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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Irla stepped back from the ghoul's now finished corpse and pulled her blade free. With a cloth she drew from inside her hauberk, she cleaned the edge of her blade and then sheathed it.

"Perhaps they are coming back," The subashi sighed, making her way up the steps to the area above. "But it doesn't matter. At least to me. I have my orders, no matter what I may feel or believe."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Ar continued to clutch at his side, taking a little more time to probe the injury and confirming the broken rib and another that may be cracked. Hearing the quip from above he glances up at Meaghan "I never had any doubt. We need to move quickly, this isn't over."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"Far from it," Meaghan said with a purr of excitement, tongue running slowly across crimson smeared lips. She made her way back down the stairs to join the other three.

Once amongst them she gently put her fingers beneath Soren's chin and smiled at him. "Chin up big guy, you'll be a hero if you stay this path," she said quietly.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren tore his face away from her and shook his head. "I... I don't want to be a hero. I just want to go back to my library and continue my research without all you confounding females about!"
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Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

The moment of peace was interrupted by ominous laughter, that seemed to come from beneath them, although it bounced and echoed off the stone walls in such a way that it was difficult to be certain. "Ah, most amusing," came a cold and sinister voice. "It is a pity you killed my little followers, but I suppose it doesn't matter if I have such strong, such powerful champions to replace them..."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

A chill ran down the subashi's spine as the voice boomed. She did her best to keep her resolve though and quickly finished her ascent of the stairs. The hair on the back of her neck was on end and her tails swirled and twitched. Irla's ears swiveled as well as they could and she continuously glanced around, waiting for what she was almost certain would happen. Even so, her duty to the Nekomata Empire forced her onward. She had the evidence she needed, but she hoped that the Empire would be able to figure out how the artifact worked and formulate a way to stop things that functioned similarly.

With a nervous swallow, she reached down with her good arm to grab the sword the cult leader had used to create those foul ghouls.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Meaghan smiled at Soren, her lips parting to say something when the voice boomed through the room. Her smile wavered slightly, but never completely. She moved away from Soren and flicked her eyes up to the second floor, where she saw Irla pick up the sword. Now her smile was wiped away, brow creasing in a frown.

"It'll want to turn us against each other... or corrupt us all," the Vampyre said quietly, eyes flicking once more back to the Lamia. She wondered if she could trust him, the most innocent of all of them, just to scamper away back to his books. The accursed certainly offered enough knowledge to be tempting.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

"Meaghan is right" Ar hissed through clenched teeth, gods this hurt. "We need to move, Now" Just to spite the voice Ar dipped the blade of his scythe into the blood on the ground and proceeded to draw the holy mark of the Oracles on the ground. It wouldn't do anything, but it could be annoying...
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Soren threw up his hands in frustration, but began moving with the others, muttering to himself. He'd exhausted his mental capabilities last time, he could only hope they would not fail him this time. "I need to get out of here, get back to my City," he began muttering to himself. "They need to be warned, we must take action. I will not let them die."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf, Winter)

Slowly, hesitantly, Irla picked up the dark sword wielded by the cultist leader in his ritual, but it behaved much as a regular sword would. It still had a dark feel to it, likely due to residual magics upon the blade but other than that, it was hers to claim.

The rest of the group made their way up the stairs also, but the way forward was not clear. Rooms from the upper area lead into simple living quarters for the cultists, but there was no path deeper into the pyramid. The cultist leader's room did contain a desk, however, with a collection of writings upon it.

"My, such little lost sheep. Whatever are you looking for?" the dark voice rumbled, resonating with the ever present humming noise. "Do you wish to come and visit me? I could arrange that if you like, there are many things I can do..."
Re: OOC Thread

Occam, post :| Your character was directly asked a question.

Also, for those of you in the Pyramid thread, you may or may not have noticed Winter's name disappearing from the thread title. Irla will be NPC'd until she disappears, which will be happening shortly.
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

Drago grunts as he holds his injured wing close to him. "Only if you've got something that will pass as a sling. This hurts a lot more than it looks." he says, then stands from the corpse he had been sitting on, before stretching his unharmed wing. "Walking is no problem for me."
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Looking up Ar snorts with derision as he addresses what has become his prey. "Don't you worry about us, We'll be visiting you shortly on our own terms."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

It's uncertain whether or not they'll be able to find something to rig up a sling where they are now, but certainly amid the stalls they'd eventually find something, perhaps. If the sirens were crafty enough, then maybe, otherwise the harpy would have to wait until they could find the proper tools to keep him going. Granted, he wasn't exactly happy with the notion of announcing Drago's injury for all to see, so the longer they could put that off, the better, but he knew they couldn't put off having it treated.

Rocking a little on the balls of his feet, Atair did remark about that. Not that he wanted the trail to grow cold, given he wasn't sure how soon Violet would have to cast her tracking, but this was a city-wide festival. Surely there might be healers about to take care of general mishaps. They'd just have to not tell the whole truth as to why Drago needed the sling.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Soren slithered over to the desk, his eyes alight with curiosity. "I wonder what these say..." he murmured.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

"Stuff em in your bag, but don't stop to smell the roses. Words can get into your head boy," Meaghan said as she stretched her neck, finally wiping the blood from her face on her forearm.

"Let's get moving, and find this bastard,"
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

"Errr...." Violet glances around, searching for something to use as a sling, but the only thing that she could come up with were the clothes of the injured men. She wasn't carrying anything with her that she might be able to used to help the injured harpy, so she looked back at Drago and shook her head. "If you can just walk for a little bit, we might be able to find you some help."
Re: Festival of Springtime Blooms (Occam, Garb, Tass, Copper)

After hovering a moment at Drago's wing, he looked at him and pointed at the harpy's good wing. If permitted, he would take it and stretch it out, moving it around some, to see how it moved. It did, after all, seem different from his wings, which were located on his back, instead of replacing his arms. That probably meant the structure was different, and he didn't want to bind it the wrong way.

He'd gotten used to making slings out of leaves and things in his self-imposed exile - mostly for carrying fruit or flowers back to his 'house', but every now and then he would fall out of a tree...

Like Violet, looking around, Keti didn't find much to turn into a sling... except for perhaps the unconscious men's clothes. The only other thing was perhaps using his sealskin - but he wasn't comfortable at all parting with it, even for a short while. He didn't have any pants on underneath it, also, and was just as uncomfortable running around in just a shirt and loincloth.

Keti groaned a little bit, and squatted down next to the least bloody-looking man, tugging at his shirt. He hoped a guard didn't see him... but mostly, he was focused on trying to touch any of the red staining the man's clothes. Looking over at Atair, Keti made a little wordless noise - looking at his sword, pulling up at the shirt, and then giving him a pleading look.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

The voice began to laugh as the rumbling humming noise crescendoed in volume and everything went black...


Meaghan found herself sitting in a shallow red pool, entirely naked. Before her lay quite the scene; couples and small groups were clustered all throughout this large pool she herself was bathing in, each as naked as her and engaged in acts of passion. As she took it in, she began to realise that most of them were vampyres like her, although there were plenty of other races in sight, an elven girl sandwiched between a pair of vampires, a pair of nymphs kissing while a small group gathered around them, ver there a vampyre woman appeared to be riding a nekomata while stroking a harpy and having a cup of the red liquid of the pool poured over her chest.

"...Are you feeling alright?" came a soft, velvety male voice in her ear, and her attention was drawn back to beside her, where what appeared to be a pale skinned and dark haired elf lay beside her, garbed in no more than anyone else in the pool and clearly aroused. He was tall and thin, but covered in gamey muscle to give him a form pleasing to look upon and a pair of fresh bitemarks were clearly visible upon his neck. "You zoned out for a moment there..."


Soren found himself sitting at a desk with a mountain of scrolls laid out before him in organised chaos. Instinctively, he began to glance over it and recognised that he'd been doing some writing; the one most easily accessible to him was held open and contained his handwriting and... it was brilliant. Even just skimming over what he'd written, if this worked how he seemed to think it would, he'd found an energy source that could provide power all of Vira without risk or pollution or destructive mining operations; with the rise of industry in the Lamian Principality, this was the golden jewel of research and it was all his. It was a giddy feeling and one of almost disbelief...

"Taking a break, professor?" came a feminine voice behind him, one he recognised as she slithered over to him. Lorelia wasn't like anyone else he'd ever met, she understood him, she never confused him and so he could act comfortably around her. She wasn't some mysterious force he couldn't comprehend, she was his research parter and companion, an engineer who was herself brilliant enough to build his complex designs and follow his instructions. She pressed herself against his back lightly and wrapped her arms around Soren. "Don't burn yourself out, I know you're excited but you need to take a break now and then..." she told him warmly.


Ar awoke slowly, disturbed by a faint light shining through the curtains. He found himself in a smalll room, a familiar room, small but comfortable. A healthy looking plant sat potted on a stand beside the bed and a few other pieces of simple, tasteful furniture. He delicately untangled himself from the white wing draped across him as he rose; Saphael was still asleep and he didn't wish to disturb her. But with a soft noise, she stirred, brushing her blonde hair from her face and opened her shining blue eyes to look up at him. "Where are you going Ar? Stay in bed with me a while..." she said gently, softly.
Re: The Black Pyramid (Chibs, Sin, CWolf)

Meaghan looked around the pool, letting her gaze slide over the naked forms around her, and slid deeper down in the red fluid, until it came up just past her breasts.

"It's... nothing," she said, slowly letting her eyes move back to the elf beside her, her fingertips running down his chest.

She couldn't shake the feeling that something was very off, but the sensations running through her mind in this moment made her push those away.