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RPG [Poison] Slave's Sword / ~自由都市編~ (RJ177899)

Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

God i fucking hate the ocotoboss. Any of you got any good hints beside "git gud"?
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

[EDIT: Guide updated 02/18/2017]
- (attached pre-configured patches for Slave's Sword v1.11, one for the base v1.11 game and one for v1.11 games using Yun-Ah's partial)
- added a footnote about running your computer in Japanese system locale

have tried 3 different packers so far manage to unpack it partialy, since do to big size - enigma will crash, i injected unpackers in running game, but since game is running it will not let me copy files in use, and do it one by one is just pain in ass and wery time consuming wasted already 2 h- if anyone would be able to unpack, i will bet on Libellule

I can't get this game hooked! Visual novel reader doesn't work and Libellules system doesn't work either (at least not on this game)
***The retard who insults people using the karma function: you are reported.

I am allowed to give a quick update about MY experience. Feel free to ignore them.

Yeah, we still have a few harmless trolls around here. Some are pretty well-humored, others not as much. Don't mind them.

I used h4sh3m's Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1, attachment from Libellule's thread; worked great.

Here are some Instructional Notes I made for myself, edited for dummies with pictures (you know, for when too tired to read):


Decompiling and Hooking RPG Maker MV games:

Note: This should go without saying, but you should be running your computer in Japanese System Locale when running the game (and possibly the extractor, to get the proper Japanese file names). Thank you Zipetya for pointing this out.

0. Download an **extractor and Libellule's plugin.
- Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?p=861553&highlight=extractor#post861553
- (**I chose "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1.zip" because I couldn't get the other two options to work. Kao's Enigma kept giving me the memory error, and I'm too lazy and stupid to use the "Virtual File System Extractor" server thing.)

- (picture of Libellule's post)

1. Open "Game.exe" of corresponding game.
2. Open "Extractor.exe" (from "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1.zip").
3. Find and Select the correct "game.exe" PID (supposably 3rd or 4th <MVgamename>.exe process, or the process taking the most working memory (viewable from Task Manager))
4. Click "Start"
5. Extract to a separate directory - Not the same directory as the game (takes a small while, ~2min, depending on CPU; might be slower if you're playing on a fossil)
6. Wait until you get a
"Done" popup message.

- (picture for steps #1-6)
- in case picture becomes unavailable or is illegible:
- (alternative picture tutorial by Yun-Ah on page 8)

- !!NOTE: if you're using Windows 8.1/10, and/or basically having problems getting the Extractor to completely extract everything:
( -> Libellule's post from below <- )
that a common error of "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1" ^^

that because you are on windows 10 (maybe the same error for 7 too ^^, dont remember)

- configure your "Slave's Sword_Ver1.00.exe" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode"
- configure "Virtual Packages Extractor" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode" too

- Also:
Dont select the same folder where the exe is already in it. run both with xp sp3 and as admin. that helped me on my win 10.

These aren't foolproof means to getting the extractor to work, but these are the reported solutions thus far.

7. Close extractor and game.

8. Extract and Open "RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher.exe". (Blocking with firewall is optional, program just checking for update.)
9. Click "Select Game Executable", select the corresponding "game.exe"

- (picture for steps #8-9)

10. Customize hooking preferences.
- !!NOTE: if you used RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher
-> the plugin bugs up choices (can be worked around by selecting the choice before ClipLoger catches it, but can be annoying). Patcher version fixes this. If you used, simply patch again with
- if patching is too stressful for you (or for some reason doesn't work) or if you're just lazy and don't care about settings:
then close the patcher, and simply download and extract the attached "Libellulification patch" I've prepared below into the game directory (merge/overwrite when prompted). It uses the Default patcher settings, though with the "Install Kura SpeedHack plugin" checked at the final page.
11. Keep clicking "Next =>" to proceed until finished.
12. Open Game.exe from the directory you extracted to. Game should boot up with another window called ~"ClipLoger".
13. Use any machine translator to translate what the cliploger copies to clipboard (I use ); enjoy game.

- (picture, what things should look like)

(This was done on Windows 7 Professional. I haven't personally tested any other operating systems.)

Hope this helps.


P.S./Note: (edit: now irrelevant; spoiler'ed out. Fixed in patcher version!)
I've noticed that sometimes the Enter key don't work properly with the cliploger lagging the game.
- i.e. at the prologue, when given the choice to go to sleep, the choices may keep repeating no matter what you choose.
- notice that selecting a choice with the mouse won't help - you can even move while the choices are displayed.
- This seems to suggest that the game is no longer listening for choices.
- Basically, choices are being ignored.
-> To circumvent this, simply select the option faster(be it via Enter or left-click) - like, before the sentence preceding the choice finishes. This has worked so far for me.


  • Libellulification patch ( - for Slave's Sword v1.00.zip
    76 KB · Views: 130
  • Libellulification patch ( - for Slave's Sword v1.11.zip
    75.9 KB · Views: 41
  • Libellulification patch ( - for Slave's Sword v1.11 (compatible with Yun-Ah's Partial).zip
    75.9 KB · Views: 84
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Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I was about to post same thing as SFrame, +rep. There is problem with Libellule hooker tho. It works 95% but youll get bug which doesnt let you to proceed:

First time is when you are asked to go to sleep in first town. Normally it pauses the game and you are free to to pick option (go to sleep, cancel). After using hooker it controls both your character in the background and option picking... Not letting you to advance (go to sleep).

Solution is to have 2 copies of the game and once you get stuck transfer saves. Copy saves back once you pass bed.

But youll encounter it again once picking quests in secret base (not being able to pick quest because character moves in the bakcground)... And this save swapping starts to get annoying.

Hopefully Libellule will respond with solution because game works fine originally and unpacked but starts bugging after hooker is applied.
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I was about to post same thing as SFrame, +rep. There is problem with Libellule hooker tho. It works 95% but youll get bug which doesnt let you to proceed:

First time is when you are asked to go to sleep in first town. Normally it pauses the game and you are free to to pick option (go to sleep, cancel). After using hooker it controls both your character in the background and option picking... Not letting you to advance (go to sleep).

Solution is to have 2 copies of the game and once you get stuck transfer saves. Copy saves back once you pass bed.

But youll encounter it again once picking quests in secret base (not being able to pick quest because character moves in the bakcground)... And this save swapping starts to get annoying.

Hopefully Libellule will respond with solution because game works fine originally and unpacked but starts bugging after hooker is applied.

Lmao, I just finished editing my post with a postscript about that. Damn I'm great at mind reading today. :cool: Heheh (and thanks, mate!)

Basically, just select the option faster. For that case at the prologue, just slap that Enter key before the woman finishes talking. ;)

But yeah, hopefully good man Libellule will fix it up soon. :)

P.P.S. New version of the patcher is up (! Simply use it to patch the game (whether or not it was patched before); Choice Separator now seems to work without bugging out the choices.

(old post script)
P.S. Cheers, Gotnoface summoned the Libellule in the plugin thread! Also, he pointed out the problem - being the choice separator.
Will edit the instructional above appropriately.
- !! If you installed the plugin with choice separators ticked (like me): Extract the attached "Libellulification patch (no choice sep, CL - for Slave's Sword v1.00.zip" into the Slave's Sword game directory (and merge/overwrite when prompted).
- This should fix the issue.

- "De-Libellulification patch" still attached in case of any other bugs, for those that just want to quickly disable the cliploger.


  • De-Libellulification patch - for Slave's Sword v1.00.zip
    5.1 KB · Views: 17
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Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

The game has quite a few bugs (and I'm talking about the default setup, not homebrew unpacked versions).

1. Quite a few of the scenes won't unlock in the gallery and will crash the game when viewed. (E.g. losing to the orcs during the invasion)

2. Some of the side missions are impossible to complete right now because the packaged game is missing certain pictures.

3. Holding shift for too long during combat can crash the PC. DX kernal errors.

4. Some scenes just won't unlock the gallery period. One notable example is the repeatable bandit extermination quest (featuring everyone's favourite bandit Bats) since losing to him and his two sidekicks won't unlock the double penetration scene in the gallery.

Looks like Poison need to release more patches. 1.01 will address problem 1 and problem 4. There are workarounds which are listed in the blog, but not everything can be fixed with the initial release version.
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

Yeah, we still have a few harmless trolls around here. Some are pretty well-humored, others not as much. Don't mind them.

I used h4sh3m's Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1, attachment from Libellule's thread; worked great.
well i tried all 3 extractors, with all 4 running process of game.exe, the problem is that it don't extract full www folder only small part ofaudio is extracted every thing else is missing, and puts up error invalid*mask or something
if you could share at least unpacked www directory, would be much appreciated
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I get the same error ^
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I was about to post same thing as SFrame, +rep. There is problem with Libellule hooker tho. It works 95% but youll get bug which doesnt let you to proceed:

First time is when you are asked to go to sleep in first town. Normally it pauses the game and you are free to to pick option (go to sleep, cancel). After using hooker it controls both your character in the background and option picking... Not letting you to advance (go to sleep).

Solution is to have 2 copies of the game and once you get stuck transfer saves. Copy saves back once you pass bed.

But youll encounter it again once picking quests in secret base (not being able to pick quest because character moves in the bakcground)... And this save swapping starts to get annoying.

Hopefully Libellule will respond with solution because game works fine originally and unpacked but starts bugging after hooker is applied.

Update: Little trial and error and i "fixed" it. When applying hooker uncheck everything except "ClipLogerOnStart". something was conflicting with one of th options, dunno which exactly. Works perfectly now!
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

yop here =), i made some change to correct a bug in my plugin that caused a problem with some choice option

can you test the new version and tell me if that correct all IG problem ?, if not, pinpoint them to me please, so i can look (a save just where the bug pop will help me a lot ^^)

but i hope all is corrected :p
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

yop here =), i made some change to correct a bug in my plugin that caused a problem with some choice option

can you test the new version and tell me if that correct all IG problem ?, if not, pinpoint them to me please, so i can look (a save just where the bug pop will help me a lot ^^)

but i hope all is corrected :pp

Oui! Le Choice Separator works perfectly now! Thank you, Libellule-sama =D!!


well i tried all 3 extractors, with all 4 running process of game.exe, the problem is that it don't extract full www folder only small part ofaudio is extracted every thing else is missing, and puts up error invalid*mask or something
if you could share at least unpacked www directory, would be much appreciated

The entire www folder is over a gigabyte large - essentially like downloading the game again. I personally can't upload something that large in any meaningful amount of time, unfortunately (queuing somebody else with better UL bandwidth xP).

If you terminated the extractor early (before it gives you the pop-up), then even if all the files are displayed, the game won't boot up properly (happened to me the first few tries). If you just wait, it should eventually give you the "Done" message - I'd expect 5 min if your CPU is multitasking, 10 min if you're running on a fossil.

My 5-year old comp isn't quite outdated yet, but it took its phenom II x6 almost 3 full minutes to extract.

- P.S. Nevermind - Libellule's got this! :)
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Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

[...]and puts up error invalid*mask or something
that a common error of "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1" ^^

that because you are on windows 10 (maybe the same error for 7 too ^^, dont remember)

- configure your "Slave's Sword_Ver1.00.exe" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode"
- configure "Virtual Packages Extractor" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode" too

and use SFrame guide =), your will normaly not get that error anymore and all will be extracted correctly ^^

@SFrame : realy nice guide :p, dont mind if i link your post in mine somewhere :) ?
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

Considering the game is 1GB, can someone tell me how much of that exactly is sound files?
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

Considering the game is 1GB, can someone tell me how much of that exactly is sound files?
the game is 2,23go uncompresed ^^

audio folder : 254 mo
img folder : 1,89 go
data : 28,3 mo
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

the game is 2,23go uncompresed ^^

audio folder : 254 mo
img folder : 1,89 go
data : 28,3 mo

1.89gb images? Holy crap. Someone going to grab this for a partial? It seems like it would be a good long RPG game with that much CGs.
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

that a common error of "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1" ^^

that because you are on windows 10 (maybe the same error for 7 too ^^, dont remember)

- configure your "Slave's Sword_Ver1.00.exe" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode"
- configure "Virtual Packages Extractor" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode" too

and use SFrame guide =), your will normaly not get that error anymore and all will be extracted correctly ^^

@SFrame : realy nice guide :p, dont mind if i link your post in mine somewhere :) ?
after Examining pictures i got that it is win xp, was just going to post that find i solution, could use your help 6h earlier, but tanks anyway :)
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

after Examining pictures i got that it is win xp, was just going to post that find i solution, could use your help 6h earlier, but tanks anyway :)

Oh - and for the record (those reading), I'm using Windows 7 Professional - it works fine on here :). I'll update the instructional with the new info.

that a common error of "Virtual Packages Extractor 1.1" ^^

that because you are on windows 10 (maybe the same error for 7 too ^^, dont remember)

- configure your "Slave's Sword_Ver1.00.exe" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode"
- configure "Virtual Packages Extractor" on "windows xp sp3 compatibility mode" too

and use SFrame guide =), your will normaly not get that error anymore and all will be extracted correctly ^^
@SFrame : realy nice guide :p, dont mind if i link your post in mine somewhere :) ?

It would be my honor. お願いします! どうぞ! \(__)/
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I'm stuck in the town after breaking out of the prison via coffin.
Broken bridges everywhere.
Is there even a quest log/journal?
Any pointers are appreciated :)
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I'm stuck at the Minotaurs with the water covering the Red Button.. Does anyone know if there is a certain order the switches have to be in?
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I've got to say, I'm really enjoying this game. Its a very well made RPG and the art and scenes are amazing!!
Re: [RJ177899] - Slave's Sword~自由都市編~

I'm stuck at the Minotaurs with the water covering the Red Button.. Does anyone know if there is a certain order the switches have to be in?

Switch order seems entirely random.

Open up the spike areas and then randomly hit switches 1 at a time to see what works.

On another note, finished the game and the entire gallery magically unlocked itself. A "virgin" run gets at best 1 sexual encounter with humans (she gets body-searched by the guard) whilst avoiding rape from everything else.

The ending recommends players save the auto-save (file 20) in another folder because the next work is a continuation of this game and allows carry-over of levels, items etc. for the new game.
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