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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yup. So you currently have 4 people, not including yourself, able to be in your collective. You're always in your own collective and thus do not count to the total. Other options are simply picking up Expanded Knowledge a bunch or maybe Psionic Body if you pick up a lot of psionic feats.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Psionic body? Huh, will go take a look at that. What about any items? Actually how do I go about even finding prices for items in pathfinder? Getting all sorts of confused navigating the site.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

ITems... You probably can't afford too many ones. I'd say get Light Armor, maybe Chain Shirt +1. That's 1200 gp.

Prices for magical items are in the Magic Item section. For weapons and armor, Equipment section, same as all the misc items.

To make weapons or armor masterwork, they have to be Masterwork first. This adds 300 to the cost of a weapon, or 100 to an armor.

There's your relevant sections far as items and price go.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Adjustments to Yan-Yenna made. Think she's okay now.

Should we be responding in main thread now?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yeah, I've most of a post written but I don't wanna assume stuff about everyones character relationships and such. Get's a little awkward.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Heh. I think my mispelling of Sekla(h) even worked on you at one point, Zilrax.

Anyhow, I don't think that Yenna would have been very embarrassed by the horniness trap. She's extremely comfortable with all topics lewd, though she doesn't push those conversations on others, she would not have been worried about any self-indulgence done in front of the others.

And she would have eyed Sekla's full mast with appreciation, both at the time and a little bit afterwards.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Can always edit in the hobdong appreciation heh. Sekla definitely did some ogling, she's just trying to handle her own urges. She gets a bit... Aggressive in bed, and she's trying not to think of others as belongings and such heh. Hobgoblin and all. But she's no virgin and she might even be a father, depending if kobolds and hobgoblins can reproduce together. If so, she might even accidentally end up with her own descendent's at some point :p

And I mess up writing a lot. My brain says one thing, my fingers say another. Allllll the time.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yenna would object to being a belonging, but she'd quite readily pretend to be Sekla's belonging for a couple hours or so. She likes fulfilling fantasies and they're both consenting adults and all that.~
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Sekla is trying not to think like that so it works. Hobgoblins are normally warmongering, domineering and aggresive. They're basically an entire species of fascist slavers who seek to conquer all others. Especially elves. Heavily LE.

Sekla is CG but she still has to grapple with a lot of biological and cultural engineering towards hobgoblins. Since biology often informs culture, she has a domineering streak and a natural attraction to certain stimuli.

Given their widely different behaviors and cultures than the more chaotic goblins and psychopathic bugbears, I suspect Hobgoblins are more infernal influenced, if not were outright made from goblin stock by the forces of hell. In any case, while she acts CG, she has to fight nature a good bit on it in many ways. Whether she can keep it up remains to be seen.

But yeah, she's insecure a bit on the matter because she's scared of giving into natural inclinations becoming a slippery slope for herself. Once she get's going, she gets carried away easily.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

So there's no way that Yenna can ease her cognitive dissonance and fulfill some of those biological urges?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

She could, yeah. I believe in Yenna's silver tongue after all. Ease her fears and so forth. I imagine Yenna could influence her a fair bit. Though then, so could other things heh.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

depending if kobolds and hobgoblins can reproduce together.

Knowing D&D templates, quite likely.

Adjustments to Yan-Yenna made. Think she's okay now.

Should we be responding in main thread now?

You might want to sort your feats for visibility reaons but other than that it looks fine, go ahead and post.

Diages is not ready, but I can just include her as a local girl with the all enslavedy backround. ^^

They're basically an entire species of fascist slavers who seek to conquer all others. Especially elves. Heavily LE.

Gonna get along great with the overlord.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Diages is not ready, but I can just include her as a local girl with the all enslavedy backround. ^^

Only thing I have left is Money stuff. And Zilrax answered that stuff. Got my feats, got my expanded knowledge power (spell.) Now, I can just change out my Powers( spells) at the start of every day that I feel like. Current ones I have put on character sheet is the default I'm going to hold onto.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Heh, Pc's charming one another, 's starting great. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

What do I roll for this?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Will save. If you fail, Tenta is your BEST FRIEND. You will do anything for Tenta that you'd do for a Best Friend. If it's something you would not do for a best friend, you will roll opposed charisma check against Tenta. If you pass, you don't have to do it, but if you fail, you'll do it for your Best Friend this once.

This spell lasts one hour.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Once I can get eight tails I get DOMINATE person. But that won't be till epic level area, if we get that far that is.>:3
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

In my experience, even on the fast xp track, the lifetime of a pbp online campaign is 5, tops 6 level so wouldn't hold my breath. Now that MAY be different with a bunch of dedicated writers and I'm not a quitter DM (though I may run into bouts of business because I write or a living AND my amusement)

I fondly recall rpying a misanthropic wizard npc once, charming him did NOTHING, wasn't even evil, just very jaded. If you aren't actually nice to your friends charm doesn't help. ^^ In this case.. she might try and make out. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

That's where the opposed charisma checks come in.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Once I can get eight tails I get DOMINATE person. But that won't be till epic level area, if we get that far that is.>:3

Whats the DC?