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Pathfinder, anyone?

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

#Baconroom on irc has a dice roller, and is what I'd most likely be using for that. Also, Pathfinder point buy starts everything at 10, not 8, so you'd actually only be spending 6 out of the proposed 10 points in that example.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

You're right, I messed up my math there. Any way... let's see what that comes up with first. I'm going to be taking off for a few hours.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Rolls so far!
Mine: <Internets> :: Total 14 / 24 [58%] :: Results [1, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3]
Spider's: <Internets> :: Total 19 / 24 [79%] :: Results [3, 4, 3, 4, 1, 4]
MAF's: <Internets> :: Total 20 / 24 [83%] :: Results [2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4]
Shrike's: <Internets> :: Total 18 / 24 [75%] :: Results [3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 4]

Derpy rerolls that I guess people can steal if they're lazy include:
<Internets> :: Total 18 / 24 [75%] :: Results [2, 4, 4, 3, 1, 4]
<Internets> :: Total 16 / 24 [66%] :: Results [2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3]
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Awkward noob shuffling to be seen here.

For Ironant's game, interested in a bored male Half-Elf Oracle that is answering divine will with the hopes that once they're satisfied, he can resume a hermit life-style of reading books and ignoring all intelligent life around him.

For maiko's game, I suppose a male cat-folk bard who uses his musical talents to be allowed to explore all kinds of curious places. Using music to be allow to even perhaps be asked to play at royal banquets, and to gather connections and allies of a sort that would seem impossible by normal means. He believes he could earn more praise than a king with his music.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

(this is assuming the times suit me, etc)

For IronAnt's game, I'm planning on making a human fighter(tactician), a middle-aged ex-soldier turned innkeeper turned adventurer.

For Maiko's game, I'm currently building a fetchling Necromancer with Shadowcaster archetype. I plan to make him a buffer/debuffer type of thing.

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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Ant's game: some sort of archer, I think.

Maiko's: Kitsune rogue, not very combative though. Current slave, owned by Tassadar. :3
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Am currently working on the bones of sheets.

Ant's game, I'm not sure yet. Am bouncing between a nonviolent quarterstaff wielding Paladin, a Summoner, and a rogue-spy type. Sex would be male for the paladin, could do either male or female for the other two.

For Maiko's game, I'm working on a human male barbarian. He is here to fuck shit up.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Well, got a bank of NPCs from my own games to draw on, so but again, waiting to see when gametime might be, before I start putting things together.

Maybe I'll start my ranger at scratch and get him to his current (NPC) build. *snicker* Nate's a beast.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

...a male cat-folk bard...

...a fetchling Necromancer...

Hmm... Fetchlings will be descended from easterners and a specific kind of demon during the demon invasion, so they'd be treated as other easterners (that is, as second-class citizens at best).

Catfolk... I think eastern for them too. They'd be considered one of the 'beastfolk' by the westerners which also includes races like kitsune and other races with animal-like features. Beastfolk are treated the worst of the eastern people.

Once a dedicated forum gets opened up for this, I'll post some more detailed campaign setting information, including a timeline, and maybe a crappy-ass map.

Edit: And I've been too busy fielding questions on my campaign to think up a character for Ant's, also assuming I can make the time. At this point I'm thinking either a witch, or a Kensai archetype Magus.
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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

If being a cat-folk person would make things too difficult, I could just be a human instead, kinda like the vanilla flavor that's always there but usually only chosen when your favorite flavor isn't on the menu.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Well, for my part, it wouldn't be any more difficult. Obviously, I can't say for you, but one idea might be that he uses his musical talents to avoid the usual fate of his kin (slavery, typically). Really, anything you can come up with would be fine. I wouldn't want you to have to pick your second favorite kind of ice cream if possible.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Got Tiff interested in a mousefolk witch, just spent the last little bit editting a pic for said smutslut. sheet site is giving troubles, or that would be mostly done as well. mousefolk, eastern obviously, sounds like he's aiming for a character that works within the system to try and make life easier for the subjugated.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

So far, for maiko's game, we have:

A fetchling wizard played by Spider.
A human barbarian played by me.
A kitsune rogue played by Shrike.
A ratling witch played by Tiff.
A catfolk bard played by MAF.

Copper, Garg, and IronAnt may or may not be involved, depending on stuff.

For IronAnt's game, we have:

Unsure yet, played by me.
A human fighter played by Spider.
Unknown played by maikochan.
A half-elf oracle played by MAF.
A some-sort-of-archer played by Shrike.

We need to know his decision on starting stats, starting level, and possibly hit dice rolling before we can go much further, methinks.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

As a side note, the witch is intended as a healer. She might not be the most awesome healer, but she will try!
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Oh, general question for both settings:

Will there be a 'common' language between the two continents? something I had seen often was leaving Common to the Westerners, adding 'eastern' or 'oriental', then adding 'trade' as the common language, though it's obviously lacking for uses other than such.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Hmm... Language is usually something I gloss over. For the purposes of the setting, there are two different languages, though the western 'common' language has been forced on the easterners. The eastern language is still in use, but less common than the western language, so that'll be the common language known by most people.

Also, considering the relatively high proportion of beastfolk currently planned, I was thinking they'd have a sort of 'beast-common', a sort of shared language among them, either in addition to, or instead of their normal racial language. Haven't decided exactly on that yet.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I hadn't thought of that, Common being forced makes a lot of sense. For the beast language, I would suggest either 'Fet' or 'Tef' Tail-Ears-Fur, or the reverse. markers for those that have them, and referred to in a derogatory tone by their 'betters'.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I like Fet. The derogatory term: Fetters. Don't know what the original name would be yet, though.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

hmm... if the beast races were somewhat lessers before the occupation, maybe 'low-speak', or something like that. maybe just 'bestial'.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Bestial sounds fine. Before the occupation, beastfolk, for the most part, were kind of like the elves and dwarves of typical fantasy settings. Minorities, for the most part, but not really looked down on either. Sometimes they were even seen as being more in touch with the spirit world, so a fair amount of shamans, monks and priests were beastfolk.