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Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"The space gate? That would be the large thing that I encountered the Beliskner near, right?" Toryn asked. "If it is...Then I could be able to operate it...I'd have to look at them again."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"Yes, that was it. And we all should, it's a matter of getting the coordinates for the Triangulum Galaxy, which I have."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"Right...Well, I suppose it could be time to get this ring moved, then."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

"I agree," Camulus said.

A moment later a series of large rings came down and enveloped the Stargate, whisking it away.

"Done. Now then, I suppose we should prepare to head over to the space gate and see how our comrades there have fared."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn nodded. "Understood."

He waited a bit before heading off towards the Firehawk, in case someone decided that they wanted to teleport him. His hand was already sitting over the control that would send the command to the Firehawk to recall it to the Shadow Wind.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The drone realises what the Ingrali try to do. Unsurprisingly, seeing that it runs on a human brain. It throws itself backwards in full motion, causing it to fall on it's back and slide towards the two Ingrali in front of it.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina flashes a grin, holstering her pistol. Her aura flares, testing, then dies once more.

"Then.. let's hunt. I'll take the two three decks down. Siphon, can you port me there?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"I believe I should take the fighter bays. I might get too excited and break something should I fight near the engine." Ixack broadcasts to the two, looking around at the ship "If you would be so kind as to teleport me there."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


Siphon nods. "That leaves me with the engine room ones. Good, I have some unfinished business with these bastards."

He heads over to a wall, then one by one beams them to the places they need to be, far enough away the Bentari can't hear them coming.... if the last known coordinates still were somewhat good.


The Ingrali do about the only thing they can. They jump as high as possible, then begin shooting for the brain if they can get a shot.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok nodded. "He'll manage to get back to his ship with that fighter. In the mean time, I suggest that we go ahead and return to our own ships, if your ready to go for now Veda?"

Camulus would nod, speaking to his Jaffa in their language, and the rings once more came down to claim the Jaffa and their leader.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Draque Space Gate

As soon as Ixack was teleported, his guard was instantly up as he sends out a psi pulse "They will not survive." he says, moving slowly and sending constant Psi pulses to alert him of any enemy presence
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn returned to the Firehawk, and left for the Shadow Wind.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Veda nods. "I'm ready to go, yes." She says. A few seconds later she speaks again, chuckling slightly. "Looks like my ship is ready to fly as well. She's not 100%, but at least I won't have to sit around and bug you anymore."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok chuckled. "Your not bugging me at all, and your a fast learner of new technology. That will always come in handy. Very well, we're beaming."

The flash of white light took both her and Talok back to his ship. Noticing Nebula was there, Talok sent a quick message.

We're heading for the Space Gate, if you'd like to join us, these are the coordinates. He then sent them to Nebula, before powering up the ship systems.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack would notice one major thing in the area he was in. There were indeed two Bentari soldiers, backs turned to him for the moment. However, they were not alone. Somehow in the confusion, Siphon had either lost track that she was still aboard, or something. Either way, right now, one of the Bentari had Vanessa pinned to the floor with it's massive strength, and was slowly but surely strangling her to death.

She had a weapon in her hand, which weakly discharged as she pulled the trigger three times, but she wasn't able to raise it enough to hit the Bentari holding her down, and her vision was starting to black out now. She was completely unaware of Ixack's presence there, but t would be clear to the Protoss that if he didn't do something soon, Vanessa was dead.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack begins to walk slowly towards the Bentari, his footsteps barely audible. As he began to concentrate, his Psi blade appeared on his wrist device, sticking out in the exact direction a normal human's thumb would point "Miss. You look like you could use some help." he broadcasts to Vanessa as he leaps at the Bentari strangling her and slices downward as if holding a blade in his hands
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


Once the Firehawk had docked, the Shadow Wind broke planetary orbit and moved off. A short while later, Talok would receive a call from the ship. The visual would be of a normal looking human male, obviously sitting down in some kind of chair. "We're heading back to the gate, correct?"

As this was being said, the other ships that had come in from the Warden formed up and waited.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Bentari strangling her never even heard the attack coming until it hit him. The blade cut into the area of it's upper body where the armor ended and a minute amount of flesh was exposed, rendering it's strangling arm useless and causing it to jerk upwards in pain, bellowing.

This of course allowed air to rush back to Vanessa's lungs, and for a moment she was very light headed, and thought she was going to pass out. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw the second Bentari level some kind of weapon, taking aim at Ixack's back side. Summoning the last of her strength, she shot it before it could shoot Ixack, blowing a hole clean through the top of it's head with her energy gun.


She then began coughing, trying to get up to help him stave off the other Bentari, who had now turned to face the Protoss and was beginning to charge while roaring in anger. Unfortunately, she was still too weak to stand fully, and her shot missed by a half foot.


"We are indeed, just finalizing flight plans to make sure there was no hyper-drive damage before we head out. Wouldn't want to vaporize anything now would we?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


The voice was clearly that of Toryn's. He laughed at the response. "Yeah, not getting vaped sounds like a solid plan. I'll wait until things are ready, then. Any word on how things are going on at the gate? Just wanting to be ready, so we don't suddenly get ambushed, or need to do some ambushing of our own."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok nodded. "Thor had sent a message stating the enemy ships had been destroyed, however both ships had been boarded by an unclear amount of hostiles and were being dealt with. There has been no further communication from them, so we can assume safely they haven't killed them all yet, or aren't sure. They wouldn't send an all clear message unless they were fully sure every enemy had been neutralized. They did however mention that the gate blockage was a success."