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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Yeah I should probably think of a way for her to accidentally lash out with dementation as a last resort at some point. Even if she doesn't do it often it would be nice for her to know she can do it.
Re: OOC thread

yup. well, the current stuff she's got is easy. make contact, have the effect. should even be kinda noticeable. XD
Re: OOC thread

Yeah it should be fairly easy and noticeable, seeing as you basically send their emotions into overdrive. The question is how to get her to actually lash out, perhaps putting someone else in obvious danger. Muahahahha.

Oh and merry Christmas everyone, if you happen to pop on.
Re: OOC thread

Hey guys, would anyone mind if I start playing again? Looks like I have a lot to catch up on. :eek:
Re: OOC thread

Go for it. You've only missed a gargoyle fight.
Re: OOC thread

Please come back! I've missed you!!!
Re: OOC thread

You really didn't miss much of anything like Blue said. I kind of figured you would be back eventually, after you got over your writer's block.

We're basically on the next evening after you left and everyone's being gathered at court so it's an easy spot to join back in. Sort of a refresher and a chance to meet the last of the London Cainites who haven't been introduced yet. So jump in when ever you want.
Re: OOC thread

I just kind of figured she was talking about the kilt because you pointed out he rips before asking the question. Though I did think it was kind of an odd question for her to ask. Oh well no harm no foul.

Accents can be tough to write though they can be pretty useful for fleshing out a character. Especially if said character doesn't really change appearances all that often like say Eliza and her clothes. I understood everything except for the Gaelic but that was understandable in context. So it I didn't really look that bad if you ask me.
Re: OOC thread

That's fair Ronny, and in honesty misunderstandings like that add just a bit of reality that would be missing from any other form of writing. It's kind of neat to see it play out in character.

And I think I'll keep playing with how I write her accent, cause... yer right, she doesn't change her outfit much (except maybe a tailor now), and it'll be good practice for me. The Gaelic, if ye guys ever want translations lemme know and I'll go find em again, the last few have been mostly cussin though.
Re: OOC thread

Yeah I kind of like how it turned out after the mistake. Jourdain doesn't often get a chance to be anything but an over-serious puritanical jack-ass. I guess that happens when you believe your purpose is to redeem sinners though.

I understand most of the cussing, since my grandmama used them quite often. Otherwise I usually have a decent idea what she's talking about from the context. If it's really got me confused though I'll ask.
Re: OOC thread

Sounds good. And I figure a translation would really only be needed if I start deciding to do any full sentences... for whatever reason.
Re: OOC thread

If you start writing full sentences in another language I would probably shoot you. After congratulating on completely learning another language as though you were a native speaker that is. Cause it's really tough to completely learn a new language as an adult.
Re: OOC thread

Ah, Soulidium. Not really my type of music but it does fit certain vampire themes.

I must apologize for the last post if it seems lackluster. It was just one of those days where I utterly lacked creativity. It probably doesn't help that I fell asleep three times and had weird dreams about being attacked by rats each time I did so.

If anyone wants to see some nice pictures of the different clans I managed to find all of them finally and put them in an album on my profile. The Nosferatu is my personal favorite still but I like the Lasombra, too. It's probably the closest I've seen to how I picture Jourdain, just drop the pony tail and change his hair to blond. All of them are pretty nice though.
Re: OOC thread

Am I shallow for having wished the Gangrel was a woman?
Re: OOC thread

Wow Ronny that's so weird because yesterday I had a dream about being attacked by dogs... I feel your pain!

I kinda liked the video more for the characters than the music, especially the little brunette vamp. The song grew on me too though.

And not shallow at all Sin! I shall find thee a gangrel girl!
Re: OOC thread

Nah, I wouldn't say it's shallow at all. Seeing as how I understand why you would want the Gangrel to be female. Still I understand their choice of a male though. I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be Becket, the iconic Gangrel character from the books. I think you run into him in Bloodlines at some point, though he's missing his hat if I remember right.

The strange part about the dream was that my hand actually hurt where the one rat bit me in the dream when I woke up. I've also never had a dream like that before at least that I can remember.

That's how most music is with me, I either like the song or the video and than the other grows on you.
Re: OOC thread

Dreams can do that. The power of the subconscious is astounding.
Re: OOC thread

Hmmm, yeah, looks like Becket. Don't remember if he had the hat or not though. Ironically been meaning to resume my current playthrough these past few days, but kept getting interrupted x.x