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Voltus' Thread

Character Sheet
Name: Voltus
Choir: Elohim
Archangel: Jean
Word: Lightning

Essense: 9

Corporeal Forces: 2

Str: 4
Agi: 4

Vessel: level 1
Role: Level 2 (Tech Support)
Status: Level 1 (Unknown)
Body: 12

Ethereal Forces: 4

Int: 10
Pre: 6

Mind: 40

Celestial Forces: 3

Will: 6
Perc: 6

Soul: 18

Character Points: 0


-Rest for an hour touching a power station turbine
-Rest for 2 hours plugged into a wall socket
-Spend an hour in a thunderstorm, on a cliff.


Chemistry /3
Computer Operation /4
Detect Lies /2
Electronics /4
Engineering /2
Knowledge (Science) /3


Ethereal Song of Harmony / 3
Corporeal Song of Shield /2
Ethereal Song of Shields /2


Attunements and Distinctions:

Elohim of Jean – Cost: 1 essence. Temporarily create a pocket sized computer that lasts for 4 minutes. Has highspeed wireless net access, is immune to electrical interfearance, needs no power source and connect to any computer system that has a serial port with its cables. Also adds +4 to any computer operations roll made with it.

Remote Control – No cost. Control any device crafted by man from up to 9 feet away. You can only give it commands it can normally accept, and can only make one command per turn.

Dissonance & Discord

Dissonance: 0

Summoning Jean

Base Chance: 3

Invocation Modifiers

+1 A scientific formula
+2 A demonstration of mathematics
+3 A microscope
+4 A complete laboratory
+5 A new, working scientific theory
+6 The Grand Unification Theory

"Hrm... Mr Voltus... I have your results here..." the voice echoed.

Strongest match

Seraphim - Described by some more crass creatures as angelic lie detectors, Seraphim are the farthermost from mortals and have the most difficulty dealing with them. They represent truth in its purest form, so much so that it's difficult for them to stand idly by while lies are spoken in their presence, and doing so themselves will taint their soul.

That said, they're not required to always blurt out everything. They have a duty to keep certain secrets and while they may feel an urge to shout out wildly whenever someone lies around them, they acknowledge that this is not always the best course of action and can resist said urges. They remain rather socially awkward, however.

Balseraph - Some of the greatest creatures of deception, Belseraphs have fallen from grace but as is always the case, maintain certain core things, such as their affinity for truth. In their case however, they do not deal in the absolute truth of the world; rather they only deal in their own personal truth, the only thing that matters to them, which they can force upon the world as they see fit. In order to do this, he creates an entire reality within him in which what he says is the absolute, undeniable truth; he then unleashes this truth at someone, forcing his way of thinking upon them.

It is, however, a delicate and sometimes dangerous process. If the would be victim manages to resist the truth, or the truth proves to be contradictory, the manufactured truth is shattered and the Balseraph has just lied, which causes them great pain and damages their very being. They are paranoid and arrogant beings, all wrapped up in their own little worlds.

Other Matches

Elohim - Beings of impartiality, these angels seek to look upon the word with objective eyes. They see the value of all things in moderation and strive to not let any personal feelings they have affect their judgement. Their gift as that of emotions; they can sense what someone is feeling inside, and through that make accurate predictions on how they will act.

That said, they never stoop to taking sides, beyond that which they are instructed to by their superiors. They try not to take a personal viewpoint to the point where letting their own feelings or selfish desires influence their work stains their very soul.

Habbalah - Truly messed up individuals, Habbalah don't consider themselves demons, even faced with the evidence. As far as they're concerned, they're doing the work of God, and that work is to punish mortals. Fallen Elohim consumed by their emotions and twisted, they retain the ability to sense emotions. They retain their calm demeanour, but rather than denying their emotions they let any little feeling guide their actions. They also have the gift of knowing which emotion would cause a given person the most pain, and the power to unleash it upon them.

Unfortunately, their emotional attack, devastating as it can be, doesn't always work. When someone resists this effect, it rebounds back to the creator, who is either consumed by it, forcing it to affect them, or is forced to consume the emotion, allowing them to ignore it although eating away at their soul in the process.
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Re: Voltus' Thread

Looking over his choices, Voltus seemed deep in thoughts.However, after a minute or two, he finally decided what would his path be.
He knew it wasn't one of his mostly recomended suggestions but he still silently hovered his finger to the Elohim's part of the results sheet.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Ah. so it's a Belseraph... or is it? So hard to tell sometimes..." the voice said dryly.

"Regardless, some demon lords have shown interest in taking you on..."

Malphas is one of them, an urbane and civilised demon, who is easily very likeable and many are quite fond of him. He returns none of this affection and ruthlessly plays people against each other for his own amusement and gain. Serve him, and you'll gain the ability to use your power to force an opinion upon someone, who'll emulate it for a number of hours. That said, it is vitally important that each day for you to cause a conflict or divide between two people as failing to do so will cause your soul to wither.

Another one who is interested in what you have to offer is Nybbas, the dark prince of the media. He seeks to control all of mankind through his power and seems to be doing a fairly good job of it at that. Work for him, and you'll be able to use your inherant power to affect media outlets such as televisions, radio and computers, and make them say anything you wish to those watching. Of course, this only affects the singular device, you cannot make every television receiving the program say things, only the one in your presence.

In addition, he'll even offer you a mortal servant from his many legions. Probably some kind of entertainment lawyer, script writer or producer. A highly paid liar in the entertainment industry. But there is one price to pay for all of this; you must devote an hour each day contributing to the growth of the world's media; be it writing articles, webpages etc. Failure to do so will weaken your soul; at least until you catch up on any overdue work.

Lastly, there is Saminga, price of death. Nasty piece of work that one, and not too bright. His preference for undead servants rather than human ones and his paranoid and arrogant nature are but a few of his flaws, but he's not without merit. If you work for him, any mortal you kill with your bare hands will not cause any celestial noise, as killing mortals typically does, allowing you to be a silent assassin of death itself. The only rule he imposes upon you is that you never encourage life; for example, never give wholesome food or drink to a mortal, it only encourages them to keep living.

Choose Wisely
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

I am eager to try this. I will wait however till it is more convenient for you though inc. ;)
Re: Voltus' Thread

"Now, let us see whom has shown interest in taking you under their wing..."

If you wish, you may become an angel of David, archangel of the stone. He's taken to guiding and teaching humanity, and his servants focus on encouraging mortals to join together in groups for strength, mutual loyalty and protection. As an Elohim of David, you're attuned naturally to the earth itself, and have absolute sense of direction. You'll always know where you are, which direction you're facing and what time it is.

As his servant, you're expected to teach mankind in the ways of the stone. You must never start a fight, although you're welcome to finish one; if you are provoked into striking first it will dirty your soul. You must also refrain from using ranged weapons, they are forbidden under your teachings.

Another one interested in you is Jean, the archangel of lightning. The micromanaging master of innovation. He and his angels constantly develop new technology in the aims of curbing the selfishness of mankind. As an Elohim of Jean, you would be able to create a palm sized computer at will by spending essence, although it will only last for a matter of minutes. This powerful device requires no power source, is immune to electromagnetic pulses and have unlimited storage space. It also has a constant high-speed wireless internet access, regardless of location, and has cables which can link it up to any non-encrypted computer system. Lastly, when using it, the angel gains a significant boost to their "Computer Use" rolls.

The rules of Jean are simply; do not let celestial technology fall into the hands of mortals before Jean decides they are ready for it; although anything they figure out on their own is fine. And do not allow infernally inspired technology to go unopposed.

Lastly, one could apply for service under Yves, archangel of destiny. He knows all that has been and sees the highest true potential in all, and tasks his angels with helping mortals reach this calling. As an Elohim of Yves, you would be able to automatically succeed on your power to read emotions when physically touching the person you're trying to read.

Opposed by the demons of Kronos, you would have to refrain from assisting a mortal from meeting their dark fate, and instead strive to bring them to the light. If a direct action were to move someone towards their fate, knowingly or accidentally, their souls will become tainted by it.

Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Strips, steps in* wait that said troubles, not clothes .....
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Steps in, orders waffles. Winks at the Lilim.
Re: Voltus' Thread

Being a man of few words, Voltus simply answered: ''Jean''.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Bah, I knew I should have paid more attention to this. didn't realize what you were basing this off of until just now, blast. Ah well, I'm interested for when you open stuff back up, been trying to get something like this going IRL since you introduced it the first time, and have been failing miserably!
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Working through actually creating the various characters so we can get started (want this batch all done before I begin so I don't get tempted to update players in progress rather than build characters)

So far 3 of the 4 waiting on me are either complete or nearing completion and for people who aren't Blueslime* I'll be putting up a character sheet in the threads. Do not worry about trying to understand it overmuch, it's just there for your reference, please feel free to ask me what anything on it actually means.

*He made his own, as he has the appropriate books and knowledge. Helps lighten my workload.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Character is done by the way, edited with a Role now and it's in your inbox.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

In case anyone else has the brilliant idea of doing the character creation quiz and posting it here, or PMing it to me, don't do it.

Signups are closed. I'm not accepting early applications for next round, there is nothing you can do to help guarantee your chances in getting in next round. By cluttering up my OOC thread or my inbox with applications, you are only managing to annoy me. Just have some patience and wait for application to open again, I'm trying to get through everything as fast as possible.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Ooooh, a charsheet. I wonder what it all means.

Kinda looks like the Mirafar sheet. aWoD?
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

No, ir's from the RPG "In Nomine." It's out of print, I believe. Published by Steve Jackson games.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

*looks it up*

Oh wow, how appropriate. I'm off to read that, then.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Yeah, sorry for the delays. I will try to get the ball rolling soon, things have just been chaotic. Once the game threads are actually going updating will be easier.
Re: Anilisea's Thread

Anilisea feels the room she's in grow dark, and suddenly, she is standing within an apparent voice. She can perceive nothing but darkness, but emptiness, in every direction, yet somehow she does not feel herself falling. The apparent weightlessness of the situation is short lived, however, as she finds herself now in a dark room.

Her feet now standing upon a rough but firm, cold stone floor, she finds herself in what appears to be some kind of inventory or storage room, albeit a vast one. A faint scream of agonising pain reaches her ears from elsewhere, the first real sound she's heard since she found herself in this place, save the faint flickering of the various torches providing dim light in this almost dungeon-like environment.

And before her, a shelf, one of many in the room, all filled with little iron boxes covered in chains, with plaques beneath them. The one directly before her, however, does not have the chains fastened up, and is sitting open, revealing what appears to be a black and dark red heart, slowly beating despite not being connected to anything. And looking at the dull brass plaque beneath it, Anilisea saw her own name.

"This is your infernal heart," came a voice, noble and commanding yet cold, lacking in passion. "Should your mortal vessel, the shell which houses your being, be destroyed, you will return here. Although the experience will not exactly be pleasant. I can also use this to call you back to me, should I need to, or even find you in the mortal world. As you can see, I keep these very well guarded..."

On that note, the metal box around it closed up, and the chains wrapped themselves around the box, locking into place. "I trust you won't even consider attempting to recover your heart. Such an action would be unforgivably from one of mine...."
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

The empty white room faded away, and Baphoriel found himself suspended in nothingness. The first thing he noticed through the void was the faint ticking of a clock. And then another. Before long the sound of clocks filled his ears, ranging from the deep tock of a grandfather clock to the barely audible high pitched tick of a wristwatch.

He found himself standing in... actually, it was hard to describe what this place was. A swirling mass of clocks slowly orbiting around some central point of light off in the distance. It was almost too much to perceive, everywhere, all around him, clocks of all shapes and sizes, all ticking to create a chorus of noise, almost seamless in nature.

"Quite a lot to take in, isn't it?" came an old voice from every direction at once, not frail sounding, but simply very tired. "Fate can be very difficult to see clearly, young one. It takes a great deal of aptitude to be able to properly divine the greater picture. Perhaps, in time, you will master this delicate art."
Re: Marim's Thread

Marim felt the world shift and lurch beneath her, and the next thing she realised, she was in a dark room with a bright spotlight shining down on her from above.

Suddenly, from all around her the sound of a group of people cheering aburptly began, and over the top a manic voice began to accouncem "Let's welcome to the show tonight's contestant, a newly created Belseraph with a wide variety of skills. She can steal your secrets and tell the world, if only they'd believe her." After this line, the somewhat insincere sound of people laughing replaced the cheering briefly. "She's aloof, trustworthy and values job security, it's MARIIIIIIIIIM!"

The spotlight flicked off as other lights came on, revealing a dark blue room. Or rather, a dark blue set, complete with cameras and boom microphones. Before her, beyond the cameras, was a vast, faceless audience, little more than vague humanoid shapes and outlines with no defined features. The unimportant, ignorant masses. Behind her, in the middle of the rich and over the top decorated blue set, was a series of nine television screens, all linked up to project one enlarged picture over all of them. On it, clearly the source of the manic voice, was the face of a skinny man with a receding orange hairline and a pair of thick glasses, giving a smile with all the genuine warmth of a used car salesmen.

"Welcome to the show Marim. I'm your host,the one and only Nybbas. Today, we're going to find out what fabulous prizes we have to offer, and what you'll have to do to win them. Are you ready to play, Marim?"
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