because he specifically stated he was buying the buy and doing charisma refills when he felt like playing...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So.. question

Are people buying the Experience buff? I was thinking of just constantly buying it back to back until level 200(Assuming I have the spare funds from selling all these damn cards... buying parts to repair my old tower with that money... but hey 6 USD a month wouldn't hurt). Currently 131.

EDIT: I mean I started day one like the rest of you guys... and I can understand Xovian being ahead because he specifically stated he was buying the buy and doing charisma refills when he felt like playing...

I bought the exp boost at the very beginning never bought it again
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Never bought exp boost 1.
Reason is pretty simple lvl up refill charisma, and i dont even felt i need high lvl for max stamina as of yet (more max stamina = more stamina recovered when using SC)
And most of all unit exp more important than rank exp (not now though all my unit already max lvl i didn't even bother going to any map at all waiting till this echidna / anya)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Is it even worth it? I mean if you get new titles or stronger ones then I suppose it would be worth it but I also am only level 55 or so and seem to be doing just fine so not sure what giant effect leveling up would do other than the bonus Charisma,
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So.. question

Are people buying the Experience buff? I was thinking of just constantly buying it back to back until level 200(Assuming I have the spare funds from selling all these damn cards... buying parts to repair my old tower with that money... but hey 6 USD a month wouldn't hurt). Currently 131.

EDIT: I mean I started day one like the rest of you guys... and I can understand Xovian being ahead because he specifically stated he was buying the buy and doing charisma refills when he felt like playing...

I bought two or three exp boosts. It's good for powerleveling through the first 100 levels, but it really starts losing effectiveness around level 120-ish, I think. By that point, you still need to wait at least a day and a half or so before you have enough charisma to hit the next level, and it only gets higher from there (15-20k once you hit ~150).

If you're powerleveling in those 15 days, I suppose it wouldn't hurt much to just add it up, but I don't think you're saving much in the long run, and you may as well just save the crystals for charisma recharges instead.

On the other hand, gold boost is always good. Can't turn down 5400 gold per Dragon Hunting or 6750 per Immortal Beast/Monday hard daily.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So.. question

Are people buying the Experience buff? I was thinking of just constantly buying it back to back until level 200(Assuming I have the spare funds from selling all these damn cards... buying parts to repair my old tower with that money... but hey 6 USD a month wouldn't hurt). Currently 131.

EDIT: I mean I started day one like the rest of you guys... and I can understand Xovian being ahead because he specifically stated he was buying the buy and doing charisma refills when he felt like playing...

It does exactly what it says. You get 1.2 exp. I bought this buff once @lvl67, and it carried me almost non-stop to somewhere in 100's. Its usefulness is greatly reduced at our levels thou, unless combined with charisma refill. I think starting from somewhere around 110-130 you should only buy buff if willing to do refills on top of it.

And even then, it looks like a waste of crystals. It's not like we're in need of power levelling units or have little time between events.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So.. question

Are people buying the Experience buff? I was thinking of just constantly buying it back to back until level 200(Assuming I have the spare funds from selling all these damn cards... buying parts to repair my old tower with that money... but hey 6 USD a month wouldn't hurt). Currently 131.

EDIT: I mean I started day one like the rest of you guys... and I can understand Xovian being ahead because he specifically stated he was buying the buy and doing charisma refills when he felt like playing...

I spend in Experience Buff 3 times, lvl65 to 100 was greater, I could play only stoping 2~6h each day, Late I used again from 105 to 115 past half-month, was slow, but I could lvlup each weekend 2 lvls spending a SC to refill Char

I was doing math:
1 day = 480Char, only counting recover
Add xp ~ Cha because buff = 480*20% = 96 Char
15 days = 1440 Char add
Char by 3 SC refill = 350 * 3 = 1050 but I can have more unit farm and gold

But usually I loss Char because I am in my job and cant play
Sometimes loss Char because refill when I have many Char
And loss many char doing dailys