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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When the girls touched the glass, it was like feeling their hand disappear, sensation became a phantom that provided such a shock that they might retract their hand. When they did, they'd find it perfectly intact. No harm done to their flesh or soul. When bravery won over, and they proceeded onwards, they'd see each other vanish into the paintings... The first, was Weiss... The second, Eva... The third, Laya... The fourth, Talia... And lastly, Kat...

Blinding light. A feeling of walking somewhere but not, feet making progress where none was had, as if their bravery was for nothing. Just as they entered, they left. Exactly as they were. They'd look around to one another, and feel perhaps perplexed. Everything was normal indeed. There was no transformation, how could there have been? They could have even counted who went in first and saw no difference regardless.

Truly, they came out the same. The first to enter came out, Yumi, all the same. The Rogue who worked with the Temple of Eldath, her Church leader Juniper, always present to berate her for her lacking teachings.

The second was Tavia, their new friend they met in the mines. Nothing new about her. The dragon born having fought with the cultists and mated with the beast below. Still carrying her child in her womb from their little skirmish.

The third, Opera, emerged without a fuss. Still the same truthfully. Nothing too interesting about her even still with the transference through the mirror.

Fourth, Aria, the human outcast, as gloomy as ever.

Fifth, Anne, the pixie, flew on her wings. Undisturbed by the odd passage.

Such as it was, it seemed that the windows did not work. However, to all of them, the world outside was different, while to Vylyra it was the same. When they saw out of the doors, it began to hurt their head. Memories mixing but not matching. They were suddenly overcome with a surreal experience of feeling displaced. It felt like an odd tear at the void of reality, making them feel like this, then, and there were oddly fluid concepts. Their personalities and the stories their lives had didn't make sense. Yumi was perhaps the most evident. She was a rogue through and through, but why was she worshiping Eldath?

Then, just perhaps, it clicked.

They had not only swapped realities, but they had taken over the place of the heroines who also walked through the mirror on the other side of reality! Which meant that those heroines who were not them were on the other side, experiencing what they were!

Memories began to flood back, the two alternate realities sharing information through the chain, their brains pounded with pain through the experience... Until they settled in, feeling... Aware.

The perceptions they had before were fake. The transference made them think that they were the people they swapped with, but it was not the case. Alternate selves, from the other world. Both in worlds they couldn't understand. Somehow, they felt the world would accept them as who they used to be, instead of who they are. Case in point... Cystie looked highly confused.

"... So? You walk out and pop right back in? Did you even do it right? Was there something else on that note?" she inquired, and Aria heard the imp's voice in her head, questioning the same thing. Her familiar link was still strong. "Man, this doesn't make sense though, my head feels fuzzy after you all came back. Like, I can't even remember why I would bind myself to a piss poor caster like Aria. I honestly can't think of the reason... But... I think it was a good one?" Cystie struggled. "What a waste of time, and a headache to go with it."

She had no idea what had happened. The world didn't know. It wouldn't know.

Behind them, lay painted windows of an armored Cleric, a gloomy Sorceress, a zealous Dog girl, a powerful fighter, and a red haired woman writing in her book while the whole world seemed to move on without her.

They felt a strange feeling of deja vu looking at the paintings of unknown heroines.

You have unlocked the ability to swap with your alter hero by walking through the Painted Reality. The world will remember your deeds regardless of who you are.
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Aria grimaced as she stepped out of the mirror, feeling the pounding headache settle in. What the Hell was going on? She felt like she shouldn't be here, and then there were conflicting memories inside her head, overlapping each other and creating a feeling of being disjointed from the world. Just as her mind poured through them, trying to sort them out, the girl found herself working out and discarding theories about what could be causing this. Eventually, clarity dawned upon her: she had been called here by another whose place she took, someone familiar. Trading lives to allow one a second chance. Still, the world seemed to eventually settle down, accepting her as the replacement. Even if there were some kinks to work out, judging by the imp's reaction.

"...Pay it no mind." Aria eventually replied after a moment of silence, spent staring at Cystie as she tried to work out how she felt about this. Bonding with a demon was... Not something she'd have normally entertained. Still, she'd play with the cards she had been dealt. "Everything went well." She stated, saying nothing else. The human checked her equipment, mentally running down the list of what she had and what she needed. Weapons and armor, check. Outdoors equipment and supplies, check. Various demon-hunting implements, check. Spellcasting implements... Aria frowned, then grimaced. Damnation. She'd need to go shopping.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Anne blinked as reality was doing its little routine of shattering and repairing itself, or more specifically, forcing a huge dump of memories into her mind. Scenes of herself, much taller and armed with an axe, carving her way through a horde of goblins. Most of it wasn't too odd though, living in the woods, playing around with rangers and the animals. Though the thoughts about her monk teacher were fuzzy and off, the girl slowly piecing together that evidently he had no opposite in this world.

Maaaaan, this was going to be sooooo confusing. Still the pixie would end up crossing her legs and hovering in midair for a bit, trying to help her brain piece it all together and click. It was near audible once that happened, her brain and the thoughts of the kobold girl that was now stuck in the painted world meshing together so that she could remember each. Even if she still did get a bit of a headache each time she tried to look to much into it. Really, if only they had come up with a more tame way of managing this. It was going to be really weird that everyone in this version of the world remembered her, because she was fairly sure they didn't pick up an imp in the reality she came from. But hey, more friends!

So as it was after a moment the pixie broke any sense of serious by giggling as she rolled around in the air as she thought about all the expressions on the people who would be so confused as reality continued to patch itself. Even as she failed to notice even her own brain was starting to lose some of the connections it had made, the kobold girl passing out of her mind somewhat as she ended up seeing the woman more like a familiar sight than as the person that had just exchanged with her. Though she was thankful to get another chance to beat the Dragon.

Floating over to Vylyra, her mind remembering the ranger as her oldest friend. Anne would buzz around the ranger's head. "Maaaaan this place looks really amazing." Then buzzing over toward Cystie she continued, floating past Cystie upside down. "Probably just cause you thought it'd be fu~un."

And finally she was back to Vylyra, latching onto the ranger's slightly bloated stomach, trying to listen for any movement or anything. "I still can't believe you're going to have a cute little fuzzy kid." Though a moment after that she was slipping into Vylyra's clothes, her head poking out from the girl's neckline. "Your boobs haven't started getting bigger yet though."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Opera blinked, holding her head in a bit of confusion. Of everyone she couldn't understand any of this. She knew she felt wrong but the capacity to come up with why when it wasn't presented to her was basically nil. And really, her discomfort was less important than the goal anyways.

Looking around, she stepped forwards, stretching a bit before shaking her head. She walked over by the door, looking at the imp with some distaste, turning and looking before opening her mouth and making the sounds of a whip cracking and pointing out the door to indicate she wanted everyone to get moving again.
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Believe it, my tiny friend. A little dog girl is growing inside me right now and soon enough she'll be born. Heck, when she comes out, she'll be bigger then you as a baby."She teased her friend, the tiny creature having always been a riot to be around. So much energy. So much drive. And she packed a hell of a punch too. It was a wonder no one took her more seriously. But Vylyra trusted her and she just wished the others did too. Or at least as much as she did.

"They'll get bigger in time, hun. Just you wait. I'm still fairly early on. Once I move on to the next stage, they should be bigger. Though that milk won't all be for you."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Cystie looked at everyone in wonder. "Now that you mention it, I suppose you all do seem... Off. In fact, a lot of this seems off." she said, her tail snapping like a snake, the spaded tip opening like a snake's mouth to grab the fairy and chew on her a bit before spitting her out as she wiggled free. Then, she looked at Opera, examining her closely. At the sound of the whip crack, she nodded. "... Yes, something is off. I'd have ran away long ago if I had to deal with such a creature." She declared. "So, based on some unusual effects, despite how all my memories match up, I can indeed say that you were probably changed into new forms. Strangely convincing though."

"All the same, what now? Are you all... Going to go like that?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Opera looks at Cystie and snorts, before opening her voice and a boisterous man's voice echoes forth. "I've never met a demon I like. But we should always remain open to the possibility to be proved otherwise. Plus, better to have one where you can see them than running amok where you cannot. Or maybe I'm just drunk again, ahaha!"

With that she shrugs and leans against the door, making a sound of a creaking rocking chair to show her not getting any younger, though she looks at the demoness with a slight questioning look, perhaps asking what the problem wtih them going out would be.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When Yumi walked out the mirror, she felt a strange sensation suddenly wash over her, her head pounding with pain, as she looked around confused. The worst part were the strange foreign memories being planted into Yumi’s mind, they all seemed very unnatural to her, especially the part where she worked for a pacifist church, why in the world would she ever do such a thing? However, when Yumi’s headache started to settle down, she quickly understood what was happening, and she managed to split those strange memories that were injected into her own, as they clearly didn’t belong to her. Yumi easily figured it out when she realized that those thought patterns and memories were remembered differently from what should’ve, and that Yumi somehow merged with them. Maybe it happened when Yumi escaped through that window? However, whoever Yumi merged with had some sickeningly sweet memories. Oh well, at least things seemed to be going better here than it was at her own world, the heroes seemed to have actually succeeded in their quest, even if it was partially.

That’s when Yumi realized that everyone that stepped into one of the mirrors, probably went through the same thing. Yumi figured that blending in shouldn’t be too difficult, and if she they managed to screw up this reality, she’d still have her own. When Yumi thought that, she’d have a small smirk, before her thoughts were interrupted by Cystie. The moment Yumi saw that imp flying around, she felt a little sick in the pit of her stomach, as certain memories between her and the imp were rather unpleasant to Yumi. Yumi convinced herself that like those other silly memories this one was probably not hers either and clearly belonged to that other person. Although when the part about the deal came up in Yumi’s memories, dealing with a pacified chaos imp didn’t seem too bad anymore, even if she despises the creatures of chaos.

Either way, apparently Yumi had some questions for her, which was odd since she’d normally never deal with someone from chaos. ''Dunno what you’re talking about, but from what I can tell we’re all completely normal, and there was absolutely nothing interesting behind those mirrors, maybe it’s because we’re not considered true heroes yet. Either way, I don’t know if someone asked you this yet, but I really want to know how this whole corruption stuff works, since it seems like, whenever we kill something powerful we cleanse everything around it. Do you guy work like catalysts to the chaos dragon or something?'' Yumi asked, as she might as well use the enemy for information, if she was going to stay around.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Aria raised an eyebrow. It seemed that the imp wasn't stupid at least, nor easily fooled. Still, as long as she played along and made herself useful, the human could tolerate her. Somewhat. Brushing off the idle curiosity over where the harpy got the last quote from, she responded to Cystie's question with a firm nod. "Shopping." She stated with a frown, as if that explained everything. She needed some extra supplies to be effective, and if the memory about the group's treasures was true, then perhaps she could afford slightly better armor as well. Glancing at Opera, she raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner, as if to inquire what was her reason for rushing forward.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The girls would walk and talk while the Imp was suddenly spotted walking with them, not disguised at all. The townspeople didn't seem to think it strange to see the Imp. In fact, a lot of people suddenly were acting like they knew her. What was perhaps more strange was that noone had memory of why this was happening. "Ever since I betrayed Chaos to join you fools it seems like the townspeople can't get enough of me. Since none of you lot were trustworthy, how ironic was it that I showed him my lack of presence to Chaos before Garland seemed to think that I was the one who showed mercy and freed all of his miners from the Chaos Sorceress." she declared. "... I don't remember doing any of that though. Yet, I do. Man, I already hate that place." she mentioned to the Hall of Heroes.

The imp heard the rogue out, before shrugging. "Beats me. We're given the power and told it can be used to convert people we smut with. So if what you're saying is right, then it's pretty fucking obvious what happens, isn't it? If you destroy something powerful, it's quite likely that it is responsible for everything else around it being corrupted, even if what he corrupted acted as a proxy. So if you were to, in theory, kill the Chaos Dragon, the entire curse would go away. Since she's the deepest rooted source of it all."

They arrived at the shopping area, uncontested. "Speaking of, where are we going to hit up after this? Unless even more changed than I fucking thought, I could have sworn our next objectives were the Brothel and Docks."

The owner of the shop gave immediate warning. He and many others in the large flea market were selling any kind of goods one can think of. "Oi, best not go to either of those places unless yer prepared little heroes. The Brothel is owned by a rather dangerous man, Don Corleone, they say he has a fued with Garland ever since the town was shaken up a bit. They used to be allies or so I hear. All I can be thankful for is that they're fighting each other instead of ruining more of the town. The dock is no good either, some cruel miss pirate took it over, can you believe it? Some pirate heralding the coming of Chaos just walked right in and said the place was hers! Everyone there is aligned to her, but it's like not a soul cares! This city's goin' to the Abyss I tells ya." he grumped.

"Enough about that, lemme show ya my wears!"

The things for sale were all things that they could buy just about anywhere. (From ye player book), but there were also some cool things for sale, magical items!

+2 Ammunition (20 arrows) (rare, dmg 150)
Foes slain by this weapon are transformed into rats.

+2 Armor (studded leather) (very rare, dmg 152)
A masterwork armor, engraved with the holy symbol of a war god.

Oil of Etherealness (rare, dmg 183)
A watery liquid, contained in a tapered jar sealed with wax.

Potion of Animal Friendship (uncommon, dmg 187)
A viscous bronze draught, contained in a square porcelain phial.

Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187)
This clear liquid smells like rain.

Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187)
This clear serum causes flames to turn white when used.

Potion of Greater Healing (uncommon, dmg 187)
A swirling crimson ichor, contained in a crystal bottle etched with geometric patterns.

Spell Scroll (Haste) (uncommon, dmg 200)

Spell Scroll (Light) (common, dmg 200)

Spell Scroll (Magic Weapon) (uncommon, dmg 200)

Wind Fan (uncommon, dmg 213)
This distinctive item was taken from the barrow of the vampire Galiasa.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Aria raised an eyebrow as she listened to Cystie's rambling. So the spell altered perceptions to such a degree? Truly it was potent. It'd craft fake memories and events to make things fit the current picture. This could be potentially abused... If they managed to come up with a way to do so. She only half-heartedly listened to the discussion about corruption and it's nature, though. Going by the memories she got from Talia, it seemed that eliminating the source would indeed remove the rest. The events with the lizard king and what happened in the mine suggested as much.

As the group reached the shop and began to browse wares, the human spared a moment to listen to the shopkeeper's warning. There could be a possibility the pirate and the mobster were working with each other, if the wench decided to support Garland's foe to hurt him. If that was the case, then cutting the supplies would be a good move to weaken Corleone for later, but the docks would likely be a harder fight. There were only so many men you could fit into a brothel, but if the whole docks backed the pirate then things could quickly go south. They'd need more information.

Still, as everybody moved on to start grabbing whatever they felt like buying, Aria focused on taking care of her own needs. She needed a material component bag for her spells first and foremost, and a better armor. Studded leather would do, she figured. While she'd need to bring out the gold from the mine's loot pile, she should be able to afford both and keep her own small gold reserve handy. Maybe even expand it, if she traded in her current set of leathers.

[Buy component pouch and studded leather, sell current set of leather armor.]
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"That seems right to me, after chaos didn’t make you the top bitch around here, you probably decided to betray her and take revenge on whoever is in charge. Which brings me to my next question, who’s in charge here and where is she at?" Yumi asked casually while twirling around a dagger, wondering if she should use the imp for target practice or keep tolerating her. "Considering the state of the city, I highly doubt it’s either Garland or the Knight King. Although looking at Garland’s sexy butt, I can guess why they didn’t try to corrupt him~." Yumi chuckled before she followed the rest to the market where they were selling various items.

When Yumi listened to the man’s warnings, she got a slight excited smile. Both those people sounded rich to her and like they’d own a trinket or two. "Oho, those sound like horrible places’ indeed, thanks for the warning. Do you have any more useful information about Don Corleone and the pirate, since it’s better to be well informed rather than poorly." Yumi asked, before she started to browse through the man’s wares, bending forward to give the man an easy view of her huge and firm elvish breasts, as they were jiggling freely within her shirt without a bra to hide them. Yumi continued to search through the salesman’s wares like this for a little, before she lifted herself away from the table, making her breasts jiggling once more, as she looks a little bit distraught. Yumi halted Aria’s transaction for a second. "Hmm, you’ve got a nice selection of wares, but the prices seem a little bit steep, I suppose we’ll have to shop somewhere cheaper." Yumi sighed disappointingly, before she tried to drag Aria and the rest of the party away from the stall.

[Persuasion to seduce him: ]
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The man fumbled with his hands a bit, seemed to be a thing a lot of greedy traders did when haggling. "They're fair to be sure, but to see someone willing to buy such treasures is a sight as well. I can let them go to ya for a fair ten percent off price. Surely I can do no more." he insisted, giving her bust just a glance.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Opera blinked at the Imp's declaration, shaking her head. She was right, that was weird. How was the imp more trustworthy than they were? What a mess indeed. Still, seemed like there was trouble in the city. Pirates and criminals alike. Both seemed like they needed to be taken care of.

While she watched the others shop, she hummed to herself, admittedly a far more masculine hum than she should have, as she looked in the direction of the brothel. Of the pair, she knew which she felt was a more pressing issue. After all, they needed to prove they were trustworthy too.

Still, if everyone seemed to trust a demon so readily, perhaps she could be shown to the light herself? Hard to say. She didn't have the money to buy anything right now anyways. While she'd love some fine plate armor, that would take a few years yet to afford. And no amount of seduction would get her that.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The Imp takes note of her question she missed before. "Lemme ask you a question." she retorted. "If I knew, and I haven't told you thus far, then I'm still corrupted. Or at the very least, not on your side. Now... Do you understand how redundant your question is?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''I dunno. You do seem like the type that enjoys seeing others run around in circles and getting fucked because of that, regardless whose side you’re on. So I thought there’s no harm in asking.'' Yumi responded, simply ignoring the imp’s rudeness, before she returned searching through the various trinkets in front of her. ''Oho, there really are some nice trinkets sprawled around this stand.'' Yumi said excited, as her massive breasts continued to happily bounce when she kept searching through the various things. ''Maybe we could arrange some better discounts tonight?'' Yumi asked with a sly smile while casually showing off her cleavage to the man once again.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The trader smirked with a flush, reaching a hand up to stroke his short and scruffy beard. "... Aye, that can be arranged. 14 Applestreet, lassy. Would be more than open to ya there. Mind the dogs. They're a bit wily. To guard the treasures of course~" he declared, before taking her hand and kissing it as his eyes were now far more enraptured than before. "I'd be glad to have ya after hours~" he said with a coo.

The Imp stood back a bit with the others. "So, especially since our friend has a date tonight, are you guys ready to go? I can offer a bit of info on the dock if we decide to go that way, not much. The brothel is an enigma to me though. Mostly, I just know a way we could sneak in... If we were capable of sneaking. Bit of a spot with ladder at the bottom, the pirates use it to discreetly make trades and carry cargo during the night."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Aria cleared her throat, pointing out that she was still waiting for her purchase to conclude. Though as soon as that was done, she'd quickly equip herself and get ready to move. "Docks first, then?" She asked the rest of the group. The human would rather tackle the problem they had some information on first. If the pirates really supplied the brothel, then someone out there was bound to know something about the interior. Maybe a male buccaneer who got some services as part of a trade, or a corsair who got to see the interior or a business trip. Every bit counted.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

(Aria's transaction cost reduced by 10%)

"I guess. I just hope whatever happened to you all in that Hall didn't suddenly make you incapable of leading this attack." said the Imp. "Unless you want me to die, I will happily remain in stealth mode for the fights." she dictated. "Can also maybe bail you out if you lose."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When the man took Yumi’s hand and kissed it, she seductively smiled at him. "I’ll be sure to give you a visit tonight~." Yumi responded a bit breathily, before leaning in closely to him while trailing a couple fingers over the man’s arm. "It’s such a shame that you’re busy right now and in such a crowded area, or I would’ve let you take me on the spot~." Yumi whispered into the man ears followed by an elven chant, nearly shoving her breasts into his face. "Or perhaps you want me to go under your stall for a little and get rid of that swollen problem you’ve got there~." Yumi whispered. However, Yumi’s breathily whispering only served as a distraction, as the elven chant and her hand on her back was used to cast and guide an invisible hand over man’s table, snatching an insignificant looking component pouch from the table and stealthily stowing it in her pocket.

[Sleight of hand to steal a component pouch: ]