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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The elf narrows his eyes, and throws the rag down on the counter before storming off with the glass out into one of the back rooms.

After a few minutes, Violet began to wonder if he was actually coming back...
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet sighed and sat at the bar, stretching her wings out behind her as she did so. Then, as the elf seemed to be taking a while, she turned and glanced back toward the two who were still standing at the door, watching their exchange. The Siren drew out a plaque of some sort and began writing on it, and Violet began to wonder if the man was deaf as she leaned her back against the bar.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti was keenly intent on watching the strangely familiar... Nekomata, he thought? - answer, so when the whoosh of air and movement off to the side of his vision finally registered.

Keti, once again startled, jumped back into the inn's wall. Tanned skin showed from under a white cotton shirt, while a grey seal's skin covered up her bottom half. Long blonde hair tumbled from her head, though which a plethora of flowers were interwoven. The same was true of her wings, which were, additionally, green-tinted. Flowers decorated almost everything on her personage - hanging from straps in the bag the slate was in, in a little wreath on her head...

...WAS it a her? 'It' looked too pretty to be a man... but not... soft? enough, to be a girl. 'She' didn't have any breasts... but, men usually go around looking like a walking bouquet or wearing practically a skirt. Kilts, maybe, but skirts, no. It was hard to tell...

After a moment, the Siren'd managed to gather it's wits about it, and scribbled something on the slate it carried, wiping out it's first message and replacing it with one word:

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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"No one ever does," Meaghan muttered to Ar, before carefully walking once more into the shadows, throwing a wink to Soren as she moved away from him.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The Harpy seems to withdraw upon seeing that the person with wings wasn't another harpy. His head turned to one side, looking up the street in an almost non-caring manner "I thought you were someone else." he says flatly to the siren, his voice sounding like he had been gargling gravel. His right leg then reaches up and begins scratching his left, he himself not taking notice of it. Though his crow-eyes did take notice of Atair's movements, watching him intently, something about the nekomata not sitting quite right in his head.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

As they spoke, the hummed from beneath reached a loud point and from the floor an apparition rose, coming out towards the south of the room. It floated in the air, a translucent image of a torso in tattered and torn black robes, it's face covered by the unpierceable shadows, even to those with the ability to see in darkness. Its body trailed away to the strips of cloth, clearly the being was incomplete.

"You will all serve, one way or another," it hissed at them even as the sound of fast footfalls echoed from the passageways. A dark aura emanated from the spectre and there was no telling what was its way to this room, it seemed battle would be joined soon unless something was done.

The dark energies of the spectre seem to be, at least in part the source of the pawing at her mind. Furthermore, a quick listen of the footfalls heading towards the room give her the impression that they're coming from multiple directions, although it's difficult to be certain over the humming.

((I rolled alertness for everyone, as well as Lore for Sorren. I rolled poorly for most rolls. Still, moving on, the next step is for people to declare which zone they're in for the purposes of the upcoming combat, even if you intend to try something else. For a quick reminder about zones, you can melee attack anyone in the same zone as you, use a throw attack at anyone up to 1 zone away, or a ranged attack (bows, crossbows, guns) up to 2 zones away. For this combat, all "borders" will be zero, so there's no need to worry about that.))

Room (contains - Spectre, Sorren? Meaghan?)
North Doorway (contains Irla?)
West Doorway (Contains Ar?)
East Doorway
North Corridor (?)
West Corridor (?)
East Corridor (?)
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

(I am still in the northern doorway, yes.)

Irla gave a slight growl, her ears flicking at the the spectre's comment. She pulled out her bow and held it tightly. Her free hand drew an arrow from the quiver on her hip, but she refrained from putting any tension on the string. The subashi was not keen on firing into a group, some of whom were at least not on the shade's side; even if they were not necessarily on her own.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

(Soren is in the room, yes.)

Soren narrowed his eyes at the thing as he pulled his crossbow from his hip and loaded a bolt. He didn't want to waste his magic on this thing yet. He was uncertain if anything he ha would affect this creature, but he would do this or die trying.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

(I'm right next to Soren and Meaghan in the Room)

Without hesitation Ar slid his Scythe into a proper grip, hands spread and blade low as he rushed at the Spectre, Without a sound he pivoted and brought the large curved blade all the way around his body before bringing the razor edge to bear upon the unholy visage before him
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

So the two didn't know each other. Small matter. Given the initial surprise of the landing harpy had worn off, Atair seemed to have relaxed again. Not that going for any of his weapons would have done any good, since he'd bound his daggers as well. Granted, he still had his claws, but that meant getting very close to someone and he preferred a bit of distance so he could move.

Of course, he'd drawn the harpy's attention after it declared that the siren wasn't who he was looking for and Drago found his stare being returned with a rather steady gaze, the neko having tipped his chin up a little, eyes unblinking for the moment.

"Someone you are looking for, then?"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago continues scratching his left leg with his right, while his wings twitch slightly from time to time, and his stares Atair directly in the eyes with his own yellow spheres. "You feel different from the other people in this city. The Siren, too. You aren't singing and smiling constantly." he says, straight to the point as always. "It makes me wonder why you're here."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The harpy had a point. But then again, he'd just arrived not too long ago and he hadn't a chance to start enjoying the festival, either. Not that he was supposed to be enjoying the festival, but it would likely be hard not to get caught up in the festivities. Then again, why was he asking?

The nekomata rolled his shoulders in a bit of a shrug, his tails flicking absently behind him. "Not everyone that's here has had a chance to start enjoying themselves. Then again, I'm more here on business." There's a slight...dismiss in the tone of the last sentence. It's more "And instead, I'm here talking to you, apparently" than anything else, but it's clear that if neither has anything more to add, he'd likely be wandering off.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Business, eh? Seems we're both here for business." Drago says, turning off to one side, his right wing folding out in a gesture of dismissal. "Hope you have more luck with yours than I've had with mine." he says, an air of not giving a damn about him.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Singing... even just the word made Keti unhappy a little, dredging up bitter old thoughts of how he would never be able to sing. It had happened when he came to town the first time, though he'd quickly gotten over it, reasoning that singing was a good thing, especially at a festival. He shouldn't let it bother him - back then, and right now, too. He shook his head vigorously, to try and clear his thoughts.

With the harpy's attention off him for a moment, Keti looked again at the Nekomata. He supposed it was probably nothing, just deja vu... but still, he didn't really want to let him run off before he could find out more about him.

Thinking frantically for a moment, wings fluttering a little, Keti writes something down on the slate again, turning it to the pair.

Can't the business wait a little while?
This festival doesn't come all the time

He turned the slate over again, another sentence written down when no one noticed.

Where are you staying? Maybe we
can look at the flowers together?

Though directed at the Nekomata primarily, Keti was too busy thinking to notice it wasn't oriented straight at him, probably seeming like he was asking the harpy as well. It felt like a very awkward ploy to not lose the intriguing cat - but then again, almost everything did, considering how long he'd been out of touch with other people.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The scratch of the chalk against the slate caught Atair's attention and he turned to see what the siren had written. Before he could see what was on the one side, she'd flipped the slate over and already started scribbling on the other. A bit of a grin played over his lips as he read the message.

"Right there, actually." He tosses his head slightly in the direction of the inn that's more or less behind the group of them. It's followed by a slight wrinkle to his nose, the barest frown, though it changes a little before he replies to the second half of the missive.

"Looking for an escort, then?" There's a touch of a chuckle in his tone. "I was planning on seeing what the merchants had to offer, but I might find what I'm looking for amid the artisans as well."

Nothing in his briefing had said that he couldn't mix business with a little bit of pleasure. So long as he got the job done and didn't let himself get too distracted.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago notices the writing on the slate out of the corner of his eye, then goes back to his brooding-esque pose "I would prefer to find the information I'm looking for and be done with this city. I'm not a fan of the other races." he says, his head shivering to shake the crest of feathers.
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Good luck finding out information with an attitude like that, then." Though, again, the harpy had a point. He would much prefer to be home, as nice as the city was. Still, a task was a task and he had to see it through.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

(Meaghan is staying in the room)

The Vampyre drew her blade and let her eyes flick between the four doorways leading into this crossroads.

"They're coming, from all sides," she said, forcing the dark thoughts encroaching on her from her mind. A grin spread across her features as the thought of battle made her mouth water. Bloodshed.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The Nekomata was staying at the same inn he was! That was a bit of a shock... though, never knowing the other people in an inn you were staying at wasn't unusual, was it?

Curiously, he peeked into the doorway of their inn... and saw another Siren, sitting with the innkeeper. Huh.

Giving the dark harpy a glance, Keti slashed at his writing with his chalk a bare few times, and then turned it back to him, holding out a simple message.

4 > 1

Keti pointed at the numerous blades the Nekomata had on him. Then, he pulled his flute from his bag, just enough to give them a glance, and then pointed at the figure inside, before making a motion with his free hand, sweeping from his throat, up, and out, from his mouth.

He pointed at himself and the figure inside, and then at the Nekomata and Harpy.

He took the time to scribble on his slate, a bit of a pause passing the moment, before -

People cluster around performers, no?
Maybe someone with your info will come

...They'd have to convince the other Siren, of course... hopefully she would be receptive to it. There'd been a few Sirens around town, as well. Singing. Keti pursed his lips... as long as there were other Sirens around - singing - it wouldn't matter if he performed with one, would it? It took Keti awhile to realize how tightly his teeth were held clenched.

It had been so long... since he'd heard siren's song, and even since he'd had contact with others. This Nekomata really had him curious.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet watched the exchange from within the inn, the Siren and Nekotama apparently speaking to someone else that she couldn't see as well. Then other Siren began gesturing in her direction, and she tilted her head in curiosity. What could they be saying about her? Her hands tightened slightly, but she also adopted a welcoming smile and rose from her chair. The innkeeper wasn't coming back right away, and this could be interesting, or at least distracting.

"Hello!" She said as she approached the pair, her hands clasped behind her back and her chest puffed forward just a little bit. They were both men, after all, and men were always easier to work with. "It's not often that I see another Siren."