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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''You really shouldn’t be too harsh on those people, it might’ve been the first time they’ve encountered magic, and even if they’ve seen magic before, they most likely aren’t educated in the arts of magic. So don’t judge them too harshly. However, I’m sure if we scout out the city tomorrow we might be able to find lots of interesting people, the city should be different in a lot of ways from a swamp village, and it might be a good chance for us to learn more about this city and what’s going on with it.'' Weiss suggested to Talia. ''And I can’t exactly say that I like fighting chaos either, especially with how many spies they seem to have, and after meeting Garland and the Knight king, I’m pretty sure we can’t even trust those that have intact chains. We can’t even tell if a person has bad intentions when their chain is broken, since Samua was a lot kinder then most of the chained people we’ve met. It makes things a lot more difficult, and I think we should stop relying on others and start to rely on ourselves, we should probably start to scout out and gather information ourselves, since we can trust nobody.'' Weiss said, before she coughs a little. ''Either way, I know it’s a chore, but I would appreciate if you sometimes could use that demonic appearance to our benefit, even if it’s a pain in the butt.''
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 7 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 14/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 7/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 9/26
AC: 14

: Drugged
Trauma: 99 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 89 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 30/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine
Climax: [][][]
HP: 10/26
AC: 19
TP: 56/100

Date: Week 3, Day 1
Time: 10:40 PM


The rubbing continued for a time. Stroke-stroke-stroke. Wet sounds filling the room as her hands became coated in pre.

Weiss & Talia

The imp took to resting on the side, fairly spent after all that. Even though Weiss was still excited. "Nice talk, but if you want to be cured of that lust, either walk it off or ride my cock." she declared. "It's also late. Humans should be resting now."

Kat & Eva

The hour grew late, and the day's trials grew on the girls. Sleep seemed appealing.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Plotting to take over the town, building an army and all that. I wanted to smash them now, others want to fix town first." Kat said before she let out a rather loud yawn, and then latched onto Eva, snuggling against the human. "Now though, sleep time. Solve all the worlds problems in the morning."

With that the dog girl would put her face against Eva's breasts and let out a sigh, before starting to drift off to sleep.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"I suppose I'll call it a day, then." Talia shrugged, picking herself off of the bed before cleaning herself up and returning to her own resting place. "And it's not like those morons needed to be mages to recognize an illusion. Anyone can do that if they're perceptive enough. They didn't even bother to stop and check, in case it was faked as a deterrent." She sighed. "It's the fact so few people around here seem capable of solving their own problems that irritates me." The tiefling stated before laying down. "Anyway, good night."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Vylyra. Ranger and well...I guess I don't need to state the obvious."She'd smirk as she wrapped her lips around the head and began bobbing up and down for a while, getting her as close to the edge as she could with her blowjob. She'd eventually slip her lips off with a slurp, smiling all the while. "Time for the main event. Lets have a little rut shall we?"She'd stand herself up and bring herself over the submissive dog-girl. She'd then lower herself down onto the hard and twitching member, tickling it with her outer lips before plunging herself down fully on the member itself and letting out a satisfied moan in the process.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in question, but seeing the Dogbold snuggling up to her and getting ready to fall asleep, Eva accepts that those questions would be for tomorrow. "Good night~" Eva sighed as she too closed her eyes, her hands snaking around the Dogbold before embracing her as well.

And off the pair went, onto dream lands.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 23/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 27/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 2 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 26/26
AC: 14

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 45 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 35/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Climax: [][][]
Trauma: 28/100
HP: 26/26
AC: 19

Date: Week 3, Day 2
Time: 7:00 AM


Impaling herself, Vylyra saw Garnia gasp. "T-the knot...!" she gasped, before Vylyra felt a pang of pleasure and pain as her drop caused a knot to slip into her pussy. Once she was in, Garnia suddenly started moving like a magically enchanted sex toy, her hips moving at rapid and inhumane speeds. Power fucking Vylyra from below as the half elf felt fuzzy balls tickling her ass from the rapid motions. It took only a few minutes of this constant power fucking before Vylyra was brought to orgasm, and Garnia along with her. Garnia brought her in close to a hug while remaining connected. As moments passed, all Vylyra felt was the soft sensations of the unusual cock twitching in her pussy, giving small spurts of cum, over and over again.

The sensation of being slowly filled up was all she felt for half an hour, before the hour grew late, and Vylyra couldn't remember when she fell asleep.

All Characters enjoy a full rest. HP/Hit dice restored, Trauma divided. No Charisma rolls made to comfort.

Eva wakes up with a bloated belly

Vylyra wakes up with a bloated belly


A bell rings. A female servant wearing an elegant dress against her waist, with a v-cut to show off a thick and beautiful leg, and nothing to hide her breasts, was walking down the hall ringing a bell to summon all resting patrons to come out. "Breakfast is ready. Please rise from your chambers to come and eat." was all she said, before moving down the hall to presumably go there herself. Cystie never slept, likely Talia didn't either, both just going into a quiet state. Kat and Eva awoke to emerge, and Vylyra felt Garnia's cock popping out with a wet sound as she rose. "Breakfast!" she cheered, the first to go running for food while cum gushed out of Vylyra's pussy.

When everyone did emerge, the group would note that both Eva and Vylyra were sporting a slightly bloated belly. Pregnant.

Past that, they would be free to move and talk together. Food was waiting downstairs. (No need to consume rations or water.) They had a whole new day ahead of them.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya got up with a yawn, hearing the bell. Looks like Vylyra didn't come back last night. Well, hopefully she had fun. She got dressed then made her way out to get breakfast.

Stepping out of her room, she glanced over at the new person there, blinking in surprise. "Oh, hello. Are you one of the local servant girls?"

Her attention did get drawn however to two swollen stomachs though. Whoo boy. "Uh, Vylyra, I dunno what guards you bedded but looks like one of em struck gold. I guess it's not just Chaos folks than can breed you fast."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat rubbed at her eyes as she awoke, having at some point, detached from Eva during the night. Though the dogbold would notice the slightly growing belly on Eva, and well, looked down at her own with a mix of anticipation and worry. When she saw that she herself wasn't pregnant, well, Kat ended up feeling an odd mix of relief and disappointment. The former from the part of her brain that knew that being pregnant wasn't going to help in a fight, and the latter from the more bestial side of her that really really wanted to reproduce with the displacer. Poking Eva awake, she'd eventually say. "Wonder what got you? Probably Dis, or maybe it was that bodyguard. Either way, breakfast. You're eating for two at least so you can't miss meals."

With that Kat would head out of the room with a yawn. Really, she could have used a bit more sleep, but the smell of food was tantalizing. Slipping into the hallway, not even noticing if she still had her wrappings on from the night before or if they had finally given up the ghost sometime last night. Given Eva was with her at the point, Kat blinked after a moment and remembered, talking to the rest of their little adventuring party. "Ahh, this is Eva. She's another hero too, found her down in the mines with Dis and that Juniper girl and Quincy."
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Charmed." Talia replied dryly. The tiefling tended to be cranky in the morning even after a proper rest, though she seemed somewhat interested at least. Mostly because of one little detail. "How did you get past the mine? Last time I checked, the place was kind of geologically unstable, so I'm wondering how you got through it without getting clobbered by rocks." The curiosity was kind of eating her up. Though the pregnancies were a wee bit problematic, though. They really didn't have time for those, not with the obvious issue of having to plan and carry out the next strike. Worst case scenario, they'd need replacements... A thought that made her recall a certain ornery someone.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"It wasn't actually falling down. At the very least when I went back down there it was fine. Maybe it stabilized itself? Or maybe it's just taking its sweet time collapsing." Kat replied with a shrug.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 23/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 27/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 2 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 26/26
AC: 14

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 45 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 35/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Climax: [][][]
Trauma: 28/100
HP: 26/26
AC: 19

Date: Week 3, Day 2
Time: 7:05 AM

Time passes, and the food's scent wafting through the hallway smelled quite delicious.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat wasn't missing the opportunity to eat. Heading down the hallway toward dining room below as her tail wagged behind her. The dog girl still having failed to check if she was actually dressed or not.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The remainder of the previous night was still a little bit foggy for Vylyra. She remembers getting knotted by the dog girl and cumming quite loudly. Not the most graceful of orgasms, but she was never one for restrain. What she did remember was waking up the next morning to her companion sliding her cock out of her mouth and a literal breakfast bell being run for the crew. Not one to ignore a meal, the ranger stood herself up from the bed. Wait...was her belly that big last night. Oh damn. Guess her dog lover struck home with her baby batter. "Could be worse I suppose. Could have been one of these guards." She'd wrap herself up in some fresh linens, making herself a robe of sorts before heading out, running into Laya. "Wasn't a guard, Laya. Was Garnia. Our half canine companion. She and I had a little roll in the hay."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Eva awoke up to the feeling of someone poking her awake, in her groggy state she didn't understand what Kat was talking about at first until she noticed a weird feeling and looked down at her belly. "I-I'm pregnant!" Eva cried out, her belly was already growing round like she had been pregnant for a few months already! "I don't know which one it was either.." Eva said

Eva got up from the bed, dressing into some of her more comfortable clothing to help with the new curve she was sporting. Walking out of the room right behind Kat, Eva comes face to face with a couple of other girls, presumable the other Heroes. One of them also looked like she was pregnant. "Um, Hi. I'm Eva, and like Kat said I'm also a Hero like all of you." Introducing herself, Eva turns to Talia to reply to her, "Yah, I guess we can put it to alot of digging and luck. It took hours to even get inside of the place."

Feeling that Kat's earlier words were right, Eva starts to walk towards the scent, and presumably with the group.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Could someone tell the furball to check whether she's properly dressed first before going anywhere?" Talia groaned as she followed the smell. She didn't care that much, truth be told, being too hungry to do anything about it. Still, it wouldn't do not to point this out, in her opinion. "Ah, fuck it. Let's see what the food is about here." Shrugging, the tiefling made her way towards the chow.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When Weiss woke up, she groggily looked around the room. When Weiss noticed that Talia had already left the room, Weiss stretched a little and sighed disappointedly at the memories of last night, as the Imp’s cum made Weiss act in an unsavory way. ''Ugh, I can’t believe I did those things yesterday.'' Weiss mumbled before she gathered her clothing and dressed herself. When Weiss finished putting on her clothes, she peeked her head through the door, just in time to see Kat introduce the new girl to their group. After the girl introduced herself, Weiss stepped out of the room and smiled kindly. ''Pleased to meet you Eva, I’m Weiss a priestess of Eldath.'' Weiss said while looking a little bit worried at the girl’s and Vylyra’s swollen belly. Weiss was a little bit curious how Vylyra got to this stage of pregnancy in one night, but Weiss decided to save that question for later and head down for some food first, and perhaps ask the sage about that, when she gets the chance.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 23/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 27/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 2 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 26/26
AC: 14

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 45 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 35/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Climax: [][][]
Trauma: 28/100
HP: 26/26
AC: 19

Date: Week 3, Day 2
Time: 7:40 AM

The girls would presumably proceed down to the lunch area, where they would find a large feast going on, with all the women and male guards as patrons to the massive feast being held for roughly over 100 people who all lived in the grand manor. Men and women alike shared tables, even those women who were swarming all over Garland when they first met him.

Garnia was sitting near an open area, as she was waving her hand at the girls. "Come sit over here!" she said. There were enough plates already prepared, mind one, as it seems Eva was unaccounted for. Though that was quickly rectified as a male server came forth, brandishing a plate of eggs, ham, cheese and bread for her to eat and apologizing for not realizing she was with the others. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize you had a sixth with you." he said.

With that, the crew was allowed to talk and enjoy their meal. After they were done and many were cleaning up to leave, Garland approached, and leaned over the table to whisper. "I thought I would share this when I knew you were ready. This may assist you greatly." he said, before taking a note from his waist cloth, and placing it in Weiss' hands. "Open it in privacy, and watch for stragglers." he said, before embarking to leave the lunch area.

Whenever they chose to open the note, it was a map that lead to a strange hidden building seemingly named: 'The Hall of Fallen Heroes.'
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat would head over to Garnia, the dogbold drawn by the tantalizing scent of food. Sitting down and starting to eat at the food with only juuuust enough civility to not make a mess. Letting Eva respond to the statement about being a new person. "So, anything of interest happen last night?" Kat would ask, both to Garnia, and to the group. The former to potentially see if there had been anything that happened throughout town over the night that was news worthy, and the latter just out of curiosity for her companions.

Once the food was done, and Garland had approached the table. Kat would raise a bit of an eyebrow at what he said, wondering just what was in the note, but not going to try to get Weiss to open it till they were out free and away from prying eyes. "Thanks?" Kat wasn't quite sure if she should be thanking someone for witholding information but finally coming through with it, though she could thank him for something else. "Also thanks for the food and room. The bed was comfy."

Once they did get the thing letter open, hopefully somewhere private but if need be Kat would use her body to shield the paper from other people watching, she'd end up whispering, if they were in a place where they could be overheard, or just talking normal otherwise. "Hall of Fallen Heroes? Maybe we can learn something there. Though why hide it?"
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Not really." Talia shrugged. No point talking about her private escapades, such as they were, and nothing special occured either. It seemed that other had much more eventful nights, though she was not going to pry. The tiefling's attention was mostly focused on her breakfast. She ate quickly, savoring the taste, nodding at Garland when he approached. His strange actions, however, piqued her curiosity. Just what was in that note that made him act like this?

Once the mysterious paper's contents had been revealed, the sorceress couldn't help but frown. Just what was supposed to be hidden in such a place that could be useful? Not to mention, unlike Kat, she could make a guess as to why it had been locked up. "You probably don't want to know." She muttered, shivering slightly. The whole thing brought an old client of hers to mind, one that used to hunt things better left unnamed. It took a special kind of horror to fell a hero, and her very brief partnership with that one taught her enough to let her imagine one.