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Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"Makes sense." Veda acknowledges. "You've done quite a lot with very little then. I take it you're the Warden?" She asks, looking to confirm her assumption.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"Indeed I am."

By this point, Toryn was consulting a nearby monitor display. Seems he'd run into a snag of sorts, and was rereading the schematics.
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Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda nods a greeting, before turning at looking at Toryn, examining the monitor as well. "Having difficulties?" She asks.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"Some. Same thing has happened before, though. Generally, new systems cause minor glitches when they're first installed."

He turns back to the suit and starts fiddling with it again. "I'm probably going to be at this for a while, so if you want to head back to the others you can. Or there is the training room down there. Probably thrill the Warden to watch that, but it's up to you."
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda thinks for a moment, looking down at the training room. "I'm not much for combat myself, but seeing as I've involved myself it this apparent war, I might as well get some practice in." She says after a moment, turning to look at the Warden. "How do I get down there? Back on that transport?"
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Both Toryn and the Warden responded, merely pointing to a smaller lift over in the corner. It was in the corner nearest the entrance to the workshop, which might explain why Veda hadn't already noticed it.

Once down there, her suit would register that gravity seemed to be a bit higher than normal. At the moment, the room seemed completely empty.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda took a moment to attune herself to the extra weight, boosting the suit's ability to enhance her movements. Shifting from foot to foot to get the feel, she looks around, waiting for something to happen.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

After a few moment, a number of floating black spheres came out of one of the corners. Scans would show that the needles on their sides were designed to pierce armor, and carried an irritant. They also occasionally launcher pulses of green energy.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda calmly started shooting at one of them with her standard weapon, counting the shots it takes while allowing the green pulses of energy to hit her, with negligible effects. Seven shots, she counts as the first bot falls, dodging one flying at her in an attempt to put the spike to use. She spends a few more seconds dodging, then levels her arm cannon at the next drone and fires off ten shots in rapid succession at the next drone, the first two missing and the lst one skimming by where it used to be. This pattern continues for a moment until all the drones are disabled, Veda herself appearing fine despite the fact that several dozen of the green shots had hit her armour.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Once all of the spheres had been neutralized, a pair of larger spheres, each about the size of Veda's ball form, came from a different corner. These scanned as being shielded, and the protrusion on one side read as being a trio of energy-based cannons.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda fired a dozen shots at one of them, noting barely any change in the shield's energy power, before ducking to the side to avoid a shot. Her arm cannon widened, showing purple in the gaps, as she charged a wave shot and fired it at one of the drones, tracking it as it attempted to move out of the way. The shot connected and drained the shield, and Veda continued with a missile and a pair of non-charged wave beams, finishing it off but taking a shot to the side from the second drone in the process. This had an appreciable effect on her HUD, dropping the shield status bar there by a half centimeter. With the other one gone however, she was easily able to finish the other off with similar tactics, taking no further damage in the process.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Once again, opponents appeared from elsewhere in the room...This time, it was a large group of skeletal droid armed with some form of energy weapon.

The one at the front of the group pointed at Veda. "Get her!"

"Roger, roger." The group begins advancing. Scans would indicate that these aren't nearly as sturdy as the other opponents...A relatively good shove could probably disable them.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda's arm cannon returned to its regular shape as she simple fires a constant stream of shots into the mob until they all lie on the floor. She took a couple of their shots as well, and there was heat rising off the end of her weapon by the end of it.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Over near the lift that brought her into the room, a pair of block-like stations popped up. Toryn's voice came over a PA. "Veda, those two stations are recharge units. The green one is calibrated to recharge your shields, and the orange one is set to reload your missiles."

After he said this, a pair of armored platforms on four spider-like legs worked into the room. Above each was a sphere of decent size. Scans would show that the spheres were part of the platforms weapons system, and directed the beam from the platform.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda nodded to acknowledge Toryn, scanning the pillars herself as they rose and discovering almost the same thing. She was quite impressed, they mimicked the Chozo designs quite closely. Either the Warden had examined a ruin and found similar stations before, or his analytical abilities were amazing, possibly both.

Turning to examine thÉ new drones, she shifts to her Plasma Beam, the arn cannon legthening this time, with red showing in the cracks. She charges up a shot and fires it at the orb floating above the first of them, waiting to see what reaction it would cause.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

There's a sizable crater in the sphere, now. Apparently, the tops, while not shielded, are fairly solid.

The drones start to move towards her, but it appears that they've got limited range, and aren't that fast.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Veda takes her time, drawing them in circles as wide as the room, sticking to charged Plasma Beams to the leg joints to slow them down even more. Eventually, they are reduced to half-melted piles of slag. She slowly went over to the rechage stations and triend to refill her energy reserves, somewhat dwindled from using so many charge shots in a row. That done, she turns and waited for the next foes to appear.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

Two rolling wheel-like objects come out...And then unfold into odd looking drones. Energy fields snap into existence around them.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

((You're starting to make me wish I had a lightsaber handy, Wolf ;) ))

Veda studied these drones as well. The shield seemed the stongest so far, and they had repeating energy weapons on either arm, which they began firing almost immediately. She jumped and rolled to the side, changing back to her Wave Beam as she went, and fired a series of shots at one of them, draining it's shield after almost 15 seconds of continual fire. She fired a missile at it to finish it off, then proceeded to do the same for the second, having lost a good chunk of her shielding by the end, maybe 60%.

She held up her hands in surrender after, speaking through her suit with humour in her voice as she went back to the stations to recharge fully.

Alright, the next set has a pretty good chance of winning against me, I'm going to call it a day while I'm still ahead. Thanks for the chance to practice.
Re: The Warden (Ship Thread)

"There wasn't going to be a next group. While there are more that usually come out...It's pretty clear that you haven't been at this kind of thing as much as Toryn has. You can come on back up."

When she gets back into the workshop, Toryn and the Warden are discussing a hologram of a suit of armor that's in the middle of the room. The discussion seems to be about metallurgical matters, likely what the outside of the suit will be.
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