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[Nutaku] X-Overd

Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

i should be more useful in the future im getting shien and schwartz buffed up quickly now

on the gem weapons theres a blade katana and sword am i right to assume the blade is 2-handed katana is a sword and sword is 1-handed
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Hold left click on the weapon to make the status pop up to make sure you're buying the right weapon types. You sure don't want to buy the wrong weapon types right now that Aguni and Aranya are rare pokemons :D
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Hold left click on the weapon to make the status pop up to make sure you're buying the right weapon types. You sure don't want to buy the wrong weapon types right now that Aguni and Aranya are rare pokemons :D

I wouldn't worry too much about Aguni actually. I was looking at events on the wiki and it seems he'll be a common boss in them. Aranya on the other hand...
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

To be fair I can just leave the game open all day while I work and casually alt tab to spend my stam/keys.

These days I don't even check anything on my helpers; I just pick whoever is at the top of the list atm. Not doing anything that really requires strong helpers.

My top assister would be Rawr at 37/11, a couple of others really close. A bunch with really mediocre usage like 10 assists combined tops.

Starke you're at 11/10 for me.

Lol same I just click the first person usually. one time I hit someone using reg attack and still smashed 300K damage in a singe GK round
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Hold left click on the weapon to make the status pop up to make sure you're buying the right weapon types. You sure don't want to buy the wrong weapon types right now that Aguni and Aranya are rare pokemons :D

thanks i didnt know that left click was a thing
i figured its about 10 days for each weapon if i use a maple cookie every time and greenhouse has been generous with maple as of late though eggs are a thing that go away fast
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

The good new:
More than halfway done (12/23):
The bad new:
Now, only scrubs are remaining, and I need a lvl 50 carry :/
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

So if we follow close to the JP schedule when do we get our first event girl and who is it? I saw people talking (i think) about a swimsuit Ferris on the discord but I might be wrong on that lol.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

So if we follow close to the JP schedule when do we get our first event girl and who is it? I saw people talking (i think) about a swimsuit Ferris on the discord but I might be wrong on that lol.

This is the event listed after the egg event we're on right now. We're probably going to get some sort of Christmas event after instead though.

Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

SuperHippo Bear @ discord said it was going be an exclusive xmas event. How much of that is true remains to be seen.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Interested with helpers I checked them. Difference between you guys, Rawr and Ndsferrari is 1 xD
Too bad that I have some ppl who used my helper only 3-4 times at best :/

Edit: Rolled about ten times mancha 10x... Mikoto showed up up twice. SSR which I already got maxed and R... still so far to max him -_-
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Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

I see people talking about helpers. When or how often does the helper list refresh? Since I am still low level I level quickly still, thus refreshing my stamina and gate tokens which causes me to run out of friend list helpers. Also, when should I start using crystals on gacha?
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

I see people talking about helpers. When or how often does the helper list refresh? Since I am still low level I level quickly still, thus refreshing my stamina and gate tokens which causes me to run out of friend list helpers. Also, when should I start using crystals on gacha?

About every 3 hours.

As for crystal gacha, whenever you want honestly. Sometime before crystals expire though, which is 6 months after you get them.

If you have your R girls maxed from free gacha you get crystal refunds on gacha when you draw extra copies of them though.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

I see people talking about helpers. When or how often does the helper list refresh? Since I am still low level I level quickly still, thus refreshing my stamina and gate tokens which causes me to run out of friend list helpers. Also, when should I start using crystals on gacha?

I heard it is few hours or so. 2-3 maybe? But cant say anything for sure.

About prem gacha... well perfectly would be rolling it when you will get maxed R jobs for girls from free gacha. But that gonna take a time. Anyway you should at least try and max Nonno and Sephira, they are coming out from free gacha quite often. After that... maybe wait for the girl you want to be guaranteed SSR. Atm it is Lune.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Outside of No and Sep I haven't gotten any Rares from free gacha. I do have 4 girls UC maxed though. Who would be a good girl to aim for in premium gacha?
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Outside of No and Sep I haven't gotten any Rares from free gacha. I do have 4 girls UC maxed though. Who would be a good girl to aim for in premium gacha?

Ferris. She is capable of doing more dmg than the 99k cap as I heard. Besides her... well... If you don't have SR Frezia it would be her. She is very useful with her skill that heals allies MP.

Oh, almost forgot - also heard that Meifan is one of the best tanks and very needed unit (although I use Veronica instead of her, even having SSR, but that is just my stubborn preference).
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Hmm, I'm probably gonna try holding back my damage on most bosses. I already have 2 maxed Aguni weapons, so I'll try to give others a chance at getting them. :p

Not too worried about getting MVP on Queens anymore either since everyone on my team is already maxed out on all current jobs I have.

Not sure what I should spend these 2k Aguni shards on now though.

Aranya on the other hand I will mercilessly kill still. :p
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

I already use 4 unit team on Queens or team with Frezia who won't do much. Still dmg goes between 200-300k.

You're lucky with those Agunis. I have one maxed and only 2k souls. And waiting with Valentine for Schwartz or Sephira when I'll get higher forge. Still only 4k magic crystals so...

Oh, I mentioned forge... well... right now I'm broke again -_- Have to stop even doing any trade for now... At least I maxed airship at last.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

You're lucky with those Agunis. I have one maxed and only 2k souls. And waiting with Valentine for Schwartz or Sephira when I'll get higher forge. Still only 4k magic crystals so...

Or I'm just on more than you, or have more active friends. Mind you I'm not as nice as some people friends list wise. Normally kick people if they're even 2 days inactive.
Re: [Nutaku] X-Overd

Or I'm just on more than you, or have more active friends. Mind you I'm not as nice as some people friends list wise. Normally kick people if they're even 2 days inactive.

Same. 2-3 days and out. Well... I think I'm quite a lot, especially since I have to stay late whole last week, so I can burn stamina and all... however still I have a feeling that you are here online much longer xD All the time. Well you were quite ahead with Agunis from the start, and lately there's almost none of them so it is no wonder I'm far behind. Well... I was hoping I was getting not much less than you lately, but it seems that I did got much much less.

Anyway lucky you. Doesn't matter the reasons :p

On the side note: got my first SR bow from trial :D