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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

So I finally defeated the spider....


Thanks O(bama)p, now I am going to be traumatized for life.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I must be an idiot, but how do you get the monsters and such to 'assault' the character? I've tried losing on purpose but I merely get killed and have to start over. Is the H-content limited to events like when you beat the spider boss?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

You can't get raped in the first dungeon. It's just the tutorial, so focus on beating the spider boss.

After a certain cutscene, the creatures will rape on death.

Hm, I would like to see some new content. I'm not downloading the update for a few minor fixes. I did not see any critical Bugs on my playthrough.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

That was my thinking as well. I'll update again when I have the 2nd Crypts boss finished. I envisioned it being a certain way but I just can't get my brain to process how I would go about doing it.

For now I think I'll have it another way.

Edit: I might have just thought of something, but I'm not sure.. Well this other way is probably best for now. It's a good spot for another endurance test anyway. xP
The next update will have at least 3 fully functioning new enemy types. I'll probably have the 3rd crypts boss as well. That one should be a lot of fun. :)
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

You can't get raped in the first dungeon. It's just the tutorial, so focus on beating the spider boss.

After a certain cutscene, the creatures will rape on death.

Hm, I would like to see some new content. I'm not downloading the update for a few minor fixes. I did not see any critical Bugs on my playthrough.

I'm guessing that applies to all the creatures from the starter dungeon later on in the game as well, because when I tried to lose to a big spider in the room where they keep the challenge statues of creatures you've beaten, it merely kills me.

How does stuff like pregnancy work if you can only be raped while being killed at the same time?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I'm guessing that applies to all the creatures from the starter dungeon later on in the game as well, because when I tried to lose to a big spider in the room where they keep the challenge statues of creatures you've beaten, it merely kills me.

How does stuff like pregnancy work if you can only be raped while being killed at the same time?

The enemies in the statue do not rape you. Losing to the other enemies in the dungeons you find after the spider boss will get you raped. You won't die.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I see, thanks for the clarification.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I'll try to fix it so that losing to the tutorial type monsters doesn't kill you.

But they still won't rape Sienna.

And the statue room is archaic. I really need to update it sometime. xP
I plan on changing it (the statue room) to fewer fights and fewer (1, 2, and 3) enemies, having multiple opportunities to fight them (like in the actual dungeons where they roam), and also have a reward box at the end. And it should all be like a repeatable mini-dungeon.

I may have higher multiples of the enemies only appear after you reach a certain level, progression point, or something.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I'm having trouble deciding something.

Okay so.. let's say you had to do a bunch of fights in a row. You can't save between fights and you're stuck in the room with them. You can heal though and there are 4 full recovery items in the room.

How many fights before you get sick of it? The fights get progressively more difficult. The first 1/3 are the same, then 2/3, then the last 3/3 the most difficult and finally a boss fight.

Could you handle 5 fights? 10? 20? 30? More?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

My upper limit would be 10 in a row. More then that, and I would start cheating :p
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

What's the point you're trying to make by giving the player a large number of fights in a row?
Is there another way to get that point across without going through the whole process?

Personally, I'd have a hard time justifying more than four-ish fights without a break, especially when there's no particular variation to make it interesting. It probably goes up to 10ish if I'm given 100% restoration items inbetween.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I managed to cut it down to 12 fights. I might cut some of those too but I haven't decided yet. I'll add the boss, finish the scenario, and then test it out first.

Hmm.. I just realized I forgot to give quest exp for helping the waitress (not that she does much waitressing). Need to remedy that.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I downloaded the latest version of FSA 1B8 and the linked RPGMaker VX Ace RTP, unpacked the former, and installed the latter. This is a great game concept that is developing nicely. A few initial issues:

  1. Is this game actually created in RPGMaker VX Ace, or is it RPGMaker VX. I ask because it ran before I downloaded and installed the RTP for VX Ace, and I had the RTP for VX already installed. Any RPGMaker game should state specifically which version it uses since the RPGMaker web site is historically user-unfriendly and the links for the RTPs change with the wind. The RTP link you give goes to the generic "latest" RTP (VX Ace at this time) rather than a specific version.
  2. The Save item in the escape menu (ESC or 'x') is disabled and I can not save the game.
  3. There should never be a game without sound volume levels and/or sound mute checkboxes for each category of sound. Short MIDI background loops are a primary cause of player ear bleeding and homicidal rage.
  4. I'm sure I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but I don't seem to be able to go anywhere except Sienna's house, the immediate scene outside her house, and the Spider Cave. I can find no way to travel to any of the places I see described in this thread, like a town.
  5. I am unable to complete the wood gathering quest despite harvesting 7 logs and the 1 dead tree that can be harvested twice (in the scene outside Sienna's house). No indication of a quest completion is ever given. I can not find the locations for the logs that are given in this thread. There is no "farmer's garden" in the scene.
  6. A flying fairy that can not fly over water or trees??? (chuckle) Uhm... lemme see... No fairy would fly that high because someone or some fish might look up her skirt? Yeah, we'll go with that. :D
Ignore the complaints about the complexity. I like the complexity! More effective options means more interesting gameplay, although there really should be better or existing documentation on the various systems in this game and with RPGMaker. For example: Nothing mentions the F1 RPGMaker Properties dialog, which can be really helpful.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

I downloaded the latest version of FSA 1B8 and the linked RPGMaker VX Ace RTP, unpacked the former, and installed the latter. This is a great game concept that is developing nicely. A few initial issues:

  1. Is this game actually created in RPGMaker VX Ace, or is it RPGMaker VX. I ask because it ran before I downloaded and installed the RTP for VX Ace, and I had the RTP for VX already installed. Any RPGMaker game should state specifically which version it uses since the RPGMaker web site is historically user-unfriendly and the links for the RTPs change with the wind. The RTP link you give goes to the generic "latest" RTP (VX Ace at this time) rather than a specific version.
  2. The Save item in the escape menu (ESC or 'x') is disabled and I can not save the game.
  3. There should never be a game without sound volume levels and/or sound mute checkboxes for each category of sound. Short MIDI background loops are a primary cause of player ear bleeding and homicidal rage.
  4. I'm sure I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but I don't seem to be able to go anywhere except Sienna's house, the immediate scene outside her house, and the Spider Cave. I can find no way to travel to any of the places I see described in this thread, like a town.
  5. I am unable to complete the wood gathering quest despite harvesting 7 logs and the 1 dead tree that can be harvested twice (in the scene outside Sienna's house). No indication of a quest completion is ever given. I can not find the locations for the logs that are given in this thread. There is no "farmer's garden" in the scene.
  6. A flying fairy that can not fly over water or trees??? (chuckle) Uhm... lemme see... No fairy would fly that high because someone or some fish might look up her skirt? Yeah, we'll go with that. :D
Ignore the complaints about the complexity. I like the complexity! More effective options means more interesting gameplay, although there really should be better or existing documentation on the various systems in this game and with RPGMaker. For example: Nothing mentions the F1 RPGMaker Properties dialog, which can be really helpful.

I can answer a couple of your questions.
1) It is a VX game. (Check the ini file for future reference with other games.)
2) You can save at a certain spot but not through that menu. I think this was discussed earlier...
3) Click upper left of window and select properties. You can deselect BGM from playing. This is true for most RPGMaker games except the first version.

As for 4-6) IDK as I am waiting for more content AND the first time I played I didn't know where to save game.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

1. Never thought about that. I changed the note just before the d/l link.
2. Use Sienna's bed (at whatever location) to save, nap to heal, etc..
(I need to include this in the tutorial but I forgot to do so.. maybe next time)
3. You can actually tab out of the game, right click its tab, select properties, and then modify a bunch of things, including turning on/off sounds. Never knew that till I tried just now. xP
4. There used to be a few quests you could do around Sienna's house, but they
were given by pointless NPC's who added nothing but confusion to the story.
I've since streamlined the beginning of the game into something more helpful.
To go on with the game you must reach the 4th level of the cave and complete the boss room (which always have a gray door).
5. There's no longer a quest to do that. The only wood you need to chop is
whatever is blocking your path.
6. I could allow her to fly over trees, water, houses, etc.. but it would look weird.
It would also make the game incredibly easy if you could just fly over all your problems. :)
Just assume that she can hover and slow fall and not much else. xP
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

Thank you for your reply.

  1. You will want to change the link as well to "h_t_t_p_:_/__/w_w_w.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages#rpg-maker-vx" (Grrr! It won't let me enter a real URL. Remove the '_'s in the URL). This will automatically select the VX RTP eliminating any confusion.
  2. Ah! VERY obscure, and it only works if you are at the head of the bed. It does not work if you are to the side of or below the foot. Since you will be at the side of the foot of the bed when you walk straight in, it should probably be enabled at any adjacent position facing the bed. The "Enjoy Treasures" could then be one of the menu items. The disabled Save item should be removed from the escape-menu or, even better, it should be enabled but display the text that describes how you actually save.
  3. I believe you meant Alt-tab out and right-click the title bar. You can also use Alt-enter if in full-screen mode. (sigh) I really should've spotted that entry, but I'm so used to in-game sound controls in RPGMaker games.
  4. Not being able to travel to other places except through a mysterious cave that only just appeared seems to break the story. It begs the question: How has Sienna travelled to other places before the appearance of the Spider Cave?
  5. It seems very quest-like creating player confusion. I think either the quest should be put back, or the description should be more on the lines of "I chopped down several dead trees around the house a few days ago. I'll need to chop them up to get more wood for the fire.". However, the learn-something-and-get-a-quest-reward is usually much more appreciated by players.
  6. (chuckle) I was just yanking your chain. Everyone knows fairies get altitude sickness. :cool:
Thanks again for your reply and I hope you find some of this helpful.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B8 (Updated November 10th, 2013)

1. I changed the link. It should work better now.

2. I'll probably try to be less obscure with the bed and saving in future updates. Maybe even have the bed glow or something.

4. She's a bit of a loner. Rosevynne's residence is not close either, though there is no mention of this. Maybe at some point I will actually let players visit that town. It would be out of character for Sienna to interact with them the villagers though.

5. I do plan on fixing up the intro a bit more at some point. Maybe I'll do that.
I'll like to take a different approach, if possible, and have the player teach themselves how to play, eliminating the need for any text based tutorial entirely.

Edit: Just a quick note. I've finished my work on the 2 bosses I wanted to get done. Just need to play through the game now and possibly tweak stuff.
I may go ahead and re-upload so people can play around with the new gambling items, new enemies, etc.. while I tweak old bosses (I will have them all drop green chests, for clarity's sake).

Edit 2: Moved triple posts here:
Updated. New additions are noted at the end of the first post.

No wonder I waited so long to fix the sprite nursing. It's a lot of work. xP

But it needs to be done. 30% done with it now.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B9 (Updated November 26th, 2013)

Okay so I've been going through the intro again, tweaking it, etc..

Now, I'm not sure about this, but I've been working on it and sometimes the player needs a 2nd chance. This is about the boss fights.

How many hits should the boss get on the player before Sienna dies? Currently I have it set to kill the player in 4 hits. You CAN use tonics to stay alive longer though.

So is this a good idea? Should it be more hits? Or less? Or should I go back to the insta-death?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B9 (Updated November 26th, 2013)

Okay so I've been going through the intro again, tweaking it, etc..

Now, I'm not sure about this, but I've been working on it and sometimes the player needs a 2nd chance. This is about the boss fights.

How many hits should the boss get on the player before Sienna dies? Currently I have it set to kill the player in 4 hits. You CAN use tonics to stay alive longer though.

So is this a good idea? Should it be more hits? Or less? Or should I go back to the insta-death?

You don't have to get many chances, insta-death or just 1 extra chance is plenty.
They're bosses so i assume they are meant to be hard, maybe keep them all insta-death but allow that to be extended through a item (like a item that revives you or just absorbs 1 hit or something).
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B9 (Updated November 26th, 2013)

Okay I'll keep the insta-death for most of them, but change it up a little for the 2 intro bosses. I don't want any deaths during the intro to be fatal anyway.

For the 2nd boss I'll have it end the intro early (you'll miss out on the 2 rewards). For the 1st boss you will still be able to get the rewards but you'll lose your progress.

Edit: Changed the first fight vs the plant. If you somehow manage to lose (I had to defend a lot, but it is possible), then the plant will just leave. You won't get the reward or leaves though, and you'll also have just 1 HP.
Edit 2: Changed deaths vs regular monsters such that it will basically teach the player to use beds to heal and save.

Edit 3: I feel so dumb. I should have thought of this before. You don't need a first aid kit anymore (as of 1B10, when I release it). Using the cloth item will pull up the first aid/clothing menu. Duhr. >.<
I may do the same with alchemy. What do you guys think? Mushrooms aren't exactly nutritious anyway.

Edit 4: Added gameplay help to first post. Removed it from within the game itself. Will likely add it to a menu later on.
Edit 5: Trying to figure out the custom menu script but it's going to be a long learning process.

Made the wand recharge spell completely refill whatever wand you're holding. If it needs 5 charges, it uses 5 mana. Works much better now.

Edit 6: The custom menu script is really annoying. I'm not sure if it's worth it. But if it works out I will be able to put all the information on-screen in one place.
Very annoyed though. I really don't like the idea of having to learn a whole new system just to get a script working properly.
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