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Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha pouted but sighed and tilted her head back and forth, before slipping some clothing on, and slipping out to check on the others, making several "I'm fucking watching you Bitch" hand signs with her fingers at Ichiro/Myfiza, before slinking away, her tail straight, poofed, and angry as fuck, while Vila just STAYED angry, sulking and sitting on the bed, before a sharp tug behind their hearts reminded her of her bond with Ichiro, making her yelp and shrink back down, zipping into his pocket. Yous a asshole Myfuckza she grumbled, You're no peach either pipsqueak. He retorted, the two griping at eachother for the 20 minutes it took to reach the bell tower, which was abandoned, as was most of the city, a quiet battleground waiting for blood to be spilled, while fires burned around the palace district in the distance.

The harbor likewise was burning, but those fires were quieting down, ships on the water seen abandoning Garellia like rats fleeing a sinking ship, running for their lives. The ammunition was in a small case hidden inside the large bell itself, and opened easily with a keyword from Myfiza, shared with Ichiro now, revealing a good deal of the crystaline ammunition, and some kind of slightly glowing jarred powder, paper, and a compression sleeve to crush the two together into the cartridges that were there. Myfiza walking him through it. It was a slow process, taking over an hour to make 5 rounds for the pistol. The rifle takes even longer, but that bitch swiped it. Doubt she even remembers. Don't carry more then 10, the powder starts to resonate outside the jar, dangerous. It's not gunpowder, it's Okami Flash. A Mana storing mineral, and a good spell component. Crushed finally enough it ignites viciously but you can't load it loose like a flintlock. Had to develop those casings for it to function at all. He told him, continuing to guide him through at the very least, the handloading of the bullets, and the handling of the material

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro actually just rolled his eyes as he headed out once Agatha was gone, while the other two griped at each other. Heading out, Ichiro found the city mostly abandoned and quite... worrisome. He was careful as they went to the belltower, and avoided anyone else that he could, and noticed the harbor that was in flames. Going up the abandoned tower, Ichiro got the ammunition in the small box, and he thanked Myfiza's help for showing him how to mix the cartridges together to make them into actual bullets.

"Gotcha. And, I don't suppose I could actually find the rifle at some point, could I?" Ichiro replied, carrying only 10 on him, while leaving the rest in the case, which he slipped into a bag for safekeeping, to drop off at the temple in his room, unless Myfiza stopped him from doing so.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

If you want to chase her across the ocean, sure. Myfiza snorted while Ichiro stashed the rest of the ammunition to take back to the temple. We need to find someplace truly out of the way for a few days, either with the Okami, or in the Timber. Your paladin magics will interfere with your training, at the very least, you MUST learn the basics or your new feral form will consume your mind. he said, Vila grumping into Ichiro's pocket.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Ah, well that sucks. Maybe later then, I'll go find her," Ichiro said, smirking before nodding when told that he needed to get away for a few days to learn how to control himself.

"Alright. Should we bring Agatha too, or at least tell her? Just because I trust her more than anything. Or should we just go without telling her anything and likely make her angrier, with me?" Ichiro said, heading back to the temple with the ammunition to stash it.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Having her with you will help, but she must follow my instructions Ichiro. You must both trust me completely. Myfiza answered, sounding worried about the last part of that sentence. He did not trust that Ichiro trusted him yet. He was certain that in Ichiro's mind, as Ichiro had watched him cut down innocents with his weapon, that the okami still viewed the Shaman as Evil, even when the teachings of his own people stalwartly insisted otherwise. It was well known that Shamans were not forces of righteousness, as the Paladins tried to be. But that they walked in the grey world. That each step existed in the space between good and evil. Right and Wrong didn't matter to them outside the leadings of their mission, their teachings, and their power. I've been sifting through your mind. You... will have to make peace with those memories shared with you, but the shard of the Vessel. We shall make good on the combat stylings of one called Yuki He said.

A priestess it seems. She'd have made a tremendous Shaman. This Vessel, Kylie, was Blessed in the end as well as cursed with good friends. How joyous her life could have been had she not been turned into what she is. Disturbing. Find Agatha, we must get you trained.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro didn't truly trust Myfiza... he simply couldn't, really. He did however, trust that the man didn't truly want to hurt him though. "Alright then, let's go get Agatha," Ichiro replied, going to find Agatha. "And yeah, she could have had a much better life if she'd not been turned into what she is. You could also say that much of this could have been avoided though, had you not shot her in the first place, triggering all of this. Then again though, everything may have turned out the same, or possibly even worse, had you not shot her, we'll never know," he added with a shrug.

When he found Agatha, Ichiro asked her if she'd come with him for training, to help keep an eye on him, while Myfiza taught him how to control his new powers.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro ran into a new problem when he found Agatha, because she wasn't alone. The world was still frozen at the very least, for a few more moments, but a man was standing behind her, in chains like Ichiro had been for a long time, but his chains were broken...

Agatha stood there in front of Ichiro in their room, standing perfectly still, dressed now, but the man in question here stood behind her with a long slender knife curved gently across her throat, while another was held against her belly. Myfiza stiffened as a wave of absolute Malice rolled over them all. It reminded Ichiro of Kalt, to smell and sense this kind of killing intent, but only in that he could tell it was unyielding.

What was most disturbing about this man, this black haired man in his early thirties or late twenties, was that he was smiling, far wider then the situation called for, the smile reaching his eyes. Don't Ichiro. Myfiza cautioned. Who Killed Terra.... Before I Could... Who stole my promise from me. He said suddenly, the mans voice a sing song lilt as all his muscles tightened, the man built like he was made of steel cable, long limbs, hard, whip tight.

She Died. My Prison Shattered because she Died. Give me a Name paladin if you have it. Or point me in the right direction. he said, his head tilting far to the side, the look behind his eyes insane, Completely Insane. No matter the body, the mind inside it was far from what anyone would call human.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Stepping into the room with Agatha, Ichiro stiffened straight as a board as his eyes went wide. He was about to whip the pistol up and blow the bastards head off, when Myfiza stopped him. When the crazed man, for that was the only way Ichiro could think of him, spoke, Ichiro swallowed once, and picked his words carefully. "Well... what with all that's going on in the city at the moment. I'd wager whoever did it, is in the palace district. I don't know exactly who, but I know that she's dead too. It was probably whoever caused all the destruction there, and or in the harbor, if I had to guess. So if you can find him, or her, then you'll probably find the one that killed Terra," Ichiro replied slowly, picking his words as carefully as he could in the heat of the moment.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ooo, she's your friend? No.. Lover? The rage in those eyes is so Reaaaal Mmmmm he said, leaning in further to Agatha to study her, before he flicked his eyes back to Ichiro. His hair was long, Very long, as if it hadn't been cut or tended in years. I always liked Paladins..... They were never... Disappointing. He hissed softly. Sorry.... For the Scare... No one else is Moving.... or Here... Unnerving, Unsettling, Unmanagable. We... Should be able to find eachother again Yes? I like that Hatred in your eyes... he whispered, before he slid his knives carefully away from Agatha and gave her a nudge to step away.

Killer Killing the Killer.... Stole my promise, Broke my Word, Shattered my Chains.... Who Dares... Who dares... he muttered to himself quietly, seemingly like he no longer saw the others in the room, before his attention snapped back to Ichiro. Praetor still lives Yes?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro did have some hatred in his eyes, he knew, but eased up a bit when the man actually apologized for scaring him like this. "It's... alright, I guess. I don't know what beef you had with Terra. And we probably can find each other again, yes, I see no reason why not. Also, yes, Praetor is still around, as far as I know anyway. I saw him just a day or so ago," Ichiro replied, giving a little nod to the man as he eased up a bit more.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Heh... Hehehe... HehehuehuehahahAHAHAHAHA She was Mine MINE... O how we danced...But she's gone Now... She was mine to Kill. Mine to Cut. Mine to Rip Asunder. The man cackled out, but there was no joy in his laughter but it was all directed at whoever had killed Terra before he could. The why of it was still entirely unknown because once his laughter faded, he ran a hand upwards along his face and into his hair, his eyes still wild, his face still cracked into that almost painful smile, before it faded away, and Ichiro was staring at just another man. Now that Agatha was away from him, and she'd already retrieved her sword and taken a stance behind Ichiro just in case, a little shaken up but unharmed, they could see the scars on his bare chest.

They were Deep. They were Long, and they covered Every, Single, Inch of flesh they could see, as well as burns, broken bones, twists, some clean, some jagged. His hands were likewise scarred as if they'd been broken, torn apart, put back together and broken again. She Hated me... So much... So much... Left me in the Dark... with the Bleeders and the Inquisitors... So many Questions, Only one Answer in the End. Only one worth giving over and over.... he muttered, rubbing his hands before he slid his knives away. They were crude things, but sharp and well cared for, pieced together from whatever steel he could find, and pieces of wood. Had he been Broken before the torturers had gotten to him? Or only after. Who had he been before all... of that.

It didn't seem to matter much to him because he tilted his head the other way and smiled widely. You wont find me.... You wont. I'll Find you... Tell you... Answer You.. Help You... Maybe... I don't know yet... The voices are so quiet right now... he said, before he started for the door, sliding right passed them like a breeze. He wouldn't react to them, simply try to avoid touching them, didn't want to, simply wanted to continue on his own hunt. Agatha likewise wanted nothing to do with him and stepped out of the way, refusing to relax until he was gone, before dropping onto the bed. What turns a man into that... she muttered, falling onto the bed in a heap once he was gone, shaken and shaking.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

To be honest, Terra scared Ichiro, as did Cosimo, and Giselle... hell that whole group had terrified him really, though he did sympathize with Giselle in her attempts to help her beloved, feeling that in her position, he might be doing exactly as she had been doing. That of course didn't mean he wanted to see Terra dead though. After he'd released Agatha, and she retreated behind him with her sword drawn, Ichiro stared at the man, more specifically his scars. It reminded Ichiro... well, of himself in a way. He himself was scarred quite a bit really.

After the name spoke again, and started to move out of the room, Ichiro nodded to him, stepping aside, and gently pulling Agatha behind him to let the man go on out without any trouble. To be honest, Ichiro didn't think that even he and Agatha together could take the man, as crazy as he seemed, and that included Ichiro in his shifted form, using the pistol. After the guy was gone, Ichiro sat down next to Agatha and sighed. "I don't know, Agatha, but I know that we need to leave here for a while, because I need to train, and get practice on learning how to control this... beast, within me. And I suppose I should tell Praetor about that man before we go too," Ichiro replied to Agatha, looking around, and grabbing his things that he'd need for this little journey, mainly his weapons and some clothing.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Agatha nodded, relaxing before too long and gathering up her full gear, as well as some clothing while Vila stayed perched on Ichiro's head. He's crazy. He's gone completely around the bend and come back around. she squeaked, before they felt time suddenly give around them, and start moving. It felt as if the entire world had lurched.

They were back on the clock now and events were back in motion.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"Aye, now to go see Praetor," Ichiro said, stumbling slightly as time started back up, and he found himself ready to move.

On their way out, Ichiro stopped in on Praetor's room and knocked on it, to tell him what had happened with the strange man, worried about what answers he would get from the old paladin.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro didn't have to worry about explaining the strange man to Praetor because the strange man was Inside WITH praetor, both of them glaring at eachother over his desk as if both wanted to cut the other to ribbons, but neither was willing to make the first move.

They both turned when Ichiro approached though and the man waved. You found me already! he said, Praetor facepalming rather hard before the man rose to his feet in a very unnatural, fluid way, and slid out of the room.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Seeing Praetor and the crazed man in Praetor's office, Ichiro stopped short of speaking, and merely nodded. "I see that you've already met. Praetor, Agatha and I need to head out for a while. I need to train, and... learn how to control what happened before, when we were in the forest," Ichiro told Praetor, before preparing to leave, unless Praetor had anything else to say.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Be back before a weeks up Ichiro. Was all he had to say, glaring at the man as he left, and not even noticing Agatha's changed state, Vila shaking her tiny fist at the man as he disappeared again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

"We should be... I hope," Ichiro replied with a nod, before heading out with Agatha and Vila.

With that, they set out, leaving the temple, with Ichiro hoping that he would be able to learn how to do this with relative ease, and that it wouldn't be too tough.
Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

I HAVE NO IDEA IT DEPENDS ON HOW IGNORANT HE IS! Myfiza screamed suddenly, appearing above and behind ichiro with his arms wide doing his best ooga booga again, with Praetor raising an eyebrow, the shaman looking a bit put out.

I commune with the dead, and can beseech them to rise in battle. You'll have to try harder spirit walker. Praetor said, Myfiza seeming disappointed and grumbling as they left. Agatha meanwhile had facepalmed.

The city itself was silent still, with battle brewing slowly, time slowly ticking away to a moment of reckoning. But Ichiro was headed out into the surrounding forest and countryside, the smell of home on the air among the trees and the call in his blood to bay and howl hungrily for an answer from his goddess. But he had a God as well now, he walked in the day and the night. His lady and his lord the sun and moon, the most primal and natural of the forces that gave life in it's circle. Ready to get started?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Praise the Sun. (Mind Flayer)

Ichiro actually jumped a bit when Myfiza came out and tried to spook Praetor, who seemed undisturbed by the sight of him, which made Ichiro chuckle about the whole thing. With that though, they left Praetor and the others, so Ichiro could train, and after a while they made their way to the forested areas just outside of town. As they got out there, and Ichiro felt his blood beginning to burn a bit for action, as he prepared himself.

"Aye, let's get started then," Ichiro said, nodding softly as he stretched himself out a bit, to limber up.