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Re: OOC Thread

Dammit, I'll have to read later. I gotta be to work...

...At any rate, he tried to keep quiet and not draw attention to himself, letting Violet handle it.

Tried to keep quiet...Oh, the pun.

Also, also...Tass, have fun, go nuts. I'll support as needed with (hopefully) a good "Well, my lady, perhaps..." as needed to help feed into the lie, but for the most part, your show.
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Appointment?" Violet replied, and turned to face the woman with an air of indignation. 'Gotta play this right.' "Appointment!? The outrage! Do you not know to whom you speak!?"

Violet puffed herself up and raised her voice, though she made sure to keep at least a measure of control. Overdoing her part would make it just as unbelievable as under-performing. "I am Violetta Blodracon Vas'Pause! Why, I hold the ears of every noble from here to Dracholt to the lands of the Nekomata! The outrage... Tis by my word word alone that the White Baths of Ravilia and the Icy Pearl of Cordia have both become the talk of every noble house in the land! Why, their patronage tripled after I spoke well of them!"

Violet paused to scowl, but then twisted her face into a smirk. "And if I speak ill of a place, well..... Let us say that it tends to.... Lose out on a great many clients. Do you understand?"

(Deceit the shit out of this. I'd like to spend a Fate point to make the places that I mentioned actually exist and make them as well known as a bath house can reasonably be, if I may. And if possible, make them have seen an upswing in patronage recently to boot. Vi is a clean freak, so she'd have taken something of an interest in the subject. This spending is only temporary right?)
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"I... I see..." the harpy says, visibly appearing more uncomfortable and beginning to leaf through her papers once more, this time faster. "I'm sorry, Lady Vas'Pause, but due to the festival, we're booked solid with other important guests. If someone fails to arrive for their appointment, we may be able to service your needs, but..." she pauses, and takes a gulp.

"We certainly cannot be expected to deny someone their rightful booking for your sake."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at the receptionist, "Very well. But my time is precious, and at the very least you can offer me a tour of your facility. It would... Help me make an accurate estimate of the quality of your establishment."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Meaghan looked around the room, and slowly sheathed her blade. "We should try to find a way to hunt that thing down. We kill it truly, and we may just stall the coming darkness," she said, crouching near the fallen cultist, pulling Soren's bolt from the wound and running her fingertips through the wound.

"Only stall mind you," she said with a wicked grin, before running her tongue slowly across her blood smeared fingers.
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

She bites her lip and considers things for a moment, before coming to a decision and nodding in agreement just as the elf returned bearing a few carefully arranged baskets of sliced fruit, the presentation inside each bowl a different pattern made by placement of the different coloured and shaped slices. "I shall be taking our guests on a tour," he informed him. "I'll need you to receive at the entrance, Zael." He nods and places the fruit baskets down upon the table, before moving over to take her place behind the desk as the harpy shifted out and over to the curtain. "If you'll care to follow me, I'd be happy to show you just what the Jade Blossom can do for you. First, we have the aromatherapy room; we positioned this close to the entrance on purpose so that some of the enticing scents would waft forward into our waiting area..."


Outside, Drago continued to circle overhead, watching for any traffic in or out of the bathhouse, a task that had seemed easier from the ground. While the front entrance was easy enough, the door sat at the end of a little path to the main road, so that guests could walk through a small garden before entering, as well as to set it apart somewhat from the bustle of the street, the back entrance came out in a small alleyway which was partially obscured by overhanging buildings and coverings. There also appeared to be a side entrance with a larger and more serviceable path to it, likely some sort of loading area for when the bathhouse needed to have supplies delivered to it by merchants. While the alleyway would be the most likely exit route for someone trying to escape, if he flew down to where he could see it unobstructed, he would be unable to watch the other two entrances; and them having been spotted outside, there was no guarantee she wouldn't expect it. So he circled, and watched for any signs of movement from any of them.


((This is the point in the game where I offer Garb, Tass and Copper a fate point each. You can take the offered fate point, and walk into whatever nasty trap you're about to spring blind, or you can spend a fate point and be allowed dice rolls as normal to have a chance to avoid or lessen it.

For your reference, the aspects I'm compelling are Cursed with ill luck, Flower-lovin' Hippy Siren (Yes, I'm using your high concept against you :p) and Curiosity is going to get him killed. Please decide quickly, and post what you'd like to do in either OOC thread, or if you have something to respond to in this post, an IC post.

Drago is fine, I have other plans for him which will eventuate when I make my next post.))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

(Leeroy Jenkins folks, Leeroy Jenkins. Lets do this shit. Aka: Give me the Fate point, I'll walk in without a second thought. Copper, you have the highest refresh, so if any of us should remain alert it should probably be you, but it's ultimately up to you.)

"Excellent...." Violet said, and then followed after the woman, making sure to maintain an air of disdain. Truth be told, she'd have loved to spend some time in here, relaxing, but business first... She had gotten a sinking feeling that this was going to involve her debt somehow.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The second Siren fell in behind the imperious black-winged Siren in front of him. Keti hadn't even heard of those places before, had she really been around to that many places? What about her School, did they go with her too? She was acting so much different than the Violet he'd met... not even an hour ago, probably. "Violet" was a prettier name, too...

He glanced at the fruit that elf had brought, but something told him that it wouldn't be a good idea to take any if Violet didn't, first. If they did end up having to pay, here, it might be the last food he'd see for awhile...

Compel for me. Keti's not good at Spidey Senses, and doesn't have any reason to suspect bad shit goin' down - didn't see that grin, doesn't view Red as particularly dangerous.

Besides, ain't got any Awareness to make the check with anyway, honk.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren (ONE "R" -flail-) hooked his crossbow back onto the belt he was wearing. "This place is a maze. It would be far too easy to get lost and separated in here. I've got some chalk in my pack. If we stick together and keep detailed marks on the walls, we should be able to find what's causing all of this and still be able to find our way out. Splitting up would be a good way to die, we should stay together. Something or someone summoned that Spectre. We take out the summoner, and this place should return to normal."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar nodded slightly "Agreed, Pick a direction and I'll scout ahead, I would assume I'm better at staying out of sight then the rest of you."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"I wouldn't go too far ahead," Irla suggested, her fingers relaxing and tightening on her blade. "We obviously know very little about this... Place." The subashi seemed hesitant to call it such. "If you are too far ahead, we might be unable to help you if you get caught by, or in, something." She had to bite her tongue to stop herself from turning that into less of a suggestion and more of an order. The inability to tell people what to do still made her uncomfortable.

"But I suppose it is your life." She sighed, giving a shrug.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((Sorry, early day at work meant not getting on last night and I *just* got home. Atair, on the other hand *is* expecting trouble, not to mention he is supposed to be acting as Vi's bodyguard. So, I guess I'm spending a fate point, if I read that right. In fact, if my lady will permit me...))

As Violet made to follow the harpy, Atair actually quickened his pace and put himself between the two females. Not directly, so their guide could still chat at his 'mistress,' but he honed his movements to seem as though he were used to preceding Violet into a room, however innocuous it might seem. He also casually, reached up and made to seem as though he were scratching at the back of his neck, when in reality, he was using his claws to rend at the cord he'd tied his blade with, wanting that loose, should it come to that.

Approaching the baths proper, particularly the aromatherapy, he fought to not have his nose twitch. The scents were, at worst, bothersome, but they still played havoc with his will to not sneeze.

((Granted, at the moment, the 'flamingo' is on her own, but I'm doing the noble thing and putting myself between the two non-coms and any trouble.))

Also, is it bad that I read this
"We certainly cannot be expected to deny someone their rightful booking for your sake."
as "sah-kee" (rice wine) and not as it is. Been a long day.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((Yikes. You got your roll, but I think you'd have preferred the free fate point :< This would be the point where if you had an aspect more appropriate to the situation, I'd ask if you wanted to spend a fate point to reroll (always an option if you can justify it, remember) With the dice coming up 4, 1, 1, 1, you've rolled a -3, modifying your alertness down to 0. :/ Bummer.))

"Whew... it's a little warmer in here than I'm used to..." came the voice of Harpy as they were shown around the aromatherapy room. A thick floral scent masked the air; full, rich and delicious, it had a nearly instantaneous uplifting effect as they were drawn into the room. "This... this scent's a new one for me... I think. It must be one of The Lady's premium ones... she always does such exquisite work..." The harpy woman's cheeks were flushed red, and already she was beginning to squirm slightly under the shift, but by the time anyone began to notice the warning signs, it was too late.

Heat begins to creep into everyone's faces, as well as certain other sensitive areas, and the very perception of those around you begin to change; certain individuals, depending on person taste, begin to look more appealing, certain... inhibitions they may have had began to seem less important. As these thoughts and feelings began to cloud their minds, they were grimly aware of just the sort of thing that had possessed that couple in the square earlier, at least somewhat before the perfumes claimed them. Behind them, where they came into the room, there's the sound of sliding wood and the a clicking noise of a lock closing, and they can see where the curtain they entered through was, a wooden door had been slid out from the wall and locked into place. There was only one other exit, another curtain on one of the other walls.

((Alright, I'm leaving it up to you to describe how it affects you, but you've just been "attacked" by a perfume that incites lust. I've rolled a single attack for the perfume, and each of you have opposed it using the only available skill against it; discipline. All damage by this is dealt to the mental stress track. Results are as follows:

Violet takes a 2 stress hit
Keti takes a 2 stress hit
Atair takes a 6 stress hit (sorry :s)

So uh... if Atair doesn't want to be completly overcome by his newly acquired lust, he needs to take at least a moderate consequence, which would reduce income damage by 4, he could keep fighting it if it was only a 2 stress hit, but even then, another 2 stress hit would be the end of it. It.. er... might be better in the long run to just take this one on the nose, so to speak... Once again the option of spending fate points on your defence roll is open, but you didn't botch this roll, you rolled average (+0) to receive that hit.))

Status (assuming no consequences are taken, if so let me know in next post and I'll adjust)
Violet - Mental O / O
Keti - Mental O / O O
Atair - "Taken out", unless you take some consequences, see above


Meanwhile, outside, Drago continued to circle, watching the ground below. Some movement caught his gaze, drawing it to the loading area, but it seemed to be just a group of regular workers and they weren't doing much of anything, nor straying very far from the entrance, so his gaze moved back to other areas. Which is when he saw her, moving along the back alleyways, having already gained a lead on him while he was distracted.

((Assuming you're going to chase after her, you'll be entering a chase. How it'll work is I'll be rolling Athletics modified by Endurance for both her and yourself. Every number a round is won by will affect the chase in favour of the person who won, with Drago getting closer or further away. Currently, the chase score is at 1, due to the Red Woman getting the drop. If it reaches 5, she escapes, if it reaches -5, Drago has caught her.))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

((You can bet your ass I'm chasing her.))

Drago's eyes catch the woman, and he curses aloud as he heaves his wings up, then goes into a dive down towards the ground, before spreading his wings and flapping them to keep his momentum up as he pursues the woman through the alleyway.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Yes... It is getting a little... Warm." Violet muttered, her cheeks also growing pink as she breathed in the thick perfume. Her steps slowed as she breathed in more of the floral scent, and a numb, relaxed smile slowly stole over her face. 'Such a nice smell... I think I'd like to relax a little.... Maybe get out of my robes... Wait. Wait!" Her eyes snapped open about when the harpy started fondling herself through her clothing, and a second or two later the sound of the door sliding closed and the lock clicking. "Shit."

She was, at least for a moment, distracted enough from her slowly building arousal to keep it from taking control of her to take a look around. One other exit from the room, through some curtains. Thinking quickly, Violet activated her offensive wind gauntlet, calling up a wave of wind and forcing some of the aphrodisiac laced air out of the room through the curtained entrance. "This must have been what happened to those two people in the square! We've got to get out of here before the same happens to us! Uh.... Not that I'd... Oh nevermind. There's only one way out of this room with the exit blocked off, Atair can you lead the way?" Violet said loudly, and then turned towards the nekomata. "Atair? Are you... Alright?" She said, some concern in her mildly slurred voice. Violet's cheeks were quite pink at this point, and the tips of her breasts visibly stood out through her robe.

(Wind blast that shit out of the room, try to lessen the damage it can do a little.)
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The smell Keti walked into was lovely - it smelled like springtime in full bloom, and then some. It was really nice - it felt like he was lying in the sun, except the warmth was coming from...

...Uh oh. The warmth was spreading all through his body, and he felt his nethers starting to swell. From his place at the rear of the group, the harpy's bottom stood out pleasantly to him from under her little shirt, and he found himself trying to compare Violet's to it - even peeking over at the Atair, to see how his stood up to a woman's.

But then a thought ran through him - this was like back in the square! And... and if he got caught in it, then some guards would come to take him away like they had that couple, right?! And... and that meant... that meant he wouldn't get to see the rest of the festival!

He turned and tried to flee back out through the curtain they'd come through, but he slammed into a door. Panicking, he turned and spun Violet around, pointed at his nose, and then spun the arm around once, pointing all over the room. Then, he turned on his heel, drawing his flute out from his bag, and played a little tune, facing the door that had just shut behind him.

He felt air passing through the flute as he played, flowing through the hollow in the wood... with his last note, he pushed, sending a blast outward.

Rote cast: Fus ro dah!
Conviction 4, Discipline 5 (3+focus 2)
On ye door.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Sucking her fingers clean, her eyes closed as she savored the sweet tangy flavor, Meaghan eventually got to her feet and pointed to the North hallway.

"Let's go that way then," she said, starting to move forward, keeping her sword unsheathed.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

As the harpy chattered about the smell, something in it seemed to tickle just inside Atair's nose. Bringing his hand down from his blade, he rubbed at it, trying, in vain, to exhale the scent. Heady certainly didn't begin to describe it. It felt like a gauze in his mind and yet, at the same time, the rest of his body was painfully sensitive, resulting in the glassy stare that Violet witnesses when she looks over at him.

Tails thrashing back and forth, each breath now brought taste as well as smell, the perfume seeming to stick on his tongue, mingling with the unmistakable scent of the females that populated the room. The harpy ahead of him, mixed with the more innocent aromas she was just chattering about. Violet, who was fresh soap and cool water. Keti, flowers and the subtle hint of the earth.

No, something snarled sharp in the very back of his mind. You are to protect them. You cannot start rutting here and now just because the feeling's upon you.

Letting out a sound that was something of a strangled 'mrowr' he dropped to his knees, the tips of his claws digging into his palms as he balled his fists tight against his legs. Powers help any of them if they got near him right now. Powers help anyone, given he might get...territorial against another male just as easily as he might attempt to sate his other feelings with a female.

Thank the powers, too, they were moving away from him. At least the sirens were. The harpy was still close and it was growing more and more difficult not to give in to the impulse of "playing" with the bird-maiden. Thanks (hopefully) to Violet's spell, he felt his ears pop as the wind she called up blustered into the other room, clearing it some, but he could still scent the perfume lingering and with it came the distraction of the way it was making him feel.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

The group got underway, moving out the north door and resuming the twisting journey through the labyrinth that each had begun alone, formed into a cold alliance of mutual need to end whatever was brewing here. A grim silence passed over the group, there was something about that ominous humming sound, resonating through the floor, that seemed to discourage casual conversation.

Eventually, after many twists and turns, the group made their way to what appeared to be a broken stone bridge, suspended over a dark gap. Even the darkness infused eyes of the vampyre were unable to discern the bottom of it, so clearly some magic was afoot here. On the far side of the bridge were a set of large stone doors, although they too were in disrepair and a large chunk was missing from one, allowing access, while on their side was a small plinth with ancient faded writing. It was difficult to make out, much of it was worn and faded beyond recognition, but the final part of the writing was barely legible.

"..You may search high and low, and wander afield,
But only through blood, sweat and tears will the path be revealed."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren hrmed and bent to look closer at the the inscription. "An obvious solution would be to place all three substances on a keystone for something. But that would be too obvious, like I said." But sometimes the simplest solution is the answer. Maybe we should try...