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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Thanks for noticing. Upped DEX.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Alright then, lets finally get crackin'

I'll go through the characters, put out approvals, then either start the IC today or monday, pending edits/clarifications, as 4 is a good number for a lewd team.

Nitpick:As Destined bloodrager you also get destined strike, while the backround seems a little mary-suey, thats literally the definition of the bloodline, so I'm fine with it, Approved

Sekla: First of all: Kinky picture, I must admit I haven't heard of the arcanist, seems a bit niche, 'if you want to cast spontaneously but also work with books all day.' seems fitting for a C character though.
Backround: Why was she taken in and not.. hobgobline'd by the arcanists?
Interesting stats for a caster.
*checks out quick study and halcyon spell lore* Ah, I see, a generalist.
*checks spell selection* Not your first caster, is she. Rarely seen such a well brewed up spell selection, half expected you to grab umd and a wand of cure lights along with it.
Gear: I like the gear selection.. and I see your muleback cords, but I want to remind you that with that huge backpack anything in your gear that you don't note down as 'worn' will take at least a full round action, likely more to retrieve. I don't see a C character having all their stuff handily sorted in a giant backpack like that. After you noted down what you have and don't have on her directly, Approved Keep in mind that, unless you somehow defeat/trick the overlord and turn him female, not that thats completely impossible, setting is focused on a male dom down the line. *nods*

looks like she and Rovana would get along great, anyway, backround:
and when she was of age, as a prostitute. She was given the name Yan-Yenna, as a name appropriate for her new career.
Glad to see that demonic unholy caravans respect that. :p Hows the name appropriate, if I may be curious?
Do add your init, +3 unless I miss something. You are also short a feat, even if you use racial to get finesse, propably ment to be exotic weapon proficency whip?
You should have more class feats than this from bard, like a lot more. All the performance stuff.
Roll 1d6 to determine how many charges of your cure wand you already used to fix some.. soreness, before the adventure starts. The basis works but needs some mechanical cleaning.

She has long silver hair and beautiful dazzling platinum tails, from which she derives her name.
Mane is something guy-lions have not girl foxes though. :p
Backstory: Bit weird, but I like it. Sorcerers rarely take apprentices compared to wizard but w/e.
Stats wise I don't see any issues, so I'ma Approve her on the spot. Props for backround apropriate gear.

Rather chaotic group, Lawful Evil overlord it is. :p
Seems everyone is ready, and slime is readyish pending a quick edit, so I'll start the campaign. I guess one of the first questlines may involve trying to break the overlords charm by messing with his gender, seeing you peoples interest, rest can be played out IC. :p

Edit: welll, perhaps best to let slime finish their character or maybe Diagas hammering one out? Think I will still set up the IC latersish, so people know where we start. ^^
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Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Arcanist is sorta niche though it tends to push out the sorceror when it comes to overall strength. It kinda fits between them. Which makes sense given the combination involved. And yeah been doing casters for a bit. I favor wizard overall, but since we're good aligned, Halcyon Magic caught my eye here. There's a related prestige too I'm thinking about doing as well.

Well, 25 point buy let's me diversify, but I've always held that a dead caster casts little. Investing in defenses is important. Also the charisma bonus is mostly tertiary for an Arcanist, kinda like a Cleric, but I figured why not. Might pick up eldritch Bloodline later. Or not, have not decided.

I don't quite follow the hobgobline'd thing? What's that mean?

Thought about UMD but it requires a large investment, and given we're on the backfoot in this game I wasn't sure if I should rely on it. And being able to sneak around with the rest of the party seemed important. Plus, Bard. I didn't want to do absolutely everything, it's why I didn't do the summoner. It was a few players concerns after all.

I know about the storage issue. I considered Handy Haversack, but it's too costly at our level, being 1/3 of all the wealth. I'll probably turn the backpack into one at a later date.

Chaotic doesn't mean slovenly though, it's primarily more about independence and dismissal of laws and such. Some might be slobs, but I wouldn't call her so. She tends to take appearance quite seriously, since avoiding mobs cus hobgoblin is something she prefers, and there is some racial push towards soldierness and it tends to express itself through an restrained dominant streak and a devotion to meticulous self care. But there is the space issue in general yeah. So full round is about right to retrieve things, for now.

Her CG is mostly her dismissal of any laws or rules or traditions that hurt others or emphasize on divisions and xenophobia. She's been in bed with a kobold or two after all. If somethings between her and helping, she'll probably blow through it. Because if it's hurting or oppressing people, it probably wasn't worth keeping. So in her mind, an evil dictatorship doesn't need to be reformed, or replaced with moral busybodies instead, it has to be dismantled and people allowed to work together for good without being forced to jackboot decency. Good doesn't need to mean nice or clean or perfectly ordered after all. Hence the difference between LG and CG on the matter. They're both good, but they have very different views of what a good society should be.

Oh I know. I've no issue with guys. Neither does she, but she probably won't be looking to get dommed by her opponent anyways, so not too concerned. Assuming I don't polymorph any object him as well mwahahaha. See where it goes, yup :p

As for Blue's sheet, looks like it's a confusion of the sheet design. He put the feats under all three categories instead. Technically he doesn't have the class features on there at all. But we did this at like 3 am my time so something was bound to happen. Bards have Whip Proficiency from their class.

Here, Blue, use this to get your class features on the sheet.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Some sorc bloodlines can be pretty fancy.

Well, why take in a hobgoblin rather than slay them? I mean.. lewdified, sure, but you kinda jump over that one.

Lawful people tend to be more organized, anyway, her attitude might prove problematic quite soon, but we'll see. :p

Bards get whip profiency? Huh. Kinky. Definitly settled on playing one next chance in pathfinder then, anyway..

Post is up, your opponent is a lvl 4, top 5 spellcaster that stole a powerful artifact... pre time skip. :p

Ideas for introduction: How would you have approached the fight, how do you react to the sudden change in enviroment and what is your next course of action. If you want more details just look around, I tend to not put details into 'its mostly an overgrown ruin, yo!'


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yeah there's no doubt I didn't put things down right. Zilrax was fading and I was just putting down what he told me to. Anything not specified I missed because PF chargen is my kryptonite.

I'll have to fix it later when I've enough time to post that and my intro.

Yan-Yenna grew up on Pandemonium so this time warping deal is not that terrible. She probably found all the weird Heroes Guild law-stuff to be odd, but amusing. I've still got little idea how she hooked up with this group, but I think she'd like a bit of backstory with Seklah, since they probably get along?

As for her name, it's probably a githyanki name for a pretty jewel found only on the Astral plane. So it's a good prostitute name in the sense that it's the equivalent of Sapphire or some such. To Prime Material people, it just sounds exotic. She's cool with either interpretation.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Eh, I guess you can go ahead and prepare your characters intro, just make sure to get your sheet finished before any srs mechanical rolls happen.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

It's gonna be 12 hours or so before I can post IC anyway.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

No hurry, waiting also on Diagas for a potential character entry.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sorc bloodlines can be, but the problem isn't the class features so much, it's the casting system. There's not really anything a sorceror can do thats not bloodline based a wizard cannot also do, and keep all his own toys.

Cast lots of spells? Pearls of power, and they start with scribe scroll, and can make better scrolls because they are not restricted to the 6 spells they can cast to make scrolls from. Sorc get's bonus feats, so does the wizard, who can sub out his feats for arcane discoveries. School abilities vs bloodline abilities.

The main advantage sorceror has over wizard is one trick pony builds, and being better at Planar Binding and Charm spells due to charisma checks.

But then you get the Arcanist, who is a sorceror who can change his loadout each day. He can pick up some of the wizards and the sorceror's tricks. While he still can't do some of the stuff the Wizard can (Pearls of Power), he can do more than the sorceror can. And he can be better at some of the one trick pony builds too, (Blaster Sorceror has better raw damage on the fireball build than the Arcanist but pays more for it, but the Arcanist is superior on the Single Target Nuke build and unlike the Sorc, isn't limited to one element. Compulsion Sorc is still not matchable by others though)

As for the attitude, well keep in mind she doesn't have to act like an idiot and flaunt laws everywhere. She can aim for the longterm.

As for why take her in? Well first off she was a child and a prisoner, and the organisation is Good aligned by nature. Good aligned organisations don't keep good alignments for long if they advocate murder because inconvenience or such. Good can kill, but it has to be in the defense of others, else they start dropping towards evil quick. Murder being first answer to every solution even in such a case leaves one neutral sooner or later. It's the alignment thing. Killing specifically is called out as evil. Mix it with protect the innocent, dignity of life etc of good and you get a neutral act. Do mostly neutral acts and you're not good, you're neutral.

But as far as Philosophy goes, I doubt the Arcane United would still exist after the time skip. They believe that species and magic and such distinctions are irrelevant before the common ground they all share. Who cares if you're a hobgoblin, we're both living beings who want to be loved, to feel wanted, to do what they can to protect things and such etc. The common good all feel, but may not always express. All but the most monstrous and alien of entities want to be loved and care for those that matter to them and such. They just might need a push in the right direction sometimes.

The organization is NG, and merges divine and arcane magic together, being able to use good aligned cleric spells, druid spells and obviously arcane magic all at once. The overarching goals is working towards providing aid and protection and education to others, generally promoting the cause of good things. Not the Greater Good, just good. They'll fight raiders and bandits but would rather redeem if they can, or imprison if not rather than outright killing. Sometimes it's unavoidable or accidents happen. The worlds not perfect after all. Otherwise, providing food, using magic to better others lives, especially by using magic to reduce the cause of many fights, scarcity of resources.

Or to put it another way, they're a bunch of magic wielding idealists who are working towards making the world a better place, and doing their best to live by their ideals. Taking the high road when they can, sometimes getting their hands dirty if they have to. Any good alignment is amidst the actual ranks. So trying to raise orphaned children of normally hostile species is very much in character for them.

Also, organized is not what I'd call accurate, given how the drow have a very organized society, but are CE. I'd say that Law more than anything represents reliability. Because in drow society they have laws, but they are applied arbitrarily, unfairly and cruelly, manifesting both chaos and evil. Chaos can be disorganized in the sense that on the micro scale, it's inconsistent in it's behaviors. But they can manifest organizations in the sense of loose hierarchies, cell groups and so forth built around a unifying idea.

Thus why while Good and Evil are fairly easy to codify in what they represent,
Good: Good implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of sentient beings. Good characters make personal sacrifices to help others.

Evil: Evil implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some evil deity or master.

But one isn't shackled to it. Alignment reflects the characters actions. But one also often has exceptions to their alignment. Hence why for example, Ventus is LE, but she expresses care and concern for her minions and acts in their defense. Those are good acts. I imagine she just does more acts of actual evil which is why she retains her alignment.

Lorelai is LN. She expresses a devotion to law and order and doing things properly. She doesn't seek to hurt others, she generally wants to help. Good acts. But on the other hand, she can be temperamental, and is willing to hurt people to help others, as long as it is in a legal manner. Like her problem isn't taking things from others, her problem is it's not legal to take from others. The law matters more than morality for the most part to her. She railed against Hextor's faith because it was being outright hindering to helping others and was being needlessly cruel. She has no issue with systems per say, her problem was entirely it was too based on cruelty rather than fair use of the law. So her bad acts thus far are not enough to push her into LE but enough to keep her from being Good. Time may tell how it goes.

Sekla is CG. She cares more about her goals than others sensibilities ultimately. If someone doesn't like she broke a taboo or rule, they better have something better than it's illegal or tradition or what not. If she let's it lie, she's either blending in, avoiding pointless conflicts or recognises it's not something she can fix at this time. Breaking every law just because is not helpful. Breaking the law in pursuit of helping others? Long as it's done right, she's all over that. Doing it carelessly isn't wise after all. Just because she's chaotic, doesn't mean she's got no foresight after all. Sometimes you need to let an injustice lie to handle a bigger issue or the root of it. She's not a paladin after all.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Zilrax, any ideas about how our group met? Or tying a bit of backstory together?


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well the intro seems to imply we haven't been a group for very long. Hm.

Sekla moves around a lot so meeting her while she's trying to convince some group or other to stop doing things is possible. Whether by trying to make raids for food less needed by making food worth more, or various other methods. Hell, could have fallen out of the gate on top of her. Her natural inclinations to help people after all. She might have been helping yours acclimate to a new dimension and it's cultures and threats?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Alignments are really simple.

Drow society was originally ment to be LE to completely mirror the CG elves, so they are a tricky example for alignment discussions.

Ventus is a light Le but she does quite literally want to kill all of you. Being nice about it makes it all relative. Noted on the organization, either way.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Zilrax! I call upon thee! Bless me with knowledge for the guide I useth for halps is not complete!

What 3rd Feat should I grab? Currently looking at Battle Intuition.

Also any suggested items and the bits?


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Gonna be a delay in my adjustments. RL has gotten in the way.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Zilrax! I call upon thee! Bless me with knowledge for the guide I useth for halps is not complete!

What 3rd Feat should I grab? Currently looking at Battle Intuition.

Also any suggested items and the bits?

Its strong with your kind of wisdom. Going first is not as VITAL for the healer though .. see what I did there? Unless you have a plan for your actions beyond: 'I ready to heal X' *checks* oh you got expanded knowledge, that'll do. Psicrystal affinity allows you to get a psicrystal, dun forget to write them up a lil if you want.

Anyway, looking at Orelia:
Totally gonna do a bimbo-storyline with these charas. :p
With your backround as raised as a slave I almost want you to be like the first character the time traveled group encounters, already loyal to the overlord.. but 'corrupted' by their influence. Whatcha think about that?


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Its strong with your kind of wisdom. Going first is not as VITAL for the healer though .. see what I did there? Unless you have a plan for your actions beyond: 'I ready to heal X' *checks* oh you got expanded knowledge, that'll do. Psicrystal affinity allows you to get a psicrystal, dun forget to write them up a lil if you want.

Anyway, looking at Orelia:
Totally gonna do a bimbo-storyline with these charas. :p
With your backround as raised as a slave I almost want you to be like the first character the time traveled group encounters, already loyal to the overlord.. but 'corrupted' by their influence. Whatcha think about that?
Got Psicrystal Affinity after a bit more reading. It sounds fun. Now just poking around the item lists.

Yes. Corrupted leads to some interesting developments.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Going first is more effective with a Vitalist than a cleric because vitalists can be proactive. But there's nothing wrong with Psicrystals.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Going first is more effective with a Vitalist than a cleric because vitalists can be proactive. But there's nothing wrong with Psicrystals.
Yeah. Also Expanded Collective seems like a waste since my collective is already 3 + Wisdom Modifier or Vitalist/2 Level. Right now, Expanded Collective adds my Wisdom Modifier as well since it is higher then 2 s so my collective size is
3 + 4 + 4 = 11 total right now.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

As a standard action, a vitalist can join a number willing targets into his collective equal to his key ability modifier or half his vitalist level, whichever is higher.

Nope. It's your wis mod or half your level. Not 3+ wis or 1/2. Expanded Collective adds 2 to the total. Unless you have some other thing that I've not noticed before?

Since you're not a Lifeleech, you don't need more than your +4 wis mod guys right now, unless we make more than 1 friend/summon. You could do this one though.
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RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

As a standard action, a vitalist can join a number willing targets into his collective equal to his key ability modifier or half his vitalist level, whichever is higher.

Nope. It's your wis mod or half your level. Not 3+ wis or 1/2. Expanded Collective adds 2 to the total. Unless you have some other thing that I've not noticed before?

Since you're not a Lifeleech, you don't need more than your +4 wis mod guys right now, unless we make more than 1 friend/summon. You could do this one though.
Enlarged Collective I looked at. I think I'll grab that at next feat get if no other feats pop to mind. And Yes Wis Mod. More Power Points from higher Wis Mod.