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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Mifyza smiled and shoved him forward while Ichiro looked into his hand, he'd see the strange gun resting there, and a bracelet of bullets, 5 already loaded while Kalt smiled at him and then hardened her gaze. He could see the Gray Man standing behind her, lounging against a pillar, arms crossed as he watched intently.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the gun shoved into his hand, before he was pushed forward, Ichiro looked at it for about 2 seconds, before looking up at Kalt, and the gray man standing behind her. Ichiro raised the gun, and aimed at Kalt, before firing one shot. As the shot rang out, Ichiro pushed his legs into action and charged around Kalt, knowing he needed to get into that shield to hit her good and take her down too.

"I will not falter this time, against you, Kalt," Ichiro called out to the woman, as he moved as fast as he could, trying to circle around her some, and get inside that shield if he could, or find a way to bring it down.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

The bullets impact splashed around the shield while Kalt smashed the ground where he'd stood while he charged around her, having to leap and turn in the air as she spun to follow and a bolt of force carved a canyon underneath while he fired another shot, the bullets seeming to pierce the shield, but still get turned away from Kalt inside while he circled her. Trying to find an opening. The shield itself was perfect, she was even using it to attack him. When she did she would extend the shield out like a membrane, anything it touched being forced away hard with the blast.

She meanwhile was starting to dance it seemed, her glowing hands shifting and swaying. If his senses hadn't been keener then normal, what happened next would have cut him into six pieces. He'd only barely seen the shimmer in the air, and felt something suddenly cut into his shoulder, turning and leaping back, having to roll away even further as 3 great lines hissed through the air passed him, scything through anything they touched. She wasn't done with him though, her heel coming down into the earth in a stomp in her dance while a hammering pressure suddenly came down on him like the hand of god, threatening to crush him for several moments, his only option being to fire the gun several times into her shield, which interrupted whatever magic she was weaving, allowing him to escape the circle that was bending his spine. 1 bullet left in the gun, 5 on his wrist. He had to think of something or she'd remain an impenetrable unassailable opponent.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro moved fast, watching the bullets splashing against Kalt's shield as he sped around. He was amazed at its sheer power, and couldn't help but be a bit in awe as he moved around, avoiding her bolts as best he could. He could tell that his bullets were passing through and piercing the shield, but were just missing her, as if they were being turned aside to keep her safe. He needed a new tactic, fast, Ichiro thought.

Just as he began to think of one though, he saw the shimmering, and just barely managed to dart away, tumbling and rolling out of the way of the strikes that would have ended him instantly, had they struck properly. When her heel came down, and Ichiro was practically flattened by the force of her power, he had to unload his pistol into her shield to throw her off enough for him to get back up again.

Then, he thought of a means of possibly hitting her. It was almost like gravity was being manipulated in a way, inside of her shield, and so Ichiro ran away from Kalt. He would keep going until he felt he was far enough away to try his crazy tactic, and then turned to charge straight at her. When he got close enough to her shield, he would use his incredible leg strength that gave him his super speed, and as he fired the last round from the pistol straight into her shield to give him a moment of breathing room, he quickly chambered one more bullet of his 5 remaining ones on the bracelet, and fired it straight down at Kalt, directly down from the air, so that it wouldn't be as easily batted aside, hopefully.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Running away to create some distance, Ichiro could feel more unseen blades whistling through the air behind him, around him, the earth crushing down in front of him until he'd made enough distance to make another pass. Rushing in, his first round buying him a second of time, he leapt, turning in the air to fire straight down in the hopes that Kalt would need to do something different to defend herself. Hitting the ground, he was moving too quickly to see how well his shot had gone, but he got his answer when the hair on the back of his neck stood up in warning, and he rolled immediately to the left. He'd managed to break the shield, because what damn near killed him, was the ancient fey herself rushing him, her hand burning with so much power the earth where he'd been half a second before literally boiled away furiously as she turned her gaze, a marring slash across her cheek, her other hand tilted upwards at him, while he had pointed the gun at her.

He fired first, and she faded away, leaving Myfiza the Shaman, standing there with the grey man. Remember the promise I made to Sehanine? Before I moved on to wander. That wander I would. I haven't made it too far yet though. Harder then you think. He said, Ichiro having earned a short rest, while the Grey stood there regarding him.

I don't need his body. Merely a vessel to guide him Ryxis. Can you grant that? I would see him trained properly. Pass on my ways. The greatest Sin I ever committed in my life was not murder, it was failing to take a student. The Grey listening while Myfiza was sitting Ichiro down, the other souls all fading on the scales.

He must accept you as a Mentor. It is up to him to learn the Shaman's path.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro sprinted, as fast as he could to keep his speed up, and went in for his plan. After diving over her shield and firing down into it, Ichiro landed and gasped as he rolled to the side as Kalt herself came at him, her shield no longer standing to support her. When she missed and turned to come at him again, Ichiro quickly chambered another round and fired point blank into her chest, and watched her fade to dust, feeling a bit saddened by that, but glad he'd done so, else he may very well have been killed.

When the dust cleared and all he saw was the gray skinned man, and Myfiza both standing there before him, Ichiro sighed softly, though he wasn't sure if he should be relieved or worried even more. He was thankful that the shaman decided he should be get a rest before anything else, and sat down, panting softly. "I suppose I don't have much choice if I want to be stronger, and to be able to win against whatever may be coming," Ichiro said, looking exhausted after the fights, but giving Myfiza a nod that he accepted him as teacher.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Probably. Myfiza said, the Gray nodding and gesturing, BOTH OF THEM BANISHED FROM HIS UNHOLY DOMAIN OF ABSOLUTE POWER!

This of course Left Ichiro back in his room with 2 naked women, 1 a fairy, and both leaking cum just... you know... fucking everywhere. Talk about making a mess. His arms were still tattooed, you know, instantly, the most painful kind ever, and the gun was still in his hand.

First thing? Find the rest of your ammunition. Belltower, inside the bell. Myfiza muttered into his ear. Honestly people would probably think he was fucking crazy if they caught him talking to himself.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro blinked and found himself back in his bed at the temple, with Vila leaking cum out of her still, while Agatha likely did too. When Myfiza whispered in his ear to find the rest of his ammunition, Ichiro nodded and noticed the tattoos on his arms, groaning softly as he tried to endure the pain without waking the girls both up.

Ichiro didn't get up straight away though, and let the pain subside from his tattoos, then he got up, raising slowly and gently setting Vila aside down on her pillow bed set up next to his bed. He then looked around to see if he could tell what time it was, before waking Agatha and Vila, unsure how long he'd been out.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

It's been about 12 seconds here. Relax. They'll both be out for awhile. I need to... get accustomed to you know. Not having a body, it really is harder then you think. I was a fucking spirit walker, like me or not you'd think I'd have had enough practice at this. That Siren took my Rifle... she lives. So does her lover. I thought perhaps you'd like to know. Myfiza said, and Ichiro could remember both those acts he saw as evil beyond redemption, and the way he had passed from this life, both purifying Ichiro, and gifting him with the power he had now at least in part. How he felt about it was up to him.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Hearing how long it had really been, Ichiro stopped immediately, to let the girls sleep. "I'm glad they do still live. There's been enough love destroyed here, after all. Should I leave the two of them here, and go to the bell tower then? I... am still a little sore myself, and tired," Ichiro replied to Myfiza, not exactly liking what he'd done to that Kylie and Giselle, but glad that he was on his side now... at least he thought the man was anyway.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

I'm just a voice in your head, do what you want I suppose. He answered, still as odd as he was when they'd met, only with less shooting.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Gotcha... well... either way I'll need some rest first. You try fucking two beautiful women that are practically in heat and can't be truly satiated. Not complaining though, heh, been quite a while since I'd gotten any," Ichiro thought back to Myfiza, chuckling a bit before closing his eyes to rest a while longer while he had the chance.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

passing out, Ichiro woke up to snuggles, one on his head, the other on, the rest of him about 5 hours later, a decent enough rest after the full night of sleep he'd gotten before, both women seeming fine, agatha's tail wagging around when she saw him awake. Itchy. do we want to know how you got a bunch of black burn scars down your arms seemingly overnight? Vila asked, Agatha, raising an eyebrow that said she had the same question.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

When Ichiro woke back up, he opened his eyes as his senses woke with him, and smirked a bit. When Vila asked him how he'd gotten the tattoos on his arms, Ichiro was a bit... worried about answering. At least answering and telling them the truth anyway. However, he knew that both of them were understanding, and wouldn't judge him most likely, so in the end, he decided, unless Myfiza thought otherwise, to tell them the truth about it, but only after first getting a drink of water to wet his parched throat.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Myfiza did interrupt.

BOO MOTHERFUCKERS! he cried, manifesting like a phantom out of his back and making a face, pulling his cheeks out and waggling his tongue, making Agatha and Vila scream and dive off the bed with the pillows and sheets, throwing things at Ichiro while Myfiza broke into laughter, holding his ghostly stomach and wiping a tear away as he enjoyed his little prank. I'm a spooky ghooooost~~! he said, waggling his fingers at the pair.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro burst out laughing as Myfiza scared the girls half to death, nearly doubling over in laughter as he did. "Yeah, it was him that did these... or him and someone else, dunno who the guy was. Was in my dream though," Ichiro told them with a shrug, getting another drink of water.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Speaking only for Ichiro, Myfiza muttered the answer to his other question. That... He's not a man. That was Ryxis. He's a Guardian of the High Road. The road all spirits must walk in the end. Powerful mages us it to travel between worlds but it most aptly explained as the path of the dead towards the Maelstrom of Souls. He is a Guardian against the interference of the gods in the greater scheme of the universe. Him and his Brothers, though them I have not met. He is enraged by this situation here, because the souls that have been lost, have not moved on, nor been claimed by a god or realm, instead wandering without guidance or purpose. It is a minor albeit serious interruption in the flow of the dead, and the damned. He has chosen you at my behest to be both Shaman and Exorcist here in this now damned country to save who you can, both dead and alive. He said, while the others glared after him for his laughter while Vila just looked, angry, actually bothering to grow herself to stomp her foot at him. That's the crazy motherfucker who tried to murder us Itchy! Shamelessly and Without Regret. I had warned you both my mission had purpose you did not understand. Even if it's method was Murder. Myfize answered her, crossing his arms above Ichiro and glaring at her. Even your Sun Queen understood, it is how we crossed the border. he said, Vila looking... absolutely floored by that.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"I see... sounds like things are pretty fucked around here then. And yes Vila I know, I know... I don't think I have much a choice in the matter though, at this point," Ichiro said, looking first to Myfiza, and then to Vila. "Then we'll need to speak to her in that case. For more than one reason really," he added, sighing softly before getting up to get his clothes to get ready to head out.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

YEAH! SO I CAN KARATE CHOP HER BUTTHOLE WITH MY FOOT! THAT'S WHY! Vila said angrily, Myfiza snorting and flowing back into hiding. Then he came right back out. Lady Paladin... I've seen you, you were human... you know what? I don't wanna know. Could you please see to the others they'll be coming around here before long and Ichiro needs to gather some things for the days ahead. I'll take good care of him. Well. Unless Ichiro insists otherwise, not like I have any real control here, but he needs proper training, not just a shiny set of magics and a gun.
Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"We'll handle that later, Vila, don't worry. And come on, let's go get that ammunition you spoke of," Ichiro said, nodding to Vila and Agatha, the latter of whom Ichiro imagined would be staying here for the time being, while he went out.

When it was time to leave, Ichiro would cautiously make his way out to the bell tower Myfiza had mentioned.