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Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn would pick up the Draque disruptors in play, as well as Wraith weaponry. His sensors would also indicate that the Draque Talok had been fighting was very very dead now, seemingly nothing but bone now.

Veda's sensors would also indicate the Draque's condition, and they would notice that somehow, Talok seemed... faster and stronger now.

The remaining Draque began falling quickly with the combined weapons fire, their lines hopelessly broken and in disarray now. With only thirty or so left, victory was closing in fast.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack would notice the Bentari, and once he did, a purple scythe-like blade would extend from the device on his wrist. "Hello, fools." is all they would hear echoing in their minds as Ixack leaped forward into a slash at the unarmed Bentari, his eyes completely closed, relying on nothing but his Psionic pulse and his sense of smell to locate the enemies
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn would get some very unusual readings on Veda. She's currently using plasma weaponry, which was simple enough, but despite the fact that there were several shots hitting her almost every minute, her suit showed no signs of wear and there was no apparent shielding present. Also, the composition of the suit itself was very unusual, some alloy of which Nevaria was the only discernable element. It also quite effectively blocked scans of anything other than the surface layer, though there were unusual energy spikes every few seconds. Or rather, it simply read as if anything under the surface of the suit didn't exist.

Veda carefully picked off Draque, keeping with her plasma beam for the time being. Two of them cloaked and split up, looking to flank her, but she was able to track their weaponry and prepared. Her arm cannon went back to it's normal shape for a moment, before becoming wider, purple showing underneath the surface area as it began to charge up a shot. When it was ready, Veda turned suddenly and locked on to the invisible Draque on her left, releasing a purple orb of energy right at the creature. It tried to roll, and the shot followed, turning lazily to hit it dead on in the chest. The think started to shake and it became visible immediately. Veda fired a missile at it to finish it off and turned to her other opponent. She found his weapon on the ground, apparently dropped.

We have a cloaked one, and he's dropped his weapon. she says over the radio, switching from thermal scanning to x-ray, to see if she could spot it that way.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Veda's x-ray scan proved to be the only thing that could see the Draque now, and it would show up.... less than five feet from her, trying to blindside her with it's clawed hands.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Veda would fall backwards, the claws of the invisible Draque passing less than an inch from her faceplate, and appear to go into a backwards roll. A vortex of energy covers her for a second as she tucks her legs up to her chest, and when it dissapates, a blue and orange ball is laying on the ground, only a little bigger than one of the shoulder pieces of Veda's armour. Anyone scanning it would get the exact same details as before, except that the approximate volume is now about one-quarter what it used to be. It glows briefly, then speeds off in the opposite direction as the Draque, who had dropped cloak and stared at it rolling away with a confused expression. It failed to notice the blue glow left behind, and as the Bomb exploded at it's feet, it was torn to bits from the concussive blast.

Their stealth system doesn't block high-frequency light, I'll stay back and point any that cloak out. she says over the comms.
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Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Another Draque had attempted a similar feat against Toryn...However, he took a more direct approach, merely uppercutting the assailant. This did pose something of a problem, though, as the armor's enhanced strength took the head and a chunk of the spinal column with the fist. Toryn looked at the mess on the armor. "Hm...Fatality." Listeners would get the impression that he'd shrugged during that pause.
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Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok did not have the benefit of the kind of sensors Veda and Toryn did, and one of the Draque shrouded behind him, trying to impale him, successfully with it's claws before retracting them. Much to everyone's shock, Talok turned around, the wound already healing with a shake of his head. "Dumb fuck, I just fed, didn't you see?"

He then proceeded to snap the Draque soldier's neck.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Bentari advancing bellowed and stopped to take several swings at Ixack. This though caused the other firing Bentari to focus on the newcomer, and Siphon took advantage of the small window he had. Rolling out with a dive, he aimed and blasted one Bentari clean between the eyes, dropping it with an energy pistol shot. Unfortunately, one of the other two saw him, and managed to get a clean shot off.

Siphon saw it coming, and moved fast to get out of the way. Not fast enough though. The energy blast tore through his left arm, between his chest and the shoulder itself, sending him flying backwards, the smell of seared flesh in the air. Luckily his momentum carried him out of sight, but there was no way to tell if he had been hit with a life threatening injury or not.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The Asari had thought it was safe to hang back. Play the game cautiously. Wait for an opportunity to strike. Siphon could handle a few measly brutes like these... surely.

Apparently.. not. The commando storms forward with murder in blackened eyes, and casually throws Ixack clear with a biotic shove. The whole area before her was defined sharply.... and then -twists- for an instant. Like reality went through a kaleidoscope.

A moment later, the Bentari are nothing but unrecognisable chunks of meat - ripped apart by the very space they occupied. Daina wasn't interested in gloating, though. Instead, ignoring any reinforcements, she rushes to where Siphon fell, with a wordless cry.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

As Daina rounded the corner the barrel of Siphon's energy pistol was pointed at her, his finger already pulling back to fire a shot..... that never came. Somehow he managed to process who was there fast enough to avoid shooting her, dropping the barrel down.

He was still alive, if not a little worse for the wear though. His uniform was burnt in the area he'd been hit, the flesh red and raw, a slight trickle of blood seeping from a wound that appeared to have almost completely cauterized itself. It was evident that his entire left arm was useless right now, though when he spoke, it was with barely any quiver in the voice.

"Daina. We figured out the Bentari have some kind of sensor jammers, and internal communications are out. Thor is on the bridge. Left him with the shield emitter in case they try taking the bridge. We think there may be a half dozen left on the ship, unless you already killed some."

He moved slightly, fresh blood dripping out of the wound on his arm, which, it seemed he wasn't feeling. If he felt any pain he was masking it well, although it was looking more likely that he simply had no feeling at all in that left arm or shoulder. He managed to sit himself up fully against the wall, but in doing so, tore the wound open as more fresh blood half dripped, half poured out. "What about you?"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

*Where should we go now. Sitting here is boring... Unless you want to play catch, too?* Nebula transmits to Camulus, the last bit sounding hopeful.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Camulus chuckled. "I will pass on that, though I thank you for the offer. We should probably head over to P3X-474 now and see if they need any help there."

He quickly transmitted the coordinates to Nebula.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn looked at the nearest hostile Draque, pointed at it, and bellowed "YOU!"

He then proceeded to charge it, one of the armor's fists pulled back to attempt a repeat of the earlier uppercut.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Draque in question sidestepped the attempted swing.... only to get blasted in the back by a wraith stunner and fall back into the line of Toryn's swing. There was a satisfying noise as the Draque's head simply was launched half way, figuratively, into orbit.

The other four turned and started trying to shoot Toryn, leaving their side flanks exposed should anyone notice.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn's shields took damage, before he opted to extricate himself from the line of fire the fast way...By jumping, inverting, and heading feet first into the sky.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Draque angled to a certain point trying uselessly to hit Toryn, before ultimately giving up and focusing on trying for one of the others instead. One however seemed to reach into a sleeve and withdrew something that looked very much like a grenade or bomb, pushing buttons to activate it.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

A Shockwave burst comes straight down on that Draque's head. Over the comm, Talok, Veda, and the renegade Draque could hear Toryn's half-gripe. "Shit! Not the time to be doing this! Everyone, watch out, one of them pulled some kind of explosive. I pinged him, but the controls shorted on the Grav-Con, and I'm out of range on the others."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Before any of them could move, one of the Draque left alive picked up the explosive with a smug look on his face, words forming on his lips and....

Suddenly got half his body ripped apart from another weapon coming from seemingly nowhere. A moment later they would spot a half dozen Jaffa. Gou'ald bred warriors each carrying a massive staff cannon each, the Jaffa in their armor were truly something to see. One in particular though stood out as not being a simple Jaffa. Clad in brownish armor and striking an intimidating pose, he spoke with a deep inflection to his voice. "I am Camulus, Gou'ald system lord. Glad we could arrive in some time to help. JAFFA! Cree brentah neprok!"

The Jaffa quickly slaughtered the last two enemy Draque left alive. "I take it then you could use some help?"

This was directed to Toryn, whom the Gou'ald probably hadn't gotten his name yet.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn glanced...well, down for him, and saw something approaching on what appeared to be an intercept course. "Not any more. Looks like the Warden sent the Firehawk to grab me. Be back down in a bit."
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

As the Ingrali fire at the core the drone quickly locks the arms around it again. Instead it unfolds it's main arms, electrically charging the massive claws at the end as well. The whirr it emits gets louder for a moment - before it launches itself at the group with surprising speed, the claws swiping at the Ingrali.