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Piracy Resailed - IC


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51+14 Armor Class: 20 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 5/6, Elemental Assault: 4/7, Stunning Fist: 3/6, Rapture: 2/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"Hey, I didn't have the chance, ok? Besides, you said you don't keep anyone against their will!" Marnia argued back.

"I am not hitting your face though...well...I could? But then you would have blue face too..." she mused, not really intimidated by the Silley. After all, she would fight back even if she stopped hitting her.

And like Rovana would say, what better time to hit someone, than when they are down!

(swift: use ki for extra attak, full: fight defensive full attk
3 attacks hit, 1 misses, 15 nonlethal, and the second 15 nonlethal dmg, and the third 13 nonlethal dmg)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Captain Dread and Siley Lightbringer, Jolly Maiden, Tag; Marnia, Mitena/(Lily)

Initiative: Marnia -> Mitena - > Siley (heavily injured), Captain Dread

"Hoh.. you are stronger than expected.. do you belong to a crew already?"
Dread mused, seeming to get interested, whilest Siley was beaten up.

However, at this point, she finally shook herself out of the stunning strikes from Marnia!

"That's it.. I am one hundred and ten percent done with... You -you- too! I thought you were my good doggo.. alright. EVERYONE FUCKING DIES...."
She declared, sniffing briefly before raising her hands, bending her palms backwards. "Beautiful transformation!"
And with that, her hair turned pink, a wave of energy blasting forth,

"Behold, my Righteous Might!"
She smiled, making a heart pose over her exposed breast, whilest being bathed in divine energy.

"Ahaha.. alright everyone! It's Siley time! Witness The Legend!"
She cheered, glowing lines of pink restoring an even girlier-pink version of her outfit, as she grew to be almost twice her original size.. putting everyone else at great panty-peeking range to her.. although the panty peeking was hard, as Siley began shedding a bright, almost blindingly so, light.

"And before you get any more silly ideas.. let me show you exactly how I will punish you, evildoer!"
Siley next declared, seeming better at talking when winning than losing, pointing at Marnia. "I'll deflect your next pathetic attacks with my awesome love powers, but first, let's prepare you to repent to my light.. Fractions of Heal and Harm!"
She cheered, and posed with a V-sign with her fingers. Marnia could feel some magic affecting her.. but it didn't do anything.. yet?
"I will burn you away with my amazing light while also healing myself from your brutish punching, isn't that amazing? True amazing glorious powers and pretty girls always win in the end!"

(Marnia and Mitena are Dazzled by Siley, -1 to attacks and percpetion checks)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51+14 Armor Class: 20 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 4/6, Elemental Assault: 3/7, Stunning Fist: 2/6, Rapture: 1/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"Hmm...Mitena be a good doggie and go to the ship really fast, ok? I will come afterwards!" Marnia coughed trying to keep a low voice. Silley looked kind of spooky now...

"You may look bigger, but! You are also easier to hit! Probably!" Marnia cried, going for her next round of attacks....but missing! It seemed like the thing Silly did was too strong!


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Captain Dread and Siley Lightbringer, Jolly Maiden, Tag; Marnia, Mitena/(Lily)

Initiative: Marnia -> Mitena - > Siley X (heavily injured), Captain Dread

"You're as dumb as you are blue. While it wont last forever, this form is superior to the base-me in every way. Prettier. Shinier! Pinkier!
What's the matter? Did you really think you could just punch out one of Dreadmaws officers?"

Said the new and improved, hard to hit, shiny-pink Siley, catching Marnia's blows with playful ease and a re-invograted, haughty smile. "Now.. where was I... oh yes. Solar Spell, SEARING LIGHT!"

She declared, raising her palm to unleash a blast of blinding light!

... Only for Marnia to duck right under it, and the spell to fly.. right at the man standing behind her. With an expression that seemed to think about how through he was with this, Captain Dread drew his sword.. and cut right into the blast of light, white-shining light magic shattering upon a blade of frozen ice, with the ear-assaulting crackling of metal scraping against pure power. "Oh err.. whooops..?"

"As usual, you need to work on your.. collateral damage when you let loose, Siley."
He mused, a slight blue glow still emanating from his cold sword before it was sheathed again.

"She goaded me! This blue bitch! I swear!" Siley foamed, attempting to harm Marnia with her eyes alone, it seemed, only to be cut off. "Enough. We don't need you putting holes into the ship."
He declared. "If you two want to continue your fight, do it somewhere nothing I care about can be damaged. Leave now."
"B.. but my doggie!"
"Enough Siley. They must be part of a larger group, you will not show all you are capable off infront of someone that cannot be slain easily anyway."
The two pirates argued, although, angry and huffing, it seemed Siley still backed down, still fuming... for Dread to turn to Marnia.

"Leave.. and make sure that none of you run afoul of the Dreadmaw pirates ever again, or there will be need to teach you a lesson, on who truly is in charge in the pirate world, understood?" He demanded, calm as usual, but his eyes now harsh and merciless.. Marnia had the impression that if she tried to stay, she'd have to deal with both next.

In the backround, Siley gritted her hands into fists, tears glittering at the corner of her eyes.. she seemed almost like a spoiled child about to throw a tantrum.. a rather powerful, spoiled child...
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51+14 Armor Class: 20 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 4/6, Elemental Assault: 3/7, Stunning Fist: 2/6, Rapture: 1/5
Conditions: Corporeal

"Sure! We will be leaving! Thank you Captain Dread! You are very good!" Marnia hopped happily!

"I will owe you one!" she smiled hugging the doggie.

"And you...like we don't need to fight, ok? I am sure you love doggies too...so you can't be a bad person, really!" she said to Silly

Taking a step out she turned to whisper to the Captain.

"Eh...I think she kind of loves you...this is the perfect time to talk to her too! Good luck, I believe in you!"

Afterwards, Marnia would leave post-haste!


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
26627 Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia; Mood: Confused;
HP: 45/67; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +3; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 23; CMB: 10

Lily watched on the sidelines for the whole fight. It was a pirate duel... and beyond that, Captian Scary Melon it pretty clear she needed to stay out. That didn't stop her from wincing each time that Marnia hit Mistress Siley...
Just as it looked like Marnia would win, Siley did something magical. With a glimmering beam of charming light, she changing into an even more adorable form! Her cute pink hair, pure white suit! She was the embodiment of girlishness and perfection and Lily's lips began to tremble, catching glimpses of Siley's panties. She... she should go help her... help Mistress Siley... be a good cute rotten little doggie...
No!!! She resisted, she would have to hurt Marnia, and that was not something she would do no matter how cute the Mistress. "Please stop!" She pleaded, her ears folded against her head in defeat, "I, I still love you Mistress Siley, but Mistress Marnia is super special to me, probably more special than anyone ever will be, so stop hurting each other!"
The doggies pleas wouldn't really amount to much, Captain Scary Melon stepped in, ending the fight. As Siley whined about her doggie Lily looked at her, wondering if she would look back... It lasted only a moment, but she was sure that she meant something to the violent girl, surely... She wanted to comfort the sulking Siley, to go to her, but it wasn't the time. Rather she took Marnia's hand and the duo left together, Lily staying quiet until Marnia spoke to her.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

Jack approved of the two girls kissing, it seemed. "Such a nice, soft, furry litttle mouse-pussy.. feels suprisingly nice.."
He nodded, as his fingers explored Jec unashamed, before snatching her chin, holding her firm into the kiss she initiated. "Just do as I tell you and I will keep you save.. Jack-promise."
He nodded. "We'll talk about your useful potions soon for now..hmnn that does look quite promising.. what man could say no?"
He mused, taking in the two cuties before him, flexing off what remained of his clothes, standing tall and proud.. in all the ways.

"H.. haah woah.. yes.. that feels nice mouse.. ooh the tail suprised me a little, but I can enjoy it.. yess.."
He smirked at Jec, one hand reaching out to pet her cheek, once.. twice.. encouraging her to slowly open up, so he could thrust into her mouth. "I'll consume some things of yours.. if you consume something of mine first, how about that."
He grinned, cheepishly, pulling his arm tighter around Ylria, as he aimed.. and thrust deeper into Jec, fucking her mouth, keeping her nicely compliant as he suggested:
"But I think we both know what you really want..."
He extended a hand, pulling Jec up and back against his chest, before whispering into her ear... "That warm, pretty hole of yours.. seeded."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Captain Dread and Siley Lightbringer, Jolly Maiden, Tag; Marnia, Mitena/(Lily)

"D... damn it! I would have gotten away with making her my cute doggo too, if it weren't for this meddling blueberry! Y.. you will be mine you silly doggo!"
Siley shouted, before rushing into her room.. (with some wiggling, due to her increased size) and slamming the door, clearly in dismay.

Meanwhile, Dread remained as stoic as ever to Marnia and Lily departing, as well as Marnia's parting words, half raising an eyebrow.. but for now, they got away from the ship, even if they felt this was not the last they'd seen of the Dreadmaw pirates...

On their way back, they found a napping Chiri, a missing Joe and captain.. and Marnia's Tripple G granddaughter hadn't arrived either. At least Joe greeted them with a:

"Rawwwwwk! Blow the man down.. weewoooo!"
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
JecSexy.jpg Jecqueline the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Ylria and Jack, Mood: Horny & Submissive, Team: Cat 'n Mouse, Location: Upstairs Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Tortuga
Important numbers: HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19/16 flat-footed Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 17; Conditions: +4 temp INT
Abilities: Bombs: 11/11; Extracts Prepared: , , , ; : DEX; Spontaneous Healing: 7/7
Jec could no longer restrain the lusty moan, passed to Ylria as her soft nethers continued to be stirred. Though as she was caught she froze, like a mouse caught in a trap. Her eye rolled back to look at him, shoulders slumping a little and ears flicking down submissively. She would have nodded to Jack had his hand not prevented it, she had done wrong, by doing something without his say, and she was ashamed.
Jec didn't mind the conversation being refocused to the task at hand. She reveled in the sight that Jack had brought before her. Appreciating his firm pride before getting to her duties.

Elation grew in the mouse as she was complimented, her eagerness showing as she sped up a little, though her inexperience still showed through. She was confused by the patting of her cheek, but opened her jaw further, and maintained the seal that prevented her teeth from touching his manhood. Suddenly realization flooded into her and Jec tried her best to prepare for a rush of liquid from this strong, dominant pirate. A rush that never came, instead his member shoved deeper into her face than she was expecting, she was rather fortunate at that point to have a snout as it gave more room in her mouth for such activity. Still she choked a little as his pelvis tapped her nose, while she desperately tried to lick the underside of his shaft. The second time she was ready, and instead of choking she acted like she would swallow, tricking her reflexes. Her emotive eyes shone up to Jack with pride. The pride quickly turned to confusion however as she was drawn up to his level and pulling his delicious rod from her lips, then once more she understood. He wanted to finish within her. Since her transformation she had some experience taking the fishmen, and knew she had a womb, but the worry suddenly nipped at the back of her mind that it might also work. It only took her a second to decide she didn't care and she whispered back just as quietly, "Yes Jack, as you say." She knew he would use her as he saw fit, but that was fine. Ylria was with them and he was so strong, so.. Dominant. She rubbed his length again with her tail to keep it warm as they transitioned to the bed. She would be taken as he saw fit, and she would be having a man for the first time within her.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: Team Cat 'n Mouse, Neckbreaker Jack Location: Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Private Room Tortuga
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +11 Speed: 30' CMD: 19/13Fl
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +2

Ylria savored the kiss with Jec and then moaned softly as Jack began to massage her breasts. She helped Jec remove pieces of Jack's clothing even as she dropped her own brief skirt and stepped out of a very scanty and very soaked thong. She smiled as Jec knelt and took the manly, virile sailor's cock in her mouth and began to suck. She melted against his back and side as Jec worked on Jack's shaft. Ylria brought one of Jack's hands up to cup her breast even as she rubbed herself in a slow, sensuous massage against him, making her whole body a soft, smooth and lovely embrace. Nibbling and nipping at the thick muscles around his neck she teased his ear even as her free hand reached back under between his legs to cup his balls. Rolling his manly orbs Ylria worked to enhance his pleasure even as he thrust into Jec's mouth.

"Ahhh... I'm sure you have more than enough to keep our pussies well satisfied and filled," she cooed taking his cock in her hand as Jec withdrew from her suckling and stood close to him. She massaged his shaft and rubbed her breasts against him. "Seed her, claim her and then take me," Ylria whispered, feeling conflicted about Master Rahadin but convincing herself that he would understand that his slave needed to seduce and disguise herself so that she could do his ultimate bidding. That she might end up dominated, fucked and bred in the process was in the back of her mind but rather distant as the throbbing in her breasts and pussy filled her mind much as Jack's throbbing cock filled her delicate hand.

She sighed. "I'm stealthy and work best in the shadows and while foes are distracted. We could work together we three under your... stiff... hard... and firm guidance. We will take down Evil Rock together with you." She gently squeezed his rod with each word, preparing him further for Jec. "We will serve under you in every way you desire Jack... master... but it seems we will need to find two more to try to join with us then?"


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

To Jec's and Ylria's misfortune... or fortune? Jack, while rough and forceful, did have the .. physicality to back up his arrogance, as stripping him of his vest proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Whilest Jec was new to the body of a woman, she felt an indescribable warmth and desire deep within her body for.. something. Ylria felt the same, but would struggle less to put her desire into words as one strong, rugged arm roamed her body, unashamedly making use of her soft flesh for both their enjoyment.

"Hahahar.. little mouse, you can have all this.. just be accepting of the consequences."
He declared, pulling up Jec's tail.. to thrust all the way into her with his hard, warm warmth, his cock throbbing deep within as he sighed, clearly nearing his climax.. and grinning. "Now that's the spirit. Hmnn aaah.. fuck.."

"Don't worry though.. I'll haah take good care of you right after your mousey friend, your help hehehe.. hamn.. is appreciated."

He groaned a little, thrusting deep into the mouse-puss, whilest also trying his best to embrace Ylria.. and by embrace, he seemed to consider his arm over her midriff, cupping her pussy now, giving it slow, but strong rubs along it's puffy length, keeping her mind on the task and distracted from other.. concerns, as his finger dipped into her, pushing and pumping at her entrance, in the same rythm as he sought to bury himself deeper in Jec.

"Aye.. it'd be a shame to lose either of your pretty, obediant pussies.. good, strong girls that also accept their place under a stronger master are a precious find.."
He pondered.

"Well, let me explain it to you then. Captain Dreadmaw always recruits in pairs. Uncaring of prior history, of gender, of race. Completely fair.. Even recruited Evil Rock, who tried to bloody assault us.. a bit too generous if you ask me, but that's the captain. Anyway.

Two people join the ship together, are trained together.. and then, they fight to the death. Ensures only the truly strong and loyal join.. how do you think I got me crewname, Neckbreaker Jack? Everyone but the Shipmates are named by the way they killed their partner during initiation. .. Heh.. I'm not even supposed to tell you that but.. damn it would be a shame to lose one of you beauties.
So you'd have to find yourself two other guys.. and not two weak ones either. Dreadmaw would just kill ya both, there's no lying to the captain.

But enough of problems haah.. for the future.. let's focus on the present.. and right now.. I can't distract myself by talkin' any haah bloody longer!"

Jack growled lustfully, holding Jec in place, his shaft twitching, pulsing.. as he pushed and pumped deep into the mouse-girl, half closing his eyes in lustful satisfaction..


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: Team Cat 'n Mouse, Neckbreaker Jack Location: Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Private Room Tortuga
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +11 Speed: 30' CMD: 19/13Fl
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +2

"Ooohhhh Jec," Ylria cooed. "Master Jack is going to breed you. You'll take his seed again and again until your belly swells." She reached down and stroked Jec's belly just as Jack thrust his manhood into the needy mouse girl's pussy. "Nice... nice... can you feel that shaft in your belly?" Ylria pressed her hand down harder against Jec's furry skin. "I can feel his shaft inside of you. Soon your belly will be swelling wonderfully."

Ylria then gasped and shivered, almost falling over as only Jack's grip on her waist kept her on her feet as his fingers slid along her wet furrow and into her aching, clutching channel. "Oh gods Jack, oh gods that is good. Fuck the mouse, breed her and then take me while I wrap myself around... oh... oh gods... so good!" Ylria was moaning loudly now filling the room with her soft cries as she began to grind herself against both Jec and Jack, her movements in time to the thrusting finger and cock that pleasured Ylria and Jec respectively. "Oh Master Jack! Mmm... master... take our pussies... fill them, fill our bellies!"

Leaning over Ylria spread her thighs apart to allow Jack better access to her softly dripping folds even as she pressed her torso into Jec and Jack, rubbing her stiff nipples and full, motherly breasts against them. One hand came down and cupped Jack's ass, keeping her close and pulling her into him. "Ahhhh... Jec... you will swell and grow with life, your belly and your breasts." She shifted a bit and began to kiss at Jec's nearest breast. "So nice... we can all suckle at you as you carry your brood Jec." Ylria nibbled a little bit with her sharp kitty teeth and then sucked and teased with lips and tongue even as her hand kneaded Jack's hard ass cheek.

"Ahhh... mmmm... oh gods Jack!" Ylria was writhing, her juices covering her inner thighs and filling the room with her scent as well as her cries of pleasure. "So... we... we get two to join us... but we have to kill them." Ylria stated it as a fact. "I guess... I guess we can go find some... ohhhhh gods, gods Jack deeper!" Ylria's eyes closed as she clutched at Jack, her pussy throbbing. "We'll find some strangers... maybe you have someone in mind and then join... Ahhhhh... but we need to do it soon... as soon.. oh gods, gods.. as soon as you breed us both and let us worship your cock and your body..."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Jecqueline the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Ylria and Jack, Mood: Horny & Fucking, Team: Cat 'n Mouse, Location: Upstairs Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Tortuga
Important numbers: HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19/16 flat-footed Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 17; Conditions: +4 temp INT
Abilities: Bombs: 11/11; Extracts Prepared: , , , ; : DEX; Spontaneous Healing: 7/7
With the warmth bubbling just beneath the alchemist's fur, she knew this moment would change something forever. If the change would cool that heat that had been growing within or fan the flames she knew not. All she knew was there was no going back now, and she reveled in it. She smiled up at Jack as he pulled her tail away, her hand one hand grasping his shoulder, the other groping Ylria's booty. Her tail easily unwrapped from Jack's scepter, falling to the side as he aligned himself with her cleft. Then suddenly, Jec's mind went white. This wasn't the bubbly feeling of orgasm, and felt nothing like either the fishfolk's impregnation nor the time she had played with Sayyida (before both of them had changed). This was ecstasy mixed with a completeness of form that the mouse-girl feared she'd never be able to match again. Her tight, warm folds quivered around his length, still adjusting to his size. Her mouth agasp with her silent awestruck pleasure. Recovering her senses a little she was able to whisper to her companion a drugged expression on her face, "I, I feel him and it's so goood."

Jack thrust again, causing more pleasure to run up her spine. Moaning like a whore, the mouse girl started thrusting back, as best she could, matching the rhythm. "Ahh, please, don't stooooppp!" The words flowing freely from the lust drunk woman. Soon she realized that her companions were talking and tried her best to listen, while resisting the growing bubbly sensation that signified her own nearness to orgasm.

"Yes, please fill me, make me yours and swell me with your children!" She cried as her tail wrapped around a soft orb, she saw Ylria bend over and start kissing her breast, Jec's tail wrapped around the cat-girl's in return. "Yes, please. That sounds so good, Aaahh!" The use of the sharp teeth surprised her and she yelped a little, but at the same time she was so far gone that the hardened teats felt good even with the rough play. Her hand continued feeling up Ylria's rump, wondering down along it's crack, as Jec was pumped full of Jack's turgid length.

The alchemist could feel Jack's penis growing harder as she too approached the brink, beside them it seemed Ylria had already crossed that threshold. Another thrust was all it took, Jec lay there spasming and clenching. Her pussy doing its best to milk Jack's dick for the life giving seed. "Please Jack, fill me up." She clutched her two companions tight, her love for them overflowing as she hoped her cunt would soon be with the pirate man's essence.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score

Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

"Harr harr.. sure am!" Jack grinned down, his shaft giving a happy throb with Ylria's encouragement. "Huh, someone's into it... and it ain't just me. We'll get along juuust fine.."
He decided, his hand cupping Ylria's sex and tensing for a long moment.. as his shaft tensed deep within Jec.

Encouraged by Jec's warm wetness, and Ylria's sensual moaning, the stately pirate sought to drive himself deeper into the lusty rodent. "Damn right you feel me.. just wait until you feel this next bit!"
He smirked, before licking his lips.
"Ehehehehe.. oh I'll make you -mine- just make sure you don't regret it, girls!" He growled, giving Jec an overwhelming, rough and deep thrust into her inexperienced sex. "Haah.. now.. don't resist your breeding like a .. haah.. good mouse!"
Jack demanded, licking his lips.. as he thrust deep within the mousegirl, his cock twitching, spasming, he reaching out, grabbing Jec by her throat.. not to hurt her overly, just to hold her down in place, smirking down on his conquest as he squeezed her throat ever so slightly.. definitly not as tight as she squeezed his cock as thick warmth began spilling into Jec. "Haaah.. fuck yes.. take it all.. haah.. let your fucking delicious mouse body memorize how good this feels.. You can feel that great again.. once you belong to Master Jack proper, that is."

He sighed, cracking his neck and adding.. "Just lie back there.. relax, let it take a little. You don't have to do anything now but let my strong sperm swim deep up into you."

He tried to influence the mouse, almost gently squeezing her throat, making her head buzz with the fluttering warmth of oxygen deprivation even whilest pouring his warmth into her... and finally withdrawing, sighing, his shaft semi-rigid.. but quickly hardening again, whilest his fingers played along Ylria's wet, puffy folds.
"But I think it's high time we reward your feline companion for all her assistance, right?"
He nodded, slipping behind Ylria, grabbing her.. and whispering into her ear. "I went gentle on your companion.. let's have her recover a little and then admire what I do to you.. because admit it.. you're more experienced.. you can handle this.. no, I think you -want- it. All this talk about breeding... admit it, you're a little puss with her puss in heat."
He nodded, his hand cradling that very same gently.. As his other closed around her throat, gripping her tightly.. reminding her of his nickname, as he ... encouraged her to position herself for breeding, just like Jec had been.
"What do you think little mousey, is she even more of an animal in breeding-heat than you?"
He lifted his fingers, and smirked at the wetness glistening at them, before his hand came to help force Ylria into a position before him. "I sure think so."
Of course, for Ylria, already claimed by a magical master, this was all an act.. a very good act, yes. She had to play along, dedicatedly... there was no way she could fall to Master Jack just play-pretending to be into this, right?
So she might as well pretend a little more, why not?

"Hmnn perhaps I can find a way to help you out.. if you help me with Evil Rock and .. heh.. yes! First it's time for you too to be fucked into being my eager little breeding-slave!"
Master Jack grinned at Ylria, as his shaft prodded at her entrance, hard and strong.. and slipping into her wetness with ease, his grip making her feel both helpless and a little light headed as he, more intensely than with Jec before, squeezed the resistance right out of her to leave her an easily fuck and breedable mess below his invading manhood...
"Haah.. take a good look Jec.. this is how well fucked you look just now!"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 51+14 Armor Class: 20 (+4 fight defensive) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +10 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +9 Fort +8 Ref (+Evasion) +11 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 4/6, Elemental Assault: 3/7, Stunning Fist: 2/6, Rapture: 1/5
Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia held the doggies paws, but then she changed her mind, picking her up in a princess carry!

"So...you got a new name again? Or you want to keep Mitena?" she asked curiously rubbing her face against the doggie.

"Look...I don't know what she told you, or what the beast-trainer told you before her...BUT! You have to know that you will always be a good doggie for me, ok? And you aren't ugly or anything!" she said, giving a ghostly lick to Mitena's cheek.

"You are my family, you know that, right? I didn't wanna die and get separated from you guys, and I decided to stick around...so lets be together lots and lots!" she explained.

"So...if there is anything you ever want...you can just tell me! Do you want to sneak in captain's bed? We can do it together! Do you want to steal cookies from Ylria's kitchen? I can distract her!" she tried to cheer the doggie up, walking on their ship.

"Hey Joe! If you see Captain, tell her...hmmm....that some things happened. I guess." she waved at the parrot.

"As for Silly...hmm...tell me exactly what she did to you! She is a bad melon...but we could make a plan to make her a good melon!" she said, borrowing the captain's cabin, laying the doggie on the bed!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
Reputation score
Jecqueline the Voyeur Mouse, Tag: Ylria and Merchant, Mood: Blissful, Team: Cat 'n Mouse, Location: Upstairs of the Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Tortuga
Important numbers: HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19/16 flat-footed Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 30ft. CMD: 17; Conditions: +4 temp INT
Abilities: Bombs: 11/11; Extracts Prepared: , , , ; : DEX; Spontaneous Healing: 7/7
The mouse's sensuous, orgasmic moan was cut short by the sudden blockage of her windpipe. Her half lidded eyes shot open staring with surprise at the man clutching off her air. Then new warmth flooded her passage, spilling into her womb and claiming her ovaries as Jack's. Once more the bubbly bliss swept over her and the normally intelligent eyes rolled back for a moment. The words seeped into her consciousness and two words stuck out among the others, 'Master Jack'. So she responded, "esss, aster Jack." Her voice still constricted by his strong, gentle hand.

Jec hadn't planned to do any different, but it felt right to validate the man's claim of her body. Once more she managed to squeeze out the air for a, "eess, aster Jack."

The hold Jack had over her was breath taking. Even Ylria faded from her mind while he kept her there. There was just the warm blanket in her head and the warmth in her stomach. Then cold. The warmth started to leak out a little, her recently used puss dripping a little of Jack's cum mixed with her own juices down toward her butt. Suddenly the obstruction was removed and the room air, which suddenly felt cold, filled the alchemist's lungs. Her eyes shot open again and her chest heaved, c-cups jiggling again as she regained her senses. Though after such activities she didn't really want to move that much. Then Jack, no Master Jack asked her opinion, and a smile crept across her face. "Hmm, let me check." Jec's voice was a little throaty after her activities but she still rolled closer to the pair and licked Ylria's neck with Master Jack's fingers over it. "I think she is dying for you to put out that heat between her thighs, Master." Jec cooed, mostly into Ylria's ear.

The mouse moaned as she cuddled close to her companions, a lazy hand tracing the cat-girl's breasts and the edges of her nipples lightly. "That's right Master, fuck her heated puss. Mark her with your seed, and let everyone know she's yours as she swells with your children." Licking the catgirl's cheek by way of kisses and in between each whispering into her ear, but loud enough for Jack to hear as well. "Such. A. Good. Breeder. Slave." The mouse girl remained there, lightly tracing still, occasionally over the hard areolas. She watched in blissful pleasure as her friend was fucked silly beside her. "Yes, it's really hot." Jec couldn't help but moan.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
Reputation score

Ylria Seaspray Tag: Team Cat 'n Mouse, Neckbreaker Jack Location: Captain Bartholomew's Bar, Private Room Tortuga
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +11 Speed: 30' CMD: 19/13Fl
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +2

Ylria squirmed under Jack's touch as he fucked... no, bred Jec. She knew that Jec had done her service with the fish folk; Ylria had deeply enjoyed her time bearing their young. She still felt the stir and power in her womb as their gift of fertility kept her warm and heated and deeply desirous of a litter to swell her belly. "Rejoice in the gift of the master Jec. Arch your body to keep his precious seed in your womb." As Jec shivered Ylria kissed Jec deeply, her little canines pressing hard against her mouse-sister even drawing a bit of blood as Ylria shivered as Jack fingered her to yet another orgasm.

"Ahhh..." Ylria gasped as Jack pulled her away from Jec and thrust her roughly onto all fours on the bed. "Oh Jack, Master Jack... yes... reward me, reward your breeding slave if she is pleasing to you. Let her prove her devotion with her body." She shivered and rubbed her cheek against Jack's rough beard and skin marking him with her affection and her scent. "Master Jack, you know my innermost heart and desires. My belly burns and my pussy aches with desire that can only be satiated by a powerful, virile man who commands my body and takes me harshly. My blood boils with need Master, my womb cries out to be roughly claimed by a dominant, ruthless male." Ylria's sex quivered under his touch, the folds wet and puffy with arousal.

Gasping slightly as Jack's hand found her throat Ylria eagerly shifted on the bed to spread her knees, raise her ass and rotate her pelvis to grant Jack full access to her sex. Perhaps this was taking the play acting too far, perhaps Master Rahadin would object to another taking her pussy. Ylria rubbed the brand over her sex that spoke of Master Rahadin's claim on her body. She shivered and jumped with a tiny ripple of orgasmic pleasure as her well trained body reacted to the very thought of her dominant master. Yet didn't the ends justify the means? Wasn't it right to follow Master Rahadin's command to find the second blade and bring herself into perfect servitude to both blades? Of course! And the aching burn in Ylria's pussy, the need for a man, a virile and powerful man with strength and ruthless desire was real. Master Rahadin had trained her to react instantly and without question to breeding. Now that the man was not Rahadin... Ylria's mind was too fogged with lust, the volcano in her belly to powerful in the need for semen to let her think clearly. She would act and trust in her instincts! She would give herself to the role, to Jack, to the mission and trust in her Master... her Master... Rahadin... Jack... ahhhh....

"Fuck me master Jack, fuck me hard. Kitties in heat need it rough and powerful to heat our bellies for our master's seed." She looked back at Jack, her eyes glistening with piteous, desperate need and something deeper, darker and harder as she raised her tail for him. "Ohhh... Master... " Ylria moaned and closed her eyes as Jack's hand gripped her neck. "Hold my neck, hold me down like a tom cat would his mate. Squeeze me, bite me, breed me... hard!" She shivered, things growing not dark but red and pleasant as everything but Jec's touch, her kisses and fingers at Ylria's nipples, the eager, cooing words of submission and fertility. "Jec... mmm... Jec... yes... I am a fuck... a... fuck... ahhhh... breeding slave," Ylria could barely gasp as Jack pressed her face down into the softness of the bed, her ass up and helpless before him as her soft folds opened in eager surrender. "Take me Master Jack! Take me as hard as you can! Claim me mind and body. Seed my womb with your bastards and my mind with your will!"


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
Reputation score
26827 Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia; Mood: Confused;
HP: 45/67; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +3; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 23; CMB: 10

Lily softly meeped as she was picked up by the ghosty, but she quickly smiled and nuzzled into Marnia's breasts. "Well... Lily was cuter then Mitena, Mistress Siley said I needed a cuter name since I was a cute dog now." She sounded a little unsure of even her explanation. "You can keep calling me Mitena, that's the name that the crew picked out for me!" She assured.
"Thank you, Mistress Marnia... I don't ever wanna leave you, you're the most super important best-est Mistress ever, so I never wanna hurt you ever..." Though she didn't agree that Mitena was cute, she was boring and brown, but she was glad Marnia tried to cheer her up anyways. "I'm a dumb dog, I get confused and tricked easy... It's fun being Lily with Siley, but it's fun being with all my family too... I wanna snuggle with you on the captain's bed!" She giggled at the exciting prospect.
"Well, umm... Hmm... Oh! I beat up the bad Joe guy who was being me to you and that lady. He tried to give up once I showed how super strong I was, but Siley killed him. It was like BOOM," the doggo put her hands together, pushing them away wriggling her fingers as she explained, "Then umm... she said I was cute, and I had to be her doggie since I was so strong... then she tied me up, and took me to the ship. I drank some pink juice that made me all giggly and good, and she used her pretty lights to help me understand how ugly I was, and how cute I could be... then she let me put on these nice clothes, and make my hair pretty blond... then she was gonna give me a bath and make me giggly empty and her cute vicious attack doggie! But you showed up, and now we are here... I wanna be cute and pink, it's fun, but I wanna be with you and the crew, I wish Mistress Siley would join us instead of being with that crew..."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

Jack smirked down, somehow finding the time to give his little play-mousey a petting of her furred check.. before his hands resumed grabbing and forcing Ylria to his domineering grasp.
"Hmnn I think you are right, Jec.. so I should fuck her harder then!"
Neckbreaker Jack, or Master, as the two well-fucked girls felt like calling the muscular man right now, smiled down at Ylria, as if Jec had given him a sudden epiphany.

"Y'know, if you two want to be such good girls, perhaps Jack should make you brew and drink some yummy fertility-drugs, hrmnn?"
He smirked, for his part not knowing of the shamanistic magic on the two.. then again, one could always be -more- fertile, no?

"Haha.. Ylria, cutie.. don't worry.. there ain't anyone more ruthless than Jack you could be claimed by.. think about it.. I want to use you two to kill the next bitch in the way, I sail with the most powerful captain.. and who knows, one day, in due time, I'll have my own ship.. hmnn it could be crewed by my own personal harem.. and your children, if you prove worthy."
He smirked, before, with a deep thrust of his cock, deciding it was enough talking about, and time for action, taking her, fucking her, taking what he wanted of her pleasure.

"Haaah.. fuck.. you belong to your master, don't you, naughty haah.. little thing.. haah!"
He growled and gripped Ylria's tail, tugging her up and into a better position to take the whole length of his hard, rough shaft deep within her.
Each thrust rocked Ylria's world, as Jack was far too happy to oblige the subservient kitten and Jec helped her like she'd been helped.. whispering secrets of subservience and submission into her ears. Then, suddenly, Jack didn't seem content anymore fucking her on the bed, tearing her up, pulling her by her shoulders, so that she had no choice but to sink deep upon his shaft, whilest he swung her around, biting onto her shoulder, before letting himself fall upon the bed.. with her atop of him, all so he could drive himself deeper into her!
"Hmnn your pussy belongs to your master Jack now. You'll be my playthings, both of you, doing haah... my will!"
He decided, roughly thrusting as deep within the warmth of Ylria as was physically possible, his hard shaft knocking at her womb, before hesitating there, twitching..
"Haaah.. my slaves.. I'm an evil, evil man.. you shouldn't be doing this.. harr har.. but it's too late now!"
He laughed, gripping Ylria with both hands, forcing her down upon his shaft with all the might he could, as his warmth welled up within her.

Only once his cum had properly flooded her did he relent, slipping out from her.. one hand still holding on, whilest the other reached out, to scoop up Jec in the other, holding onto both of the girls, his hands sneaking down, cupping, and gently petting their cum-filled pussies.

"Hmnn that was fun, wasn't it.. let's sleep right here and now. You as master Jack's little mouse-slave.. and you as his little kitten-slave."
He nodded, his finger gently twirling over one hot little clitty button each, as his strong arms kept the girls affixed on the blanket with him...


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
~The Next Morning~

Neckbreaker Jack, Captain Bartholomew's bar, Tag: Jec, Ylria

Jec and Ylria's dreams were both filled with.. Jack.
Jec dreamt of a swarm of little mouseys, all scuttling around, carrying alchemical supplies.. nono, that was supposed to go there, and careful with.. she sighed. They were as unruly and wild as their father.. and that realization filled her loins with a wonderful warmth...

Ylria meanwhile found herself in a stranger situation.. she was trying to cook a meal for her beloved husband and master, Jack, but she wasn't sure what his favourite food was.. or did he even eat? Why did she keep fantasizing about Master Jack's hair falling off and thunder rumbling in the distance?

Both of them awoke, a little startled, to a strange feeling of pressure, and Jack's words, once he realized their awake state of...: "Heh, sorry.. but I did tell you I was a bad man, never lied to you, did I?"
He mused, brushing one collar with each hand, smooth, slim metal collars, that were affixed tight to each of their necks.. and each of Jack's ringfingers now bore a ring they hadn't noticed before, in a design similiar to their collars. The realization filled them with.. a soothing sensation of contentness. Master Jack had collared them in their sleep, when they couldn't fight back. How nice of him!

"Don't worry.. just a little insurance. You wont even need them anymore after a while.. then again, I guess you wont mind them either.. I believe the saying is... if I like it, I should put a ring on it?"
He chuckled, a dangerous smile on his lips as he reached out, finger dipping, almost casually, into one warm pussy each, rubbing into them as if he now owned them. Which of course he did! Which of course he did. Yes, master Jack owned them, which was just such an amazing feeling. Hopefully he will play more with your body...

earlier, on the Red Dawn

"Oi oi oi!"
Rovana chided, as she more stumbled than stepped back into her quarters, looking from Marnia to Mitena in a drunk haze. .. before looking closer at Marnia leaning over some blonde she'd not seen before in the bed. "Oh.. sorry for interrupting... wrong.. room...*hic* continue."

She nodded.. leaving.. before returning! "OI! What are you doin' in ma room? Invading the *hic* captain's quarters is tantaum.. tantaamaununu.... almost mutiny!"
She hiccuped. "I swear to Dagon I'ma keelha... keah.. keaal... 's my room! You can't just fuuuuckin' *hic* bring whores in here.. that's my thing!"
She nodded, seeming a bit offended, before hesitating, seeming to consider something:

"E-except I didn't bring any, 'cause as fun as they are, none of 'em is my Ludmilla and, well that vampire bitch ain't here for me here, now, is she? Yeah! You know whoos.. whos here? You are! Yeah.. *hic* You're here!"
She pointed at Marnia, smiling. "Yeah you and.. Jec and Mitena and Ylria and .. what was her name 'gain, likes to fireball things, big breasts.. huh.. anyway! You are like a family to me you know that..

hurhur.. shouldn't tell you that, you know.. hard.. hard pirate captain."

She wagged a finger at Marnia. "Don't tell yourself how much you mean to me, wouldn't.. heh.. wouldn't wanna want that to go to your head you silly blue boobfrigate you. Heh, you know if you were blacker and .. more of a sexy vampire warrior, I'd not have to drink this much..
*hic* har harr... just kiddin.. I'd drink a lot still yeah! Wooo! Booze is awesome! All for me beer me jolly jolly beer.. all for me whiskey and tobacco.... no..no that wasn't how it went.. there was rum in there I could'a sworn.."

She chuckled, with some effort pulling out another bottle from her belt, staring at it.

"You know.. I think I should stop looking for this dumb sword, just find myself a new gal.. there was this *hic* this.. you know..whore gal, dark skinned, reminded me of her.. but way too slutty.. also.. well I pretend I like girls but Ludmilla also had a hehehehe.. let's say she had a cannon on her starboard.. hihihihii..uhuurrr.. feeling.. ugh.. woah parrot-shit.. think I gotta.."
And then, she stumbled out of the room again, and there was a retching noise in the distance, followed by a distant: "..all sold for me grog and tobacco..."
If one went after her, they'd find her, sound asleep and curled up by the ships wall...
It had gotten rather late, one way or the other, it was time to rest.

Marnia found that her form didn't exactly sleep, but being by the ship helped.. calm her, soothe her, as she felt into almost a meditative trance, her spirit spreading out and recovering...

Mitena.. Lily? Dreamt of being chased.. but each time she turned around, it turned out she was being chased by an adorable little puppy... but then the chase resumed and she was scared again.. next it was a big ball of cotton candy.. and then it was a pretty dress.. why was she running away again?

Tag: Mitena, Marnia

By the morning, Rovana was -very- sound asleep, so when it came to waking up the crewmember, it was up to Chiri and two fishfolk.

"Hey uuuh... wake up please?"
Chiri insisted. "If you are asleep.. miss first mate, err.. you should come see this..."

She suggested, before leading anyone willing to accompany her (the captain was out), towards a fish-creature, impaled by an arrow. The creatures eyes were empty and lifeless, it's shoulder nailed to the ship's wall...

"There was a letter too... here, take a look, just what the ak'biun happened while I was trying out some of the local food?"

She asked, before presenting a letter that, guessing by the nudging of her thumb and a small cord dangling from the arrow, had been attached to it.:

The letter was written in an overly girly handwriting and said:

My adorable doggie Lily,

I'm writing to you to tell you how much I
I realize now that you ran away only because I tried to keep you by force and you wanted to be with your friends.
It was mean of me to take you away from your friends, I realize that now and I apologize. I don't want to see you sad.. : (
So I decided to murder all your friends, then, when they are all dead, you wont have to be conflicted about being mine anymore ever again!

I know you want to stop me because you are worried for my safety... don't worry, I'm tough!
And anyway, even if you got a dozen friends as strong as you and the blue one, I just need to grab the whole crew, these mean lowlifes that stand between our love wont know what hit 'em! >: )
I just need to convince the captain tomorrow, fingers crossed!


p.s. This arrow is laced with a deadly poison, make sure to come to me if it scratched you on accident, I just saw something blue move on deck and decided to fire. Hope I killed the BITCH! ^.^

"I am .. really not sure what this is about.. is it a threat or a love letter? I tried waking up the captain but I think she got a little drunk yesterday.. also, Neither Jec nor Ylria are back yet,
Oh and to top things off, there was this chick that said she was uh... a great-granddaughter that needed a place to stay? I let her in because.. well.. everyone else was gone and no one told me I wasn't supposed, to, Y'know... soooo.. What should we do?"

Chiri asked after you'd read the letter, looking at Marnia and then Mitena, concerned...

(Dun forget your level up if you haven't already!)
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