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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack would leap back upon hearing the Bentari bellow, and would grow wide eyed as it charged. What happened next was something........Unexpected. Ixack would point his right arm at the creature and concentrate, a disc of purple energy shooting from the front slot on his wrist device, hitting the Bentar full on the chest and disappearing, causing nausea and confusion while Ixack's voice rang clear in it's head "You will not be victorious." is what is heard broadcast from his mind, echoing numerous times in the Bentari's head
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Bentari again roared, this time mostly in absolute anger, and tried grabbing one of the crates along the side of the wall to toss at Ixack....

Only to get half it's chest blown out and have the crate crush it to death when Vanessa shot it, having recovered enough to do so. Still coughing and choking, she leaned against the wall a few feet from him, trying to catch her breath fully.

Siphon had arrived near his own spot, and had begun stalking the Bentari there, waiting for the right moment to strike. When it came, he did so without mercy, both Bentari losing half of their heads before they even knew he was there, and dropping to the floor, dead.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack would then drop his guard upon her killing the last Bentari "Strange. Most enemies succumb to my mind-numbing Psi blast." Ixack broadcasts to Vanessa as he walks towards her "Are you injured, miss? Can you walk?" he asks, crouching down and touching one of his two right-hand thumbs to the right side of her neck and feeling her pulse "You are still alive. Did those brutes harm you in any way?" he asks, slowly standing and adjusting the wrap over the lower part of his head
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda stood on the bridge beside Talok, still fully suited. Voice recognition told her it was Toryn on the screen, though she would have been fairly certain of it herself. Seeing as she had seen his face now, she allowed him the same courtesy and let her mask dissolve, revealing her face. Angular and hard, with noticeable cheekbones and a few wrinkles on her forehead, all framed by thin brown hair and accented by piercing eyes. She doesn't say anything, just follows the conversation.

((think almost like Ripley, that sorta face ;) ))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Vanessa finally catches her breath and responds to him mentally. I'll be fine, nothing a cough drop with menthol in it won't fix. I don't know why it was still standing, obviously they are tougher mentally than we thought, though their tempers are their weak points. Damn though, that fucker was STRONG. Picked me up clean off the floor and smashed me into the wall hard enough to knock the wind out of me and almost knock me out.

She stands now, her clothing ripped some along the back, where Ixack can see a large purplish bruise spreading across her back now, even as she slightly hobbles to move.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"I do not believe you should be walking in your condition." Ixack broadcasts to Vanessa upon seeing the bruises, then blinks three times and follows her slowly "As far as I am concerned, they are nothing more than mindless brutes." he says, his head tilted slightly upward observing the ceiling of the hallway "This ship is remarkable. Much more space-efficient than a Dominion Battlecruiser." he thinks to himself, his right hand twitching as he looks around
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Me neither, but I have little choice, and no, I'm not letting you carry me. It'd just slow you down if we're ambushed. Where the hell are Siphon and Daina any way?"

Siphon had started working on the minimal damage the Bentari had caused in their sabotage attempt, and finally fixed the internal communications. He was about ready to contact the others when a blip caught his attention. Apparently the Bentari had tried to sabotage the life support systems as well. It was nothing he couldn't fix given a few moments, but it was something that had to be done immediately.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


Toryn nodded in response to Talok's own. "Alright, if the gate's blocked, and there's no active enemies, I'll send the fleets back to the Warden."

He turned slightly, entering a command into a console off-screen, and turned back, seeming to watch a monitor not quite next to wherever the image was being recorded from. He seemed to slump, and it seemed like he'd forgotten that he hadn't closed the channel, as his tone suggested he was talking to himself. "Half inclined to return myself, but they may still need help...Be a lot easier if my lungs were fully healed..."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok inclined his head then spoke softly. "Your channel was still open Toryn, and... if you like, seek out Siphon after this. He might be able to help speed that up or completely heal them. He has a.... unique healing ability."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)


Toryn gave a start, then glanced over at the comm screen. "Wha- ...Oh, I guess I did leave this open...I'll keep that in mind, then."

The other ships that had come into the battle from the Warden powered up their drives and left.

Gou'ald Shipyards

The ships here also powered up their drives and returned on the courses that brought them there.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

A small smile crosses Veda's features as Toryn let them in on his little internal monologue, before finally speaking up. "Alright, I'm going to head down to the bay to make a final inspection of my ship. Mind patching me co-ordinates if it's ready before we get there?" She asks, waiting for an answer before turning and heading off the back of the bridge, towards the bays.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"I can give them to you, but we're making the jump now."

"All ships this is Talok, let's make this jump shall we?"

With that, the Hatak and Sivok's marauder made the jump into hyper-space, followed shortly by the Daina Eil'Mori herself. "Call me if there's anything you need down there Veda. Comm systems are on the wall, patched right up here."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Once Talok makes the call about jumping, Toryn closes the comm. The Shadow Wind then makes a jump of its own.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina closes her eyes.. and takes a breath. Exhaling, the commando moves out, heading towards where she presumes the Bentari were last detected. As a precaution, the Asari draws a shimmerblade - one of her lethal little knives, standard commando issue.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina would find them several minutes later, one trying to rip a control panel off the wall while the other was attempting to force a pair of closed doors open with it's bare hands.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Asari checks the immediate area for any more Bentari.. then rolls her eyes. Incompetent amateurs. She paces quietly up behind the door-ripper.

"Give my regards to your Maker."

With that, she whipped the shimmerknife up.. and through where the creature's throat should be. It would take swift reflexes to survive such a stroke... but the Asari cared not for the possibility. Instead, she turns, even as she finishes the cut, driving a biotic throw into the other Bentari with all the force of a speeding truck.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The first Bentari was way too slow to avoid the attack, and crumpled to the floor, dead. The second however had the benefit of a slight warning, and was able to barely move out of the attack range, meaty fists coming on an angle in retaliation, aimed for the Asari's head.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

With her biotic abilities still unfocused, and without the necessary time to pull them back together.. the Asari was forced to rely on more mundane skills.

A step inside the swinging fist puts her safely out of danger, leading with the right foot to spin neatly inside the circle formed by the Bentari's leading arm.. her blue-skinned left hand rising with her other shimmerblade in hand, on an easy course to just bury gently into the creature's throat. Of course.. this attack risked stepping close to the Bentari, where superior strength could make the difference.. but the commando didn't believe any species could survive with six inches of shimmersteel through their throat.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

She was right, the Bentari weren't capable of surviving such damage, and her blade sank home. As the Bentari struggled to remain alive, blood pouring from it's throat, it began to collapse.

After another moment, it hit the ground, the strange light on top of it's head darkening and finally going out.... but not before she saw it withdraw something in one hand, a button pushed and then a steady beeping noise. A moment later, it's left arm dangled down to the floor to reveal... some sort of grenade, clearly armed and ready to go off soon. It was unlikely she would have time to attempt a disarm of it, leaving her only option to run behind one of the blast doors of the ship and pray she could outrun the timer.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda made it down to Talok's bay in reasonable time, having examined most of the architecture already on her way up the first time. Climbing into her ship, she ran a quick diagnostic. Nothing was completely repaired, with the exception of the microfactory and repair systems, but everything was well within working parameters.

That done, she opened a channel back to the bridge.
Talok, it's Veda. Everything on my ship is in working order, though there's still some minor damage to be repaired. I'm ready to launch whenever we arrive, just let me know.