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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Siley Lightbringer and Pirate Group, Tortuga Streets, Tag: Mitena

"Awww.. you are such a cute charmer! And what you are saying really rings true y'know, but you see... for one.. there's Captain Dreadmaw.. and none compare. Also.. Counter-argument.. Chains of Light!"
She declared, twirling a little golden chain.. that suddenly expanded, beginning to crawl over Mitena, wiggling over her body, the golden, solid light-chains binding her hands behind her and squeezing over her breasts, slowly digging in between her legs.. was this proper binding magic? Why was the blonde grinning as she directed these chains..

"All that just makes me want to keep you more."
(DC 20 reflex save or be captured by the chains -paralyzed- and unable to move, but will let you rp-respond for ooc reasons. If you fail, you can save again next turn.. but if you fail twice in a row you'll get bound up fo' real too!)


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
26397 Mitena, the good Doggo; Tag: Marnia; Mood: Guard Doggo;
HP: 22/67; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +3; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 23; CMB: 10

It seemed that the two might not be able to agree, which mad Mitena just a little bit sad. Though before she could answer the bondage spell was cast! Chains snaking there way up Mitena's body, curling up under her armor to give her breasts a tight squeeze making the cute little pup moan in delight...
No! She, she shouldn't like being bound up by a bad melon! She was Mitena, the good doggo of the Rovana pirates! She was hog-tied, trussed up in a convenient package for Siley to take with her, but her mouth was still free... "But, mmh" her thought was interrupted by a light moan as her bindings dug into her thirsty pussy. This... this wasn't right, she shouldn't be able to feel any pleasure since her training right! She was a loyal doggo! ... A thought crossed her mind... she was cursed, Rovona said so... All she wanted to be was a loyal doggo, but maybe the curse prevented her from being able to hold onto her loyalty training... No! She'd not loose, not here, she struggled with all her might against the bindings, the chain squeezing and pinching her making her yelp cutely, putting on quite the display for Siley. She couldn't escape, she panted softly, "Please... I wanna be a good girl... I want mistress to pet me and praise me..." She offered as one final plea.
[Ref save 11 and 15]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Siley Lightbringer and Pirate Group, Tortuga Streets, Tag: Mitena

"Problem with those pretty chains is, they don't last forever, so you have to replace them with boring normal chains quickly.."
Siley sighed, doing just that, with a set of chains almost as golden as her magic had provided, wrapping Mitena up like a particularly squirmy present-puppy. She clearly had experience in this!

"Now little doggie, don't wiggle too much, we wouldn't want to hurt you under those chains... awww such a good girl!"
She enthused, petting Mitena's head. "See, I'm petting and praising you, so I'm your mistress, right? Don't you worry, we got some relaxing lights to help convince you laters."
Siley grinned, misjudging Mitena's plea.. as she snipped, two of the pirates hoisting her prey up and carrying Mitena back along with her, towards a truly massive pirate ship.

The ship had dark sails and, impressive for the bound up dog-girl it was even larger than the Red Dawn, it's flag was a skull with three red claw-like stripes cutting through it. This seemed to be an insignia marking each crewmember -although she hadn't seen it on Siley, each of them seeming nasty enough, and bearing mark of three red claw like stripes upon shoulders, tatooed on foreheads, or marked on eyepatches. There were several lustful glances at the bound up dog-girl, although, fascinatingly, all of the men backed off from Siley with respectful deference.
All except one.

The man had long, flowing white hair and expensive looking robes. Three fingers on his left hand held elaborate claw-rings and rested upon a sword that had an eerie, cool glow to it. He seemed to be overseeing the men on deck when Siley shot him a glance and gave a playful salute, reporting: "Found me something cute! Can I keep it? Yes? Amazing... onto my private chambers then!"

She grinned playfully at the man whose gaze ever so briefly touched Mitena.. who felt herself in a moral dilemma. This was not a good melon, definitly. But bad melon seemed.. insufficent by itself. Every instinct in the dog-girl told her that she didn't want to be a bad doggie near this particular melon. Whatever it took...
Then Siley snapped at the two crew-members that were carrying the dog-girl and... well, unless Mitena tried to protest or escape before being brought on deck, she'd be delivered to the blonde pirates private chambers towards a lustful, dire fate!

(Chains are hard but not impossible to break and you could still speak-protest if as you want to. OR REMAIN FOREVER SILENT!)
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
26416 Mitena, the good Doggo; Tag: Marnia; Mood: Guard Doggo;
HP: 22/67; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +3; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 23; CMB: 10

The chain replacement was quick and clean, leaving Mitena even more bound than before. Though she squirmed it seemed the doggie had run out of words to say, especially after Siley started petting her and saying she was the mistress now. It was wrong. Mitena knew that, but at the same time... she thought back to how she'd joined the Red Dawn, was this that different?
From her position hoisted between two grunts, Mitena tried to watch where they were headed carefully. Seeing the large black sailed ship come into view shortly. The insignia seemed familiar, it was for those band of meanies... that was where she was headed, and if she didn't muster up enough of a fight that would be her home... would she be a bad melon? She struggled again, but he wound Joe had left her was starting to catch up to her again...
She couldn't help but notice that as they approached, each of the men trying to get a lewd glance at her where scared off by Siley... How they were all deferential to her, and she seemed interested in keeping Mitena for herself... That, that resonated a bit with the doggo... she liked the thought of only having one mistress, one mistress protecting her from others and in turn she gave her all. No! This was not a Mitena way to think! That was Sayyida!
Any struggling was put to rest when she saw the captain, the man with the glowing sword and deathly glare... It sent chills down the doggo's spin, he was a bad melon, but one she could never face herself... She was defeated, and without resistance or a further word was carried off to Siley's private quarters.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: Team Cat 'n Mouse, Neckbreaker Jack Location: Captain Bartholomew's Bar Tortuga
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +11 Speed: 30' CMD: 19/13Fl
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +2

Ylria was finding it harder and harder to focus on their objectives as Jack's hand expertly manipulated her sensitive body. "Ahhh..." Taking a deep breath that emphasized her breasts she shook herself slightly. "An officer of captain Dreadmaw... well... that does change things a bit..." She started to think about how they might get close to Evil Rock as Jack made his explanation. Ylria couldn't help but reach her hand out and trace the tattoo on Jack's strong and powerful forearm. "A Jolly Sailor, I like the sound of that," she purred. Ylria glanced at Jec and gave a slight nod to indicate that they should pursue this line of approach.

"So... you would speak for us to the captain?"
Ylria smiled and stroked his arm further, leaning in so that her breast pressed against his arm. "Confident, yes and we know our way around a ship." She took a long drink of her own rum but gasped and almost choked on it as Jack's hand found her right breast. "Ohhhh... shipmate..." Ylria cooed in pleasure at the touch, her nipple hardening. She mustered her thoughts under the sensuous assault on her breast and continued. "Aye, we be asking questions but what sailor doesn't check the wind and weather before starting a voyage eh?" Ylria leaned into him, pressing her thigh against his as he continued. "Mmmmm... skilled indeed..." she whispered softly at the touch on her breast. Ylria moved her own hand to stroke Jack's thigh under the table, teasing almost up to his groin.

She shifted, wriggled and opened her thighs to allow Jack's clever hand access to her damp and aching sex. At the same time Ylria moved her hand over Jack's crotch and finding the hard length of his manhood began to stroke it through the fabric of his pants. "Aye... I'd gladly be your shipmate Jack," she squeezed his shaft lightly and rubbed at it with her fingernails. "Yer a virle and manly man, perhaps you'd like the two of us to warm your bunk as shipmates? Jec and I... well, we like to please our superiors in whatever way we can on deck or below."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"You know how sex works? Have you done it? With who? How did he look like? What was his job? Will you bring him over for dinner, so that I can meet him?" Marnia chirped worriedly!

"I don't care about those guys! But it would be bad if you got hurt...I mean if I have to say something about afterlife, is to avoid dying! It is...super boring! Except if you want to become like me, then it can be more interesting!" Marnia nodded smiling.

"I don't remember if I had a lisp four-hundred-something years ago...I had a diaray but I run out of pages." she mused.

"Anyway...I usually don't care, but lets talk about something to take your mind off those guys. Who are they, and why are you so scared about them? I mean, I am with Rovanathe Reaver's crew, but you don't hear me brag about how we are goingto reave everyone!" she nodded seriously. What's with all those braggards those days...she should just slap like all of them....


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

Jack gave the two cuties a bright, lustful grin. "Aye, me lasses.

Now I wont be blaming you for asking questions. And you wont be blaming you for giving ye some funny little suggestions for getting what you want from Evil Rock but let me be clear as duck-bays waters 'Ere.. I doubt she'd give ya anything while she still draws breath..."

He let that hang in the air just long enough to gauge the reaction, before leaning back.

"Hmnn.. a wise decision. Trust me, I've been on the Jolly Maiden for years and none compare to The Captain. Hamnn..."
He sighed lustfully, smirking over at Ylria's exploring hand, before leaning forward to forcefully press his lips upon her, just as his hand pressed up against her sex, his shaft throbbing, warming, growing under her explorative touch, a stirring of his approval as his burning eyes sought to devour if not her whole form, at the least her clothings. Then, noticing how enraptured the mouse-girl was he smirked and decided to expand upon his tales:

"There be a good handful of people that could make fearsome pirate captains in their own right, ye see, me among them. But those that spent some time sailing under Dreadmaw understand that we could never accomplish as much on our own. Evil Rock realized it too, good on her. Dreadmaw be proficient at making offers none can refuse.. Either half yer crew joins me.. or all join Davy Johnes." He nodded, bragging with a hint of an evil glint in his eyes. "I was there when she challenged the captain.. to be fair, lasted longer than most, eh eh. But she ain't undefeatable either." He smirked, slowly petting and massaging along the mouses pussy, his hands oddly gentle for one as strong as him, before addressing Ylria.:

"Alas. I fear there'll nay be the two of you.. unless you find yourselfs two more to join on with.
Captain Dreadmaw be having a policy called: Two enter the ship.. and one joins. Adventure we seek, but it ain't for the weak. Democracy under the black!"

He leaned back and laughed. "Har harr.. But let us talk about fun things."

"Let us get to know yer .. qualifications.. in private."

He hopped up, giving the girls one last squeeze, before asking which rooms were free, giving the two a half wave, half tug along.

Quickly, and questioning themselves how things could be going -this- quick, Ylria and Jec found themselves in a private room, nothing too.. impressive, but Jack seemed intend on distracting them from this, peering out ever so briefly to make sure none were listening before he smirked, and declared: "Don't you worry my cuties. I can keep two nice little pussies like you well satisfied. Now then."
He nodded, extending one hand to give Ylria's chest a firm squeeze, removing her top with one hand, whilest Jec found herself quickly relieved of all clothings.. her shy hesitation soothed by him pulling her up to his chest and whispering: "It's ok. You're among friends. You just do as I tell you and all will be fine, savy?"

"Evil Rock is an earth-mage. She uses stone-magic. But the three of us can handle her. You're a potions user, ain't you little mouse? And upon you, cutie, I notice the marks of a stealthy fighter."

He nodded to Ylria. "That'd fit well with my more straight forward style, if I manage to get Evil Rock Isolated. You'll get what you want.. and I'll get what I want.."
He nodded, before opening the belt holding tight the vest covering his chest, discarding it carelessly.
"And maybe a little more. What about it girls, you just have to let me take the lead."
His voice was just strong and forceful enough to be demanding, without making actual demands. It was hard to tell if he was speaking about the situation they both found themselves in now, undressed by the forceful man, or his plans of, apparently, assasinating his superior officer...

"Trust me. A woman that knows her chances can go very.. far. Shh.. don't worry little mouse. You don't have to worry as much if you let yourself just be my plaything.. you and your beautiful feline friend."
He declared, smirking, shamelessly undressing Jec completely whilest letting her cling to him, whilest his other hand keps massaging and groping Ylria all over, both enjoying the feeling of her smooth skin in his hands and heightening her arousal to make her more agreeable. She of course had Master Rahadin, but.. perhaps a master of flesh and blood that was always around.. someone perhaps even a little more twisted than Master Rahadin, was that not at least.. tempting deep down? As was that virile looking bulging in his sailor pants..


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Siley Lightbringer, The Jolly Maiden, Tag: Mitena

"Heh, you know, he has to tell me how he does it sometimes."
Siley mused, having noticed Mitena's struggling ceasing in proximity to that... man.

"One glance and you're all still and well behaved.. actually, think he told me, but I didn't listen.. ANYWAYS! Welcome to my humble abode!"
She smirked, having the sailors more or less dump the chain Mitena.. upon an overly girly looking bed.

Siley's room was girly, almost overly so, perhaps.

Siley turned, and gave the dog-girl an ever widening grin, before hesitating.. "Oh poor thing, you can't be bleeding on my pretty blankets though.. remember that, I don't want to have to hurt you.."
She fished around in her drawer, presenting a (also girly looking) potion, before leaning down, gently pulling the dog-girl up, lifting it to her chin. "Shh shh shhh.. drink it all down, you'll feel better soon.. good doggie. Alright now.. Cure moderate wounds!"
She declared, touching Mitena's lower stomach.. a warming, soothing energy cascading through her as her wound knitted up.. but wait, if she could cast healing magic, what had the potion been for? And why, as Mitena was unchained, did she feel so bubbly and.. cheery and.. actually the overuse of pink was kind of pretty, really.

"Nooow whooo wants some fuun hypnosis from mistress Siley.. is it you? Youuuuu? You!?"
She declared, pointing left and right at little plushies(huh, both looked like little pirate-dolls actually).. and then at Mitena... before glancing over to another plushie. "Ooh it's you mr. Captain isn't it?"
She smiled, pulling up the doll, .. and kissing it. With tongue. and sensual moans.. "Ohmnnn oh yes.. you know how I really feel about you... We're all good girls for our mighty captain dreadmaww hamnnnn..."
Although she did glance back over to Mitena quickly, grinning at her, when she volunteered. "What do you want.. oh.. oh right you! My cute little doggie. So do you want to get some nice fuzzy hypno-therapy? It really helps. I got a paper that it does I stole from a licensed hypnotist. After murdering them. Serves them right to claim I 'overdo' things."
She smirked over to Mitena, cheerful and bubbly and charming.. and dangerous, but the most definitly drugged dog-girl didn't care about that last part really, right now.. she just had to feel fuzzy and get hypnotized and be a good dog right?

(Mitena heals 23 hitpointz back up! But is also.. poisoned? You can try a fort save if you -want- to resist...)
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Familiar merchant, Unnamed bar, Tag: Marnia

"N.. no I .. listen.. hold on!"
The poor merchant-girl flailed a little. at the onslaught of questions. ".. wait you eat dinner? .. Not relevant!"
She coughed, blushing with an emberassment she seemed uncertain about herself..

"Wow, four hundred years? You must be very wise.."
Alright she sounded a little awed.

"Rovana the Reaver? A bold claim.. because that's another legendary pirate lord too.. this is crazy.. You should brag! The immortal Pirate that hides her soul in her parrot, commands a horde of undead warriors as well as the power of the deepest depths with her sword that rules the sea itself! She's an almost ten feet tall vampire that can spit fire at will.."
She nodded.

"And still... you should not mess with Captain Dreadmaw.. His icey stare can consume a lesser mans soul. His sword can turn the very air and water and ground you walk upon into a frozen waste. Magic and life itself whisks away into nothingness before his might... It is said that he can turn a desert in a frozen wasteland, then summon ice-demons to tear honest men within apart... Or, as he please, summon flames to consume you in hellfire itself and afterwards, your charred corpse will raise and serve him at will!.. and that is if the captain even deems you worthy his attention. Most likely. One of his commanders, Evil Rock or The Lightbringer will destroy you with their mastery over the elements.. each of them are as terifying as any pirate lord other than Dreadmaw."
She sighed and shook her head.

"There's been more than one crew that tried to 'Deal with' Dreadmaw, for the bounty, out of principle, because they are well... kind of braggart assholes, aye. But they all failed. And died.. and the only survivors of such endeavours now swell Dreadmaws ranks ever further." She shook her head. "There's a saying about defeating the pirate captains, let me see if I remember it...
Shave Brownbeards beard, Break Silvers cane, Shut Ventus mouth, Take Rovana's bird, Dreadmaw: Try to live longer.
.. it was supposed to rhyme, must'a forgotten something."

She crossed her arms.

"If you are resolved to as you put it.. deal with Dreadmaw's crew, how about you first go to the harbor, check out The Jolly Maiden. See what you are dealing with. You can't miss it, it's the largest ship there...well, besides the galleon Tortuga was originally constructed upon, black sails, red stripes over a skull, you can't miss it."
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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
26465 Mitena, the good Doggo; Tag: Marnia; Mood: Guard Doggo;
HP: 45/67; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +3; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 23; CMB: 10

Once they where clear of the captain Mitena could resume her struggles... though strangle she no longer felt the need to, even if she escaped the chains she was not so dumb as to know that she wouldn't have to fight her way past the scary captain... no, she was past the point of no return and thrust into a girlish paradise of frills, fluff, and fuchsia. She let out a dull 'eep', as she was heaved onto the bed, she wound not making contact with the sheets.
"Your room is very, um, pretty," She complimented glancing over to the many stuffed pirates that the girl had collected, one particularly scary one that reminded her of the captain she met only moments before. The girly-ness of the room didn't bother her, at all, she herself didn't find any of it appealing though, she was a doggie, she belonged in a drab brown dog house...
"Oh, thank you Ms. Siley" Mitena smiled, taking the potion, well willing wasn't the right word, being bound up and the bottle pressed to her lips, but she didn't fight it at the very least. The sugary sweet, thick liquid poured down the doggo's throat leaving a pleasant gurgle all the way down and filling her nose with the scent of cinnamon.
The bubbly happiness started spreading all throughout the doggie. Making her giggle and stop worrying so much, "Wow Ms. Siley, that was really tasty!" Her radiant smile beaming. She didn't even notice the extra spell patching her up, she was a bit too distracted taking in the room again. The bright pink comforting her, easing her tired mind. The cute little stuffed friends beckoning to be played with, this room was maybe better then she thought... Such a nice cute room, it definitely fits a nice cute mistress well.
The now unchained Mitena dimly looked at Siley, holding back a few empty giggles. She felt so good, so cute, so happy... "Me! Sayyida, I wanna be hypnotized!" She started to desperately beg her mistress to play with her. It'd be fun, she'd get more of the warm fuzzy feelings, and she'd get a new mistress too! Though, Mitena knew it was wrong to let an enemy hypnotize her, making her a bad doggo... but Sayyida didn't she could be a good doggo for mistress after all Sayyida needed for a mistress was for her to be cute and strong. Siley had both by the bucket full!
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"Oh, what are you talking about, Captain is a cutie!" Marnia chuckled...if all those rumors were so exaggerated, thenDreadmaw wouldn't be that big of a deal either...right? On the other hand, Rovana did have the scary Dagon in her shadow...so...

"Well, I am not sure. Tales are just tales...and nothing in your story says they are slap-proof, right?" but Marnia was pretty sure that knowing the others, they would surely get into some kind of trouble...

"Come on, you had like a ton of magic trinkets and stuff. I bet you can find something to make us...element proof, right? Then we can go and slap them!" she whispered leaning forward with a conspiracy smile.

"Or we could sink their ship? Or wait, Toruga is a ship too? That sounds interesting....think we could hijack it?" Marnia pondered


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Familiar merchant, Unnamed bar, Tag: Marnia

The merchant sighed and exhaled.. "I mean.. Those are the stories they tell among sailors. But all stories contain a grain of truth and the truth of this seems to be that no other pirate Lord equals Dreadmaw.

And.. yes.. I sell trinkets, but .. errr.. so like.. most of what I sell is form a cursed treasure, that's how I make my gold, don't judge..."

She cleared her throat, glancing about a little nervously, almost briefly feeling like a kid admitting something bad to a parent.

"You.. could try and sink their ship.. I guess.. For example if you had explosives and could somehow deploy them unwatched... it would propably be safer than a frontal assault, anyway. How many men do you have to fight Dreadmaw, anyway? I certainly can't outfit them all!"
She shook her head.

"This.. Tortuga, was founded by another Pirate Lord, now retired. It is said he had the largest pirate ship of all time, and half of it got converted into this very harbour, whilest the captain quarters were formed into the, yarr.. how to say it.. the mayors house... don't you know about piratical lore? Where've you lived the past few decades!"
She shook her head.

"My point is, there's no ship larger than Dreadmaws Jolly Maiden.. although Rovana's legendary Red Dawn is faster, it would lose in a straight up battle.. well, according to the stories, anyway!"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"Cursed treasure? I mean it doesn't look too cursed to me...just a bit weird."

"Ah forget it, I guess there is no reason to fight the whatevercrew. However you do make me worried about Mitenia...uh. Do you know where that slap-face we met earlier could have retreated to? I should go and bring back our doggie...you should go at our ship,and wait me there safely....you know, Red Dawn. It has red sails and a sexy Captain."

"If you see Captain, just tell her all, ok? She went with some whores earlier..."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Familiar merchant, Unnamed bar, Tag: Marnia

She sighed. "'I'll consider going to the Red Dawn, just to see it with my own eyes.. if it is as all as intimidating as the Jolly Maiden..

But no, sorry, I have little clue where your .. canine companion could have gone.. worst case, you scared him all the way back to their ship..."

She shrugged, finishing her drink and giving Marnia a shrug and a smile.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"It is a nice ship we call home! Of course it is nice! Don't be silly!" Marnia declared, patting the girls head. "What's your name, by the way?"

"I think that guy had just left his drinking hole...he would probably crawl right back there?"
she mused.

If her grand-daughter had no further insights, Marnia would leave to return to the crime scene, trying to find the closest bar that was towards the direction the man had fled. Failing that, she would ask the local shop-keepers if they had seen a good doggie running around a while back...she would also use a protective ghost-spell, because there was no way this would end without some face-slapping...probably.

[Mage Armor!]


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Anna, Unnamed bar, Tag: Marnia

She answered, at the head pats, shrugging and departing.

Marnia then left, and returned to where they had met the man.. but this was an unknown town to her, and although she was pretty sure she could tell the direction the sailor had fled towards, there was more than a fair share of bars around.

(Unless you have a better idea, this wuold be a gather info check, which is a diplomacy variation, taking up some time as well, roll diplomacy plus 1d4, or roll diplomacy at a -5 penalty and 2d6 if you want to try and rush it good.)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Incorporeal

After some investigations Marnia found out that Mitenia had been taken to Deadmouses ship.

"Hmm...hmm...I probably can't slap all of them...what would Captain do?" Marnia pondered.

"Right...she would say that since doggo got captured, we wouldn't try to save her! And then she would say that we are pirates so we should steal back our crewmembers." she nodded.

"Hmm....Joe and the Shama lady could see me as a ghost, so I can't be like really sure...but I think I could sneak in. Getting our doggie out however will be harder...ah it's ok, Captain would never plan so far ahead!" Marnia concluded.

Her final plan was simple. She would go to the ship, to see if any of the others had returned, and she would leave them a note about what was going on. Then, she would go spooky-ghost mode, and float to the Deadmouse ship, getting directly into the cargo hold from the sea...from there, she would have to look for the doggie!

[An other Mage armor I guess! 23 percepts, 15 stealth]
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

DM, The Jolly Maiden, boarding action Tag: Marnia

Marnia left a note informing the others where she had gone, should they return. Everyone but the fish-folk workers seemed to have left the ship, regrettably.

Marnia's plan was pretty good.. avoid detection in her ghostly form, floating from the harbour ground.. She didn't need to breathe, after all. She could see in the dark waters too, although even her vision was limited somewhat by the deeper waters. She floated upwards, past a rather spacious storage area, holding barels of drink and water, as well as a rough looking sailorman, cleaning the wooden underbelly of the ship. He seemed of little use, so Marnia continued onwards. There was the singing of pirate songs, , actually, in the distance, but singing ment lots of pirates, so was it really worth the risk? Marnia considered for a little while. She could try interrogating the cleaning pirate too and then...

And then she felt.. cold. Which was strange, considering her ectoplasmic state. A pale-haired, cold eyed and well dressed pirate man approaching her location.. before drawing his sword. He seemed unable to see her.. yet he was also somehow very clearly aware of her presence, dawing a blueish sword within his claw-bearing, left hand, before looking around with calm, but narrowed eyes, demanding:

"I know you are here. Show yourself. Now." A cold, calm voice insisted, and Marnia felt herself almost wanting to comply just so the scary man wouldn't hurt her and.. wait, she wasn't Jec or Mitena, what was she thinking?

(Marnia is Shaken, this condition persists for as long as she remains within 30 ft of this Dreadful pirate.
Also, Will save DC 13, failure means she has to treat the pirates words as a suggestion spell.
Also also, give me an initiative check, just because.)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51 Armor Class: 17 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +4 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 6/6, Elemental Assault: 7/7, Stunning Fist: 6/6, Rapture: 5/5
Conditions: Incorporeal

Marnia rolled her eyes. If he had asked nicely, maybe she would have revealed herself, but now if she did she would have to slap him...so she better not!

Besides, she had already seen Captain do exactly the same "I know you are there, come out" trick, trying to bluff her into coming out. But just to be sure, she decided to prepare for slapping the pirate, should he decide to jump to her place instead...while tactfully running away!

Sadly, it looked like the weird captain could follow her around. So annoying! Well, enough with ignoring him! She would show him what a perverted ghost was capable of!

The pirate would soon hear a whisper in his ear.

"Hello there...can you please pretend that you didn't notice me? I am just here for my doggie...I am sure we can be friends or...how about I help you relax a bit?" the voice offered suggestively. Slapping people was good, but saving the doggie was first priority! Besides her hands did kind of itch to give a massage to someone....

At the same time, a ghostly hand would softly massage his shoulder...

[Casting Message first at a safe distance, then casting mage hand, then approaching within range for those spells to work...while still staying at safe distance from evil pirate!

22 Persuasion, 22 Massage! ]

(Save: 15, or 17 vs enchantment, or 21 vs mind affecting,
Initiative: 13
Swift Action to get in crane style, standard action full defense, move action 50ft through a couple of walls
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Captain Dread, Jolly Maiden, Tag; Marnia

"Quite daring,, infiltrating this ship. We like that in a person. I think I have an idea of the 'dog' you speak about, a brunette girl, right?"
The pale man mused, still keeping his sword drawn as he went on:
"But disobediance is another matter. Then again, I guess in your place, I'd not come out either."
He seemed annoyingly unpacified by the mage-hand shoulder rubbing.

"Counter-offer. Show yourself, or I'll show you your friends innards." He mused, calmly sheating his sword and folding his hands togehter, speaking with the same tone of voice one would bemoan that today was a bit rainy.