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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma smiled as the water magic flowed over her arm, soothing the pain down to a dull ache and helping to knit the wound closed.

"Thanks, that feels much better," Satuma said. She looked around at the rest of the group. They all seemed to be okay and the pack lizards were calming down. Soon they were underway again.

"So... was that your first battle?" She asked Azalia once they had time to get themselves settled and moving again.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Battle Map:
Kriia: HP 24/24
Turn Order
32 Kriia
23 Enemy Harpies
20 Flowers (1 turn away)
17 Drago (3 turns away)


Kriia wings to the north, firing her bow off at the hostile archer as she does, but her shot being evaded by the enemy as they close on her slightly and return fire, a pair of bow-shots, one after the other, which both sail past her as she dodges to one side.

The spear wielding harpy is hot on her tail and swoops in to pass her as she dodges, moving to try and head her off and herd her back towards the archer and her rapidly approaching allies, rather than be caught in a flank.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Yes." Azalia nodded, frowning. "I can't say I liked it... It went so fast. And it was brutal, too." The mage shifted slightly, settling into a more comfortable position. "I've read some books, but it was nothing like the descriptions." The girl let out a sigh. It seemed that the only way to learn abuot fighting was to get into combat personally. Well, at least this time everybody was still in shape.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Kriia grimaces as another pair of arrows sailed past her. As much as she wanted to do something about the spearman hounding her, the arrows were proving the greater threat still. Though she was happy to see that her backup was almost upon the scene. These brown feathered foes would surely be getting quite uneasy by now. Continuing to arc round as the melee fighter attempted to block her off, which suited her fine really, firing as she went.

[3AP Attack]
[3AP Move] 7 squares to grid E1
[3AP Attack]

Yah, the attacks could be together, but it's more fun to imagine it this way.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti couldn't help but stare at the man's lie. Will o' wisps? Evil curses? Witch? He'd lived side by side with them for longer than he could recall, and all of a sudden he was the sort of evil woman you heard about in stories, luring children into cauldrons and melting in the rain?

It took him a few moments to shake it off and compose a reply.

For one, have I EVER uttered anything in the
decades I've lived here?
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae listened along as well, trying to come up with some way to reply that wouldn't just sound like a flat out denial. At least the leader seemed to have not just entirely dismissed their accusation, maybe they could still reason with them and get this mess sorted out. She folded her arms and huffed a little at the accusation, to think she or Keti would involve themselves in something as disgusting as curses.

"I'm sure if that were the case you'd be the ones approaching us and not the other way around." She states, hoping that'd make some sense. "We were in the back eating when Keti went to get some fresh fruit. Then we heard the window break and I jumped in to look. I would have noticed if anything else was going on."
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair observed the accusations that were being passed back and forth between the sirens and the elves. Listening to things on his side, he cocked his head to the side, ear twitching slightly. If the man were telling the truth and he feared retribution from the sirens, he wondered why he'd allowed them to approach at all. Perhaps he anticipated this reaction and felt safe among his fellows. If he were lying, again, why risk allowing them to approach and expose him? Unless...

The siren had written that there were two men sh--he had seen running away. He had no doubt that the other would collaborate the first's story and calling out the second man might make things worse. Still, there was more here than what seemed to be on the surface.

Stepping around so that he could see the militia leader, he cleared his throat to get the man's attention. He caught sight of the mute Siren scratching something onto the slate he held but couldn't see it, having to wait on the other to read it to them. She, on the other hand, seemed more than vocal about it. More outraged than angry, which was likely a good thing.

"Do your men pair up on watch?" He arched his brows at the question, tails twitching lazily. Obviously there was more to this, but he was waiting on that answer first.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

The leader of the militia actually turns to look at who asked the question and then a look of recognition passes over his face and he nods. "Of course, so where were you when this was happening, McLean?" the leader asked, and a blonde haired elf, holding a sword, stepped forwards. "Sorry sir, Ms. Latrobe was having trouble shifting some crates and I regret I left my post to assist her," he reported in a very formal tone. Atair assumed he was hiding behind this formality to deal with his embarrassment for not being there when this incident occured.

The sirens could tell without question that the man who ahd spoken up as being the assigned partner for the man with the handcannon was most certainly not the second man they had seen. "That'll do McLean, you were just trying to help, it's what we're here for," the leader said, causing him to exhale a breath of relief and step back into the mob. "You're sure you were alone, Norris?"

"Y-yes sir... " he says, and seems to pause to consider it, before nodding. "Yes, I was alone," he repeats, sounding more sure of himself. The leader of the militia looks back over to the sirens, "I'm afraid it doesn't sound too good for you lot, given recent events. One of the men is alone on watch, finds himself captivated and lured up to your lair, a speciality of yours, is it not? There he fights to defend himself and flees the moment he can and here you two are, hot on his heels. Given the drownings and seabeast attacks we've had in the last few months, it sounsd perfectly plausible to me."

'Hot on his heels' didn't seem to ring true to the sirens... they had talked over and considered pursuit for several minutes before they left... but the way this man had told the story, he had only just gotten back to town...
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"If we were 'hot on the heels' of your watchman, would we have time to collect up the broken glass from the window?" Nae interjects with a frown, having to sigh a little as she drops her arms to the side. She cast her eyes over the nekomata who spoke up, noting him but not dallying on him. She wasn't sure what he was after, and she didn't need to ignore the matter at hand.

"I'm not here to discuss the issues between our peoples, that's not my place. I wish things could go back to how they were, but that doesn't excuse an attack on someone who has nothing to do with it." It's taking a great deal of effort to keep her temper under control despite the situation. She hated all of this and just wished it'd go back to how it was.

"What exactly would we have to gain from charming one of you?" She asks, tilting her head a little as she considers it herself. "I mean even assuming we knew your watchman was by himself, it'd not take long for someone to realise he'd be gone would it?" She was at a loss to see what kind of plan they could have come up with to... well whatever they were planning on. There wasn't enough water up there to drown anyone after all.

"Are things really so bad between us now? I can understand distrust but..." She cast her eyes around the gathered men, all of whom seemed quick enough to jump to arms. It was one thing to know that things were bad, but seeing it for herself really hit home just how strained their relations had become.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

When Meaghan returned downstairs, the woman she had seen earlier has gone, perhaps to her disappointment. Regardless, the barkeep accepted her money and she was free to go on her way. The Twisted Vine had somewhat of a reputation although not necessarily a bad one; it was said that one could find anything they wanted there which certainly made it appealing to many vampyres, but at the same time it could often be a dangerous place for it as many patrons tended to let their blood run hot.

After her winding gait to the establishment, she stepped inside to beholden more or less what she had expected. The place was divided into various sections, each of which seemed to cater to a different past-time. Near the entrance, an area of high tables near the bar, designed to be stood at where one could drink in as much peace as one gets here, as well as talk business or exchange goods. Many substances that aren't permitted in more 'civilised' lands could be found here, as well as rare and exotic delicacies from abroad. A around a dozen or so of her kind, in small groups, stood around chatting and drinking, a few openly displaying goods in small cases to their apparent clientèle.

Beyond that, deep into the building were a series of lower to the ground tables, surrounded by comfortable flat chairs and coaches, including one long one running down the left wall for a ways. Here, a few couples and one or two small groups were engaged in carnal delights, ranging from ignoring the rest of the room to openly performing for them; one of the groups seem to be actively recruiting, for lack of a better term, although their attention was understandably mostly focused on the other couples.

The final area, a hard left from the entrance, was devoid of tables or chairs completely, but did still contain a small number of vampyres, often stripped t the waist or wearing little more than their carnal counterparts. But here, they fought, unarmed, delivering often brutal blows to one another as they gave themselves over to a different kind of lust. This area was heavily policed by the Twisted Vine, who ensured the "no weapons" rule was strictly enforced and tried to contain the fighting to within the designated area, although from time to time things did naturally get out of hand.

No one seemed to pay any mind when Meaghan made her entrance, the majority of people entirely wrapped up in their chosen passions or poisons.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Battle Map:
Kriia: HP 21/24
Turn Order
32 Kriia
23 Enemy Harpies
20 Flowers
17 Drago (2 turns away)


((Be careful about firing ranged weapons when you're in someone's melee range in the future :p I let you get away with it because you can easily fire at any point of the move and there's no terrain to box you in.))

Moving back away from the spear wielding harpy that continued to chase her, Kriia opened fire on the other archer once more, loosing two shots, one of which managed to strike true, further injuring the hostile. However, the enemy archer once again returns fire and this time one of her shots lands its mark, injuring the hunter.

The male harpy wielding the spear continues his pursuit, driving Kriia back towards her allied even as the first of them, Flowers, makes it into combat range of the group and is now able to lend her assistance; Drago being still a short distance behind her.
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Oh, derp, that reminds me, I owe some people exp.

Crossgrave, gain 9 exp
Blueslime, gain 10 exp
Chibi, gain 9 exp

Have also edited into thread
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti shut his eyes and pursed his lips in frustration, breathing in deeply once, then twice, trying not to let his anger show. Of course it "looked bad for us", his inner monologue screamed, as he strangled the list of obscenities that wished to follow - they'd not help him stay calm at all. "You're on HIS side! This whole thing is a farce."

He nudged Nae, tracing the thing he'd written before. He then brushed a hand from the base of his throat out, past his mouth, and then pointed at the mob. He hoped she was familiar enough with his gestures by now to understand he was asking her to vocalize for him.

Either way, afterwards, he pointed in the direction of the blonde elf that had spoken up against them. Keti ran his fingers through his hair - dislodging a vibrant purple azalea in the process - and then shook his head. He then cleared the slate with a sleeve, and in but a few seconds held it up in the speaker's direction, "DARK HAIR" written as big as Keti could fit onto his writing board, each line of each letter gone over several times to make them as thick, bold, and most importantly visible as Keti could make them.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren held back from the girls a little, listening to them talk, and realizing he was going to have a lot more to write in his journal tonight. He chuckled at Azalia's description of the battle. It had been too short for her and too long for him. He would be happy if he never got into another life or death situation like that. "Do you think those wolves will follow us all the way to the site?" He raised his voice just loud enough so the girls could hear him.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Slowing to a hovering pace, Flow slid her claw up to her belt and snatched her ornate wand from her belt, small runes carved into a sturdy wood that made it a durable, and efficient magical focus point, as she swirled round in midair and guarded herself with air magics before slowly coming into range of her foes, a quick glance at the battlefield told her most of what she needed. If more foes joined the fray, they would not be in a good condition to battle. The two here would need to be put down as quickly as possible without her own side taking any injuries. Flying slowly closer to her ally, she let loose another bout of her support magic, focusing on keeping herself and her allies safe before her focus would turn back to combat.

(Support - Air, Self. Support - Air, Kriia)
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan closed her eyes for a moment and tilted her head back as she stood just within the doorway. The smells of cheap and expensive perfumes mingled with the sticky and more enticing scent of sweat and sex. Stale booze lingered at the edge of the kaleidoscope of smell, mostly overpowered by the hazy smoke of both sweet and strong narcotics, while the food was almost entirely overridden save the most decadent of dishes. Of course, beneath it all, was the alluring presence of blood. The combined aromas made Meaghan lick her lips, causing them to glisten softly in the dull light of this pleasure den.

Opening her eyes to take in the delights visually, she began to move through the crowd. Her eyes wandered to the various displays of passion, and she was tempted to join in either the fights or the small orgy that had just gotten another man to join in, his clothes ripped and forgotten on the floor.

Moving to the bar she asked for Drathlan Absinthe. It was not as favoured as the pure Lavore Absinthe brewed for the upper class, but unlike the Lavore brand it was not socially frowned upon to drink in an improper manner. Meaghan just found the process of drinking Lavore too tedious, and always wished to feel the caressing burn of liquor untouched with sugar that may dilute the effects of the narcotic blended into the alchohol.

As she ordered, sliding the required coins across the table, she leaned forward. "I'm looking for Etiel," she said, having to speak loudly to be heard above the wonderfully chaotic din of moans, shouts and general cries of passion.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

(Herp, internet died the first time I tried to post this last night)

The elf went through the motions of the celebrations. At least the food and drink was good. The ceremonial stuff continued to draw on and bore her though. However, Celine wasn't one to be overtly rude, and thus she came to see the ice sculpture, albeit hanging out around the back of the crowd to let the more excited persons be closer.

She'd been about to move along when Auricael put on her little display. Contrary to the last instance of something out of the ordinary, Celine felt a dangerous chill run down her spine. This could not end well. She wanted to leave before the bad stuff started to go down, but seeing as the villagers were transfixed, heading off alone would be suspicious. Fortunately, she was in a position to run first, should the need arise, and that was good enough for now. Also, the hood figured being boldly confrontational was a matter of some interest, even if the atmosphere did not bode well for the outcome. For now, Celine would stand back and watch...
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Even if the other siren wasn't reading the board again, Atair could tell the mute one had something to say. And gesturing, especially at the elves, might aggitate them. Moving a little closer, though still keeping close to the militia, he squinted at the board the male held out. They'd clearly identified the one that shot at them, but the female had mentioned two of the elves running away.

Dark hair. Clearly that was likely all that they'd seen if the elves had been running away. And there were a lot that fit that description, unfortunately.

"You said you saw a second with him. Did you see more than that?" He put his attention on the merfolk. "That description fingers a lot of men here." He actually chuckles, twirling a few strands of his own hair through his fingers. "Including me."
Re: Rise of the Accursed OOC thread(interest check)

Fair warning: starting from tomorrow, I am not going to be online for the rest of the week. I might appear on sunday, but it's not certain. Visiting family.