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Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"By your command, Siphon" Ixack broadcasts to Siphon, turning and facing the door out of the bridge "Miss Daina. I believe you should take the lead. I will watch your back in case they manage to ambush us." he sends to Daina, his blue eyes blinking twice as he turns his head to look at her
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina meets Ixack's gaze for a long moment.. then nods.

"Deal. Siphon, port us down to the entrance to the engine block."

On arrival, the Asari draws her pistol in one hand, and holds the scanner up in front of her with the other. Her corona lights the darkness, a blue light against the void.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The sparkling white flash of the transporter envelops both Daina and Ixack, and a moment later they are standing not ten feet from the door they wanted to be near.

For the moment, the scanner appeared to be clear of any life readings but their own, two greenish dots blinking on the scanner, moving as they did.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

After a couple of moments, Toryn managed to spot a cluster of the Draque that were standing in a ring, facing outward and seeming to shoot at everyone else. "Everyone, stay away from that group over there. I've got a plan."

He began to head towards them, but jumped and suddenly inverted, sailing off as if gravity had reversed itself for him. A few seconds later, though... A large shadow began growing over the group of Draque, followed by a yell of "Banzai Napalm!" as the Guardian Armor crashed down in their midst.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Veda calmly strode towards the pitched battle, taking her time and dodging any stray shots sent her way. Once she got close enough, she leveled her arm cannon at a small group of Draque and lets fly a missile, immediately followed by a small stream of yellow-ish shots much like the kind her ship fires. After that, she starts picking off singular Draque with charged shots like the one from before.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The instant he is transported, his right arm comes up in front of his face with his left hand grasping his right elbow "So what is your combat specialty, Miss Daina?" Ixack asks, a distinct whirring coming from a device on his right wrist, and, if one looked carefully, they would see three slots on it. Two running parallel to his arm, and one perpendicular to his arm, all three emitting a barely visible glow. "We Dark Templar are best suited to stealth and diversion tactics.We prefer to create chaos amongst the enemy ranks. But my training is not yet complete. So I cannot fully accomplish this task." he broadcasts to Daina as he slowly walks behind her, constantly sending Psi pulses as his own lifesigns detector.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

An amused grin spreads across the Asari's face.. though her eyes never leave the scanner's screen.

"I'm an Asari commando. We specialise in... killing everything that dares stand in our path. Now, I need you to keep your eyes open. I'll watch the scanner."

Her right hand darts out to tap the keypad, and the ominous-looking door that seals off the engine block hisses open before them. Daina pauses, then takes two swift, flowing steps through, checking both sides. Voided eyes never leave the scanner in her hand.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack nods and steps through the doors in three slow steps, his head tilting up as he smells "What is this foul stench I am smelling?" he asks, smelling burnt conduits and smoke "Smells like the bridge of the Hyperion after a run-in with the Conclave." he says, continuing to smell as he looks around at the engine room
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Talok began shooting back at some of the Draque with his own weapon, at least until one decided to make a beeline for Veda's position from an angle she likely wouldn't see. It didn't bother shrouding, which was the last mistake it would ever make.

As Toryn's armor and body came down, squishing half a dozen Draque and knocking ten more on their butts, Veda would hear a roar behind her, and if she spared a look, it would seem as if Talok had put hjis hand through the Draque's chest, and disturbingly enough, it seemed as if the Draque was aging some how.

Sivok's group was quick to pick off the now knocked down Draque, before focusing once more on those still standing.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

A sudden quick blip was the only warning they would get as a hulking Bentari simply dropped down from above them, somehow having either not registered on the detector, or having been in just the right spot to overlap on it. Either way, it came down, fists swinging, reaching out to smash the Asari in the head.

On the bridge, Siphon had gotten word from Thor that the Bentari were wearing some kind of sensor jammers on their backs when he had found their bodies, and had since determined they would impede even Alveran technology. Siphon had tried to get a hold of Daina using the ship's comm system, only to have it suddenly die on him. He figured there were more than a handful now on the ship, and they had taken out the internal comm systems.

With a flicker of white light, Thor had beamed aboard to hold down the bridge. "Thor, I'll be back soon. There is a secondary comm system three levels down I can tie into to contact Daina and Ixack. Ironically not far from where they should have been going to."

With that, he ran out.
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn's next move would also probably catch the Draque off-guard. He merely picked up one of the fallen bodies nearby by the throat and began wading into the attackers, using the armor's strength-enhancing servos to use the body as an improvised flail.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina reacts at the last possible moment - the Bentari dropping down from above her, fists at the ready, Ixack standing frozen, and no help in sight... by extending her hand. Blue aura flares, and the Bentari stops.

Just.. stops. Mid-air. Gravity temporarily reversed, just for it. Daina exhales, and steps aside. Another pulse, and the creature cannons into the deck, face first. The Asari puts a shot through its head for good measure. She throws aside the life-signs detector.. apparently useless.

"Well. That's one. See if you can raise Siphon, confirm the presence of Bentari onboard."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Veda turned her head and her weapon towards the roar, then saw it was already dealt with. She tilted her head at the apparent aging, starting a scan and filing it away for after the battle before turning back towards the fracas. Spotting another group of Draque starting to get a little too organized, she fired a missile at what appeared to be the leader. The two to either side of said leader promtly shot it down, the concentrated their fire on veda herself. She dodged a couple, but most of them pinged off her armour as she rolled to the side. Her cannon seemed to stretch and extend, and lines of deep red appear in the cracks. She finishes her defensive roll and aims at the group again, releasing a lance of plasma that engulfs both the leader and one of the Draque beside him, vaporizing them where they stood. Veda keeps using her plasma weaponry as she downs the rest of the group, literally melting them wherever she hit.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Ixack nods and interlocks his two sets of fingers, then closes his eyes to focus on Siphon "Mister siphon. The Bentari have indeed boarded. Daina just defeated one of the brutes, and it appears not even my Psionic pulse can detect them. If you can detect these thoughts, answer back right away."
Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

The Draque were indeed surprised by Toryn's actions, and they didn't have time to recover with the others shooting at them. Their lines began crumbling once more, and over half of them were gone now. Still, they refused to back down, literally fighting to the last man.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

The only reply either of them would get would be the sounds of an energy pistol going off further down the hall, back where they had come from. A few moments later they would hear something smashing into a wall, hard, and then more shots. The kicker was the roar of what sounded to be an extremely pissed off Bentari, and then a deeper sound of weapon returned fire.

Re: P3X-474 Planet Side

Toryn threw aside his impromptu club, and began sending Shockwave pulses at the Draque again. While this was going on, the lenses on the Guardian Armor reverted from white, then switched to a deep red as Toryn glanced around at the other tech in play.
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

Daina freezes in place, then draws a knife to replace her life-sign scanner. With a nod to Ixack, she takes off at a dead run in the direction of the sounds. If Siphon was fighting out there.. she deserved to be fighting beside him.

"Let's move! We'll hook up with Siphon, then purge our ship of these beasts!"
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

"Indeed!" Ixack broadcasts with a nod, taking off in a sprint as fast as his legs could take him in the direction of the sounds
Re: Space and Battle Thread (Milky Way)

As they came around another corner, they could see four Bentari, three of them firing weapons and the fourth locked in a dangerous war of muscle with Siphon. Even as they came to a stop, the Bentari fighting him gained enough leverage to literally toss him several feet into a wall, denting it further than it already was. This was probably why they had heard the clanging. Siphon did get up again, but it was slower than he should have been capable of.

The energy pistol he had came out again, picked up from behind him, but he was stuck behind a container of some kind, the other Bentari firing their weapons, and allowing the hulking one that was unarmed to gradually move towards Siphon again.