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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

As the standoff continued, the humming from deeper in the pyramid continued to grow in volume, albeit slowly...

In the depths of her mind, a soft voice spoke out to her, warm and enticing. 'The lightsworn...' it hissed. 'Strike him down and feast upon his lifeblood, nowhere else will you find such a strong and pleasing flavour. And then come to me, for I can show you such things, grant you talents long forgotten by your kind...'
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Meaghan licked her lips, then shook her head and stood straight, sliding her blade back into it's sheathe. Cocking her hips to one side and setting a hand on the crook she watched the other three intently.

"What do you hope to gain here? Answers? Treasures?" she said, then smiled coyly.

Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar replaced his blade upon his back." I seek only to protect this world and all who dwell within it, by doing the jobs my kin frown upon. And you? What do you All seek to gain here?" Ar whispered again, staring at each occupant in turn, his gaze lingering on each.
When his gaze found the Knight he remembered something one of his contacts had said about a dishonored warrior, supposedly dabbling in forbidden magic. But he couldn't get distracted. "I am not comfortable in the lead role, and I see no reason, If our goals lie within the same direction, why we should not travel together, If you decide otherwise, I shall not interfere with your musings as long as you do not place this world at risk" Saying this Ar spun his blade off of his back again, the razor edge glinting in the light as he sat cross-legged in one smooth motion, the Scythe resting in his lap as he waited for an answer.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti was making his way through the streets of the city, a bag hanging over one shoulder while he looked through a map of the city he'd bought. He checked off a small square nearby - a few other areas on the map had already been marked, the Siren already having gone there to see the displays people had set up the short time he'd been in the city. He'd thought it would have been a much drearier place... after all, it was a city, even if it was "the City of Flowers". But so far, the place had been amazing - all kinds of different flowers that he'd never seen before, all in one place! He hoped he could take back some seeds with him... he'd need money for that, and already he'd barely had enough to pay for lodgings here - apparently the town's guards wouldn't let him sleep out in a tree, like he'd been planning - but he figured he could make up enough with some performing. As a Siren, he was pretty good, after all. He'd also already gotten a few compliments on his "display" - the flowers threaded through his hair and wings. Surely that would help, too?

The inn he was staying at definitely fit the image he'd had in his mind of a city more than the rest of it had - cramped, dirty, and unfriendly - but there hadn't really been any alternatives. Maybe he'd be allowed to sleep out on the roof, at least?

At any rate, he'd left his money up in his room, and was heading back to pick it up. Occupied with his map and planning out his day, Keti didn't notice where he was going, until-


-He'd walked straight into someone, just outside the door to the inn he was staying at. Stuffing the map away in his shoulderbag, he looked over the Nekomata he'd just walked into, making a gesture with his hands and hoping he'd understand that he didn't mean it.

Quickly, he pulled out the writing slate from his bag, and wrote on it with a piece of chalk...

I didn't mean to!

After looking him over a minute, though, he wrote something else out on the other side, flipping the slate so he could see-

Have we met before?​
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren watched the Oracle, ignoring the women for now. "The Governors are ignoring all the disturbing signs coming from this place, Shining One. The weather is off for this time of year and I wanted to find something in this Accursed place to prove to them we shouldn't ignore the warning signs." He growled and slapped his tail against the floor, the equivalent of a foot stomp. "Though they deal with magic all the time, those hidebound fools won't believe anything until I shove it under their noses." Then he grinned a little sheepishly. "I could use some help though." He suddenly seems very young, too young to sound as knowledgeable as he does, and definitely too young to be out in this place.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Up on the rooftop of the inn, a large bird-like creature perched itself after much work around the city, trying to uncover information and failing utterly. The creature seemed to nibble at one of its wings, before staring down at the two interacting on the street. His piercing yellow eyes locked on the Siren, more precisely, the wings jutting from his back, before his head cocked to one side. The creature spreads its wings and leaps off the inn, then flaps said wings at a steady pace as it slowly lowers itself to the ground, revealing itself to be a male Harpy with black feathers.

As the Harpy landed, his talons made a distinct rapping on the stone beneath, as he folded his wings inward up against his body, yellow eyes still staring at the Siren and his wings. On his chest was a tattoo spanning the width of his chest and most of his abdomen, colored the same as his feathers. He seemed to wear little to no clothing save for a dark green kilt covering his waist and the upper half of his legs, though he didn't seem to notice nor care as he continued observing the Siren.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"That is the nature of what we are dealing with, No one will want to believe that things are in motion that threaten everything they hold dear, even the lies that let them sleep at night" This statement was followed by a short nod in the Lamia's direction. "I would appreciate you not referring to me as Shining One, I am Ar,"
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren nodded. "My apologies, Ar. I'm Soren. I'm a recent graduate of the University system. My Professors still think I'm a child, though I can out-think them any day of the week." He rolled his eyes and still avoided looking at the females on the room.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet hadn't even opened her eyes yet, and she already wished that she hadn't gotten out of bed that day. She briefly contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep, but then felt the itchy bite of a flee on her arm, and swatted at the tiny insect as she opened her grey-white eyes. She had procrastinated long enough. Sighing in revulsion, Violet climbed her way out of bed, scowling darkly. She still didn't know what she was expected to do here. All she knew, at this point, was that her debt had been called in by her "benefactor." If she came here, and did.... Something.... She would be in the clear, all debts paid off.

Like she hadn't heard that before.

Dressing herself and getting her gear together quickly, she closed the door to her room behind her, leaving nothing for anyone to paw through. In low end dumps like this, one often had to worry about the servants pocketing your things as much as more conventional thieves, and she didn't have a lot to carry anyone. Her gauntlets, her robe, and a leather satchel containing more or less everything she would normally need hung from her shoulder as she strolled down the steps, her black wings held tightly against her back.

Entering the common room of the inn just as a Nekomata and, of all things, another Siren walked into each other, Violet watched them for about a second and a half before her attention drifted elsewhere. Strolling over to the bar, she approached the innkeeper, Rodash she thought he called himself. "Whiskey. One shot." She said, and handed over the coin for it. Not how she normally started her day, but with how filthy she felt from just sleeping in this pig-stye, she felt like she was going to need it.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

With a frown Irla sheathed her blade as well. Though not angry outright, the combination of being sent on a fool's errand and finding nothing put her in a foul mood. Her twin tails were the only outward sign of emotion she did not try to control; the subashi's face bore a frown, but only a slight one at that. She was, as pointless a title as it was, the Empire's 'representative' here. Losing her temper would not reflect well on her betters, as little as she tried to care about such things anymore. With feigned interest she listened to the others' speak their piece, content to know that where they had all entered from had been as empty as where she had been; limiting the places left to look. The nekomata would be happy to leave this place once her mission was through.

"Hrm... I suppose it is my turn to introduce myself then." Irla said aloud, not to any of the others in particular. "I am Irla Dhuran, Subashi of the Nekomata Empire," She brought her hand across her body, resting it on the hilt of her sword and bowed slightly. "I am here to search these ruins and..." She paused lightly, trying to pick a good word. "Remove... Whatever is causing this disturbance." Her tails curled behind her as she tried to stop them from moving too much. "I hope that if any of you had found-" She paused and her ears flattening to her head. "What is that annoying noise?" She hissed, referring to the humming.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"You can out think them, but think it's a brilliant idea to came trouncing around a ruin you suspect of being a home to the accursed. Ha," Meaghan said, strolling carefully through the shadows at the edges of the room, her fingertips running along the walls.

Her eyes slowly turned to Irla.

"So you hear the hums as well. Do either of you two? Do you know what still rests beneath us?" the Vampyre said, slowly moving closer to the Lamia, smiling as she drew closer.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren hissed as he swung to face the Vampyre, anger driving out his usual embarrassment. "Don't lecture me. I'm here because those hidebound idiots refuse to believe what is as plain as the scales on their tails. Someone has to do something and it might as well be me. I don't see any other Lamia here, ready to fight to survive. There's something here, something old. A spirit that's been warped by the battle fought here long ago and we need to destroy it. That should bring the weather and everything back to normal." He hissed at her again, edging away. "I will not see my people fall because someone is stupid enough to bring this thing into living power."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"Ah, now that's something I can get behind. I'd prefer to get out of this place sooner, rather than later." Irla commented, dusting off her armor. "I honestly don't know what I was supposed to find, nor would I really know anything out of the ordinary if I saw it. But destroying something is definitely what I can understand..." Her frown turned into a slight smile at the thought of not having to stay too much longer in this place.

"Besides," She sighed to herself. "Maybe if I stop whatever is causing this, I won't be so scorned." She gave a halfhearted chuckle, knowing that would not be the case.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar listened to all of this passively, still having not heard a serious answer to his question, he nodded in Irla's direction before standing and sliding over to Soren. Clearing his throat as loudly as he could (Which wasn't all that loud at all) he put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm yourself, Do not let her get under your skin..."
Turning to look at the Vampyre he spoke again "Surely you are not foolish enough to think you can claim the remnants of what fell here so long ago... And you have not introduced yourself, I would hear your name before we go farther, call it professional courtesy"
Although he was holding his blade he had it gripped just below the business end and was not holding a threatening posture.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

The Vampyre laughed at the Soren's anger, and continued to walk slowly around him, before stopping and facing Ar.

"My name is Meaghan. I have my own interests here and they are more aligned with your own at this moment than you might think," she said, cocking her head to the side and watching the Oracle's movements.

Internally she reminded herself over and over again that these were potential allies, not enemies.

"It's calling out for champions," she said finally.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar nodded slightly in the Vampyre's direction "A Pleasure Meaghan, I have no reason to believe you are lying, I care not for your race or creed. They are not my concern, If its calling for champions then its too weak at the moment to do anything on its own. We Kill It." This statement was uttered with such finality that it left no question as to where Ar's thoughts lay. "Is anyone here gifted with The Sight, and the courage to use it..." Ar asked looking around at his apparent companions.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren retreated a small distance from Meaghan again, his embarrassment creeping in after his anger. He turned to Ar and slowly shook his head. "I have knowledge of many things, but that one lies beyond me."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The feeling of something, or rather, someone, thumping into him jarred Atair from his planning. His hand immediately went to his hip, circling around the bag he kept a few coins in before he turned to scowl at the offending personage.

Well, hello.

If he was going to get assaulted, the powers had at least deemed it someone worth running into. Hands waving in something of a placating gesture, it made him wonder why she simply didn't apologize, instead going for the bag that she wore over her shoulder. Brow furrowing a little, it took him a moment to take in that she was a siren. He'd seen one or two, but never truly met one before. Tales were told of their enchanting voices, sometimes quite literally. Maybe that was why she was writing instead of speaking. Sort of like how he'd 'muted' his sword.

"Accidents happen," he replied, though as she kept writing, he arched a brow, reading the next portion of their 'conversation.' It made him chuckle a little. "I don't believe so. You don't look like the forgettable type," he replied with a slight grin.

Of course, before the conversation could keep going, there was a rustle and a shadow, and a bit of a scrape that had him starting to reach for his blade.

You are not in the wilds. You are in the city, he chided himself. Not everything is going to be a threat.

He noticed the bird-man before the siren did, given that he'd landed behind her. Harpy, his mind reminded him. Quite the contrast to the sunny figure in front of him, he had a rather intense look about him and the way he was staring at the siren, it made Atair wonder if these two didn't know each other and someone was sticking up for a friend.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Rodash gave a sour look at the siren, before wordless reaching under the counter and producing a bottle and a slightly dirty looking shot glass. "This good enough for ya?" he asks gruffly, gesturing to the bottle, which appeared to be some form of local brew unknown to Violet.

((carry on~))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet glances at the bottle, not recognizing the type of liquor but shrugging anyway. "Yeah, that looks fine. Just rinse out the glass for me first if you please."