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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

heh, Eliza is the oldest player on the coterie in both age and generation, youngin. :p

I realize that, but Vezina doesn't. And the trouble is that Vezina and Eliza both are looking at each other through pride-tinted lenses.

The truth is that relative to most, they are both quite young. Not even a century old yet.
Re: OOC thread

I guess Eliza is the oldest of the player characters, of course any of the NPC's minus the kine could probably turn her inside out in under a minute. Actually come to think of it Prince Mithras could probably turn everyone inside out in under a minute. Let's just hope he isn't hungry when he finally wakes up, since humans just don't do it for those of ancient blood.
Re: OOC thread

I remember finding the list of bullet points for when that change happens in the book of Elders once, i recall River qualified for something like 4/7 or 5/7 of the points. We all had a good laugh over it.

I'm sorry I have been so lax about posting, just been really blegh about everything for a while, and simpler things have been eating up my attention span. Ronny, go ahead and stop pushing Jocelyn ahead if it's too much trouble for you, I actually like the area she's at right now, just haven't had the gusto to make anything of it just yet.
Re: OOC thread

I imagine being in the Sabbat or even being ex-Sabbat would kind of lead towards that happening sooner to a character. Quite frankly Mithras is one of the scariest canon characters I've read about that still makes sense. As scary as the Sabbat likes to pretend to be they don't really have much on the oldest Cams.

Alright, I'll just leave her alone for now then. If we've moved on by the time your feeling more up to posting just give me a nudge so I can get you started again.

Also happy early birthday.
Re: OOC thread

sounds like a plan, and not so early when i get to read it, apparently. thanks!
Re: OOC thread

I know who they are that you're talking about in OAMP's thread!

The Fey and the King who Sleeps in Avalon!
Woohoo, somebody got it.

Though in this case the legends were slightly off and she isn't fey or a sorceress nor was he king of all Britain. That's why they're called legends though.

EDIT: Tremere Trek, one of my favorite WoD jokes, that I was reminded about earlier. Just thought I would share.

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Re: OOC thread

Wow, that was almost painful to read, but funny.
Re: OOC thread

I know and there's even more over in the other game thread. the most painful part for me is that I can't help but say it out loud so that I sound like William Shatner.
Re: OOC thread

I read every line out loud, imitating every voice.

Re: OOC thread

Yeah, it was definitely his voice that was the most painful. He doesn't talk THAT slowly x.x
He does when you're spoofing him. It was kind of fun to do imitate Worf and Picard too, I just can't do them as well.

EDIT: This seems like a good spot to end the chapter before we move onto individual threads for a while. Not sure if I'll be able to get the new threads started right away though so feel free to post once more before I close the chapter out.

The two prologues should be done soon as well, so Oamp and Chibi will be able to move into the main chronicle as well.
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Re: OOC thread

Yay! Two more to play with. And that sounds good to me Ronny. Feel free to dump one of em into my thread should ye wish it.
Re: OOC thread

You might cross paths on occasion during the individual threads though not for the most part. Right now I'm planning on switching between the individual threads for character development and the group together to advance the main plot. We'll see what happens when we get to that point though.

I also have to say I was completely surprised by someone latching onto the scourge. It should be interesting though, since I was swarmed with ideas after you did so.
Re: OOC thread

But ye made Anabelle's poor little unbeating heart flutter a wee bit. She had to.
Yeah but I wouldn't have done that if she hadn't asked Jourdain about Muirne in the first place.

She was originally just supposed to be the scary if you don't move she can't see you type, basically you're typical scourge. I should probably think up what her real name is at some point since her memory can be recovered. Not that there's anything wrong with her adopted name.

EDIT: Alright just to make sure we both have everything correct.

Anabelle: 14/15 BP, 4/4 WP. animalism 1, fortitude 2, protean 1. 7 experience to spend.
Vezina: 13/14 BP, 4/4 WP. animalism 1, auspex 2, dominate 1. 7 experience to spend.
Eliza: 12/15 BP, 4/4 WP. dominate 1, obtenebration 2, potence 1. 7 experience to spend.
Jocelyn: 11/15 BP, 4/4 WP. auspex 1, dementate 1, obfuscate 2. 7 experience to spend.

As soon as their prologues are finished.
Eve: 11/14 BP, 4/4 WP. auspex 1, celerity 1, presence 1. 4 experience to spend.
Lexwyn: 10 14, BP, 4/4 WP. celerity 1, potence 1, presence 1. 4 experience to spend.

I'm dropping the background points and I just folded the one everyone had into experience. I'm working on updating the information threads but it's been slow going with the horri-bad storm this week. You can still get ghouls, influence, domain, and the like we'll just role-play it out instead. Experience costs are remaining the same so everything still costs the same.

If you are particularly interested in gaining some sort of background now is a good time for it, since you're all separate right now. Just let me know and we'll work it out so you can hopefully get what you're looking for.
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Re: OOC thread

Hmm... 7 experience... now I have to ponder spending...
Re: OOC thread

It costs 10 xp to get an in-clan discipline at second level, right?
Re: OOC thread

2nd level of an in clan discipline only costs 3 XP, 3rd level costs 6 XP. I use a different chart from what the book does, I think it's the chart from the LARP version or some mix of the two. I can't really remember any more.
Re: OOC thread

Oh damn, okay then...

tough decisions... What about out of clan disciplines? Did you see the PM I sent you?