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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When Eva entered the hall behind some of the others, she stood surprised at the entrance from the amount of people. Reminded her of some of the old feasts she saw back home. Noticing the others walking over to an acquaintance, Eva followed. At least the staff was able to fit her into the table. It would be a little awkward to not sit with the only people she remotely knew.

Just like the tiefling, Eva's attention was caught by the way the important looking man handed over the note. Once opened, Eva raised a brow at the name, it was foreboding. "That place does sound like something we should investigate, but shouldn't we be focusing on the gnolls before the Hall?" Eva said as she ate, a hunger Eva didn't know she had was calling for more food!
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Gnolls is for later. Fixing town first was the decision the group came to." Kat replied to Eva's statement once they were looking at the map on their own, the dog girls ears tilting this way and that as she listened for anyone that might be trying to sneak in on them. "Hall might give us stuff to do both maybe?"

[Perception Check to see if anyone is trying to sneak in and see the note when they are looking at it: ]
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya nodded in acknowledgement to the introduction before headed down to eat, mumbling into her breakfast a bit, and idly jotting a few notes down.

Once they received the note and revealed it in private, Laya hums a bit, jotting a few more notes down. "Fallen can mean many things. Though in this case I doubt it means tripped down some stairs. This could be pretty dangerous. Still, it's pretty obvious we're underequipped. Of course, this could also be a trap. After all, who knows if they've a shapeshifter who pretended to be him and gave us a fake note."

Laya shrugs with a smile. "That would be pretty interesting though. Well, take your pick, are we going there or finding a different thing to do? I know we said that about the gnolls, but consistency has never been our forte, so it's not exactly off the table either. But you know me, I go whichever way the story takes us."
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Plus, wasn't there more to do in the city when it comes to the chaotic influence? We just cleared out one section of the city when we had a list of places to go on top of that. We have unfinished business and they at least deserve our attention. And maybe this Hall has something to do with it as well. Worth a look to say the very least. " The half elf said her piece as she continued eating, having to eat a fair bit more given her state. She wanted to take it easy but adventuring had no real days off.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss followed the rest of the group downstairs and sat down at the table, as she looked stunned at how many people were enjoying this feast, and she quickly understood why Garland was loved among the poor. Weiss gathered a simple meal for herself and started to politely eat her share. ''Yup, nothing really happened.'' Weiss responded to Kat, as she continued to enjoy her meal.

When Weiss was done with her meal, she stayed around until the end of the banquet, waiting for the rest of the group to finish. After they were done and servants were cleaning the room, Weiss stood up to return to her chamber, but before she could leave the table Garland leaned in to give her a note. ''I’ll be sure to, and thank you for the banquet.'' Weiss said with a kind smile, before she followed Garland’s actions and stood up to leave the lunch area. Once Weiss was completely sure nobody followed them, she opened up the note in front of everyone and looked at its contents.

When Weiss saw the name and location of the note, she quickly closed it. ''I’m assuming it’s to keep chaos away from desecrating the fallen heroes’ graves or to simply keep necromancers from reviving them. Of course the chaos dragon could’ve also cursed their bodies and souls, but we won’t really find out why it’s hidden unless we go check it out.'' Weiss stated, before considering Eva’s idea. ''Even if we were to ignore this tomb, we can’t really focus on the gnolls for now, since I’m pretty sure that’s what’s keeping the knight king busy, and without the gnolls distracting him, I’m sure that he’ll march down here with a battalion and put an end to Garland.'' Weiss explained. ''Although, I’m not sure if we should waste time on exploring this tomb, but instead of rushing everything and blindly following instructions of others, we should try and scout out things for ourselves, starting with the tomb. After we’ve explored it, we should try to scout out the places we’re supposed to infiltrate, and maybe ask around for more information about odd things happening inside this city. If we can find the person who’s in charge of the corruption, we might be able to finish this a lot quicker, and I’m also getting sick of walking into their traps, all because we don’t take the time to scout things out properly.'' Weiss suggested.

[Perception to check if someone is following Weiss: ]

[Insight on Garland when he gave Weiss the note: ]
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 23/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 27/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 2 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 26/26
AC: 14

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 45 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 35/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Climax: [][][]
Trauma: 28/100
HP: 26/26
AC: 19

Date: Week 3, Day 2
Time: 7:45 AM

Perception(Weiss): Weiss saw nothing.

Insight(Weiss): The look on Garland's face was troubled. As if he had more to say but felt unable to. Even giving the note seemed to hold a great deal of hesitation, but filled with a sense of urgency. He seemed to wish to quickly leave upon giving the note, and his word of caution seemed deliberate and foreboding of some unknown danger.

Perception(Kat): Kat just catches a pair of eyes staring daggers at the group. The eyes flee and vanish when Kat sees them, unable to reveal anything more than a red glint of their iris. Someone was staring at them with purpose.

Meanwhile, the Imp was just quietly following Talia, so as not to raise a fuss, while remaining invisible.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat got closer, putting herself between the paper and the source of the observer even as she stared at the red eyes until the dissapeared, whispering to the rest of the group. "Someone is watching us, but they turned away. Keep the paper under cover and lets go find this place." If need be she'd look at the map again, before getting Weiss to fold it up and start to pull the group along herself. Keeping her eyes out for the watcher again as they went.

(Perception to see if they end up getting followed: )
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

: Fine
Trauma: 4 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 23/23
AC: 14

: Fine
Trauma: 25 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 27/27
AC: 18

: Fine
Trauma: 2 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 26/26
AC: 14

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Trauma: 50 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 25/25
AC: 16

: Nude(-1AC)
Trauma: 45 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 35/35
AC: 15(14)

: Fine, Pregnant(2nd Stage)
Climax: [][][]
Trauma: 28/100
HP: 26/26
AC: 19

Date: Week 3, Day 2
Time: 7:45 AM

The group would presumably continue onwards. On the way, Kat did a bit of recon for any unwanted stragglers.

Perception: Well hidden, dressed to fit in with both crowd and manor as they walked, a figure in clothes that could fit in the ragged slums or Garland's manor, only a true definition of normal could be applied. A human girl with short brown hair cut to neck length and with a straight and simple style to appear neither beautiful nor ugly. Anyone but the most attentive would have missed her if they weren't looking. The only thing that stuck out was her normal, brown eyes. Which were staring at them with intent no passerby could carry for no reason.

Unlike the last pair of eyes, with the crowds and occasional passerby, this unassuming girl seemed to just keep moving in their direction. Perhaps just a walker, but it became increasingly clear that she was following their path to the letter. But it did seem that, once Kat was close to sure she was a tail, the moment she'd check again for final confirmation, the tail was no longer visible. She vanished somewhere as tensions rose, presumably aware she had been made by Kat's senses.

They were in the main plaza, crowds everywhere, and plenty of places to hide. She seemed to give up simple pursuit and ducked into a hiding place to evade Kat's eyes. It was unclear if they had fully lost their tail, but they were already close to the Hall of Fallen heroes. If their tail truly bailed off to avoid being caught, they could escape themselves before she could try to spy on them again. Or perhaps she was just hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike.

That was when Talia would hear faint whispers from the invisible Imp that had jumped onto her shoulders to ride piggy back to avoid being stepped on. "Detect the life unseen, reveal to mine eyes their soul's gleam." she declared in Abyssal tongue. "She ducked into a cafe. Just go before she peeks." she said, as if seeing exactly where the stalker went.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hrm." Talia's eyes narrowed as she made sure not to look around like an idiot and reveal she knew about the straggler. "Girls. Move now, while that spy isn't looking." She spoke quietly to the group, urging them to continue before turning her attention back to the imp. "Keep an eye on her and inform me about her movements as long as you can." She asked, ready to follow and get out of sight while the window of opportunity was still open.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat nodded, and would start to move now that the follower had ducked off and lost sight of them. The follower hadn't looked as obviously potentially threatening as the red eyed watcher before, but well the person who had been following them was too unassuming, to 'perfect' at blending in. It was either magic, or someone that had been very unlucky/lucky at birth. Either way starting to move, and if need be, help the two pregger girls move faster, she hoped they'd lose the woman, but she wasn't about to take that for granted.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss nodded at Talia’s commands. ''Alright, just let us know when you think our pursuer is still following us. Also, be wary, whatever is following us might be able to disguise themselves as someone else, so I suggest that we try to find a place where there aren’t many people, to see if we’re still being followed.'' Weiss whispers back at the group, and unless the group had a better idea, she started to move into abandoned alleyways, keeping an eye out for someone that might be following them, and once she was sure that nobody was following them anymore, she started to head for to the hall of fallen heroes.

[Perception: ]
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time: 8:15AM

They moved into abandoned alleyways to avoid eyesight. Alone in some quiet inner pathways, the imp spoke softly. "Don't see her anymore. Not that I can see for miles, but she's as good as gone in my book. She might still look around though. Oh right, you might find use by tapping into that power as well. Might give you eyes that can actually see." she said to Talia.

Talia can now cast Detect Evil and Good as well as Invisibility.

The Hall of Fallen Heroes was a bit of a walk away, but not far, if they wished to head straight there.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hrm." Talia frowned. This was not the sort of magic she dabbled on her own, but in their current situation she could see the merit in using it. After some consideration, the sorceress decided to try out that detection spell, muttering the incantation under her breath before sweeping the area, making sure to keep an eye out for the mysterious spy. She'd make sure they were clear before continuing on towards their destination.

[Cast Detect Good and Evil]

Perception: (natural 20)
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Scanning the area... There were seldom creatures picked up by the spell. It seemed mostly normal people were not detected by the spell, but a few civilians coming and going appeared seldom with a yellow glow, but perhaps twice as much did she see a gas-like glow of dark violet. To compare, Cystie was glowing such a dark violet color.

With the safety of the vision at hand, they saw no more of the straggler. Talia's exciting new powers spent time well as she tried them out, as they were before the Hall of Fallen Heroes before they knew it. It was down a singular alley behind the shops and businesses in the area. It led to a singular pair of double doors that were locked with chain and bar, as if to ensure no one could get inside.

Time: 8:30AM

However, as the girls neared, their chains lit up on their arms, and the chains from the door took a holy golden glow, suddenly flowing like snakes through the air, joining to each heroine present. The magic felt benevolent and pure, comforting them as the magical chains formed with their tattoos. It seemed to change them, altering their figure 8 chains to suddenly have a pair of ends that seemed to be connected to nothing. Chains with no link.

The door was open, the heavy barricade gone just by their approach alone, as if opening its doors to the only ones who were welcome. "Cool." Cystie said flatly.

( )

If they chose to walk inside... It felt like entering a different world. The rules and dimensions of the world outside were impossible to fit what lie within the doors. The walls above, seemingly made of smooth square marble plates of sand colored texture, stretched high over head, not even a five story building would tower over this building. The windows each presented pure soft light pouring in through the windows, the easy to look at light impossible to be cast by the sun in all it's fiery rage. The floor and pillars were solid white, and felt like soft stone beneath their feet. Almost comfortable enough to lay on with a bedroll. Between each pillar, on both left and right sides, were painted windows depicting glorious designs of seemingly heroic figures, beholding powers that the heroines felt were somehow similar to their own. At the bottom of the paintings, were a dark scene, depicting the same heroine above, only now instead of glory, she was meeting her end.

The painted windows were rested at foot level. As the girls walked by, they shimmered as if made of water held impossibly in place against the wall. It rippled as if inviting the heroines to step into it. The chains on their wrists reaching out to each painting as they neared it. It felt like an old friend each lay behind the paintings, resting in some silent world of the departed. A podium lay at the farthest end of the Hall, which both seemed to somehow be near and far. When focused upon, they would take but five steps and suddenly be next to their view, as the others would see them move as if a ghost, fading in and out with each step before they stood at their destination as if the rules of the world did not apply here.

At the podium, was a single written scripture:

Old friends, old rivals. From a world same yet different.

Those who are painted here cast a reflection from a same but different world.

Their whole lives painted into a window, they lived your life as different people.

Born a human, born an elf, born an orc. They are you, and not.

The chains given to you by us, the first generation, will find their link.

Your life, represented by the chains, has no end nor beginning.

Your life is linked to countless possibilities. But its power comes at a price.

Your souls each are lost to time. You were grown, you were raised, until you hit your prime.

We both blessed you and cursed you to never die. Your souls cannot depart.

Your bodies cannot rot.

You can never lose, but neither can you win. A stalemate created by desperation.

Our only hope, as your loving parents, was that you'd find a way, where we could not.

As you read this, so too do your other selves. You're linked together.

Where one hero fails, another may succeed, when one Dragon dies, another is victorious.

Even if it is only in one world, we will be victorious against Chaos... But that is not enough.

Your curse, as we've placed it upon you, must also be broken. But timely so. If you succeed where your link fails, Chaos will only return.

Even if it seems like we did not, we do love each of you. Even those who did not make it with you, or are now your enemies.

Please let them know, we're sorry for their unfortunate birth...

Touch the Painted Glass that calls to you.​

The note ended there. The girls each would feel connected to a Painted Glass pane. If they touched it... They felt like they would sink in.
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Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Nearing the temple in question, Vylyra was getting a curious feeling. Something she could honestly say she never felt before. The little magic show that followed when the approached the door only confirmed her suspicions. But it felt...good. Not like the times she was defeated. This magic was...softer...more benevolent and the fact that it was helping them was proof enough for her, the chains magic manifesting itself in reality. When the chains would eventually return to her, she'd catch sight of the new addition, a curious addition to be honest. A chain with no link? What was that suppose to mean? A sign? An omen?

Either way, the temple itself stood before them in all it's purity and majesty. Se was almost awed by the purity of the stone within, the soothing colors putting her mind at ease and relaxed. She felt none of the tension she was feeling on the outside and she could get used to this. She'd also observe the various pillars, noting the artwork depicted upon them. It was strange. Why did she feel like she had a connection to whoever was in that painting. It was almost like staring into another world...or maybe it was staring back at her. Two sides of the same coin...Whatever magics were at work here, they were indeed offering her a new look into a strange new world.

And to top it all off, the podium contained a scrawling. The words...they spoke of their plight. Speaking from experience, wisdom passed down to a new generation. Speaking again of another world that was different but still similar to theirs. But if this was written by her parents...why didn't they mention any names? "So...anyone brave enough to make the first step?"
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia found the new spell quite easy to use. At the very least it allowed her to discern the nature of those she laid her eyes on, but the fact that most of them appeared to be on the evil side was rather discouraging. Nothing like a bit of magic to help lose faith in humanity, she snarked in her thoughts. Still, at least she couldn't see their mysterious tail anywhere, so they were likely safe from further spying, for now at least. And sure enough, by the time she finally got used to the new power they were already at the Hall, the place seemingly welcoming them as if they had been recognized. Given how it seemed to react to the chains, they likely had been.

The magic that filled the insides of the building nearly made Talia's head spin. The sorceress could hardly fathom the amount of power necessary to cast such enchantments and make them stick, and that's before one considered the glass paintings. She had no idea whether she'd even be able to identify the powers behind those. Instead, she focused on the podium and it's inscription, stopping to study it in silence for a few moments. The tiefling's eyebrows rose as she did so, quickly working out the meaning behind the words. Parallel worlds? Alternate selves? Perhaps even divergent timelines... A world of endless possibility opening before her.

Stepping back from the incription, Talia felt stunned. Silently, she turned to walk alongside the colorful panes, examining them idly as she pondered the implications of what she had just read. Only to stop suddenly in front of one window, staring at a face she recognized. An old... Client of hers. A blonde girl with icy blue eyes, with a stare that spoke of great darkness haunting her dreams. Clad in light armor and armed to the teeth, hunting creatures of the night as arcane light illuminated her path. Below this imposing image was a much more grisly one: the same girl striking down a grotesque, shadowy figure even as it pulled both of them down into a dark abyss full of unseen horrors.

Talia cringed as she looked at the lower picture. She knew enough of that one to make a guess as to what was hiding in the dark. She could also feel a sort of pull attracting her towards the glass window, compelling her to touch it. The tiefling hesitated for a while, internally debating whether to act on the impulse or not, before reaching out and touching the painting, stepping in closer as she did so. Hand pressing against the window as her feet carried her forward.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Slipping into the alleyway without anyone else following them, Kat would blink as her chains started to glow as they approached the chained and locked double doors. Looking down at her arm as the chains from the gate turned to light and snaked into their own, changing their tattoos into something that looked like...it was incomplete.

Heading inside, they found a massive room, much bigger then it possibly could be given the limitations of the place outside. The walls covered in opulent marble tiles, the soft stone floor, and in general it looked much more like it belonged in a castle then in an alley. As it was the dogbold was staring at the architecture in awe, at least till she noticed the painted windows, her eyes drawn across them.

Once again though, the girl's attention was pulled away when Talia stepped forward toward the podium, and seemed to 'shift' there. Covering the vast distance in moments, and Kat would follow, trying the same. Stepping up beside Talia and seeing the scripture on the podium. Unlike Talia, she didn't quite get the more esoteric ideas, only grasping at the thought of the people in the paintings being from another world. The thought of someone stuck in another reality where the dragon had won. Well, she turned toward the painted windows once more.

Her eyes this time were drawn to a rather specific one. The window contained a small woman with wings out of her back and glowing radiant light coalescing around her fists to strike down a distant monsters in a forest. Underneath though was a scene of the same small woman alight with that same power, burning away at another creature, even as her own body was destroyed by the rampaging energy.

Stepping up to the window, Kat couldn't help but look it over. Watching the tiny woman fight to the last breath even as it meant her end, and felt something of a kinship with her. Someone else who'd keep fighting, and the forest around the first scene made her think of her own home out in the woods of the village. After a few moments more, Kat would act like Talia had, her hand pressing up against the glass as she felt herself 'sinking' into the window, wondering what would happen when or if she came out on the other side.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya hummed as they moved about, writing as they went, considering. Things were certainly interesting. Moving ahead, they soon entered the Hall, as she wrote down the sketch, eyes wide. She was drawn in as well, approaching the windows. One, a winged woman with shield raised lodged in the maw of a massive hound, between it and some nymphs drew her eyes. One of those Kenku harpies? How strange.

There were several here as well. A short green woman with a massive axe cutting legs out from under others. A half dragoness with robes of flame and book in hand. A large fluffy woman with a giant pike in hand. A serpentine woman poisoning an arrow and peering from a hidden perch towards cloaked gnolls moving in cover. A kobold with a sack of vials and a shovel, watching as a troop of cultists were about to fall in a hidden pit trap. A giant stoney skinned woman fighting alongside an enormous viper.

Still it was the harpy her eyes kept being drawn back to. To see a whole new world? What sort of story could she write in a new version of the worlds? She couldn't resist the urge to see such a new sight, and stepped into the harpy's window.
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Finally escaping from the people who were following them, that Talia and Kat could see. Eva kept up with the party as they moved on towards the Hall. She was a bit curious as to how Talia had acquired such a partner, but it wasn't the time for such questions.

It only took even more walking to reach a set of double doors, ones which were chained up, denying access to every one, except for them it seemed. As they got closer, Eva's chains started to light up. along with the rest of the party, "This feels weird. Well different from when they normally act up." Eva commented as the chains started to glow and react. The door lit up with holy magic, drawing in Eva's chains and connecting to them, dispersing the chains around the door! When the entire process was done with, Eva's chains looked different, like a chain without an end, without a link. The chains had never changed her entire life, but this new change didn't feel bad. Almost like it was going to happen no matter what.

Cystie's words were a bit of an understatement as the group entered the Hall, Eva was positively glowing with excitement and awe. And the temple/Hall deserved that awe, it felt so heavily enchanted that it felt like it wasn't even apart of the world anymore! Eva didn't understand how that could be possible, as she didn't really dabble in magic at all, preferring to rather stand and defend others with her shield.

The podium brought back memories of children's stories, those stories that talked about other worlds and many different possibility's, and the podium hinted heavily towards that!

As the group had walked through the Hall, Eva had been feeling a tugging in her mind, something trying to draw her attention to it. She couldnt place where it was coming from until she had read the podium. One of the paintings suddenly lit up with a radiance only Eva could see. It showed a Dragonborn stalking the shadows of a city, short sword in hand, searching for the filth of the town. For some reason Eva felt like she understood the girl's motives, protecting others, but through different means.

The picture changes as it comes to life, a scream for help and the rush of movement as the girl suddenly charges into the night, arriving at a dark alleyway, filled with a couple of moving bodies. A women was being raped in the dark by some gang members, but a few scars of silvery light in the air later, and the gang member's were no more. The kin-ship of sharing the same goal felt right, felt natural, almost like they were sisters. Braking her attention for a moment to look around, Eva followed suite as the others, she pressed her hand into the glass, sinking into it...
Re: (Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When they finally lost their pursuer and approached the door, and when Weiss noticed that her chains lit up, she was cautiously approached the door, being shocked that not only her chains lit up, but also the chains on the door. When Weiss tried to figure out what it meant, she was caught off-guard when the golden floating chains suddenly rushed towards them, making her wonder if they sprung some type of trap. However, when the benevolent warmth started to spread through her body, she no longer felt panicked, but instead smiled at the comforting feeling. Thanks to that feeling, Weiss didn’t get distressed at all when she saw her chain break, but instead she welcomed the change to her chains with a kind smile.

After that weird experience, Weiss followed the rest of them inside, and she looked up in awe when she saw the hall’s interior, as it didn’t look impressive at all on the outside. When Weiss realized that the structure was a lot larger than the building they saw outside, she wondered if they walked into someone’s pocket dimension or a dimension belonging to a god. Weiss honestly was surprised that the hall of fallen heroes wasn’t a crypt. Curiously Weiss took a closer look at several of the painted windows, shocked with awe as she looked at the heroic depictions on them, and when she noticed the fall of each of those heroines, she finally realized why they called it the hall of fallen heroes.

Weiss continued to look at the glorious depictions and the dark scenes below them, wondering if she would show up. However, when Weiss noticed a depiction of an elven woman, she felt a strange desire to touch it. Cautiously, Weiss slowly moved closer to it. When Weiss saw the depiction suddenly ripple, as if it was liquid, she rubbed her eyes in disbelieve, wondering if what she was seeing was real. But when Weiss realized that the rippling was real, she cautiously placed her fingers against the rippling effect, and before she realized it, her hand started to sink into it.