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Possible Reboot

Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren wielded his focusing spear, pulling heat energy out of the ghoul in a violent manner that caused it to howl in pain as it spasmed, the heat energy shimmering in the air before him before Soren whirled his spear towards the breach, sending up a blast aimed at the ringleader. However, the blast was slow and clumsily in it's aim and the cultish leader was able to predict where it would go and duck aside, causing the energy to crash against the stone walls of the chamber above harmlessly.

Charging at the barricades, Meaghan picked up some good momentum as she raced down the hallway before turning to the left and vaulting over the barricade, just barely clearing it but finding herself in the middle of it with a pair of somewhat more alarmed cultists.

Above them, the Cultish Leader continued to chant in dark tongue, apparently more intent on his ritual than he was trying to stop the group personally.

Silently, Ar spun his scythe out and struck at the ghoul with all his might and perhaps surprisingly, lopped it's head clear off. A brief spray of dark blood erupted from its neck as the body lifelessly fell to the ground. ((Guess who rolled a ridiculously good attack and guess who rolled an awful defence. I swear, you guys and your awesome rolls :|))

Taking out her bow, Irla aims through the gap in the ceiling, trying to hit the cultist leader. As the arrow was loosed, the cultist standing before him jerked and quickly shifted to intercept it, however, taking the arrow through the chest, silently mouthing something as he fell to the ground.

The cultists on the stairway swing their blades at the vampyre who was now amoungst them. Striking from both sides left Meaghan in an awkward position and she wrongly predicted the first one's blow, but she still managed to bring her blade up, using her superior training, skill and strength to force her opponent backwards, in the process evading the other one's strike. Meanwhile, in the room above, another cultist takes up position before the leader.

All the while, the ominous chanting of the cult leader echoed, unbroken and unconcerned.

Turn Order:
Ghoul: 6
Soren: 1
Meaghan: 1
Cultist Leader: 1
Ar: 0
Irla: -1
Cultists: -1
Hallway - Ar, Soren, Irla, Ghoul 1
Base of Stairs -
Stairway Barricade (barrier 2, both sides) - Cultist 1 & 2, Meaghan
Room Above -
Dark Altar - Cultist Leader, Cultist 4

Soren P O O O, M / O O
Meaghan P O O O O, H O O
Irla P O O O O
Ar P O O, M O O O

Ghoul 1 -down-
Cultish Leader P O O O
Cultist 1 P O O
Cultist 2 P O O
Cultist 3 P O O
Cultist 4 P O O
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Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

As the talons continued to rake and claw at the injured thug, he went down screaming and clutches his face, rolling on the ground in agony. Suddenly alone, the last remaining goon looked a lot less sure of himself and glanced over his shoulder hesitantly as if considering fleeing. He seemed to think better of it, likely due to both the speed and savagery displayed and throw everything behind a strike with his makeshift weapon. It seemed to work for him, as the blow came down hard and fast and even Drago couldn't completely avoid it, instead rolling to take the hit as best he could. (Drago takes a 2 stress hit)

Turn Order:
Drago: 1
Thugs: -2

Alleyway Mouth: Drago, Thugs 1, 2 & 3
Alleyway Mouth (Airborne): Empty
Alleyway Deep:
Alleyway Deep (Airborne): Empty

Drago P / / O O, Min: Bruised Wing

Thug 1 P -down-
Thug 2 P -down-
Thug 3 P O O O


The pink haired harpy blushed lightly once more at his comment. "I... I'd like that..." she replied softly, before blushing deeper as she was kissed. She watched him leave through the door until he had disappeared from sight.

Once out in the alleys, it was difficult to discern where to head next. While the path to the backdoor was lightly travelled, the actual alleyways had enough clutter and traffic to make tracking by footprints fairly unlikely, at least with the nekomata's limited knowledge of such things. There were a few people hanging about, but all looked unsavoury and rather perceptive of their surroundings; it was possible they had noticed Udete, distinctive as she was, but relying on them to remember where she had gone was another matter.

Drago had been circling overhead, even people out on the main street would have likely seen him take off in some direction, so perhaps some of the vendors he had seen around the place might be able to offer a more reliable direction to start in, but exactly how far they could see him go depended on his actual movements, he could have easily dropped out of view quickly if he dove into the alleyways themselves.

Failing that, Atair could always set out in whatever direction "felt right" and hope to get luck. (You could spend a fate point to happen across the sirens performing their little ritual magic)


Sult drew herself up to her full height and placed her hands on her hips. "Oh really?Well I'll need a bit more than a name to go on; even I'm not good enough to just fabricate an answer like that." she replied irritably. "For that, you'd need a much bigger spirit and they tend not to be as friendly as myself. But if you can give me some more information, we might be able to come to an agreement... for the right price."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren growled and transferred the 6inch crystal spear to his other hand, trying the same tactic again, though this time he aimed to disrupt whatever the leader was doing. He focused, drawing heat from the leader and shoving it into the minion up there with him.

((Heat leech from cultist leader to Cultist three))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago groans as he takes the hit, then recovers and leaps at the thug feet-first once again, this time intending to impale his abdomen with his claws. "Never mess with a Harpy!"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"He's a harpy." Violet said, and then gave as good a description of Draco as she could. "He would be a visitor to this place, and he was flying above the Jade Blossom bath house until not too long ago. He might have left in a hurry some time ago in order to follow someone, possibly an elven woman in red."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Having dispatched the Ghoul with ruthless efficiency, Ar waited under the hole on the off chance that these madmen managed to conjure another of these abominations, ready to attack anything that came through that damned hole...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Cursing under her breath, Irla notched another arrow. She drew back, feeling the tension of the bowstring against her fingertips. The sturdy wood gave a very faint groan as it bent ever so slightly. Her claws left the very end of the arrow as she fired at the cult leader once again.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

And asking the unsavory types would likely be either a waste of time, energy, coin, or possibly all three. No, he'd likely be better off either asking one of the merchants or trusting his skill and instincts. Given, at the very least, that there was no commotion happening out on the street, they had to be somewhere in the back alleys. Otherwise, the guard captain likely would have been even more upset than she already was. That deduction made, at the very least, he started heading into the web of alleys and back-streets, pausing now and again to get a feel of the terrain and gauge, perhaps, where the elf would have gone.

((Let's spend the fate point. He wouldn't deal with the local thug-types unless he absolutely had to.))
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

More talking.

Keti was getting a little bored. It wouldn't do to fly off to see the festival, too... He took out his flute and played a little tune.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago forces the remaining thug backwards with a series of savage talon slashes, inflicting a series of wounds upon him but it was clear the elf wasn't done yet. Trying to shield his face, he swung wildly with the club, adrenaline giving it a surprising amount of power, but this time Drago predicted and dodged the clumsy blow.

Turn Order:
Drago: 1
Thugs: -2

Alleyway Mouth: Drago, Thugs 1, 2 & 3
Alleyway Mouth (Airborne): Empty
Alleyway Deep:
Alleyway Deep (Airborne): Empty

Drago P / / O O, Min: Bruised Wing

Thug 1 P -down-
Thug 2 P -down-
Thug 3 P O / O


"Geez, so many different people, first this Drago, then a black harpy, now an elf woman. Argh. Alright, you want the crow, I can find the crow," the spirit insists and once released, dashes off through the alleyways.

Not long after she disappears off, a familiar face finds the pair of them, as Atair spies the harpies.

((You guys can have a catchup post... plus Drago's fight is dragging on a little longer than was planned. He's not been rolling fantastically, unfortunately. They really were supposed to be a speed bump, and they've done more to him than anything I've thrown at the other group :| ))
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Snarling at the cultists Meaghan thrust her sword towards the one standing on the left, putting her shoulder hard into the barricade with the move.

(using inhuman strength)
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Violet watches the sylph fly off without a word, and quickly rises back to her feet and retrieves all of her gear, stowing it away once more. Atair walks into the alley a second or two later, and she turned toward the nekomata with a look of surprise, "Atair! You're alright! And not in jail, apparently. What... Ahhh, maybe I'd rather not ask. How did you find us?"

She glanced up at Keti and waved him down from the roof as well. Sult would return shortly, and then they could go and find Drago. Hopefully the harpy would be alright by the time they reached him.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Keti had barely started to play when he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the little green thing Violet had magic'd up took off. He let himself continue - in case she was going to call another, or if they were just going to wait a little bit - but then he heard her calling to Atair.

...What? How did... he looked down, and saw that the Nekomata had indeed managed to escape the bathhouse and find them, somehow! Stowing his flute, quickly, Keti glided down meet him, at first looking happy - and then, apologetic. He brought out his slate, and his wings drooped a little as he finished writing and showed it to him.

Sorry for running away
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

As Soren gathers his energies once more, he points the spear up at the chanting cultist leader, trying to heat leech once more. As with the bowshot fired up there, however, the other cultist leaps between them, taking the magic upon himself as the heat is drawn out, screaming as his nerves protest at it, but manages to remain concious. With that heat energy, Soren directed the blow back at the Cultist Leader, but as with last time he managed to duck away from the energy.

Meaghan sliced with her sword, cleaving through one of the minions as they rushed at her, his body falling into two separate pieces as the power of the blow severed through his bones cleanly. With the momentum of the blow, she slammed into the barricade behind her, sending part of it flying and leaving it wide open for easy access. ((I'll need to check with Sin if she broke open the way behind her to let others in, or before her to more easily keep going. Either way, she reduced one of the barriers to 0, because she had a whopping 5 momentum to play with. Dayum~))

Reaching what was clearly a climax in his chanting, the cultist leader thrust the dark blade through the chest of the cultist before him, and a familiar scene played itself out before their eyes. The body fell to the floor below, before rising moments later as a freshly made ghoul.

Ar swung his scythe at the ghoul as it began to rise, expecting a nice easy kill, but the ghoul demonstrated that shocking speed the previous one proved capable of, and rolled away from the blow as it leapt to its feet and snarled at him.

Drawing back another arrow to fire at the cult leader, Irla loosed once more and this time there wasn't any minions to leap infront of the shot. The arrow struck into the leader's torso and he howled in pain. "Brothers! Where are you?! Protect me!" he screamed.

Hearing that, combined with witnessing the bloody deconstruction of the vampyre before him, the last remaining cultist fled up the stairs, scrambling over the barrier and rushing over towards the cult leader.

With another snarl and a cry of "I HUNGER", the ghoul rushes at Ar and the pair collide, the ghoul striking him with those powerful, darkness infused claws. A lucky step back and to the side at just the right moment allowed the oracle to slip out of the way of the attack, leaving the ghoul charging through empty air, snarling with rage.

Turn Order:
Ghoul: 6
Soren: 1
Meaghan: 1
Cultist Leader: 1
Ar: 0
Irla: -1
Cultists: -1
Hallway - Ar, Soren, Irla, Ghoul 2
Base of Stairs -
Stairway Barricade (barrier 2, top side, bottom barrier destroyed) - Meaghan
Room Above - Cultist 2
Dark Altar - Cultist Leader

Soren P O O O, M / / O
Meaghan P O O O O, H O O (Inhuman Str activated, lasts until end of scene)
Irla P O O O O
Ar P O O, M O O O

Ghoul 1 -down-
Ghoul 2 P O O O O
Cultist Leader P O O /
Cultist 1 -down-
Cultist 2 P O O
Cultist 3 -down-
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla would give a slight hiss at the approach of yet another abomination. She quickly drew back what she hoped was one final arrow. Pausing only a moment to take a steadying breath, she released the string once more. Though she fired at the Cult Leader, she quickly turned her attention to the moree pressing, and more dangerous ghoul.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Pausing for a second to run her tongue up the blade of her sword, Meaghan moaned in delight at the taste of the blood, before turning her eyes forward. She moved eagerly towards the final cultist who was trying to protect his leader, her sword ready for a fight.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago smirks as he pushes the thug back, then charges forward and attempts to headbutt the thug across the forehead after landing from his onslaught.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Weaving his way through the alleys, one of Atair's ears twitched as he picked up on the sound of music coming from somewhere amid the buildings. It seemed an odd occurrence, given that one would think a performer would be out where they'd be seen. Trying to find the source, he did himself one better and spotted one of the sirens perched on a nearby rooftop.

And then suddenly, after rounding the corner, he had Violet in front of him. Jail? Well, they had seen the couple being taken away by the watch. Then again, what happened to them wasn't exactly a show of public indecency. Still, he couldn't help but grin a little.

"Jail? Me?" He pointed to himself with a couple of fingers. "I was the victim of a rather disruptive magical attack. I was not one of the sirens that apparently were destroying property and causing a public ruckus."

As Keti lands, the nekomata takes a step back, giving the other siren some room. "It's all right," he replies with a slightly gentler smile. "I think if I'd been thinking clearer, I would have gotten out of there, too." He absently rocks on his feet, up onto the balls of them and then back down to his heels.

Once they were all together, he caught them up on a few of the details: how the watch had been looking for them and wasn't any longer; who the elf woman was that they were chasing, and how they were likely going to have to proceed rather carefully, if she has a good deal of clout in the city.

"Really, I'm just glad that you two are all right. Any idea what happened to Drago? Do you think he spotted her and went after her?"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Well, it was a possibility. I'm glad to see that it isn't so!" Violet said, and then blushed slightly as the violent nature of her and Keti's escape from the bath house was pointed out. "Well, I was just going to go into the other room, but Keti smashed down the door. I figured I might as well go the safer direction."

Violet listened to the nekomata's quick explanation of what had happened and then shook her head. "No, we were just looking for him. The one whom I called to lead us to him should be back here shortly, actually."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

The thug gives a grunt as he takes the headbutt, reeling backwards from the blow and trying to regain his footing. He manges it, barely, and swings a clumsy blow to try and keep Drago from following up. Said blow catch the harpy across the chin, having him momentarily seeing stars. (Drago takes a 2 stress hit)

(These guys have been very lucky ._. they really weren't supposed to be this dangerous)

Turn Order:
Drago: 1
Thugs: -2

Alleyway Mouth: Drago, Thugs 1, 2 & 3
Alleyway Mouth (Airborne): Empty
Alleyway Deep:
Alleyway Deep (Airborne): Empty

Drago P / / / O, Min: Bruised Wing

Thug 1 P -down-
Thug 2 P -down-
Thug 3 P O / /


Before too much longer, the green streak of light returns, bouncing excitedly through the air. "Hey! Hey! Is your crow violent? Because I saw someone like how you described fighting a bunch of street thugs! They tried to gang up on him, but he grabbed them by the heads and pow! Here, it's not that far, follow me!"