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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Well he is acting like an over entitled piece of shit. And I know exactly how it feels to be hassled about something on and on and on and on and on ad infinitum.

Yes and so do I, that doesn't make getting mad about it any less unbecoming.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hey, Oni... Have you started working on- oh, never mind... >_>

Well, if we're that desparate to keep this thread alive, we could just bump it or go off-topic...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

No, no we're not. Leave this thread alone, people are getting their hopes up that there's something new here and all it is is you people dicking around.

The thread doesn't need to be kept alive by us, let the 2 devs decide when this thread is worthy of attention again.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm not fully aware of the situation this game is in or whether or not Hettie and Nuna need help, but I think I might have some on topic information to post.

About a year ago a friend and I were starting work on a game with gameplay mechanics based off of jungle girl and demon girl, but he went MIA shortly after we started. Before it fell apart, I had created a girl in flash and was almost done with tweaks that would allow for a walking animation.

Cut to the chase... If they could use an artist and someone who knows a bit about flash, I'd be willing to help out. I'll attach the girl I worked on... Its pretty big though, just a heads up.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

she has a boyish figure and the boobs could be bigger. otherwise great
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

her vagina goes up to high
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I know she has her problems. It was done a year ago after all.
Although she was a tomboy so her boyish figure wasn't really a mistake.

It sounds like you wouldn't need me though Nunu. Sorry I couldn't be of help, but I wish you guys the best:D
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

there is a difference between need and want. i wouldn't mind handing the project over to someone else (who is less busy than me of course) but they need the capability to code the whole thing.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

her vagina goes up to high

Maybe it's a result of a rare family genetic trait that causes the labida to extend that far up...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Or maybe I just wanted it to be visible when I had to shrink her down to about 1/4-1/6 her size but her genetics are a good guess. Regardless of how high it goes up, it was drawn pretty crappily.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

The simple fact is that if you'd bothered to read the posts Hettie has made within the thread, you'd know that we already have a highly accomplished artist handling this. And I'm amongst the group that really doesn't care how long this project takes so long as it's done right and produces a fun game in the end.

Shinobi Girl took forever to get done, with one guy making it. But it turned out very fun I feel. Same story here - so long as the end product is playable and enjoyable, I don't mind if it takes a while. We all have lives after all.

Most of us, anyways.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

My bad for not reading through the 64 pages of this thread and offering to help. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not angry or trying to be sarcastic, I was just slightly perplexed about why people would jump on me for this, but you've cleared that up.

In my defense though, why would there only need to be one artist? I wasn't offering to help because I wanted to speed draw a bunch of crap just so this would be released sooner. I understand completely that you're willing to wait for a quality game. I only felt I could relieve some of the artistic burden, as I know it can be a difficult and tedious process to work in flash. If you want to rag on me for that, go ahead, but I don't regret offering.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I can understand helping with "enemy ideas" if there were going to be more, but it's obvious two people will have two different styles. Your jungle girl just differs from what has been and is being animated.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hey hey woah woah guys. I honestly don't see the harm at all what this guy did. He just said "Hey, I can draw pretty damn good. If you ever need help, give a ring." And then dropped the subject.

And why wouldn't anybody want to get in on helping the awesomeness that is known as Jungle Girl?

And when he dropped the subject, all the sudden you guys start tearing him apart. Relax, geez!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm not tearing apart, I hope my words weren't critical at all, just explaining why it probably might not work at this point. All I said was that it differs, that's plain and simple and change CAN be made, it just would cause difficulty. I was hoping my words came across as more of a "No thank you" except not as controlling as if I have the say on who can or can't help.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I can understand helping with "enemy ideas" if there were going to be more, but it's obvious two people will have two different styles. Your jungle girl just differs from what has been and is being animated.

That's a valid point, but I would've tailored my art style to fit the game. Its just like how there's a team of artists/animators for cartoons, video games or other similar media. Course there's no guarantee I'd be able to pull it off well and if one artist is enough and they're almost done, why add a burden. Your concern is sensible and you didn't come off as insulting so thanks.

Thanks Sponge. Since nothing's come of this, I'll just shut up now and stop bumping this thread for trivial reasons. Best of luck on the game you two:D
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Erm... Just wondering, what became of the music? I remember someone was gonna be working on that, what ever happened there?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

They fell into the mucky muck when some one steped up to deliver some criticisim...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

The exact opposite, actually. The lack of criticism, hell the lack of ANY response caused Inc to give up since nobody was giving a shit.