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After playing through the demo, have an honest review for you:

The game's visuals and overall feel is great. It's obvious that a lot of time and thought went into this creation and it really shows. Everything from the CG to the detailed sprites show quality and attention to detail, and is deserving of genuine notice and complement. You've worked hard on your story to present more than just a basic game to jump into and do stuff with, and as a result it has a more foreboding and dangerous feel, which is rare and welcome.

That said, having roughly an hour long unskipable intro scenario is HORRIBLY off-putting and sours the experience right off the bat. I found myself ignoring the text after a while and just holding X. I know that you're going for story driven, but you're packing way too much story into one box. Also, the entire Iron Will battle mechanic is mind-numbing. Having to cast a buff every 3 turns just to be able to play your game is not gameplay, and al that it manages to do is make battles a slog. I understand that you're trying to have a unique mechanic that lets players see what they're playing the game for, but this is not how you manage it.

A lot of potential, but current design choices hold it back way too much to be worth supporting financially in my opinion.
In the new version I'll upload soon:
-You can skip the intro;
-I deleted a lot of story, but I need this since the world and mythos I created is huge. The begging of a generation will always be a bit heavy story-wise
-Iron Will was raised from 3 to 5 turns.

Thank you for your review, I will do my best to improve.
So im still in the intro part, and HOLY FUCK, what were you actually thinking? And not being able to save when you want to is just the icing on the cake. But a few pointers to keep in mind:
-Its good to have a deep story and characters to EXPLORER. But per definition, your players do not care about the story. They can later, and they should be able to explorer if/when they want to, but dont jam it down their throats like this.
-Theres never a good excuse for not letting the player save when they want to. NEVER.
-Hope the H is good, because so far from the intro alone, its awful.

Gonna have to take a break the next time the game lets me save, so i can go and do other things. Gonna come back with more ONCE I actually jog through this mess and get to the game part.

Finally got through the demo. While your artstyle is quite nice and the succubi are all lovely designed, even the sex scenes/death scenes become a drag to get through. Given they essentially only consists of a few flashes of light, and nothing really all that much changes during, except repeated frames of sperm and energy draining noises, is there a reason to have them be this long? Youre gonna make me game over anyway, back at the last checkpoint, after reloading my save. Having thoose scenes drag out are just rubbing salt in an already pretty nasty wound...
Thank you, I shall take your opinion into consideration.
Iron Will is fine as it is tbh. At least from the 2 different enemies I've fought, you just use it every 3 turns and autowin since they succubi do little to no damage while it's up. I don't know if it was just my rng, but the succubi only used 1 attack the entire time making the combat essentially completely pointless and a waste of time.
In the new version I'll upload soon:
-You can skip the intro;
-I deleted a lot of story, but I need this since the world and mythos I created is huge. The begging of a generation will always be a bit heavy story-wise
-Iron Will was raised from 3 to 5 turns.

Thank you for your review, I will do my best to improve.

I suggest you delete the space intro. It should be used as a twist or something. Right now it's irrelevant.
I suggest you delete the space intro. It should be used as a twist or something. Right now it's irrelevant.
On the contrary, it's extremely relevant since I have high ambition from this series and I want to present to all my intentions of starting in the past and with each generation come more and more close to the present and then the future.
Loved the Demo for the most part! The succubi are very well done and definitely give an element of danger that is truly alluring . Because succubi SHOULD be sexy as well dangerously gorgeous in appearance. cause after all ...they want to steal your very essence and drain you dry. it's refreshing to see believable females that give the right amount of tension and excitement in such a story driven narrative. in many ways they are better, more appealing succubi than the majority of games that inhabit the monstergirl/femdom genre. That's great news you're adding a "skip" feature for the prologue cause it was quite long and just made me anxious to get through all of it. i would LOVE to see an AUTO text button for the loss scenes, unless i was missing it lol. for your story i thought it was well thought out and creatively vast! however Doing flashbacks in the story line as you progress to maybe show how they trained as kids etc is a better way i feel to introduce those story elements instead of doing it all at once. Iron will is a great concept for battles to either make them easier to win, or an easy way to lose if the player choses to do so. with that in mind, maybe make the fights more difficult to further add to the dangerous aspect of their power, since we'll have 5 turns before it wears off . for the loss scenes i think they were quite good but maybe add images of them being more messy as time passes. I.E being covered from head to toe. slide in the concept they can absorb fluids through the pores of their skin as well to justify that idea perhaps . Either way, consider me a genuine fan. you have my vote friend :D
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I'm not sure how difficult it'd be to code it, but what about seduction techniques where the player would either need to do a quicktime event or use a specific skill in the next turn to avoid giving into temptation? Kind of like Shrifts grab mechanics, but more specific. It would spice up the battles at least/
I'm not sure how difficult it'd be to code it, but what about seduction techniques where the player would either need to do a quicktime event or use a specific skill in the next turn to avoid giving into temptation? Kind of like Shrifts grab mechanics, but more specific. It would spice up the battles at least/
+1 for this.
Honestly the thing I disliked the most was how boring and non-stimulating the actual battles were.
Great story or you will be a great virgin reaching the end and defeating your enemies or you will die.
There is also no way to rape them zeroing their succubus abilities using special magic or artifact, or kill them and have some fun with their corpses since after their death it is absolutely safe, and considering that they wanted fuck you to death it is absolutely fair.
However, the gameplay and visual style of the game is pretty good.
A lot of games with deep lore often choose to write a lot of them into books, which are simply kept in bookshelves with a sparkle so you know you can read it. Shoving anything into the side like this would help a lot with getting to the gameplay and being allowed to read whatever part of the lore (as well as go back and re-read it) in whatever way you want. Then you can scatter the books around, make some of them (slightly) hidden, etc. This would make lore more exciting for these kinds of games.
Are there any plans for them to have breast expansion while still in battle?
New version is up on Patreon:

Dunno what's new, though. Have not yet played it yet.

Thanks, did not noticed that Patreon gave me the wrong link.
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New version is up on Patreon:

Dunno what's new, though. Have not yet played it yet.
your link is to the checkout page my guy. try this:

The game is WAYYY too hard. Why would demons this powerful bother with seduction? These demons are strong enough to chop off your limbs and then milk their prey while they are helpless. Seduction is for weaker enemies to tempt stronger heroes into making bad choices. It doesn't come off as 'these demons are so mysterious and beautiful that scores of warriors die making foolish decisions' At this point, if you turned all the demons into orcs and energy drain with the orcs eating the people not much would change. The enemies hit you for 30% health, you heal with an item that heals 30%, you also have to keep a buff up or you lose. These demons are too strong.
The game is WAYYY too hard. Why would demons this powerful bother with seduction? These demons are strong enough to chop off your limbs and then milk their prey while they are helpless. Seduction is for weaker enemies to tempt stronger heroes into making bad choices. It doesn't come off as 'these demons are so mysterious and beautiful that scores of warriors die making foolish decisions' At this point, if you turned all the demons into orcs and energy drain with the orcs eating the people not much would change. The enemies hit you for 30% health, you heal with an item that heals 30%, you also have to keep a buff up or you lose. These demons are too strong.
You can turn the buff on before engaging a fight. I do think the gameplay is lacking though. It's pretty clear the gameplay is an afterthought and this is more about the creator's story and ideas.
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No anal energy drain? The MC needs some hardcore femdom in his life lol

I played the demo yesterday and here are my thoughts in simple points:

1- The prologue is way too long and not engaging. I get it. You want me to know the characters before going on my succubus quest. But don't you think it would have been better to introduce everyone via little flashbacks? Or just cut it short maybe? I do appreciate you giving us save files but games should be fun. I'm not a dev so I dunno how we can make it more fun. Just simple thoughts. My ideal one would be if you look at games like Lust Grimm where the into only takes you 3 min max. Then it's getting fucked by succubus the entire game. Fun for the whole family!

The very first scene in space would have been better as a twist later on instead of right now where it smells like the ANIMA from Assassin's Creed lol.

2- The bunny childhood friend is too hot.

3- No EXP when beating Succubus? I know for sure I gained a lvl but there was no feedback. No visual indicator or anything.

4- The bunny childhood friend is too hot.

5- The guard ability that resists temptation is way too strong right now. I can enable it before battle, during a temptation and with little to no MP cost? Most broken ability I have ever seen. There should be limits/punishment for it.

6- The bunny childhood friend is too hot.

7- The two succubus we fight only got one move that you can resist with a simple ability. Games like Lust Grimm are more engaging in battle as succubus can inflict multiple types of status effects. From simple poisoning to breast addiction which makes the game more fun. Should I risk a breast addiction knowing she will use this attack? Hell yes give me more challenges into my femdom corrupt mind! They also use different types of restraints and you gotta struggle or stay put for some sec if you want. They got more CGs depending on the the type of restraint.

Having one CG tied to a gameover which BTW takes ages to skip text because every sec it stops and flashes my eyes with white screen cum is annoying.

I'm sorry for being harsh and comparing your game to Lust Grimm like your game is worse or anything. It's not. Trust me I loved the story or what we have in your game currently and the world you built and it's such a good start. What you need right now is to make the battles more engaging.

For example, again like Lust Grimm, introduce more restraints types to the succubus. Introduce little CGs like she is holding your penis or something during battle. Introduce more punishment for losing a fight rather than LOL GAMEOVER START AGAIN BOY.

If you lose to a succubi in Lust Grimm, you get sent to your bed right from the start of the game, you face the succubi again and she will have more control and power over you unless you use an item and clear out the memory of her doing so. A gameover/ending scene where you get sent to the menu to me just takes me out of the game. Just send me back before the fight or give me little warning like if you lose the third time she will kill you or use a game over for certain succubi like Monster Girl Paradox (get completely devoured).

tl;dr I want the game to punish my ass with gameplay points and less watching a 10min CG of flashing screen on auto pilot.

I compared your game to Lust Grimm because it's the closest to yours and so far I like your would and art better. Wish the gameplay is similar.

8- The bunny childhood friend is too hot.

9- Money to learn abilities? Kinda weird. Rather lvl up, get some points and decide which path should I take. Lightning or Ice path etc.

10- The bunny childhood friend is too hot.

I will stay a patreon because the potential is huge here.

Good first efforts now the real test begins.
Could you provide the link to the game?