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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

((Fair enough.))

"Toryn Kaar. Something of a explorer. Got recruited."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

A female voice came over the comms next, coming from the gunship-class vessel circling the space gate.

Veda Narasumas, achaeologist and historian, specializing in the Chozo. Greetings.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Now that Coraxus had moved closer he could see the darkened Asgard vessel hanging near the space gate. It was clear she had been powered down for hiding purposes, and not damaged.

"Indeed, Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet. Talok and Sivok's ships have also arrived, as well as a fleet of Gou'ald ships led by the system lord Camulus."

((And yeah, Thor likely would have just run split screens rather than putting one channel on hold since he already knows Coraxus and Toryn share the same goals of being against the Sentinels.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

By this point, the repair ships have managed to patch the hole the grenade left. "Okay, I can't say anything about the inside damage, but you've no longer got a hull breach."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Seemingly minimal internal damage, looks like it mostly just blew a hole in the hull. Thank you for the assistance, and I'm sure once Siphon returns to the bridge he'll thank you personally as well."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

There was a slight pause, then the repair ships and the Firehawk both headed back. "He may have to do so over a comm channel. Looks like there's something that the Warden needs me for. Will try to catch up once that's done."

After all of the ships docked, the Shadow Wind jumped out of the system.
The Warden (Ship Thread)

((Spoke with Siphon, and he okayed this. Basically, this thread with encompass the ship Warden, an effectively mobile shipyard, and the surrounding area. Give the fact that the actual Warden prefers study to conflict, you about have to be given the coordinates to find this...Which is why I don't expect this thread to get that much use. But you never know...))

Surrounded by the drone ships that were built by it, the massive foundry ship known as the Warden remained, as always, in deep space, away from any system. Periodically, a carrier is sent out to a system to gather materials.

One such carrier drops in, near the Warden, and a small craft, the Firehawk, transferred from the bay of the Shadow Wind, to one of the numerous bays on the Warden. The two armor suits, the Revenant, and the Guardian, were whisked away by an automated system to a workshop somewhere deep inside the ship. A sealed transport docks briefly with the Firehawk, and Toryn began his trip through the ship. A platform moves up alongside the transport, carrying a large humanoid-shaped mechanical form. "It seems that the Gravity Converter's controls need adjusting once again." This was the actual Warden, for which the massive ship was named.

Toryn looked over. "So...That's what you look like. Reminds me...A Veda Narasumas expressed interest in meeting you. Also, finally got a chance to get a scan of one of those Stargates. Two, in fact, since those strange energy readings we picked up were from a fairly massive version of one."

"Interesting...And I see no problem in meeting with this Veda Narasumas."

"I'll handle getting the message out, then. We also need to look at schematics again. I've pretty much gotten tangled up in a war, and I may end up needing further enhancements."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Understood, I will pass along the message to him as soon as he returns to the bridge."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

A while after the Shadow Wind had jumped, a small, needle-like object approached the gate. It stopped a ways off, and seemed to unfold, before scanning the gathered ships. Once it determined which one was Veda's, the scan stopped, and a tight-beam transmission was sent over to it. "Veda? This is Toryn. I just spoke with the Warden, and he seemed to express interest in meeting you. Here are the coordinates." The transmission delivered a set of coordinates before ending. The small, almost satellite device then shut down, and became completely dormant.

((Think a Kushan-style probe from the first Homeworld. All this did was find Veda, deliver the message, and then shut down. Pretty much a one shot deal. Open to recovery, but it's fairly simple in design. Also, thanks for the post, Siphon. Didn't want to double if I could avoid it.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Veda listened to the message, then did a quick scan of the area. Nothing of importance was happening, so she recovered the shut down drone and jumped out of the system, completely forgetting in her haste to broadcast that she was leaving.

((Hehe, you could have edited it in and I would still have caught it, I hadn't read that post yet.))
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda and her ship appeared into the blackness of space, and at first, she thought she had made an error in her jump. Looking out her viewscreen, the shipyard in front of her looked much too close. It wasn't until she checked her readings that she realized the ship wasn't close, it was big. Far too big to be practical anywhere but the depths of space, which was probably what it was doing in the depths of space. After the initial shock wore off, she opened a broad range comm channel, to be sure she was heard.

Toryn? This is Veda, I've, uh... I'm here...
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Oddly enough, it wasn't Toryn who responded, but a mechanical voice that sounded somewhat like a male. "Ah, so this is Veda and her ship. Interesting. Toryn is a little busy at the moment, but feel free to land. The bay with the landing lights active is set up to handle ships of your size." True to the voice's word, one of the numerous docking bays had docking lights activate.
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Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Alright, Thank you. Veda says, somewhat distracted still from the sheer size of the ship. She sets the ship on autopilot, guiding itself in as she started a series of scans on the massive vessel, curious as to it's construction methods, power systems, and how many times it has been expanded, or if it was originally built this big. She did a quick scan for weapons platforms, but figured that if it was hostile, she wouldn't have been invited, and wouldn't have been offered a landing spot either.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Her scans showed that the ship was originally built at this size. There were also weapons present, but they were only at minimal power, and none moved to follow her ship as it landed.

Once it had landed, Veda would notice what appeared to be an internal transport near her ship. It seemed to be set to take her to a location further inside the ship. That location seemed to be a workshop with attached quarters. Her suit's sensors would pick up an odd chemical in the air, one that would show up as a medical agent.

What was laying on the work table in the shop told exactly who the occupant of this part of the ship was. The Guardian Armor lay there with several sections of the outside armor plating removed. Toryn himself was nowhere to be seen, but a door that had some kind of indecipherable identification on it was there...And apparently, someone had gouged a line across the script, and added "Can" in standard characters underneath. There is a single human lifesign on the other side of the door.

One other set of features might catch Veda's eye. On one side of the room, a large viewport showed an empty training room, while immediately opposite was a similar window, showing some kind of lift tube.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda took the transport to the room, keeping an almost constant scan running as she went. Once she hit the workshop, she spent several minutes examining the armour on the table before going over to the door with assumedly Toryn behind it. She took a moment to run the original writing through her database, finding no match and not able to decipher it with such a small example, she turned to the one word scrawled in Galactic Basic. "Can." Veda knew two examples of the word. One was a container, the other was permission. Seeing how the latter fit the situation somewhat better, She reached for the door, knocking twice before walking in slowly.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

The scans showed only what she'd already known, or in the case of the Armor, what she might have been able to guess. When the door opened, Veda's guess that Toryn was in that small room was confirmed.

Blocked mostly by a sink cabinet, he seemed to be sitting down, holding a datapad in one hand and running a finger across the screen, as if reading. She would manage to see that his pants were around his ankles. He'd been just about to answer the knocks, when he looked up and the door was already opening. "Um, would you mind stepping out and letting me finish?"
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda was suddenly very thankful for the armour concealing her face. She nodded and backed out without a word.
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Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

After a bit, Toryn came out of the "Can". Any questions or comments from him, or Veda, were cut off by the arrival of the lift in the one window. On it was a humanoid figure of completely mechanical nature. It seemed to study Veda's suit with some interest. "Ah...A Chozo designed Power Suit. Interesting. Haven't had a chance to study one of those, yet."

This entity's voice was the same on that had greeted Veda on her arrival.
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Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"Not too surprising, I think I have the only one left, though you seem pretty intent on replicating it's abilities for someone that has never seen one. You know of the Chozo?" Veda asked the mechanical creature, studying it's form just as intently.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"It is my nature to study technology, and I do tend to use that which works well. As for the Chozo...I have run across references to them before, including one such reference that showed one."

Toryn, by now, had gone back to working on the Guardian Armor. It seemed that he was trying to fix something, although it was possible that he was just doing general maintenance.
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