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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Well to be fair, it's not exactly "fanfiction" either, even though it shares the a lot with that genre. Maybe "game assisted fanfiction", but that hardly rolls off the tongue too.

Also I should show you pics from my steam of the post-apoc north america mod, and what I've done to IL over the years :p
Re: OOC thread

I guess they probably got the term for war games from the military's use of the term. I realize civilians do them as well but it's more the term itself that makes me hate it, same with any other acronym really. The sad part is I can't make myself stop using them.


Bloody acronyms. I feel your pain Ronny. I feel, your pain.
Re: OOC thread

Honestly even if you had nuked Illinois directly and there was nothing but feral ghouls left in the state, I might consider it an improvement. I haven't got around to trying any of the mods yet, myself. As I still haven't gotten through a normal play through, I seem to have this problem of starting a dynasty and not getting very far before I decide to try a different one.

Yep, acronyms are the bane of my existence. Thankfully I'm not bombarded with them constantly anymore and yet I still can't stop myself from using them completely.

Anyways would anyone object if I got rid of presence and used majesty and nightmare from requiem in it's place? They might need a few tweaks here and there but I actually like them much better, though I'll probably still call it presence out of habit.
Re: OOC thread

Heh, you watch any of the Chicago news stations if they reach that far? I was on NBC a few weeks ago as "awkward protester trying to make more room on the state house stairs" ;) That said, in a month or two there's a decent chance I'll be moving up there (lot of big data jobs in Schaumburg), and would appreciate if you could point out which suburbs are cheap yet safe, heh.

As for presence, I'm definitely biased in favor of it, mostly because I have purposefully avoided Requium. I'll be open minded though. What are the benefits of switching?
Re: OOC thread

Nightmare is essentially taking Dread Gaze and making an entire discipline out of it, splashing in a bit of dementation in with the high dot stuff. (Confront a person with their worst fear and drive them mad)

Majesty is exactly like OWoD Presence, only it inserts the Setite sorcery Path of Revelation into a single dot 2 power to replace the empty hole where Dread Gaze was.

My issues with that are that Nightmare is a combo discipline of dread gaze and dementation, the later of which should belong to the Malkavians (at least in modern settings)

You've already done away with the Setites in favor of the Baali, so having Revelation be a power with Majesty isn't that bad.
Re: OOC thread

I tend to watch the Rockford news as it's a smidgen closer than Chicago is, either way I suppose it's better than "awkward protester being maced on statehouse stairs". It's honestly been a while since I've been into Chicago but I would look at Naperville, Lincoln Park, and Wheaton. The main rule of thumb is the further from the lake you get the cheaper it gets, uptown is the safest by far but it's also probably the most expensive. Probably the only good thing about Chicago is their public transit system. The Metra train makes it all the way out by me so if you're willing to commute you can actually find cheaper and safer places out past the burbs.

Like Blue said majesty is the same as presence minus dread gaze which is replaced with revelation as seen here.

If I do add the two disciplines I would probably just change everyone who has presence already to having majesty. I would then give the Baali, Malkavian, and Ravnos the nightmare discipline in place of daimonion, dementation, and animalism. I would also probably change obfuscate to dominate for the Malks.

I could see the Lhiannan using either majesty or nightmare, os for them it would probably depend on which one Sinful likes better. Since she's playing a Lhiannan and all.
Re: OOC thread

Don't worry, considering the police budget has been on the line too, every single protest we've done has had "strangely accommodating law enforcement" ;)
Re: OOC thread

Hmmm... not sure which I do prefer. Seeing as the clan is essentially Vampiric druids, either could work well.

I'll have to look into them more.
Re: OOC thread

Strangely accommodating law enforcement might lead to Chicago imploding in one hideous orgy of violence, not to mention Rockford. There are advantages to living in the middle of nowhere like I do.

I think of them more as vampiric nature-worshippers rather than strictly druids, but that's a semantic argument more than anything. Anyways I can see it either way myself which is why it's so hard to pick one or the other. Granted there isn't anything stopping you from learning both, it just means one will cost a few more experience points to learn than the other.
Re: OOC thread

Well we were in Springfield, and other rallies were at smaller towns heh. We all know Chicago's reputation ;) That said, it was a big enough deal NBC Chicago drove down to see it.

Back on the subject of disciplines, I guess go ahead and change it if you really want to. I've been keeping to letting you handle it anyway and just kind of hinting when I want to take it up a notch anyway.
Re: OOC thread

Taking obfuscate away from the Malks seems a bit unfair. They are already so squishy, and now they wouldn't be able to run away. ;)

Sneaky sneaky ninja Malks.
Re: OOC thread

Yes, they are squishy. Of course they can now find out your deepest darkest fears and then tell you to sit still and watch the nice movie playing in your mind. Maybe I should just keep them invisible because that sounds pretty scary.:D
Re: OOC thread

Up to you. Nightmare certainly seems like something that Malkavians would do. It's just that Dementation does what Nightmare does, and more.

The lack of Malkavians in V:tR is meh.
Re: OOC thread

Ronny, just checking, but in my last post you do know Marie was not necessarily doubting them but trying to steer the mortals away from the thoughts of vampires. She's fully aware at this rate that it likely *was*, she just doesn't want to catch the heat from it :p
Re: OOC thread

I did but Freddy's insanely stubborn, on the plus side he knows even less about vampires than Marie does. He's got this crazy idea that crosses, and garlic can keep them away, then again maybe they can.

I also just spent way too much time trying to understand the actual ogham alphabet. So if my last few posts looked confusing it was because of that.
Re: OOC thread

Just seemed like you were all on like "no really!" a bit forcefully is all, heh.

Anywho I myself have had a long day so probably won't reply right away anyway.
Re: OOC thread

Where did you find the actual Ogham alphabet? I'd be curious to look at it too.
Re: OOC thread

He was being rather forceful with his assertions but that's because he's really stubborn like I said.

I was using this page to read about the alphabet, It's actually pretty interesting though perhaps not the best thing for me to be studying when I'm tired.

Re: OOC thread

Marie is likely going to find quickly that everyone around her is incompetent and that will annoy her. Shades of Lexwyn leaking through perhaps :p Thankfully though non-Brujah are a little better at containing themselves and not pissing everyone off though.

Also not sure if my post might be a bit disjointed. I have literally the worst stomach trouble I've had in 14 years and it's making me a bit disoriented. Think I ate too much seafood yesterday.
Re: OOC thread

Well a lot of them are uneducated peasants with one track minds, not to mention the cartoonishly flamboyant patron who is practically Marie's opposite. It should work wonderfully for driving you and or Marie bonkers.

So long as it's just too much seafood and not bad seafood. I've done that one a few times and it's neither fun nor pretty.