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Pathfinder, anyone?

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

*nods* makes sense to me, ayup.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Would either game have room for a Cavalier? I have at least 2 sheets built from previous games and those ones long since ended. I figured I could put her to good use. I built it as a defensive fighter and intended her to be sorta the party tank with heavy armor and making her part of the Order of The Blue Rose. If there is no room, that's fine, but I figure I'd toss my hat in.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I think five's enough for me... so unless someone drops because they can't make the time, I'm full up.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

It's why I asked. I figure I was barking up the wrong tree. Consider me in reserve then. Warming the bench.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

There is also IronAnt's game, remember.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

That is true. I'll see what he says later today/whenever he returns. If he can handle a fool like myself, then I'm in business. If not, back to my original idea of blending in with the furniture.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

There is also IronAnt's game, remember.


I'll be reading this thread over and be answering questions and addressing comments soon.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

So first, I wanted to answer all of the questions and address what I felt I should. Then I can get to placing information about my game. So, without delay, I'll do that right now.

PCs would be able to smut each other, correct? @ IronAnt.

Also, if both maiko and IronAnt want to run separate games, that would be fine by me. I have ideas for both.

In addition, the only 'game overs' would be ones where everyone agrees on it. No situation would be hopeless.
Also, I was under the impression they'd be separate games. Correct me if I'm wrong, IronAnt. You're still the boss here.

Ah, game overs. Those are always fun.

PCs would be able to smut one another unless somehow some sort of anti sex ray hit them all and stopped them from wanting to grind their sexual organs against each others. Seriously though, I hope to have an entire forum area set up so people can smut at one another or the NPCs and be able to go back and read it. I plan to beg for one when I have everything ready.

Also I originally intended for us to be running separate games. That way both of us could player in the others game and take turns with hosting duty.

Sounds like the ero-content is entirely optional, which is fine by me, though correct me if I'm wrong.

Your character could be a chaste monk and that would basically work fine and they wouldn't be made fun of it. So yeah, sex is BASICALLY optional. The game is primarily a game. We're all perverts though so I don't see why we can't work sex in.

I am very happy to see all of these character concepts being made! I will be sure to speak with anyone on their idea. I'll be intending to paste fluff info and building instructions. Fluff won't be too long because your characters don't need to start knowing everything about the world (Unless they have a lot of knowledge skills) and will learn more ICly.

If I missed anything feel free to throw a rock at me.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I am very happy to see all of these character concepts being made! I will be sure to speak with anyone on their idea. I'll be intending to paste fluff info and building instructions.

Similar for me. Again, once a dedicated forum is set up, I'll start posting fluff stuff there.

IronAnt said:
Seriously though, I hope to have an entire forum area set up so people can smut at one another or the NPCs and be able to go back and read it.

Hadn't considered that. That should work fine. Also for any other inter-character discussions or things like that between sessions could go on a forum as well. Things like where to go next for example, or buying and selling items and equipment could go on a forum as well, and would cut down on chatter during the game time.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

We need to know his decision on starting stats, starting level, and possibly hit dice rolling before we can go much further, methinks.

Ooo! This one, do this one next! XD
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Doh, missed the call on this one. That's what I get for being inactive :p. Ah well...
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Ooo! This one, do this one next! XD

Ah, right. This. Ahem, well.

Characters will start at level 2. Scrubs, basically. You get max starting wealth and max hitpoints before having to roll at level 3. I don't want anyone being killed by a house cat so having everyone's hitpoints above 12 would be good.

You'll all be starting basically broke, so spend your money.

The point buy will be 20. You don't need to care about charisma if you want to play someone pretty, since if you're playing something like a monk you can't really afford to dump a bunch into charisma. You can play someone with a nice face and big tits and have 10 charisma... Just don't expect to be especially good at diplomacy because of your looks. (There is a feat for sexual attraction but yeah)

Use this for point buy calculation.

For the sake of my sanity, I'd like to ask a favor of people. Please put your character sheets on for me.

For classes,
Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Magus and Oracle are preferable choices. Depending on your idea I may except others. Well, no Gunslinger. My setting doesn't have guns.

For races,
I'd prefer people play things like humans and elves. Certain others are acceptable, but I prefer people not play things like Dwarves. While Dwarves exist, I'd rather not go through a smut session with Gimli plowing a lady that said his beard looked nice.

Oh, and I need to make this explicitly clear. If you want to play a race like kitsune or catfolk, they will look like this.

They will not be anthro things. With absolutely no disrespect to people who enjoy characters like that, I'd prefer we not have any characters like that. If anyone wants to homebrew a race for a concept they like, if it is reasonable, I'll be willing to try.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Doh, missed the call on this one. That's what I get for being inactive :p. Ah well...

There may be room for you. There should be plenty to split between Maiko and I anyway.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

There may be room for you. There should be plenty to split between Maiko and I anyway.

Again, it depends on if people can make the time, which I still don't know yet. Should know by the end of Friday.

IronAnt said:
Characters will start at level 2. Scrubs, basically.

Thought about this, and I think I'm going to have my game follow suit. And yah, you get max HP for level 2 as well.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I just rolled 'Hermaphroditic' on the Tiefling features list thing.

Fucking dice, why do you tempt me so.

>.>; Am I allowed to make a Small Tiefling? Say, one born from weird Daemon-on-Gnome dickings, which probably totally definitely did not involve a Gnome Necromancerorwhatever summoning BDSM'd the shit out of a twelve-foot Meladaemon just to prove she could.
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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Here's my character for Ant's game, if I'm able to play in it. Haven't done any fluffy stuff yet, but the basic idea is she's from a noble family of tieflings, but doesn't share their general views on the world. That, and she's got traces of angelic blood in addition to her infernal blood. So she set out to find her own place in the world. She can be naive at times, having had a sheltered upbringing, as well as being rather capricious and easily side-tracked, and has some underlying mental instability due to her mixed heritage.

I'll flesh out her personality, background, description and so on later, not to mention her name.

Edit: Oh, uh, if a Tiefling is okay of course...

Edit #2: Updated her sheet with some more detailed description, background and so on.

Edit #3: Fixed the HP problem that Keylo identified and added a small blurb in the notes section.
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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?


A character for Maiko's.
NAME:  Unairies, of Hollyhorn
RACE:  Tiefling - Daemonspawn
CLASS:  Sorcerer - Infernal Bloodline

ALIGNMENT:  Gluttony
SIZE:  Small
				    armor/shield/dex/size/nat.armor/deflection/misc mods]
HP:   18/18	DR: - 	AC: 14	[10+	 /	/3  /1	 /	   /	      /		]
d6				Touch AC:  14	Flat-footed AC:  11

Strength	12	12	+1						10 2
Dexterity	17	17	+3						12 3 +2 Daemon
Constitution	16	16	+3						12 4
Intelligence	20	20	+5						14 4 +2 Daemon
Wisdom		7	7	-2						7  2 -2 Daemon
Charisma	18	18	+4		+2 when Sorcing			14 4

SAVING THROWS	[base+ability mod+magic+misc+temp]
Fortitude:  3	[con][0+3+++]
Reflex:  3	[dex][0+3+++]
Will:  	1	[wis][3-2+++]

Initiative:  	[dex+misc]
SPEED, 20 ft
Land:  		[base/armor;ft]
Fly:  		[fly/maneuverability]

Base Attack Bonus:  +1	Spell Resistance:  -
CMB	3	[1+1+1-1][BAB+Str+size]
CMD	15	[1+1+3+1+10-1][BAB+str+dex+size+10]

Melee Attack Bonus: +3		[1+1+1][BAB+Str+Size]
Ranged Attack Bonus: +5		[1+3+1][BAB+DEX+Size]

[] Acrobatics				=DEX 	   +	   +	
[] Climb				=INT 	   +	   +	
[x] Appraise			10	=INT 	   +	2   +	
[x] Bluff 			9	=CHA 	   +	2   +	
[x] Craft: Cooking		10	=INT 	   +	2   +	
[x] Craft: Alchemy		10	=INT 	   +	2   +	
[x] Diplomacy			9	=CHA 	   +	2   +	Class Skill due to Bloodline
[] Disable Device*		5	=DEX 	   +	   +	+2 Daemon-spawn
[] Disguise				=CHA 	   +	   +	
[] Escape Artist			=DEX 	   +	   +	
[x] Fly					=DEX 	   +	   +	
[] Handle Animal*			=CHA 	   +	   +	
[] Heal					=WIS 	   +	   +	
[x] Intimidate				=CHA 	   +	   +	
[x] Knowledge (arcana)*		10	=INT 	   +	2   +	
[] Knowledge (dungeoneering)*		=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (engineering)*		=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (geography)*		=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (history)*			=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (local)*			=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (nature)*			=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (nobility)*		=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (planes)*			=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Knowledge (religion)*		=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Linguistics*				=INT 	   +	   +	
[] Perception				=WIS 	   +	   +	
[] Perform				=CHA 	   +	   +	
[] Perform				=CHA 	   +	   +	
[x] Profession*: Chef		-2	=WIS 	   +	   +	
[x] Profession*				=WIS 	   +	   +	
[] Ride					=DEX 	   +	   +	
[] Sense Motive				=WIS 	   +	   +	
[] Sleight of Hand*		5	=DEX 	   +	   +	+2 Daemon-spawn
[x] Spellcraft*			10	=INT 	   +	2   +	
[] Stealth			7	=DEX 	   +	   +	+4 Stealth
[] Survival				=WIS 	   +	   +	
[] Swim					=STR 	   +	   +	
[x] Use Magic Device*		9	=CHA 	   +	2   +	
[X]class skill; *trained only
+1 Favored Class

Proficiencies: All simple weapons.  That's about it.

Western Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Gnome, Eastern Common, [slot; probably will be taken up by Elven, or something.]

1st	Fiendish Heritage - Daemon-Spawn
Change shit up yo.

[BONUS] Eschew Materials
Spells with material cost under 1 gp have their material cost voided.

Darkvision - perfect visibility in the dark, 60 ft.
Fiendish Resistance - Cold, Elec, Fire 5

Death Knell 1/day, spell-like ability, caster level = class levels.

Infernal Bloodline - 
	DC +2 to Charm subschool spells.
		CORRUPTING TOUCH:  Melee touch attack to inflict Shaken for 1/2 Sorc level.  Afflicted radiates evil aura.  Multiple touches increase duration.
		Usable 3+Cha-modifier times/day.  [7]

Fiendish Sorcery - +2 Cha to sorc class abilities

Dosh	CP: 9	SP: 6	GP: 5	PP:  

Weapons		Atk bonus	Damage (S/M)	Crit	Type	Range	Ammo	Wgt	Cost
Fisting		-		1d2/1d3		x2	B	-		-	-	Nonlethal
3, Dagger	-		1d3/1d4		19-20	S/P	10 ft	3	1 lb	2 gp

AC items	Bonus	Type	MaxDex	Check Penalty	Spell Failure	MaxSpd	Wgt	Cost	Properties

TOTALS										3 lb	6 gp

Other Gear	Cost	Wgt
50ft Silk rope	10 gp	5 lb	
4 piton		1 sp	.5 lb
Hammer		5 sp	2 lb
Grappling hook	1 gp	4 lb
Pole		5 cp	8 lb

Kit, mess	2 sp	1 lb		On the donkey
Kit, cooking	3 gp	16 lb		On the donkey
Kit, fishing	5 sp	3 lb		On the donkey
Kit, survival	5 gp	4 lb		On the donkey

Mule		8 gp	600-800 lb	The donkey
Dog, guard	25 gp	90 lb

Backpack	2 gp	2 lb
Waterproof bag	5 sp	.5 lb
5, Sack		1 sp	.5 lb		3 On the donkey
3, Waterskin	1 gp	4 lb		On the donkey

5 Wine pitcher	2 sp	6 lb		On the donkey
Wine, fine	10 gp	1.5 lb		On the donkey
2 Honey		1 gp	.5 lb		On the donkey
4 Hunk Cheese	1 sp	.5 lb		On the donkey
10 Loaf Bread	2 cp	.5 lb		On the donkey
4 Trail Ration	5 sp	1 lb		2 On the donkey
3 Canteen	2 gp	1 lb		2 On the donkey

Trade goods (food) 20gp	Ehh.		On the donkey
3 Chicken	2 cp	:|		On the donkey

6 Feed, Mule	5 cp	10 lb		On the donkey
60 Feed, Bird	5 cp	.5 lb		On the donkey
20 Feed, Dog	5 cp	5 lb		On the donkey

2 Bucket	5 sp	2 lb		On the donkey
2 basket	4 sp	1 lb		On the donkey
Cauldron	1 gp	5 lb		On the donkey

Really, most of this shit's on the donkey.					25 lb

Total Weight : 28 lb

LVL	Known	Spells/day	Bonus spells	Save DC	
0	5	-		--		
1	2	3				

Conditional modifiers: +2 to Charm spells

Known Spells
0 - Jolt, Mage Hand, Presdigitation, Message, Mending
1 - Charm Person, Crafter's Fortune

Shit I want: 1- [Ray of Enfeeb/sick, Float Disk, Burning Hands, Grease, Unseen Servant,, Feather Fall, Polypurpose Panacea]


GENDER:  Female
AGE:  74
HEIGHT:  3' 10"
WEIGHT:  57 lbs
HAIR:  Vibrant red, Streaked through with platinum.  Kinda looks like raw meat!  Kept cropped short - it reaches mid-neck, straight.
EYES:  Green, large.
SKIN:  Very slightly yellowish-green.
BUILD:  Thin.
HOMELAND:  The West.

She's the product of some nasty daemon-on-gnome dickings.  It was hot, maybe.  It was probably a Meladaemon.  Her mom may or may not have been some sort of spellcaster(probablyaNecromancerorsomething) summoned and raped a Meladaemon, because why be a wizard if you're not going to stick weird extraplanar dicks in yourself?

Fucking LOVES food, and while she probably only needs enough as appropriate for a Small-sized lady such as herself, she can (and usually does) eat enough for two regular-sized guys.  Big guys.  Who've worked really hard all day.  She is personally a specialist in campfire vittles and barbeque, but is no slouch in fancier and/or more equipped cookery.  Always appears like she's at the cusp of emaciation, despite how much she eats.

She was left to an orphanage, where meager portions at every meal made things super fuckin' miserable for her.  And, since Tieflings (apparently) are children-tier until they're like 60, they were several decades worth of misery.

This is all ignoring the fact that she had freaky hoofed feet, ram's horns, and a dick.  The teasing by the other kids was pretty shitty too.

Even in spite of her obviously daemonic features, she was a beautiful little girl, who could be exceedingly sweet when she wanted to.  Eventually some mage stopped by and she charmed him into adopting her - that he could sense her magic, and that she may or may not have accidentally started Corruptive Touching people accidentally so the orphanage wanted her out totally helped.  

She wanted to learn how to cook and how to make a living, so when he dangled additional classes with a cook as incentive to do well at her lessons, she stuck her nose to the grindstone and learned the FUCK outta how to control her freakish evil magic, magic theory and all that stuff.  She eventually buggered off, and - despite being a good cook - she didn't make much money with the trade.  Derf.

When she heard about the opportunity to fuck off to the East, she was all like "OH MAN, NEW KINDS OF FOOD" and was all about that shit.  When she eventually learns their idea of gourmet is 'raw stuff on sour rice' she's going to go about spreading the gospel of sticky, messy, sauce-slathered baby back ribs throughout all of Fantasy Japanchina.




<Gargleblaster> .d 6d4
[00:20] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 24 [79%] :: Results [4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2] ::
[00:20] <Gargleblaster> Internets, stop being a boh there you are.
[00:25] <Gargleblaster> .d 3d100
[00:25] <Internets> :: Total 149 / 300 [49%] :: Results [55, 18, 76] ::
You are unnaturally sly, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Sleight of Hands checks.
You gain DR 2/bludgeoning.
You can hold your breath for 3 rounds longer than normal. LAME

[01:56] <Gargleblaster> .d 4d6+60
[01:56] <Internets> :: Total 74 / 84 [88%] :: Results [3, 6, 1, 4] ::

Height (using gnome chart, but rolling 3d6 instead)
<Gargleblaster> .d 3d6
[01:58] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 18 [66%] :: Results [5, 6, 1] ::

[01:59] <Gargleblaster> .d 3d6
[01:59] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 18 [66%] :: Results [5, 2, 5] ::
Added 15 lbs, because 42 lbs and 4 foot-high is weird.

Alternative Physical Features?
02:27] <Gargleblaster> .d 3d100
[02:27] <Internets> :: Total 251 / 300 [83%] :: Results [83, 69, 99] ::
Other: HermaphrodMOTHERFUCKING SCORE, Needle-like teeth, Roll twice [43, 49] Ram-like horns, frog-like legs

[02:30] <Gargleblaster> .d 3d100
[02:30] <Internets> :: Total 187 / 300 [62%] :: Results [48, 41, 98] ::
Cloven Feet, Draconic horns, Whistling Umbilicus (:|)

Standard Racial Traits
REPLACED	Ability Score Racial Traits: Tieflings are quick in body and mind, but are inherently strange and unnerving. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Charisma.
Type: Tieflings are outsiders with the native subtype.
SEMIREPLACED		Size: Tieflings are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Tieflings begin play speaking Common and either Abyssal or Infernal. Tieflings with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, and Orc. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Size: Gnomes are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Defense Racial Traits
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits
REPLACED	Skilled: Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.

Magical Racial Traits
REPLACED	Spell-like ability: Tieflings can use darkness once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the tiefling's class level.

Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.

Other Racial Traits
Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the Abyssal or Infernal bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.
Unsure about having the time to play, though, on top of presumably having the game full up already.

I have a character written up for Ant's, too, but he's afflicted with a severe case of the durrrrr. Was gonna be a Half-orc laborer, basically, not so much an adventurer as one of the workers that hauled shit around - except I was gonna make him look like E Honda + Blanka with Kid Rock's hair, and have him be a loopy stoner or something.

So yeah, maybe less derp.

Also, yeah. Again, probs don't actually have time to play, I just like chargenning. <_>
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Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

I'm now going to start work on getting all of the collective setting fluff together. Information on races and so on will be provided. With this you'll all be able to write fluff properly. People should maybe consider not making any more concepts or thought out stuff until they've seen everything. After I post my info, your concept may not work so well. And due to personal biases, certain races will just be excluded.
Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

Here is my horribly prepared character. DnD veterans, be prepared to bust a vein as you are likely to immediately see 1000+ errors.

Re: Pathfinder, anyone?

So I've got an idea of when my job will be. As a result, I'm going to say that I can run/be apart of a game at the following times:

Sundays: Any time until 2 to 3am GMT.
Weekdays except for Fridays: 9pm until 2 to 3am GMT
Fridays: 9pm until I get too tired to stay up... GMT

Just a note, the earliest this would be happening would be a week from today.

Also, IronAnt, any chance you or I could bug Nunu for a forum to get set up?