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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina's eyes flare wide, and she swears under her breath. No time to lose, though.. the Asari combined a biotic throw to get the grenade clear, a kick to the Bentari's body to put him between her and the explosion, and a diving roll towards the door she came through into one second's worth of movement. She just prayed it was enough.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"As you wish, then, miss." Ixack broadcasts to the woman, then turns and looks down a corridor "Mister Siphon, I believe the Bentari have been neutralized in this area. Miss Vanessa was down here as well. I believe if I hadn't been here, she would most likely be dead." he broadcasts to Siphon
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina's moves did in fact save her, however the explosion was more powerful than it had any right to be. With a massive BOOM, the corridor shook and the doors in front of her slammed shut, cutting her off from the section she had just been in. What was more was a blaring alarm began to sound, almost like the horn of a car alarm going off, and if she looked at the panel next to the door it would read that the entire section she had just been in was now breached, and sitting with a gigantic hull breach that vented into space. The explosion had been powerful enough to be felt four decks away as well, though Daina could not know that part just yet.

Siphon had just finished fixing the internal communications when Ixack sent his message. Copy that, mine are dealt with as well. We're just waiting on...

It was now that he felt the explosion, and the blaring alarms going off only confirmed that he had felt something. "Oh shit, breach. HOW?" It suddenly hit him, the explosion had felt like it was several decks away, and he wracked his brain trying to figure out what was down.... "Diana. Dear god no."

He bolted out the door, heading for one of the lifts to get there as fast as possible. He was praying to god she wasn't losing oxygen, for if she was already dead he was certain he would have felt it happen. Daina, are you alright?

Vanessa nodded over to Ixack, her movements becoming a little more stable just before the alarms went off. She'd been around ships enough to know that particular sound, and know it was a very bad thing. "Shit, we have a hull breach some where."

Vanessa hadn't felt an explosion, which had to mean it had originated from the inside of the ship, had it been outside they would have felt the impact even here. "Perhaps we should get to the bridge to try and find out where that breach is? Gods, let us hope it wasn't the bridge that just got blown into space."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Shadow Wind dropped out just as the debris from the breach was settling. "What the he...Damaged vessel, this is the Shadow Wind. I've got Repair Ships on board, and I'm deploying them to assist."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

He got an immediate response. "This is Thor, currently on the bridge of Siphon's ship the Kara. There has been an explosion of some kind from within the ship that caused the breach. Assistance would be welcomed. Siphon is busy clearing the intruders that caused it out."

Moments later Talok's ship, as well as the Gou'ald, Ingrali and Hive ship all dropped out of hyper-space.

"Veda, this is Talok, we have arrived at the space gate."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The repair ships left the Shadow Wind, and were shortly followed by the Firehawk. "Understood. I'm on my way over...Just going to make sure there aren't any friendlies that got pulled out."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina picks herself up with a groan... staring at the closed doors, and listening to the shriek of space-tortured metal. Finally, she shakes her head and stands up, stretching..

I'm fine, relax. One of the Bentari decided I deserved to die alongside him. He will be most displeased in the afterlife.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Thor, I'm only seeing two...Well, bits of bodies. One's just part of a head, and the other looks like it got cut off just below about the second or third row of ribs." The images sent were what was left of the two Bentari Daina had just dealt with. "The parts look like they're from the same species. Am I correct in my guess that they were part of the hostiles?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Indeed, they were both Bentari."

Thank god. Stay still I'll be there in a moment.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Copy that Talok, open the bay and I'll wander around some.

Veda broadcasts, then powers up her ship fully, heading out when the bay doors open. Once back out in space with her own ship, she notice the massive space gate Talok mentioned and flew over to it, intrigued. She'd spend the next while scanning it, unless something important happened.

((I assume it's like a stargate, just bigger, right? If so, don't bother with an explanation, I'm just looking to slow my characters down some.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Talok opened the bay doors, then almost unneeded, added "your clear to launch Veda."

((Yup, big big big stargate floating in space.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixackael's eyes narrow upon hearing the explosion, then he looks over at Vanessa upon hearing her idea "Lead the way, miss." he broadcasts to her,. If he had a mouth, a grimace would be seen on said mouth
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Well, it looks like we've confirmed no loss of friendlies through the breach. Repair ships are moving in now." True to Toryn's word, the repair ships move into position, and begin manufacturing replacement hull plates, and beginning the work to repair the damage.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Some distance away, a Hyperspace window opens and a Tiberion ship emerges. It keeps it's distance from the other ships for now, but those on the bridge of the Kara would pick up an incoming message.

"This is Coraxus. Is anyone hearing this?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Indeed, this is Thor currently watching the bridge of the Kara. Greetings Coraxus."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Thor? Asgard, correct? Where's Siphon?"

The ship now moves in closer to the others.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"They got boarded." Toryn's voice came across the channel. Depending on the angle, Coraxus might even be able to see the work being done on the side of the Kara. "They suffered a hull breach, but we've confirmed that only hostiles got caught by it. I'm the one in charge of the repair ships."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

((Actually, Coraxus was only talking to Thor. He doesn't know who any of you guys are yet, so he didn't hail anyone except the Kara. I'm also at a loss as to how Toryn knows who he is.))

For the record:
SiphonTalvesh said:
Consider that Coraxus has been informed of the Bentari, the attack attempts and the Gate being there.
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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

((Toryn had been talking to Thor over a comm channel. It's feasible he heard and switched. Mostly, that call was just so you're not stuck until Thursday waiting on Siphon, who said that he was out for a couple of days. Also, he has no way of knowing that Coraxus had been so informed.))
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

((Alright, that's fair enough. I know he wouldn't know that Coraxus was informed, but I posted so that at least the players knew, even if the characters didn't. Other than the name though, Toryn would still have no idea who Coraxus actually is.))

"Only hostile casualties? That's good to hear. I don't believe we're aquainted. I'm Coraxus of Tiberia."