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Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Can't post today. Drunk and no computer
Game Mechanics and Rules

Actions in combat

Move - 1 square free, then 1AP per 2 squares

Defence - 4AP, gain +3 to your dodge score for the turn. Does not stack with itself.

Focus - 4AP, gain +3 to your mental resistance. Does not stack with itself.

Full Defence - All AP, gain +5 to your dodge and mental resistance scores.

Aim - 2AP, gain +1 bonus on your next attack this turn. Does not stack with itself.

Natural Attack - 4AP, 2 damage, make an unarmed attack.

Initiate Grapple - 4AP. Make successful attack to grab target, then roll 1d20+body vs 10+enemy body to secure grapple.

Escape Grapple - 4+AP. Roll 1d20+body vs 10+enemy body, can spend extra AP over the 4 to gain a bonus to your escape roll equal to that amount.

On grapples: When grappled, one is unable to take any actions except to escape the grapple. The one who initiated the grapple is able to make unarmed attacks against their victim but cannot make weapon attacks. A grapple shares the same square on the map and don't extend any Zone of Control regardless of weapons equipped.


Ranged vs Hard Reach vs Soft Reach

Attacks with the Ranged or Reach special properties have a range that exceeds 1 square. This range can be drawn in any direction, including diagonals.

Attacks with the Soft Reach quality are able to hit all squares. Special attacks that have reach on weapons that do not have Hard Reach will always grant Soft Reach.

Attacks with the Hard Reach quality are also able to hit all squares, however hard reach typically covers a much smaller area. This is because those squares also count as being in the wielder's Zone of Control.

Attacks with the Ranged quality, however, cannot be used when an enemy's Zone of Control extends to your square. This is done by them either being adjacent, or wielding a weapon with Hard Reach that extends to your square.
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Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

I am making a minor change to the weapon "Claws".

Also, be advised that claws are not a natural weapon; we're looking at one of a number of variations of the following.


In addition, observe the following changes to the claw's weapon stats

old claws said:
Claws Cannot be wielded by Light
AP to use: 3
Damage: 3

new claws said:
Claws Cannot be wielded by Light
AP to use: 3
Damage: 3
Spec: On hit, applies a -1 penalty to opponents body based rolls for 1 turn
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

As the situation erupted, the flock of harpies launched into action. Several warriors grabbed weapons while the majority began to fetch water to attempt to douse the raging flames. Meanwhile, shooting ahead, Flow, followed shortly by Drago and Kriia make a beeline for the flames to take stock of the situation. As the fly towards it, they become aware that they were not the only nesting group to notice the situation, all around the area, Harpies were taking to the air and winging towards it, as though someone had kicked over an ants nest.

As they arrived, they were treated to just how horrific the sight awaiting them was. The entire area was engulfed in flames, this was no cooking fire accident, the very rock itself burned violently in a way that made it clear there was nothing accidental about this flame unless someone had knocked over a large drum of fire accelerant. Not far from the heat, a small group, all too small, of their burned and injured kin huddled. Judging by the intensity of the flames, if anyone were still trapped in the blaze, they wouldn't live long and the flames were far too fierce to make a rescue mission anything less than suicidal.

As the group reconnoiter the skies, they spot a small group of harpies in the distance, who appear to be heading away from the canyon, although at this distance it was impossible to identify who or why.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Kriia frowned hard, not liking what she saw at all. She may not spend her time with these people much, but that didn't mean she didn't feel for a horrific incident like this. The strange nature of the blaze quickly started to brew suspicions and gradually bubbling fury within her. Beating her wings and soaring sharply upwards to gain a better view, she soon spots the naturally suspicious group in the distance. Checking her bow was still firmly in place, she readies to make chase.

"Drago, you see them!?" She calls down to her darker brother-in-law hovering around near fire, pointing in the direction of the strange band of harpies. Without waiting for anyone else she immediately begins a heated pursuit.
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Figured that was what you meant when you said it the first time, but I also figured, what better weapon for a cat, no? Seems to make sense, as far as the changes go, not that I've used mine yet.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair continued to clutch at the stone around his neck, thumb worrying the backside of it in a circle as he considered the elder's words. Something seemed strange about the man's tale. Of the history he knew of the siren's, they were never ones to resort to violence to solve a problem. Perhaps, if this were true, then that was a good indication that something were corrupting the school, making them change from their old ways. That they would go against decades of tradition didn't seem right. Even if the siren's themselves weren't wholly behind the misery in the village, perhaps it was a step in the right direction to finding early signs of the approaching darkness.

"Then it seems like having a word with this witch of yours might be the best place to start." Given the tilt of the young neko's smile, perhaps he expected trouble from the beginning of such a venture. "If she is their catalyst, letting the problem continue would be detrimental, would it not?"

His ears prick forward slightly, the tips of his tails lashing a little more than the rest. Clearly all he was waiting on was a sign from the elder that this conversation was over.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

((Sirens have a slightly longer lifespan than elves, but only by about 20-30 years

Also, it's not a bullet, it's a shot, so a small metal ball, and it crashed through the window, bounced against the opposite wall in the hallway the window looked in on and is now rolling on the floor.))

The elder looked clearly worried about this. "At least let me send along a few men from the village miltia, confronting the witch is dangerous business and while I don't doubt your abilities, if something were to happen to you..." he trailed off.

He cleared his throat, "I won't have any more people dying under my care and it's simply too risky for you to go alone. Please, accept at least one of my men, although I'd prefer you took two for good measure. Just as a safety precaution." He rubbed his forehead a little, before lokoing back up at the youth, awaiting an answer.
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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The politics of hospitality, that he understood. While he didn't feel he needed the assistance, it would keep him in good graces with the elder and give the man peace of mind. Not to mention the local men of the village likely knew where to find the witch and a guide would get him there faster than traveling on his own. Spreading his hands in a gesture of acceptance, he gave a slight bow as well. "The assistance would be welcome. Perhaps I might see to lodging during my stay while you summon them?" Personally, he'd prefer being told they would be ready to head out now, but if he were to wait for the men to be summoned, he might as well do something productive in the meantime.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

The elf raised an eyebrow, not bothering to hide her humored amusement. "You speak... like someone important. Yet you dress plainly. Hmmm..." Her mouth lingered open for a second, wanting to say more, but there were a few possibilities as to who this stranger was, and Celine didn't just commit like that. "Please sit, I'm sure there's a reason you came to see me, yes?" Of course the other had, but with a devious smirk the elf showed that she was not impressed by this woman. She leaned forward and awaited her response, probably a non-verbal one, and probably waiting for her to repeat the question to answer. A test of wills was in order.
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Alariël looked at the patch of forest the group was in. She then looked at the tree, darkened by evil forces, the remains of the travelers on the trees. She looked at the scene in horror for a last time, she thought, "what kind of creature could do this." Alariël then vowed to herself, that she would do every in her power to never let this happen.

Now looking away from the tree. Alariël noticed the dark haired nymph limping away, towards the now dark forest. She then noticed the one dryad on the seen follow her, she said something to her. The other nymph then walked past Alariël towards the dryad uttering a soft "wait." Alariël decided it would be safest to stay in a group, and followed the other travelers.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Flow's eyes narrowed as she watched the group fleeing. She could catch them possibly, but it meant abandoning the group that was caught here... and whatever they had done was fairly bad... if this was magic, it would trump the little wand she carried, while if it was by weapons, she clearly wasn't a match for a group, even if this was nothing more than a surprise attack. She could only hope the ones 'fleeing' were actually chasing the real culprits.

Drawing her wand quickly, she dove towards the huddled mass first casting a support spell, "Winds guide my wings..." she whispered (Air Support, +3 dodge), folding her wings back as she hurled several water bolts around the group... it wasn't as good as actually dousing the area with water, but it would help cool the raging flames near the huddled group, hopefully enough that they could escape, while starting to fight the flames.

(Air Support to dodge vs. flames while closing in to give aid, Water Bolt vs. Fires.)
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

The youth let out a soft 'Mmm..' as Meaghan licked her way up his chest and began to kiss at his neck. His own hands mirrored hers; as she slid down his back, he slid down her sides, his fingers toying and teasing with the waist of her breeches as she slid into the back of his pants and began to caress his tight behind. He continued to grind his hips against her, a bulge now clear and pronounced within them as his breaths became shallower, needier.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren continued his habit of being antisocial for the most part. He often spent his time just close enough to the others to listen to the conversation, but not enough that Satuma would turn herself loose on him again. As time passed he began to realize she was a lot smarter than he'd thought, but he was still wary of her flirting and could never find the gumption to engage her in conversation. He, like the professor, spent most of his time focused on the task before them, though most of his mind was centered around his journal. He'd already filled half of the thick book and continued to write more and draw every day. Most of his drawings were centered around his companions, and facial expressions.

He was just putting the finishing touches on one of Satuma's "I will do my duty" expression when he heard the howl and Nath's warning. He nodded and tried to put his journal away, unfortunately he dropped it and it sprawled open on his latest drawing.

(Should have mentioned this before, but his art is really good. Not perfect, but close)
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma turned at the sudden sound, pointing her hand cannon towards the fallen book. She didn't bring her finger to the trigger though, merely peering beyond her scope with sharp eyes at a rather well-done sketch of a very familiar face. It was the face she looked at in the mirror every morning, the one whose hair constantly tangled unless she spent half an hour with a comb in the morning. He had caught her in a momentary expression - one that would have taken a very good eye and eidetic memory to hold onto long enough to sketch it.

She looked at Soren. She didn't understand him. Why was he drawing her? The guy couldn't bear to make eye contact with her, and she had only tried to be friendly with him that one time. She sighed. It was flatteringly good, and Lamias were not reknown for their artists. Something about a predominantly systems oriented mindset in their race.

She let Soren scramble to put away his journal and shifted her gaze back to being on the lookout for rock wolves. She didn't know what if anything should be said about this.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

He knew she saw it, and he could tell by the look on her face that she didn't know what to make of his sketch or him in general. After he'd put the book away he gathered his nerves and his balls, to put it bluntly, and slithered up next to her. "It's not just you." he said in a voice barely above a whisper, "I've been sketching the expedition. The people, the sights." He gave a little half smile, "My one real pleasure besides learning. I also wanted to apologise. For my rudeness this entire trip and thank you for coming with us." Then he ducked his head and mumbled, "Just please don't tease me again."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Teasing you?" Satuma thought back to her encounter with the nervous male days ago. It had been harmless flirting, and he'd started it as she recalled. She sighed. "I never meant to make you uncomfortable, Soren. It's just my way of being friendly. It's what girls tend to do when a bloke calls them 'beautiful.'" She smirked and then looked about, still trying to be on her guard.

"You've got a gift for art, Soren. I'm flattered to be drawn so nicely, really. Perhaps by way of apology for your earlier rudeness, you can show me more of your art, once we're out of our present danger, okay?" She smiled, happy at least that the boy was coming out of his shell.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

He nodded. "That wasn't what I'd meant to say. But you were unfamiliar and I froze. I'm not... used to dealing with people. I tend to say anything and everything on my mind, if I even speak at all." His eyes lit up at the mention of showing her more of his artwork. "You mean that? You really want to look at them?" It seems she'd hit upon something that could actually get him to socialize. "I would be more than happy to show them to you, after the present of course. But I'm distracting you. My apologies again." He bowed his head and waited for her response before falling back a little again.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Oh, you hadn't meant to call me beautiful?" Satuma faked a pout, bringing her lower lip forward and curving it outwards. Quickly she smiled again, showing teeth, and said, "Just kidding... if you just blurted out what you were thinking, it's even more of a compliment. And yes, yes, I do want to see your art. Won't take no for an answer now... So just keep yourself safe and moving, and when we make camp tonight, we'll go over what you've done. Maybe I'll even pose for you, if you pay me a few more honest compliments."

She swayed her curvaceous hips as he fell slowly behind, masking the movement by appearing to concentrate very hard on the rocky escarpments where rock wolves might be hiding. Inwardly, she smiled, thinking that she might be obliged to give Soren further lessons in appropriate social behavior.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti shook his head firmly as she finished, flowers woven in with his hair swaying. He wiped off the slate with his sleeve, and in short order held it up again:

They already tried to shoot me, what if they
shot at you when you went into town? And
even then they might not believe you.

After she'd read it, Keti cleared it off and started writing again. This time, however, he flipped it onto the table, instead of holding it in his lap like he'd been doing before. Nae was able to see over his shoulder...

It'll be better if we just ignore it. We'll just pret-
end it didn't happen it, to keep the peace. We've
been doing the same with ev

He paused for a moment, staring at the slate, before picking it up and holding it like he'd been doing before, only the back of the tablet visible. He rubbed the slate with his sleeve again, and she heard the chalk going "clack clack" again. A moment later, he showed it to her again.

______Let's just finish our meal.
I'm going to go clean up, please go ahead.