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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Two of the Ingrali are hit, the other four scatter. One Ingrali says something, and they return fire with an all out assault, now using the energy rifles at likely full power.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"Very well, we will meet up with you as soon as you land again."

He turned to Veda, Talok and Sivok and added, "our sensors indicated this planet has a Chappai that was activated. Our previous indications were that this planet did not have one, nor did the local population even know about the existence of alien life."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"One question." Veda says calmly. "What is a Chappai?"
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok is the one who replies to her. "It's the Gou'ald and Tokra word in their language for the Stargate."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"Interesting." She says. "Should we investigate?"
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"I believe that would be prudent," Camulus replied. "A Chappai here when there clearly was not one before indicates this planet has had contact with an alien race, whether the local population is aware of it or not. It is located three miles from here, away from the nearest village."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"Wow, and nearby too." Veda says, starting to get excited. "Lead the way."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Camulus nodded then set out, the Jaffa warriors moving close by. Veda and Talok wound up in the center, while the Wraith warriors fell in line behind them. Several remained behind to lead Toryn there should he need the directions.

Talok nodded to Veda then asked, "you do know what a Stargate is yes? I only ask because we have encountered a few space-faring races who has never seen one until we met them."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Firehawk landed a short ways ahead of the column, and a massive 4.1 meter tall bipedal armor exited what appeared to be a large side bay. Toryn's voice sounded like it was coming from some kind of PA that was set to a lower volume. "Looks like I'll be in the large suit for a while. Apparently, the Gravity Converter's controls shorted."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"I know what a stargate is, I've even seen a deactivated one before in a ruin." Veda explains. "I've just never heard it called anything but a stargate or what the Chozo call it, which I can't even pronounce."

She watches intently as Toryn re-joins the group. "Its probably for the best. If we end up going through it, there's no telling what's on the other side, you may be glad you have it." She says, deciding to walk beside him awhile. "So, did you build this yourself?" She asks, referring to the suit itself.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn's head can't be seen, but he's probably shook his head out of habit. "No. The Warden built it when I was younger...Personally, I prefer the other suit. The shielding is better, and this thing isn't exactly fast."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok nods, then shakes his head. "The Stargates connect to many different worlds. Millions by our count. As near as we can tell, Siphon's ancestors built then countless millions of years ago. We've found evidence that some within this galaxy may be in excess of two hundred million years old. However, there may be a way to tell if the gate has been dialed in recently, and if so, from where. There is a way to access the last five addresses dialed IN or OUT for that gate, though not in the order they came in. The gates also have an automatic updating program which allows them to compensate for galactical drift, which is why millions of years after they were built, they still work."

Soon enough they came upon the gate itself, sitting in an open area, devoid of any other life but themselves. Camulus stopped, looking over the gate. "Exactly the same as this galaxy model, not surprising. It could have been moved here from another planet, or unearthed if it was buried."

Talok moved over to the DHD and began tinkering with it. "This may take a few minutes here."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Revenant Armor parks itself facing away from the gate, and begins sweeping its "gaze" back and forth...Along with its pulse rifle. It should be noted that the weapon it carries is scaled to the armor.

((Uh...Siphon...What's the diameter of the gates?))
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

((From what I remember, they're somewhere between twenty and thirty feet in diameter, I think I remember them driving a humvee through one once))

Veda nods at Toryn's remark, then again at Talok's. "Take your time." She says, then turns back to Toryn, standing beside him but facing towards the stargate, in case it decided to activate and spew a bunch of nasties out. It also gave her the opportunity to scan it thouroughly, comparing it to the one she had found before.

"You said the Warden made it for you, and that there's another one that is an improved version? Who is this Warden?" She asks Toryn, trying to keep a casual tone, though she is really quite interested.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn responded without stopping what he was doing. "The smaller suit I was in earlier, during the fight with the Draque. As for the Warden...He's the one who saved my life some years back, when I was still a child. Well, sounds like a male, at any rate. Closest thing I've got to family now. Really ought to try to ask what he is next chance I get."

Anticipating the next question, Toryn adds, "Once I got this armor, I started helping the Warden acquire examples of different technology. Prior to that...I was basically in a coma, floating in a tank."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

((Normal Stargates are 22 Feet in Diameter.))

Talok continued to work on the gate, and after several minutes had come up with a single gate address. As he opened his mouth to speak however, the gate began to make noise, and the chevrons began lighting up. "INCOMING WORMHOLE! DOWN!"
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Revenant Armor jumps off to one side, out of line with the gate.

Of course, given its size...There's probably a bit of shaking involved in the landing. "Sorry about that..."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

((This new suit has pretty much the same functionality, just in a larger and clumsier package, right?))

Veda nods through the explanation. "I see. I would very much like to meet this Warden, if that's possible. What does he look like?"
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

((Sort of. There's a pic in the character thread of the Revenant Armor, just needs a recolor. The Guardian Armor looks similar to an oversized suit of Stormie armor.))

"Not sure. Haven't really seen him myself, but I suspect that a visit could be arranged."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The wormhole rushed open, and after only a moment, instead of ground troops, a dozen or so Draque and Enoly fighters screamed their way out of the gate, banking up sharply and heading away from the gate. As the last veered away, the gate shut down, but not before everyone managed to glimpse that EIGHT of the Chevrons were lit up.

"Ah, crap," Sivok exclaimed.