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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Captain Rovana Dilisnya, The Reaver

Rovana grinned.. weakly, and pulled on the amulet, then her hand let go of it... which left it in Marnia's hand.
"Ye be captain now, Marnia.

Really tried quit.. quitting the habit of dying."
She said, her voice a raspy whisper. "'Oh yes.. the code.. the code is the law."

She mumbled, delirious now, although when Jec reached her, the healing potion had her cough again, her eyes focusing for a moment longer.. however, the alchemist could clearly see, that whatever this claw was, whatever it had done to the captain, it was beyond her potions to heal...
"chahah.... no.. normal priest can fix me.. if.... aah... if you want to,.. damn it, not enough time.. I died centuries ago, been revived already. But ...

forget about me, no magic can return me to live anymore."

(DC 27 Sense motive to realize she's not telling the truth!)

"This old there sailor's sailed her well journey.. I've died twice before, but I got to live three times, more than most could ask for."
She growled, a puddle of red ever more spreading around her.
"Behind the portrait in my office. Map. Need a weapon to match Dreadmaw's hellfire. Use me sword. Don't trust that old squidface too much.. cha.. now..the.. important part.."
Rovana coughed, before recounting:

"The Pirates Code, as passed down by captain Morgan and Batholomew. The one thing that seperates us from murderers and thieves.

This code be just a guideline, as each captain shall dictate their own. Always respect the code.
Article one: Each man and woman shall have equal share in provisions and strong liquors and use them at pleasure, until .....
article two.. each man and woman.. shall have... fair share.. treasures... the captain to the count of..."

Her head nodded forwards, and Marnia, being half in the spirit world, for a brief moment saw a.. different Rovana.

Grinning, confident, no less of a daring captain, but with a certain tiredness absent, floating over the captain's bloodied body, her voice loud and clear where once it had been raspy.
"Article Seven: None shall strike a crewmember aboard the ship. If there's arguments to be settled, do so fairly, with sword and gun, or, preferably, several bottles of rum. Winner of the argument shall be declared by first blood, or whoever so drinketh more rum and remains standing.
Article ... oh..
Well, luckily I'm doomed to Davy Johnes locker, so..

wait.. what's this scent of rum.. oh shit.. no no no! Not you! Fuck off Grandma I don't care if you're a goddess now! Where's a devil to sell their soul to when..."

And then, Rovana's soul just disappeared, in a plume of shadowy smoke that breifly formed the image of a Jolly Roger, a brief scent of good rum, powder and rich treasure lingering in the air. Yes, Marnia could tell the scent of treasure, remembering how Brownbeard had kept her...

Rovana's body was left upon the deck, bleeding out, and slowly growing cold. Dreadmaw had departed them, her very clear message delivered now. The rest of the Reaver pirates were left, with Marnia now holding Rovana's amulet, an amber crystal that, on closer examination, almost looked like a miniature version of the Red Dawn herself.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Marnia, The Spooky Ghost Girl! Tag: Everyone
HP: 32/66 Armor Class: 24 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 60ft. CMB: +11 CMD: 24
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +13 Will (+2 vs enchantment+4 vs mind affecting)
Ki Pool: 5/7, Elemental Assault: 4/7, Stunning Fist: 3/6, Rapture: 6/6
Conditions: Corporeal

"Captain, don't worry we will bring you back!" Marnia declared watching speechless the Captain's last (but if Marnia had anything to say about it not final) antics, wiping away her tears.

That was right, Captain had died in the past, so who's to say that 'no magic can bring her back'?Marnia didn't believe it, and even if the Captain believed it to be true, it was known Captain was unreliable in things like that!

As a human turned genie turned ghost, she knew very well magic could do anything and everything!

Marnia raised the broken sword to the stormy sky.

"We will bring you back, Captain!" she declared, staying there for a moment.

"And we will shove Dreadmaws claw deep in her butt." she concluded, lowering the broken sword, sighing, and picking up Rovana's body.

"Ylria, you go pick up that sword you were talking about...we sure gonna need it." she said as she went to the Captain's cabin "Larnia my dear...see if you can find something to keep the Captain's body from rotting, please..." she added.

"Jecqueline, Doggie...I have a super-secret mission that you will have to do here..." she said. The first part of it was scouting some crew members that hated Dreadmaw and wouldn't mind going against her...however the rest of the secret mission would be given off-screen, because it was a secret mission, after all.

Afterwards, she placed Rovana in her bed. There was no need to cry, because they would bring her back. She was just gonna miss her for a while.

Now she had to look at the secret map, and investigate how the sword and the amulet worked...however, she already knew where they had to sail next.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Tag: Marnia

The sword.. was a broken mess, really. Yet still, it could call some magic.. (This +1 broken cutlass -treat as shortsword, allows it's user to cast alter winds unlimited times a day, create water unlimited times a day and Hydraulic push 1/d, as a level 7 caster, using your charisma modifier.)

The necklace meanwhile did.. little.. until Marnia put it around her neck that was, at which moment, it felt as if a part of her.. was the ship, all around her. With but a thought she could open the door before her, call upon ropes and, perhaps, unleash even greater powers while upon it.. so this was the secret to Rovana sailing this well with so few people..

Finally, the secret map. Behind the portrait of the dark skinned warrior woman was indeed a hidden stash.. most of it taken up by a large rum bottle, to the suprise of no one.
But there was also a small, black splinter like thing, about two inches in size, and a scroll that showed a detailed map.. that was hard to read due to Rovana's scribblings all over... they would take some time, or an expert in it, to decipher propably, but for now Marnia did find that a red-line was plotting their current course, as well as past voyages Rovana must have gone on, and it didn't stop in Tortuga, instead, leading down south for a fair bit to what seemed like open waters and an X marking..


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Ylria bowed her head and wept as Rovana expired. "We will have our revenge Captain and we will bring her back." She hugged Jec, weeping into the mouse girl's shoulder. Ylira nodded to Marnia. "You be our captain now and we will obey you until Rovana is returned to us. I will get the dagger and bring that power to us." Taking the potion from Jec Ylria turned to the others.; "I will go seek out the Mast.... the dagger and return shortly." Ylria gave Jec a kiss on the furry cheek and gathering her weapons she skipped off the ship brimming with excitement.

Making her way quickly through the twisted alleyways of the decadent city Ylria first went to the docks near but out of sight of Captain Dread's ship. She scribbled a quick note that had only a picture of a kitty, a dagger and a heart. Folding it up Ylria found a urchin and gave her a silver coin to deliver the note to her Master Jack. Then with a sigh she scampered off quickly to the weapons merchant there to trade the potion for the wonderous dagger.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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A hooded figure walked in the pirate-filled tavern. Under the hood one could see the face of a mean-looking old man, wearing an eye patch. He had a thick mustache and a beard too. He walked towards the bar, where he bought some ale, drunk all of it in one go, and then slammed the tankard down loudly, to get everyone's attention.

"Hell...ahoy, scallywags. We be looking for crew members. Requirements...you have to hate crabs, crab-hands and crab-like things. Impress me, and you're in." he scoffed as if he didn't really believe anyone impressive would show up..."Grab me another ale...that'll be a long night..." he ordered the barkeep.
Feb 5, 2020
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The door to the tavern opens to a cool gust of wind. . .followed by a hint of wet dog.
A wolf as high as a mans waist pads in from the street outside, closely followed by a hooded cloak and startling clear blue eyes. The wolf growled slightly at the noise, a deep rumble through his chest but at a hushed whisper from the girl in the cloak he quieted. A soft voice in the common tongue, but thickly accented with Elvish, whispers in the wolves ear causing him to go back outside.
"Greetings Tavern keep. . .i have travelled far from my home in search of a ship that might hire me. Do you know of any captains in need of crew?"
Letting her hood fall back onto her shoulders she showed her angular Elven features to him and smiled.
"I would like a drink as well if you'd be so kind"
She blushed a slight blue color and looked around at the people in the bar.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"What a coincidence. I was just saying that we are looking for crew members, who hate crabs, crab-hands, and all things crab related. But they also have to have at least some impressive quality."

"Hmmm....you are blue, so I guess that counts as impressive."
the old man nodded approvingly.

"You there...what are you doing with those cards? If you are trying to curse me or trap me inside a card..."
the man eyed the weird oracle suspiciously.


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6

Allisane was quite happy with herself, a bunch of idiots had come by her a days time ago, obviously having come by a good amount of coin, sadly, but oh so very sadly they ended up losing it rather quickly. Allisane had challenged them to a game of dice, having bet herself as their toy for a week against their money, and come out of it 300 hold richer, now though she knew it wasn't a good idea to sit around and wait for them to realize she'd used her powers to get them to accept the deal and to win the game. She was sitting in a bar when the guy walked in, she pulled out her pen and tarot cards, it seemed like a good way to get out of there, and besides, maybe being a pirate would be fun, but she wanted to know what she was dealing with first, so she took out and drew cards from her deck of tarot, to find out what kind of person she was dealing with. The cards were confusing her though, it almost seemed as though they were telling her that the person was dead, then she noticed the man talking to her. "I was curious about you, and it is a good idea to find out about people before you consider joining them though, wouldn't you agree?" She said cocking her head and smiling at him.
Sense motive take 10= 23 dc to detect alignment 15+HD so success


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"And what, are you are challenging me to play with those cards? They look weird too. Gambling is bad, young woman!" the old man argued.

"Of course I don't think so. Otherwise, I would have told you my name already! You just need to be very brave and to love adventure. And to hate crab-things. You have been warned!"


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6

"These cards aren't for gambling, they are tarot cards, they tell me things about people, sometimes they even tell me something about the future. Would you like to know what they're saying about you?" She said smiling mysteriously at the "man", that much she was sure of, that there was a disguise.
Feb 5, 2020
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Bea blushes blue again, at the barkeeps words give her a happy feeling
"I'm looking for crew like i said. . .is there a captain who might have need of me Sir?"
"I can work as well as any, and water is my home"
With a slight sigh she turns away and watches the card game, intent on learning all she can of the surface world she knew next to nothing about.


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6

Whilst speaking with the man questioning her Allisane noticed the elf staring at her laying out the cards. "Feel free to come closer, I am not scared by the beauty and her beast, hoping they'll reveal something about you?" She said smiling, towards her, she'd never expected to see someone who looked that naive, she was curious why one such as her was there.
Feb 5, 2020
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Bea looked at the girl and tilted her head, shrugged and walked over to the table
Pulling a chair our she sat down and smiled, revealing a row of pretty white teeth
"I am Bea, may I ask what your cards are for Miss?"
The question hanging in the air as Bea thrust her small hand forward for a handshake


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Mysterious Hooded Old Man
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: + Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"Uh...I already know about me." the hooded figure replied. "You could tell me what they say about you, however."

"Yes, there is a captain indeed. I will explain everything in more detail later, great-great-grandaughter of the Sea..."
the old man replied to Bea.

"Hmm...miss fortune teller, are you really looking for a crew?"
he asked a bit doubtfully. Perhaps she was just trying to draw their attention? In any case, she had serious business to do here...


Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 82/82

"Indeed you would know about yourself but I am asking the cards about you for myself, if I am to join up with you I prefer to know whether I can trust you not to betray me or other such things. And besides, didn't you want proof of our skill? If this won't do I have something else I could show off, I suspect you're looking for impressive people for your revenge." She said watching the two of them, especially the "man" now that she'd showed she know something about his motivation"They can tell me things about people, I have another way of doing it, Have the elf tell you a bit about yourself, make sure I don't hear it, what kind of training she's received. I'll then tell you the same simply by touching her head." Allisane looked at the two, curious how they'd react to the proposition, the cards said this one was interesting, she didn't want to show off everything at once but these kinds of things hopefully would be enough to impress "him". "of course miss elf if you're to shy I could always do it on you, sir, if you don't mind me getting a more accurate reading of you."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Mysterious Hooded Old Man
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: + Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

What a lucky guess! Everyone has something they want revenge for!

"Hmm...yeah, yeah, you are looking for a crew to run away, don't you?" everyone was running away from something...literally or metaphorically! The old man was good at predictions too! (Maybe)

"Ok, we can do that, if Bea agrees." he nodded, and if Bea agreed he would take her to the side for some instructions.

"Look...you have to keep thinking about anything other than your skills, ok? Try to think about the first time you had sex, or some other lewd distracting thoughts! We can't let her win!" he instructed her with a serious face.
Feb 5, 2020
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Bea looked at the hooded man and nodded her head, turning away from the fortune teller.
Daughter of the sea? What did he mean. . .my gift?. . .if they find out about my. . . relationship. . . im going to be very embarrassed.
Bea puzzled at this odd mannerism, keeping an eye on both people as she stood up and straightened her finger gloves
"I hope that this won't be too personal, i have to keep some things secret about me"

Taking the mans advice Bea thinks of as lewd a thing as possible. . .which just happened to be last night with her wolf companion. . .being mounted from behind. . .


While walking into town Bea had stayed in a small inn keep a days walk from here, her wolf seemingly more anxious than usual. Bea had been pushing her bow under the bed for safe keeping when she felt a warm, wet and rough tongue lick over her thigh. With a soft thud she hit her head on the underside of the bed in shock. Dazed slightly the tongue kept licking closer and closer to her pussy and ass. . .which after so long of not touching herself was starting to feel good.
No! I should not be liking this and from Voron of all creatures. . .
The tongue kept licking, despite her protests otherwise he licked right across her cotton panties. . .making her let out a primal and gutteral growl.
Oh god yes. . .Voron you bad puppy. . .
Moving herself slowly from under the bed she lay on it with her knees on the floor, moving her hands to slide her undergarments down and let her pussy feel the air
As soon as Bea had done so Voron licked her a new, sliding his fat, thick tongue right into her slit and lapping at her juices
Must not make noise. . .innkeep can't know. . .
Bea took off her leather belt and tucked a folded section in her mouth as her wolf suddenly mounted her. Vorons fur rubbed at all of her back as his paws planted themselves either side of her head, she felt his member rub and poke at her entrance, coating it in a thin watery substance.
He gave a thrust, missing and rubbing against her thigh with his hot meaty cock
My word. . .he's huge. . .bigger than me by a long shot. . .oh dear . . .
In her panic she started to struggle under him not wanting to hurt herself. Sadly this was fruitless and allowed Voron on his next thrust to spear her neither lips with his cock tip, pushing the tapered head deep inside her.
At this moment Bea was happy she had used her belt as a muffle, the muffled moan would have been head from a long way away.
Voron started thrusting into her pussy, Beas' cock and balls slipping from her cotton underwear to move with his thrusting as he ploughed and claimed his Mistress and friend.

Why does this feel so good. . .and why didn't i let him do this before!
Bea, happily pinned under Voron started moaning in earnest, bucking back slightly against his thrusting. Sadly this bucking did not last however as Voron slipped out of her tight snatch and hopped down, apparently smelling food of some kind in the nearby woods. Voron bounded out the door and vanished for the night, leaving Bea confused, horny and very hard for a few hours at the new discovery she had found with her companion.

Looking back on that night had unfortunately left her horny. . .in front of strangers. . .she looked down and re arranged her cloak to cover her bulging erection under the table. A blue flush showing on her face as she tried to now concentrate on the Fortune Teller and old man.
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Active member
May 4, 2018
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg HP: 54 Armor Class: 17 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts.
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 82/82

"Great then, Miss elf please sit down here-" Allisane said, pulling out a chair and directing the elf into it, then sitting in a chair behind the elf. "Just relax, I'll need to feel your skull for a bit to figure out as much as possible about you." She said, slowly massaging her fingers around Beas scalp, searching out those small indents and bumps which would tell her what she needed to know. "Let's start with the simple stuff, shall we? You're an elf, but your lineage isn't entirely pure, feels like there is some fae in there, naiad perhaps? Your gender is quite obvious, but you do have some boyish characteristics about you, You're good at heart, wanting to help people, and you do it the way you find best and quickest. As for your skills, you have a strong connection with nature and you've trained in martial skill paying particular interest in the bow, tracking, hunting, you're a ranger aren't you?" She said, smiling confidently as she let go of Bea's head.
(bluff 15 to not give away that Bea is a futa, sorry for the nat 1)
Feb 5, 2020
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Bea glowed blue slightly as the hands went over her head, embarrassed at the close proximity of someone elses hands to her face.
"Yes, our tribe is descended from the old people of the ocean, the Nereids. . ." That boysish comment is a little close for comfort, think fast damn it! "Are you referring to my broad shoulders with that boyish remark Miss?"

Bea looked directly into the eyes of the girl and stared at her, trying to convey a need for secrecy regarding what she had between her legs.

"I am indeed a Ranger, I find nature and the bow a more simple way to live"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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71138225_p0.jpg Eopeia the Sailor! Location: Inn, Tag: Everyone/No one, Status: None, Mood: sour

The door to the Inn opened and Eopeia slipped in.

Dreadful weather... she thought sourly as she pulled her hood down. She was sure to get some odd looks, but decided to just suck it up and walk on all 8 to the bar. Beneath her traveling cloak, she carried her trusty backpack with everything she had managed to save from her last ship. But wasn't enough to leave overland, nor enough to lay low for a while. She needed a new job. Fast.
"Hiya! Gimme a shot of sweet rum! And have you heard about anyone looking to hire?" She asked the barkeep, reaching into her pocket to pull some coins out.