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ACT [Perveloper]Captivity

Also, is there a gallery in game, or are there plans for one?
Plans in the works, as has been mentioned several times already (Ctrl+f for key words ;)).

After a quick run through of each level, I swiftly decided I'd switch to Casual mode until I got a feel for the game and actual strategies. The difference was minimal.
The game's got a bit of a steep learning curve, though some of the difficulty can be mitigated on levels with ledges and going for headshots (where applicable). You've really gotta conserve cash until you can afford an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, the swarms can become overwhelming very quickly.

That aside, hope those robots have padding around their nether regions; my thoughts on fox robot's animation in particular keep drifting between "I'm scaroused" and "oh god her poor face".
Ehh, this game doesn't much interest me personally. Several reasons why with at least one of them personal.

Firstly, that perspective of characters facing directly sideways makes me think of the virgin walk meme, thus I'm coining it the virgin walk perspective. There's nothing wrong with drawing a character facing a particular direction normally, but when it comes to scenes... if that's the only direction they face it greatly limits variety. And yes that sort of thing matters in a H-game, of course it does.

There's no demo, no try before you buy. From what I'm seeing/reading on here it seems like the game's come along pretty far, so surely the dev could give us one free stage.

I'm tired of extremely limited body types in female protag H-games. They're normally flat as a board or overly realistic, generally pretty thin with no significant curvature. I see this incredible clinging to realism with protags a lot in starting out H-games, even if the world they're in is populated by transformative magic or in this case, highly experimental and unethical science. Gameplay-wise H-titles can be pretty great, but I find that Devs seem to almost be scared of going into top or bottom heavy character designs, making the face of their game a bit heftier (not fat, just into the 'thicc' territory), and well, I believe this title sits in that ever-growing pile of shrug.

Despite how I've written this... obviously I don't sneer at anyone who enjoys this title, this is just my opinion.

I agree with the lack of demo. I must admit that I discovered the game through another forum, and played the game before deciding to pay it, because I found that it deserved the $5 it asked. I saw worse things sold on DLSite at four times the price.

As for your other remarks, I too would like more choices in body types. Heck, one of my most wanted things in a h-game is that a game offers both a female or a male character, or a monster girl game that has monsters other than succubi and a male protagonist that does not look like he just entered middle school. As for camera angles, I am still desperately waiting on 3D games with dynamic camera work. For the moment, there is only Bioasshard that fits that criterium, and unfortunately, I am not at all into zombie stuff (good thing that the shack level is the easiest and that the only sex required for the experiments is with the dog XD).

But I also understand that making a game takes time and energy, even a text game. Especially if you are the only one working on it. Perhaps this body type is the one the dev finds the more attractive, or the one he could make the character's animations work correctly, for instance.

This being said, the silver lining here is that the developer is responsive, and he came out directly with a finished product, instead of a 2 years-long patreon. So I'm sure that either this project or his next project will get even better in time.
This guy has really nailed how to make the sex animations FEEL erotic. Just the way the camera works, the UI corresponds to them, how the animations are paced, the sound design, the struggle bar etc. Really enhances the humble spritework, game devs should seriously take notes. So many games where the spritework is arguably superior but it isn't given proper context and feels too disconnected from the gameplay.

I pretty much agree with all the suggestions here. My suggestion: PLEAAAAASE add in more hairstyles and make them available earlier. Way too many "butch" haircuts, the Ada Wong knockoff is honestly the only one I considered using.
This game gave me facefuck fetish(like seriously, out of 20 animations, 7 are brutal mouth rapes). Realy looking forward for next 2 levels, and i realy hope he is gona make another game as well gameplay and sex designed as this, even pixel models are kinda lamish i realy think what this game worth more than $5.
This game gave me facefuck fetish(like seriously, out of 20 animations, 7 are brutal mouth rapes). Realy looking forward for next 2 levels, and i realy hope he is gona make another game as well gameplay and sex designed as this, even pixel models are kinda lamish i realy think what this game worth more than $5.
That's a good fetish to have. And so refreshing since many hentai games have only one token blowjob scene and call it a day.
This game is really cool, love that it seemingly came out of nowhere. The art isn't amazing but the animation, effects, lighting and variety sell it.
It's fun and functional just as a 2d horde survival game with its difficulty just about in the right spot, though some tweaks could be made.

Weapon & item balance is pretty off.
The MP40, PPSH, Bizon and Colt SMG do the job more than well enough at most points of progression, with the Uzi being a decent stand-by if you need more firepower early.
The MGs seem redundant - the M240 lacks the capacity, ROF, damage and reload speed for its cost, the price of its ammo and weight. The MG42 sends rounds everywhere and only just does enough damage to offset its inaccuracy, even with the recoil buff.
Shotguns are in a weird place, I find they're only useful in the earlier waves of FER but even that's a stretch. But they can kill multiple enemies with a single shot if you aim for the head and the stars align, which they do often enough. The mag-fed one is the only one I find truly worthwhile, if you can get into an elevated position.
The rifles are next to useless, and penetration (the ballistic kind, this time) is sorely needed to make them compelling whatsoever.
The pistols I haven't touched, I'm going to carry on the assumption that it's better to save the cash for a good SMG. If they replaced the starting pistol then that'd be a different story.
But these are presumably the easiest things to adjust so I'm not too worried.

My main criticism is the lack of verticality in most maps, meaning you will often have to move through the encroaching horde of enemies, and the dodge isn't quite reliable enough in most situations. I wish the player had more room to kite enemies.
A minor annoyance is that you will climb up a ledge immediately after dropping from it, if you turn to face it.

But all in all it's really fun, well-presented and well thought-out.

How do you get the headhumpers off?
Join is discord if you want. I went in, he's pretty chill.
he's pretty chill.
Added the link in to the OP. Dev is pretty chill, yes, but some of the users need to calm down.
I just find it funny that this game has been out for less than a week and the f95 thread is already 30+ pages long. People really are just sick of the RPGmaker flood I guess.
I wonder if the gallery is going to be just a generic "play animation" type, or will there be offerings to say, have a generic gray/white area stage with which you can choose the enemies that show up?
Added the link in to the OP. Dev is pretty chill, yes, but some of the users need to calm down.
I just find it funny that this game has been out for less than a week and the f95 thread is already 30+ pages long. People really are just sick of the RPGmaker flood I guess.
Well, at least 20 pages of that is people repeating the same questions and talking about cheat engine so
Yeah, don't sleep on this game. I've played it for a bit and it's been pretty enjoyable. It's important for games to be challenging, so I'm not too worried about it beating the hell out of my casual ass. For anyone concerned about gore, I'm one of the most squeemish out there. And I can't help but laugh at a zombie chomping down on you. I just think "Woah, that's one hungry zombie!" Although I do think a chomp here or there is the way to go rather than chompchompchompchompchomp. I like a bit of the rough stuff, gotta have some texture in there. So a few slaps and bonks to the head help kickstart the fire within. Dev clearly has talent and has put a lot of love into his game. Y'know, with a few months of refinement and some extra content here and there, you'd have a real contender. Definitely picking it up to help him continue development.
i found this game actually fun which is rare for most games of this nature. usually its just a quick wank and move on but i find the gameplay loop kinda fun.
So how does one go to the nest in cave? I managed to get carried there by accident but i cant recreate it.
So how does one go to the nest in cave? I managed to get carried there by accident but i cant recreate it.
Submit to the giant fly enemy with the stinger (hold down S when they're close, make sure there aren't other monsters around) and let the animation go through. It'll carry you to the nest and you'll get the achievement, so long as still have hearts left.
Submit to the giant fly enemy with the stinger (hold down S when they're close, make sure there aren't other monsters around) and let the animation go through. It'll carry you to the nest and you'll get the achievement, so long as still have hearts left.
I did, sometimes it carry me, sometimes it dont, dunno what im doing different.
Currently grinding through the shack level since I kind of want to earn the current cosmetics for some reason, something about the 8-bit puppet sprites feels vaguely nostalgic, probably the result of loving Chronos Gate, and it probably cuts down on the time it takes to make these assets, which means the wait time for updates might not be as long as other games, as beefy as this one seems to be already.

My only gripes as far as this level goes is that the naked green zombie has this obnoxious instant-grapple move that eats away a shit ton of your health, strength and pleasure resistance until you can escape and that it feels like I essentially either need to grind the zombies to get enough money while taking minimal damage in order to at least have around $2000 or so for opening the door + a decent gun or pray to RNJesus that I get an Uzi after unlocking the door in order to effectively do crowd control because opening the door leads to the mobs swarming me too much to avoid hits, some of which could easily be that grapple move which is 10x worse than just getting hit to say the least.
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It's nothing you can do, Its random chance to proc.
Is it really? Of the 2 times I've been grabbed both ended up carrying me up, weird coincidence I guess. My low sample count is telling of how much I enjoy the cave level (I don't).
Nearly finished with all other levels other than jungle, my mind always seems to register seeing the bear traps a split second too late, shit is hella unforgiving. I'm not looking forward to doing the nimble feet achievement.
Also, I "meticulously" attempted to do the energy ball dodge achievement on space station, but didn't trigger after the 50th dodge. Does the count get reset if you get hit by one?